Linadoc, I made jam too. Moreover, there are 2 options:
1.with apple jam from Antonovka;
2. with agar-agar.
In the morning I poured the resulting infusion, but it turned out to be very small - about half a liter. Therefore, I decided to add more boiling water to the cake. After dinner, I poured the infusion - it turned out to be as fragrant as the first.
Like Ki $ a, I did not add either jam or agar-agar to the mixture of rose hips and shoots, because I also had no idea how I would filter this business.
Therefore, in the version with jam I added sugar (0.5 kg) to 0.5 kg of jam (I have it very thick) and a little strained infusion, brought to a boil, poured all the infusion into it. But it seemed to me liquid and I added 1 tsp. agar-agar soaked in advance for 20 minutes. After cooking the mixture for 2 minutes, poured in lemon juice, boiled for a couple of minutes and poured it into sterile jars (2 x 0.5 l), wrapped it in blankets.
In the version with agar-agar I added 3 tsp to the infusion. soaked agar-agar, after 3 minutes - lemon juice, and after 3 minutes she poured the jam into a sterile jar (0.5 l). I also sent a jar under the blanket.
For some reason, the color of the jam turned out to be dark brown. But the infusion itself was of the same color (because of the rosehip). And I am tormented by the question - why didn't I get such a beautiful color as yours?Linadoc... What do you think?
The jam version turned out to be soft in consistency and tasty. The second option turned out not to be jam, but very dense marmalade. To correct this deficiency, tomorrow for the second option I will make a rich infusion of shoots and dilute marmalade with it.
The scent of pine is not very pronounced. Maybe the scent would be more intense if I did as you described, Linadoc, that is, it would boil the mixture with the rest of the ingredients. But then I definitely would not have been able to strain the finished jam.
Thank you Linadoc for the recipe! It is very important to me because of some bronchial problems. I plan to make one more batch, but all with jam. I liked this option much more. And I'll add thyme. This time I didn't bother with him.
I'm also very grateful Tanyule for a recipe for infusion of pine shoots from bronchial diseases. Good potion!
Well, a photo report.
On the left in the photo is a variant of jam with agar-agar, on the right - with apple jam.

Coniferous Rosehip Jam

Coniferous Rosehip Jam
Ki $ a
Girls, can I have a recipe for infusion of pine shoots from bronchial diseases? My men just started to get sick, and my husband has an allergy to rose hips, and only my son drinks the syrup cooked by me!
Tanyulya, and I have a recipe for pine needles, please! And I can make jam only in a week, not earlier ... I'll look for pectin.
And I did make this jam! Vkusnoooo !!!
I plucked my pines and even added a little Christmas trees. Only I have "Zhelfix" 1: 1 and that's why it turned out not quite jelly-like. No, the jelly, of course, worked out, but it does not hold its shape.
Let's eat it anyway - it's very tasty. Thanks for the recipe!
Tanyulya can I please have a recipe for the infusion of pine shoots, my daughter really needs problems. Thank you so much.
Quote: Ki $ a
Girls, can I have a recipe for infusion of pine shoots from bronchial diseases?
Quote: kukulyaka
Tanyulya, and I have a recipe for pine needles, please!
Quote: Kirks
Tanyulya, can I please, a recipe for infusion of pine shoots
Ki $ a, kukulyaka, Kirkswhile Tanyulya is silent, let me share this recipe - Tanyulya sent it to me in a personal message.
Linadoc, Do you mind?
I quote Tanyulya herself:
Shoots of young pines, chop with a knife or scissors, you can also use a combine.
1h l. for 400 ml. boiling water, I insist in a thermos, but they write that it is necessary in a water bath.
I drink, in the period of exacerbation of bronchitis, asthma, 0.5 tbsp. 2-3 times a day, he clears his throat cool.
You can also do it with milk, but somehow I haven't tried it. Sometimes I add lingonberries.
I drink for 3-4 weeks. more often in the fall, I use already dried-dried shoots.
As there were no shoots, I just brewed needles, the effect of needles is no worse. But the main thing is that you don't have an allergy.
LinadocThanks again for the recipe! We have already eaten those two bowls of jam that did not fit in the jars (they are in the photo). And I also made a game. Now only on jam. And I added more water - 2 liters per 600 gr. shoots + thyme! Very, very tasty!
lappl1, Ki $ a, you have great jam !!! Only the color really turned out so brown, apparently an excess of sprouts. And the cones add a lot of color. Well nothing! Do not be afraid to add agar-agar and gelatin to the infusion before straining - they are liquid when hot and only desirable after cooling down, so you can safely strain and squeeze out the residues. And when the jam stands, it will become yellow and will cease to be a syrup. Do not add a lot of water, it is better to stick to the recipe + 0.5l in the case of a very thick version. In general, when we tried it, we roughly understood how to further customize it for yourself. By the way, in my photo there is less rose hips (about 3/4 mstk), there were no more. Maybe that's why the color is less saturated. And yet, I used only young shoots without needles and cones.
MariS, mine is not very thick either, but it's jam, not jam. It's okay! Bon Appetit!
Linadoc, thanks, the jam turned out. There is no time to upload photos yet. Everyone liked the taste. Today I have already worn out a full batch.
Omela, Melchik, to your health and bon appetit! I had no doubt that YOU will succeed! All health and do not be afraid to follow the recipe (checked - NO min!)!
Me too with jam! It is so tasty, I didn’t even expect it ... I thought it would give a strong pine resin, but nothing like that, such a delicate sour-sweet taste with a rosehip aroma. Linadoc, thanks a lot for the recipe
But for some reason my color is not transparent, but light brown. I took 600g of shoots and 180g of rose hips, steamed 1 liter of water, but when I started cooking I added another 0.5 liters, because it was very thick. Cooked without straining with zhelix 2: 1, then squeezed. True, squeezing this hot and sticky mass is not very convenient.

Coniferous Rosehip Jam
I brewed the second batch for the complete recipe (spruce, pine, juniper). Water 1.5l, agar 2h. l. with a slide, citric acid 0.5 tsp. l. Boiled for 5 minutes with sugar, cooled, squeezed out, added pre-soaked agar and lemon, boiled for another 5 minutes.

Coniferous Rosehip Jam

DELICIOUS!!! Thanks again for the recipe
Tatyana, Little, excellent result!
I am very glad that you have discovered this healthy and aromatic delicacy for yourself! jars of jam!
I say, do not be afraid to pour agar and gelatin before cooking and straining, the result will please!
I made jam, but it turned out to be a liquid syrup. First, she poured 1 liter of boiling water, and when she began to cook she added another 300 grams of water. Put it in the refrigerator, it might get thicker. I did it with zhelfix, took shoots and needles, with rose hips the color turned out to be dark. Tastes very good, thanks for the healthy recipe.
I also got a liquid, but tasty. And it still didn't gel in the refrigerator, although I did it strictly according to the recipe with 2/1 gelatin.
You will need to try with doing with agar or Antonovka.
Natalia, Elena, it is strange that it did not become gelatinous. I, of course, do not have marmalade, but the consistency is still jam. With agar it turns out steeper, like marmalade almost. You should try with apples and jam, interesting.
It gets thicker in the refrigerator, but when it is warm again it is liquid. I think I poured 1 liter of water and then added more. Probably not necessary. But in general, it suits me. We eat it primarily for medicinal purposes. Once again for a healthy recipe!
Natalia, yes, this consistency suits me too.But still I will try with an apple (additionally), I think not only the consistency, but also the taste may even improve.
Forgive me, but I still did not understand what the MSTK is ... Are these glasses from a multicooker? So multicooker can be different ... Can you somehow indicate in other dimensions, for example, in grams or in something else? I really want to cook ... Tomorrow we will go to the forest on purpose.
Linadoc, Linochka! I carry my THANKS !!!
I am reporting. I made jam ... a double portion. It turned out to be dark - she put in a rosehip heartily, and the sprouts were still in brownish clothes. The taste is awesome. I will definitely cook some more. Then I'll try to cook it from green sprouts and put a little rose hips ... let it be light for a change.
Quote: win-tat
But for some reason my color is not transparent, but light brown. I took 600g of shoots and 180g of rose hips, steamed 1 liter of water, but when I started cooking I added another 0.5 liters, because it was very thick. Cooked without straining with zhelix 2: 1, then squeezed. True, squeezing this hot and sticky mass is not very convenient.

I also made it to the jam yesterday! That's how I did it. To be honest, I didn’t figure it out with "mst", and I didn’t get an answer to my question ... so I did it "at random."
I took 1200 grams of shoots, respectively, 360 grams of rose hips, did not risk it - grind it in a blender, and twisted it all in a meat grinder. She poured 3 liters of boiling water (in a Zepter saucepan), wrapped it up and put it like that overnight. In the morning the mixture was still hot and hot! In the morning I squeezed it out (first I squeezed it through a colander by hand, and then through 2 layers of gauze). In this (almost cooled) mixture, I put agar-agar (about 6 tsp) and stirred everything well with a whisk. Left in this form on the table until 17 o'clock. At 5 pm I put 1.5 kg of sugar, boiled it, boiled it for 5 minutes, added the zest of 2 lemons and juice from them, boiled it, put it in prepared jars (I sterilized empty jars) and closed it. It was very liquid. And in the morning it became thick, thick! I flip the can, and it doesn't even budge! Yesterday I tried the rest - it was very tasty!
After adding the zest, I no longer strained it, I think that the zest will not interfere there at all (I rubbed it on a very fine grater).

I want to add that I didn’t put sugar in the unstrained mixture, because I thought that the cake would absorb it. And I was not mistaken, everything worked out the best way! Moreover, the mixture in the pan was hot all night, that is, like in a thermos, the Zepter pan keeps heat very well. On the lid, the arrow was in a green field until morning!

Thank you very much for the recipe !!!!
MST is a multi-glass! Probably from Shteba, I'll measure the size!
I would be very grateful if the recipe also indicated in weight (and not only in the volume of mst ...), otherwise people like me will read ... and will not understand.
Girls, smart guys!
Oh, Natusichka, just noticed a question! I am really sorry! Mstk is a multi-glass from any multi, they are all the same, for 180 ml. At first I did it in grams, but it turned out that after the rain, grams are much heavier. Then I redid it into volumes.
In any case, GOOD MAN! She described everything perfectly and did the right thing. Thanks for watching!
Elena, Kitty, as always, SMART! I have a light color, because I put fewer branches, and more rose hips. But when there are more needles, it is tastier and healthier.
Oksanochka, thank you for your help and attention!
Linochka, did not understand ... how can you measure in mst? Already crushed? After all, they are of different lengths, if you put them in mst, then depending on the length of the shoots, they will be both shorter and longer ... but how to determine the weight?

I am very grateful to you for the recipe! I get sick very rarely, but aptly! Last year I caught such bronchitis ... if only then it would be jam! How much can you eat? So that there is not much ... And how best to use (with tea, milk or something else?)
Natusichka, yes, shredded at mstk.
Thank you , Linochka!
Linadoc, Linochka!
Quote: Linadoc
Kitty, as always, SMART!
Circle me ... circle!
This jam can be made (of course EVERYTHING like the Author's! EVERYTHING according to the recipe!) In different ways ... it will still be delicious!
I took a multi-glass from Panasonic ... shoved the tops of my head without cutting it ... and then just added ... by eye.
I squeezed out after adding 1 kg of sugar and a 5-minute boil. It turned out 2.5 liters + juice and zest of 2 lemons + 3 packets of Zhelfix. Next time I will add at least 0.5 l of water. more, the jam turned out to be thick - like jam, but I want it to be like jam.
But it turned out delicious!
And yet - it must be done apparently - nuuu sooooo much! Now, after all, relatives and guests will "fly in" ... but you can't refuse!
Quote: Borisyonok
naturally EVERYTHING like the Author! ALL according to the recipe!
Well, that's okay! Still, they do it for themselves, the main thing is to grasp the principle and idea, and then you can ... turn around!
I'll show my jam (what I got):
Coniferous Rosehip Jam
Coniferous Rosehip Jam
Here is such a density!

In total, 2.7 liters of jam turned out!
Oooooooooooooooooooooo! super! I have 2 jars of 0.5 liters.
Well I did 2 portions !!!
Linadoc, Linochka!
The question arose ... is it possible to eat this jam a lot at a time? And then she started to drive her husband away from the cans ... and she gave my dad a try, and he grabbed the can ... he sat giggling with the words "this is an apple ... why are you sorry?"
Quote: Linadoc
Take for prophylaxis for 1 hour. l. per day, for medicinal purposes - 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day.
but your comment confuses me in the consumption of jam by my peasants ...
This is for medicinal purposes, that is, constantly or often in a certain dose. And as jam, not every day, it is possible in a larger dose.
Linadoc, Linochka! Thank you for the clarification!
Tomorrow I will go to collect more, I will cook .... let them eat ... and for medicinal purposes, and just like that!
Oh, and today I just saw young ones on the trees. Hands combed .. but the children were already hanging in them! Tomorrow I'll go and collect it! Thanks for the timely recipe!
Girls, it's time to cook healthy yummy for a year!
Linadoc, my husband brought larch cones, do they fit or not?

I made jam from shoots and ate cones, well, very tasty. Used and Agar, smashed into jars, and scored the cake again with boiling water, stirred, brought to a boil and again strained, the so-called reverse, so this is also delicious, it has already been eaten.
But unfortunately Belinda there are no pine trees in the area, except for the roads.
The recipe is great, thanks!
Lily, all coniferous cones fit. Larch trees are generally very tender and healthy, but they have little aroma. Maybe add pine for the scent?
Quote: Linadoc
Larch trees are generally very tender and healthy, but they have little aroma. Maybe add pine for the scent?
There is almost no aroma, you definitely need to add something!
Rosehips in the pharmacy are sold in tiny packages .....: girl-th: what upsets!
Kokoschka, Lily!
Quote: Kokoschka
Rosehips in the pharmacy are sold in tiny packages ..... which is upsetting!
I bought rose hips at the market where they sell dried fruits. The range of prices is from 180 to 250 per kilogram.
Borisyonok, because I was on the market ...
I'll go again!
Linadoc, Linochka! Take the job.
Coniferous Rosehip Jam
True, due to domestic circumstances, my mixture was infused for a little more than a day, and when I took it out of the blanket, it was still warm ... and the SMELL !!! And the jam was transparent.
Coniferous Rosehip Jam
The left jar is today, and the right one is from the remains of the first batch.
Now I’m sitting in thought - do I still need to do? or stop at this?
Borisyonok, super! I only have four cans so far.
Girls after the rain can be collected immediately?
Quote: Borisyonok
Linadoc, Linochka! Take the job.
Well-oo-oo-oo, Kitty! Just a holiday, not a job!
I like the left jar better.
Quote: Borisyonok
Now I'm sitting in thought - do I still have to do? or stop at this?
How to stop like that? What are you? And friends, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, how can they be without this elixir?
Quote: Kokoschka
Girls after the rain can be collected immediately?
You can, I just collected the jam after the rain from the first page. Then I had to redo the recipe, because in grams after the rain, the shoots are much heavier than dry ones. Converted into volumes.
Linadoc, Lina, is it normal that the "base" I have stood for so long?
Quote: Linadoc
And friends, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, how can they be without this elixir?
Relatives and friends are sacred!
Neighbors ... I kept my communication with him to a minimum. I have no co-workers!
But you still need to do ... well, maybe the same amount ...
Quote: Borisyonok
and the fact that the "base" I have stood for so long - is this normal?
Normal, even excellent - better infused.
Kokoschka, Lilya! Thank you!
Quote: Kokoschka
I only have four cans so far.
Dashing trouble is the beginning! I also thought - I'll make a double portion and that's enough ... I tried it - delicious ... now I made 6 (or maybe 7) portions at once ... I liked the jam even more!
We have a problem to collect them!
They ate high and below there are very few fresh twigs. And the pines are all along the road
So collection, not a quick procedure ...
But ... patience and work will grind everything !!!
I'm already walking around the trees - young shoots have just begun to open up. I have been delirious with this recipe since last year - I saw it late, did not have time to collect it. The main thing is that my people do not notice that I also want to use cedar there.

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