Dried tomatoes in oil

Category: Blanks
Dried tomatoes in oil


Tomatoes 2 Kg
Thyme 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • I see that our forum is full of recipes for sun-dried tomatoes. But the girls very much asked me to expose the recipe by which I keep them for a long time. I still have a couple of jars left from that year
  • Tomatoes are better for small varieties and not watery. Wash the tomatoes and cut them lengthwise into 2 slices or 4, depending on how large the tomato is.
  • We spread the tomatoes on the grates of the electric dryer:
  • Dried tomatoes in oil
  • I have our Russian electric dryer \ "Veterok \", I really like the fact that her pallets are not as small as in imported dryers, well, or I just did not come across such. I also like the ones that you can adjust the drying temperature (switch on the side). This is how it looks. At the top there is a hint that how much is drying in time.
  • Dried tomatoes in oil Dried tomatoes in oil
  • Sprinkle with thyme and set the tomatoes to dry for 16-18 hours, periodically changing the grates in places to dry evenly. It turns out that vegetables are dried at different speeds on different floors. I periodically select ready-made tomatoes and put them on a plate.
  • Dried tomatoes in oil
  • Here's all that is left of a 2 kg tomato after 18 hours:
  • Dried tomatoes in oil
  • When the tomatoes are already sun-dried, not completely dry like skins, but simply lose moisture, while still remaining elastic, we put them tightly enough in a small pre-prepared jar, sprinkling with chopped garlic.
  • We heat the oil, checking its readiness by dropping a small pinch of dry seasoning. It shouldn't burn, but bubbles should appear around it.
  • Pour our tomatoes with a small ladle warmed up with oil, periodically pushing them away from the sides of the jar with a fork, so that the oil gets into all corners and no air voids form. Pour in the same way to the very brim, as if we had canned cucumbers or compote.
  • ATTENTION! This must be done very carefully, it is better not to heat the oil than to overheat, otherwise you will burn your tomatoes right in the jar! It would seem that the oil in the saucepan is barely bubbling around the dry (test) seasoning, but in the jar it will still bubble a lot and the tomatoes will try to swell and crawl over the edge! Therefore, we upset them with a fork and pour oil in stages, and not all at once.
  • Dried tomatoes in oil
  • We twist the jar, wipe it, let it cool and put it in a cool place.
  • That's all that came out of 2 kg of tomatoes - 2 small jars.
  • Dried tomatoes in oil


Once again I apologize for the long wait. Girls, you bother me, whom you promised.

TOMATOES - tomatoes (large-fruited), the fruits of the same name vegetable annual herb with an erect or recumbent branchy stem, forming a bush, with odd-pinnate-dissected leaves and yellow flowers in an inflorescence-curl. Leaves and stems with a pungent specific odor. The berries are juicy, fleshy, weighing from 20 to 900 g and more, spherical, round, flat, smooth or ribbed, pink, red, yellow, orange. Homeland - South America; from the middle of the 16th century. imported to Southern Europe; entered the culture widely in the 19th century. Cultivated everywhere (in the northernmost regions they are grown in protected ground). About 2 thousand varieties and forms are known.
Tomatoes are the most valuable vegetables. They contain up to 4% sugars, 0.4—: 0.8% organic acids, mineral salts, 25 mg% vitamin C, carotene, vitamins Hi, Br, PP. The good combination of sugar and organic acids is responsible for the pleasant taste of tomatoes. Salads, vegetable garnishes, seasonings, sauces are prepared from them, they are stuffed, pickled, salted, canned, added to first courses (10 minutes before the end of cooking). The canning industry produces natural whole-fruit and fresh frozen tomatoes.Well-ripened tomatoes are used to produce tomato puree and tomato paste. Tomatoes do not ripen at the same time, so the collection of fruits should be done periodically in 3 - 5 days as they ripen. In the middle lane, and even more so in the north, where a significant part of the fruits does not have time to ripen, it is advisable to harvest the fruits as soon as they acquire the first signs of maturity (turn brown), and then keep them for some time (5-8 days) in a warm room at a temperature of 20-25 ° C, better in the light (the fruits ripen faster than on the plant). The same should be done with all green fruits that did not have time to ripen before the onset of frost.

Tomatoes can be kept fresh for up to 30-45 days. To do this, collect the fruits as soon as the greenish color of the skin acquires a milky hue, put them in small boxes or baskets and store at a temperature of 10-12 ° C. Fruits are best preserved if each row is sprinkled with hardwood sawdust. Periodically, the fruits should be examined and ripe should be selected. Green fruits that have not reached their normal size do not ripen well, so it is better to salt them. Ripe tomatoes are stored for 2–3 days under normal conditions, at 0 ° C for 7 days. Pink (unripe) tomatoes can be stored for 2-3 weeks.

In the middle zone of the USSR, the most widespread varieties of tomatoes are: Gruntovoy Gribovskiy 1180, Alpatieva 305-a (all early ripening, with decaying fruits suitable for canning); Siberian early ripening (high-yielding, with delicious ripening fruits in unison); White filling 241 (early maturing, suitable for growing in the open field and under a film); Nevsky (one of the earliest ripening, with tasty medium-sized fruits ripening in unison); Talalikhin 186, Excellent 176 (mid-season, fruitful, with fleshy fruits); Greenhouse (medium-ripe, suitable only for growing under film). For growing in greenhouses, the following varieties are recommended: White filling 241 (early ripening, with tasty fruits ripening in unison), as well as Gruntovy mushroom 1180.

Dried tomatoes in oil Thank you so much.
Last year, when I poured dried tomatoes with boiling oil, they immediately darkened and fried. Then I had to cool the oil a little and then the tomatoes were beautiful.
Girls, you can't boil oil !!! I wrote about it, though this year)
The recipe was supplemented with photos and quantity of ingredients.
K. Marina
Wonderful tomatoes! I LOVE them! Tell me, what is your drying?
K. Marina
Sorry, I missed drying
ILONA thanks for sharing your version: rose: very handy.
Quote: K. Marina

Wonderful tomatoes! I LOVE them! Tell me, what is your drying?
Girls, drying at me "Breeze" is called! It so happens that it is written in the most conspicuous place, only among the colorful pictures, and I was looking, as usual, somewhere on the side or below. I'll go fix it in the recipe))
Quote: lungwort

Last year, when I poured dried tomatoes with boiling oil, they immediately darkened and fried. Then I had to cool the oil a little and then the tomatoes were beautiful.

Last year, when I tried to bring the oil to a boil in a frying pan, it caught fire. I almost started a fire. Then I tried to bring it to a boil with the tomatoes - they also darkened. Today I decided to try it in the microwave - the oil boiled and the tomatoes climbed over the edge (you can't close the metal lids), I had to pick them up in a micron and take them out of the jars. I rolled it up somehow, but I won't do it anymore. Or you need to make them under glass lids with rubber bands (there were such before). In short, I'm still in confusion. And the next portion is dried. Now I'll try Ilona's method (check the temperature with a pinch of seasoning, pour a ladle into the jar). It is a pity that the topic did not catch my eye earlier.
Girls, even do not think to bring oil to a boil !!! And fire and burns from splashes of oil and instantly burnt tomatoes will be guaranteed to you. Enough hot oil so that when adding spices, they barely begin to bubble. And then the tomatoes, when pouring oil into the jar, scramble upward due to the fact that they swell, and if the oil is even a little hotter, then the upper 2-3 slices will darken. But that's okay, if only they didn't turn black. It's a pity I don't have a thermometer, what would I say the exact temperature of the oil.
But I do not have a dryer and I dry tomatoes in the oven on baking sheets (maybe someone will use my method). First, I cut the tomatoes into quarters and select the middle from them (remove the excess liquid) so that only the walls remain and lay out on the baking sheets in one layer with the skin down and turn on the fan heater at t120. When they dry up, I add tomatoes and sprinkle with a mixture of herbs (I like the Italian mixture of herbs) or just dried basil. Then I pour it with olive oil and again in the oven for 5-10 minutes, not for a long time. Aroma for the whole apartment. Then I tamp the tomatoes tightly into small sterilized jars and put them back in the oven for another 5 minutes. I take out the jars and close them with lids. Even last year's pair of jars are perfectly preserved.
Oh, I did not know this method, but I feel sorry for and troublesome to pick out the middle - they are delicious !!!
And I grind these middle parts with a blender and use them as a filling for canning tomatoes in my own juice. Nothing will be lost
I want to thank you for this wonderful recipe! I received tomatoes as a gift, but since there were already a lot of blanks I was looking for a recipe for sun-dried tomatoes, I took your recipe, besides, I still had sun-dried tomatoes from Turkey, I foolishly just poured them with olive oil and they remained simply hard in oil, but here I STE fixed the matter! it turned out very tasty, only I did it with Provencal herbs instead of thyme))) thank you very much
Enjoy !!! And with what herbs - which ones to your taste!
Quote: Ilona

Enjoy !!! And with what herbs - which ones to your taste!
"Who has any herbs"))) I found this seasoning, I sprinkled it)))
Ilona,: rose: thanks for the recipe, it is just the way, I wanted it for a long time. Only this morning I thought that I had to look for a recipe for how to dry tomatoes, there are a lot of them this year, And here you are, like on a silver platter.
Use it to your health!
I'll definitely try, tempting recipe)
Can I store without a refrigerator? Right?
Thank you, adore them
How I did it but I don’t remember ...
In the fall I made only 2 jars for testing. Everything turned out great, the second jar was eaten in May (I specially left it to see how it would last). But I forgot to thank the author. Ilona, thanks for the wonderful recipe
Girls, use your health! I am always happy to help in any way I can.
Quote: Ilona

Girls, use your health! I am always happy to help in any way I can.
I apologize. For beginners, please explain. Can you store such tomatoes without a refrigerator?
Quote: verunka

I apologize. For beginners, please explain. Can you store such tomatoes without a refrigerator?
Yes! They stood on my balcony, and in the room under the bed. If the banks are well sealed, then everything is ok! But I still try to keep them as cool as possible. But such an opportunity is not always available in a cramped apartment.
Ilona, ​​I ate one can just like that, at the second (it's the last one) I look longingly and hit myself on the hands. Delicious!!! I planted cream tomatoes this year, the large ones are drawn in the picture, and they grew the size of a large olive. Next year I will plant half of the garden with this cream-olive, two jars are not enough for me. Thyme was not at hand, sprinkled with a mixture of Italian herbs. I also froze some of the sun-dried tomatoes according to the Romin recipe.
Thanks for the goodies!
Zhenya, good health !!! I am glad that the recipe was to your taste !!! I also get sick of these tomatoes, and I myself can eat them myself just like that, without bringing them to the pizza or salad. That ... what can I say then ?! I once caught my boyfriend (then he was 6 years old with a smashed jar and eaten into one pug. There were traces of crime on his face! The pug is orange and oily. My poor laptop too (it's good that only the lid, and the lid of the can is screwed .. . in short, he raskurochil it as he could with a can opener)))))
Ilona, ​​thanks for the recipe. It is very tasty, I am drowning, I am bursting, I am bursting, I cannot stop. But I keep a couple of jars untouchable for now. Dried in the oven, sprinkled with a mixture of Italian and French herbs (as it says on the jar), without garlic, I don't like it.
Here in such a jar like mine -750 g it is necessary to pour a LOT of tomatoes.

Dried tomatoes in oil

yeah !!! Sooooo much !!! Agree!!!
Good day everyone
Ilona, ​​thanks for the recipe and the proven way to store such a wonderful treat as sun-dried tomatoes
This year I bought an Isidrai dryer and have already made several batches of sun-dried tomatoes - I'm experimenting with preparation methods, seasonings, storage methods ...
The results are different: the herb chips, which were dried until crispy after standing in a jar with a screw cap in the withers for 1 month, were thrown away the day before yesterday due to the appearance of mold. True, the bank was half full - maybe this is the reason?
Dried sweet and sour recipes by Admin are in the room and in the hall (for comparison) under the covers of the VAKS - "we'll see."
I don’t really care for the peel on ready-made tomatoes, and I conducted an experiment on the last batch (5kg of cream - half an hour without taking into account the time for the first boiling of water). I saw the method in the TV show "Everything will be delicious!":
Put water in a saucepan to boil (I have 4 liters), pour cold water into a bowl (I additionally put frozen refrigerant from a refrigerator bag). Wash the tomatoes and cut each crosswise NOT DEEP (it is convenient to use a knife with a serrated (file) blade). After boiling water, immerse a batch of tomatoes in boiling water for 30 seconds (I stood the first batch for a minute - it turned out to be a bit too much). You can put quite a lot of tomatoes, the main thing is that they all can freely immerse themselves in boiling water (they float up, I constantly heated them with a slotted spoon). The fire is strong so that the water temperature does not drop sharply when cold fruits are immersed). After 30 sec. put the tomatoes with a slotted spoon into ice water to cool down, and into boiling water, a new batch. After the fruit has cooled, the skin is removed with a small knife EASILY. It turned out a lot of letters, but doing it faster and easier is a continuous process. And the result after drying-drying is significantly different. Try it yourself!
Oh, Ilonochka - I seem to have got carried away and "Ostap has suffered"
And what I wanted to ask, what kind of oil to take - olive ???
Quote: Vita_K
Oh, Ilonochka - I seem to have got carried away and "Ostap has suffered"
And what I wanted to ask, what kind of oil to take - olive ???
It's good that Ostap suffered about !!! For that she told me another way of skinless drying. I must try, but I'm afraid I will be too lazy to rip them off ... and so on. In a small kitchen it's always difficult to start something grand. But I'll try.
And oil ... you can use any oil you like and don't mind. I did it on sunflower, olive oil for me. I don't remember what I would do with him. Take only refined so that you can warm without fear of carcinogens.
I wither both in drying and in the oven on 3 pans at once .. In the oven faster - I leave it overnight at 100 degrees with the door open. Then I cut a lot of garlic - three heads into a half-liter jar .. I mix with tomatoes and pour oil. I add salt to taste, although the tomatoes themselves are salted before drying, oil with garlic also requires salt. I kept it in the refrigerator for no more than a week. This is not a preparation for the winter, but a very tasty snack.
After eating a tomato, garlic dressing can go as a dressing in a salad, but usually it is eaten with bread anyway.
Also dry and plum. Then I also sprinkle it with garlic and fill it with oil ..
I will share my negative experience, maybe someone will come in handy.
I always kept it in the refrigerator - they stood for a year or two (if they survived)
this year I read what can be stored in a cool dark place, took it to the basement. As a result, all seven cans swelled in a week.
When I opened the tomatoes, they didn’t rush, but they were pushed out of the neck with a high cap 2 centimeters higher than the neck. All signs of fermentation are present ((
abysmally ((in the refrigerator and without a tomato the full house is full ...

Sone4ka, sorry of course your tomatoes. I'm mine hot oil fill in (not cold!) maybe that's why mine feel great even in the heat on the balcony. (I forgot to pull them into the room under the bed for the summer).
Quote: Sone4ka
in the refrigerator and without a tomato the full house is full ...
Some store in the freezer
And my place in the freezer is worth its weight in gold
girls, this year I did three sets of sun-dried tomatoes. Three jars each. The first time they just filled it with boiling oil. but one jar began to round up the lid ... they opened and ate.
so the next two batches I after have filled. I covered it with a lid and put it in a hot oven for 10 minutes, so to speak ... a control shot! They stand like cute
Maybe someone will come in handy.
Part dried up. and some froze. But I read an interview with a famous chef. so he says tomatoes do not like the freezer. It is very cool to store baked eggplants in the freezer. and tomatoes lose their zest.
Quote: Ilona
I pour mine with hot oil (not cold!), Maybe that's why mine feel great even in the heat on the balcony.
I also poured hot. the top tomatoes even tried to fry)
because it cooled down a little, but it was still hot enough.
so, alas, it's not the oil temperature that matters.

Quote: mowgli
Some store in the freezer
I also store)
but, as mentioned above, they are not so tasty from the freezer.

Since we're talking about the freezer, I will share how I adapted to improve the taste of frozen sun-dried tomatoes after defrosting:
for sauces, soups and other dishes, where they are crushed - without sparing dry land to the state of chips. In this form, they tolerate the freezer quite tolerably.
For snack bars, tomatoes are dried as usual. These tomatoes look slightly damp after defrosting. At this moment, you can remove the skin from them in one motion, especially since the skin on them after the freezer becomes denser and coarser (as it seems to me) I slightly squeeze a slice between the index and thumb and just move the skin off the tomato.
After that, I dry them a little in a dryer or oven with an open door, literally 30-40 minutes. Sometimes 20 is enough.
then I refuel, as we usually do, and send it to the fridge to infuse (if I have enough patience)
Quote: kokoshka
so the next two batches I after have filled. I covered it with a lid and put it in a hot oven for 10 minutes, so to speak ... a control shot! They stand like cute
I also thought it would be nice to sterilize, but hoped that just hot oil was enough.
Next time I'll try to keep it in the oven.
Sone4ka, I dried both peppers and tomatoes to the state of chips and did not put these parties in the freezer. left to dry in a container with an open top. I so brought the porcini mushrooms to the condition after the dryer. in about a month I will close the lid. last year, both carrots and beets were well kept. so maybe you shouldn't send it to the freezer?
Dried tomatoes in oil.
Ilona, ​​thanks for the recipe!
First time dried Tomatoes in a dryer.
Made according to your recipe!
We will try it in winter.
It turned out two such jars. Not enough, but this is for trial ...
Tell me, where can I use them?
I have not made such tomatoes before, and I don't know where they are
Ilona, ​​thanks for the recipe! I tried it in the fall.I did some with Provencal herbs, some with Italian ones. The aroma just spread throughout the house ... From 12 kg of fresh "cream" came 6 jars of 0.5 liters. Today I opened the last one. I didn't remove the middle, didn't put in the garlic - I don't like it. I kept it in the refrigerator so as not to risk it ...)
) I have several jars accidentally lingering on the balcony)
Ilona made tomatoes according to your recipe, I am already looking forward to how I will eat them in winter.
Dried tomatoes in oil
Tatyana, Oh, how pretty !!! Bon Appetit!!!!
Ilona, thanks for the recipe! so you then don't put it in the oven-sterilize? Are they well worth it? In our tea gazebo, Zakhar laid out a recipe with sterilization, I will do this this year, so I am interested in how they stand. I did it once, but it got moldy, I poured it with cold oil.
I fill it with hot oil and everything is fine without sterilization.
Dried tomatoes are on sale in fixprice, the bag says - dried in the sun.
Produced by Takzhikistan.
Very appetizing in appearance.
I put them in a jar, added half a clove of garlic and poured oil with Italian herbs.
The oil was heated to a slight haze.
Dried tomatoes in oil.
Cool down, put it in the refrigerator.
Elena, great !!! Did you taste the tomatoes themselves? I need to go to the store
As I can imagine - under the sun, not washed in bulk tomatoes, and with flies.
Sorry, could not resist commenting.
And this is the start already this year.
Dried tomatoes in oil Dried tomatoes in oil

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