natalka, and if the wire is broken somewhere ... the device is five years old, two of them worked even with voltage drops ... It's better to have the whole wire at once!
Well yes. Probably
Here is another confirmation that 3 in 1 is not good (it's just a miracle that only the cord broke, and the whole device did not burn out) - if everything were separate, only the waffle iron would break, and the grill and toaster would remain intact!
No, 3 in 1 has nothing to do with it. Indeed, in this version, there is nothing to break, you think about changing the records. Another thing is that really other devices would be beaten by workers, but they would take much more space.
Olya, it's okay, we fix it - and we sculpt new waffles ... I really got ate on the waffles in 5 days ... I feel I’ll put the device away for a week ... otherwise the figure will go nuts ..
Quote: Luysia

Look here

haushaltsgerte / kchengerte / tischgrille_toaster /
FH_bmZoX3BhZ2V0eXBlPWRld GFpbCZmaF92aWV3X3
NpemU9OSYmZmhfc2Vjb25kaW Q9dWFfMTcxNTU1JmZoX2xpc3 Rlcl9
wb3M9MCZmaF9sb2NhdGlvbj0 lMmYlMmZuZWNrZXJtYW5uX3V hJTJmcn
VfVUElMmZjYXRlZ29yaWVzJT NjJTdibmVja2VybWFubl91YV 91YV8y
X3VhX3VhXzI2MDc5X3VhXzI2 MTIyJTdkJTJmY2F0ZWdvcmll cyUzYy
U3Ym5lY2tlcm1hbm5fdWFfdW FfMjYwNzlfdWFfMjYxMjJfdW FfMjYx
MjMlN2QlMmZjYXRlZ29yaWVz JTNjJTdibmVja2VybWFubl91 YV91YV8y
NjA3OV91YV8yNjEyMl91YV8y NjEyM191YV8yNjEzMCU3ZCZm aF9lZHM9JWMzJTlmJm
ZoX3JlZnZpZXc9bGlzdGVy / m-171555 / index.html #

girls, I have such a unit. You can't make thick waffles in it, like those of girls in the form of flowers? And what can you do in it?

Thank you
In the form of flowers it is impossible, but thick ones are very possible, only they will be a square lattice. There is also a grill - straight plates with stripes, you can reap meat, kebabs, hot sandwiches on it. There are also sandwich plates - triangles, there you can also fry sandwiches, but closed with pockets, but in general look on the forum for a topic about sandwich makers, there girls do what they just do - eggs, minipizzas, pancakes, and ... and the last one there is adaptable, with round grooves, this is for donuts - a cool thing, few people have it, but you can probably adapt not talcum powder for donuts. Turn on your imagination! I myself am looking at this, but I have a sandwich maker with a waffle iron 2 in 1, and there is a grill separately, so is it still worth buying this one because of donuts? And I want ...
and I only ate 3 kg during the winter ... 52 + 3 = 55 ... more candy for the hamster ...
From the experience of my waffle iron ... it still lacks a latch (maybe not fundamentally) ... Until I use it for 2 days ... I noticed and asked to "improve the handle) .. glued a cork cover on it ... a little I was hot at the maximum .. So, it's probably better to take one with insulated handles ... but in spite of the gift horse in the mouth, and I am happy
Teen_tinka , so this is not a convenient waffle iron? (I'm talking about Clathronic for thin waffles) And then I have already set my sights, at the start, one might say. Maybe I can look at some others? What else is there for thin waffles? I most of all plan to use them under the ice cream cones
k.alena, I got a waffle iron for "thick" waffles as a gift - 5 hearts inside, I wrote about it. And for the thin ones I have the ancient "Svetlana" STILL PROSOVETSKAYA. Although thin waffles were baked in hearts (I just took the recipe for thin ones, and the dough is more liquid) ... but I didn't curl it ... so they ate it .. I was presented with Clathrosh 3275 (blue)
Ah ... and I thought you had 3277 - round. I want this
k.alena you can buy in Ukraine, look at the link, only, I read about it here on our forum. It bakes remarkably, everything is even, made in Germany, though I don't know how expensive it is for you, the price is 42 Euro.
k.alena I confirm Cloer will be an excellent choice.
I hate her. Yesterday I baked waffles again ...
Thank you girls. I looked, the thing is really solid and of high quality ... but 2 times more expensive than the Clathronic. I initially bought into its price, because.I didn't really plan to get carried away with waffles (then my war with finura would certainly be lost completely and irrevocably) I thought to make waffles mainly for ice cream, and then how it goes. My youngest loves ice cream in waffle cups mainly because of the cups. On the other hand, I do not want to get into nonsense, because with an absolute lack of skills, a good device is the key to success and its further use. It is already when you have experience that you can adapt to anything.
So I ask, maybe there are owners of Clathronic 3277? How are they being operated? Suitable for beginners?
k.alenado not be offended, I'm not talking about you "avaricious pays twice", it's me about myself. I have two Smile and Brand, and both bake very poorly. Better to buy one, but high quality. Now I am puzzled with the purchase of the Cloer 285. Therefore, think before you buy. Excuse me that I am, but this is my "sore point", and then how lucky.
I absolutely share your (let's call it "you", it's easier) point of view. And usually I buy equipment from brands well-known for their quality. Previously, Klatronic did not look at this. And then I got interested in the ice maker, the reviews on Klatronic are good. And we only sell them and Tris (an absolute twin, only 2 times more expensive and with an incomprehensible service). And by March 8 in the Internet stores they offered a waffle iron with a discount to the ice cream maker. This is how this thought visited me.In general, while I take into account all the opinions and mature
I have a Klatronic (which number I can’t say, I’m at work now) for thin waffles, as I already wrote, there are no comments, the children have the same firm, but for the thick ones, triangles, they are actively driving it for 2 years, I took from them several times, I was satisfied, the dough is baked perfectly, evenly, even not at full power.
k.alena, in prodtechno, without the action, an ice cream maker + a waffle iron was still cheaper until March 8 ..... but which one to choose? ... Now I think that it would be better for me to be presented with that clathrosh in which 10 hearts, double ... .. rolled out her lips ... it would be baked faster ... and the price is not great ... ...
I asked them something, and then, and another, and no one hinted at the discounts. After an ice cream cone in Auchan for 45 UAH. cheaper, I'm already thinking of driving around all Auchan and looking for a waffle iron (there is no such model in the 2 nearest to me)
Well, you can congratulate me, the waffle iron has already been bought by Klatronic 3277. And I have already baked waffles according to Anastasia's recipe from the topic of ice cream makers
Waffle maker, hazelnut
Since it was meant to use them for ice cream, I immediately practiced shaping them. The taste is amazing. But, since these are my first waffles in my life, questions arose. The dough turned out to be quite thick (like good sour cream). It was absolutely impossible to pour out of the spoon, I helped with a silicone spatula and holes formed in the wafers. What consistency should the dough be? Something tells me that a little thinner. But there is no experience at all. How much do you need to press the plates (or simply lower them so that the upper one is pressed with its weight) so that the dough spreads better over the entire surface of the plate?
k.alena, with the acquisition of something correct to tell you that the dough should be thinner. I came to this empirically. I just topped up a little milk and looked at the result. Consistency, like pancakes, may be a little thicker. I pour about 1 and 1 \ 2 tablespoon of dough and close the lid, and the dough is distributed by itself on my waffle makers there is a kind of latch, so I click it. And the waffles turned out to be very pretty anyway, but with ice cream it's something.
Basja , thanks I will try. As it turned out, it's not difficult at all
k.alena, with the acquisition of you!

And I began to make the dough even thinner than for pancakes. I just add milk or water to it before baking. The taste has not changed.
Only softer than steel.
k.alena, with a purchase.
and I diluted with some water (for some reason I like milk less ...) .. proportions are selected according to your taste empirically! Happy experiments !!!
Thank you, girls Only here (I mean this forum) you can boast of purchasing another toy, and you will be understood and supported
Quote: ukka

And I decided to master the profession of an electrician and tomorrow I will change the cord on my waffle iron ...

ukka, so you're an engineer, if I'm not mistaken? You will definitely succeed.
My husband used to go on business trips often, so this is a past stage (and irons, and sockets, and gaskets in the tap ...)
Luysia, I'm actually a heating engineer ... but I repair a lot in the house, due to the absence of male faces in the apartment ...
I've been dreaming about another waffle iron .... Clathronic 3169 (the one with 10 flowers) and another email. I want a hazelnut, but they don't want to lead her ...
I like the waffle dough thicker than the pancake dough, but so that it flows and spreads on the plate itself. I have been baking this recipe since Soviet times, this option seems to me the most delicious.
lina , thank you, I'm just in search of another recipe to choose for myself And your dough does not need to stand? Otherwise, according to Anastasia's recipe, the dough should stand for 2 hours (and according to her link in other recipes, the dough also stands). Frankly speaking, it's not clear why. And I like it to be clear for what each action
The dough is allowed to stand to swell the gluten (or what is it called correctly?).
No, my dough is worth it only if by chance.
the week of patience ended on Saturday morning ....
help yourself ... today ss walnuts ...
Waffle maker, hazelnut
Well, sho - I passed the electrician exam - I changed the cord to 3 in 1.
True, there won't be waffles today - I'm tired ...
Recipes from the Russian waffle iron Slasten.
And here are my giraffes from Brand:

Waffle maker, hazelnut Waffle maker, hazelnut
I really liked it!!!

But you can't stuff ice cream in them, and you really need to roll up very quickly.
Quote: Hairpin

And here are my giraffes from Brand ...
Hairpin, I'm glad you like it
And you definitely can't put ice cream in them. And they will get wet. Actually, they are already delicious. We just eat them, without filling. That's how we like them. Just like seeds

PS In the topic about an ice cream maker, Anastasia gave a recipe for waffles for ice cream
Doesn't it taste greasy? (I'm all about mine) I don't dare to make this recipe because of the amount of oil
Made by prescription lines Mine swept away everything in a moment. thank you very much
The funny thing is that your dough came out too thick for me, too, until I re-read the recipe, which says "melt butter". And that was the key point. The dough was warmed up in the microwave and everything became as it should
Yes, you need to roll up instantly, even burned your fingers, not much, of course
Quote: k.alena

Doesn't it taste greasy?

For me, it's okay, but so ... well, remember the markers?
Quote: k.alena

Doesn't it taste greasy? ..
k.alena, Are you talking about the Giraffes?
Quote: shuska

k.alena, Are you talking about the Giraffe?
Well, yes ... linin has less butter and fewer eggs (but there is milk), and then the hands from them are greasy. Over the past month, more butter has been bought than in the previous six months, that is, BEFORE my hobby for cakes and waffles. I am already beginning to fear if there is more harm from him than from any E in store sweets
k.alenochka, dare to make these waffles! Please! Without trying it is hard to judge. In my opinion, they are not greasy. You just want to eat them (and in large quantities). These products make a huge pile of waffles! If in doubt, try making 1/2 serving. Oh, I'm just bursting with curiosity: will you like it or not Write, please, if you make them

PS I went to the kitchen on purpose - felt the waffles for fat content (fortunately, they baked a whole tray yesterday). Somehow, before your question, the thought about their possible fat content did not even arise. It seems not fatty. But Hairpin is right about the markers.
You just want to eat them (and in large quantities).
This, by the way, is also a problem. You won’t make a dough for 3-4 waffles. And when there’s a mountain of them, how can you not eat them! For ice cream, the problem is partly solved by preparing fruit
I will, of course, I'm inquisitive
Quote: k.alena

By the way, this is also a problem. You won’t make the dough for 3-4 waffles. And when there’s a mountain of them, how can you not eat them! For ice cream, the problem is partly solved by preparing fruit
I will, of course, I'm inquisitive
Feel free to divide the portion into smaller ones. For a sample And then you yourself will figure out the quantity By the way, waffles are excellent for up to a week without losing taste
Here are some "yesterday" Giraffelets for you (to raise decisiveness)
Waffle maker, hazelnut
This is about 1 / 3-1 / 4 of the norm

I will look forward to your opinion
k.alena, good health to you and your loved ones, I am very glad that you liked the waffles. To fold - I exploit my husband)))), because I burn my fingers myself and after a batch of waffles, the pads hurt for another day. All looking at thin silicone gloves, confectionery, for working with caramel.

About the storage of waffles. Now I have dry air in my apartment. A plate of waffles, covered with a towel, has been on the table for a week. The last waffle is just as brittle and crunchy. In another apartment, the waffles became soft every other day and you could even unwind them.
Shushka, your waffles are so even, but mine, after all, the heating is not uniform. Remind the waffle iron model, pliz ...
Soviet waffle iron at Shushka, written in the same message as the giraffe recipe. By the way, the recipe seemed vaguely familiar to me, I dug up an old notebook - here it is! Two recipes for waffles have been written down in total, and I didn’t like the giraffe at one time. Maybe it makes sense to try now?
Quote: Tinka_tinka

the week of patience ended on Saturday morning ....
help yourself ... today ss walnuts ...
Hello everybody! I don’t see this recipe, maybe I’m not looking there?
prascovia, recipe standard 75g flour, 2 eggs, 60 margarine and water 75 (you can and 100 if you want it to be crispier), 75 g of sugar (or less if you don't want something sweet), nuts by eye ... I took about 100g (I pounded it with a crush in a mortar, not in a coffee grinder, it turned out not very fine and not dust). And all ... they baked perfectly reduced the margarine from 75 to 60 because of the nuts - they also had butter ... The waffle iron, despite the large pieces of nuts, closed normally ... I beat the proteins a little, ground the margarine with sugar, then added water (with I don't like milk) .... In general, the recipe is standard for Belgian waffles ... only added nuts and that's it ...
Can you replace margarine with butter? And grind the yolks with margarine and flour?
margarine can be replaced with butter (I just coveted the lower calorie margarine). I heat it in the microwave, add a little sugar (not all into proteins) - I rub it, then the yolks ... flour, water, proteins ... I don't stand the dough ... just when I prepare everything I turn on the waffle iron, it turns out the dough costs 3-5 minutes while the appliance is warming up ..
Spire, I have a really old Sovdep waffle iron. She bakes well. Evenly. But you seem to have less baking in the center than from the edges. Listen, can you try pouring less dough so that the waffles are baked in the center of the waffle iron? I don't like waffles for the whole waffle iron. We like it when they are round and medium in size. For this test, I use an incomplete tablespoon. Try next time, suddenly it turns out better

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