Scops owl
And the sugar? I have "Hop sourdough No. 1", made strictly according to the recipe. And what are you doing, there on the first page, several options are offered. Maybe you didn't read it carefully and the technology was accidentally violated? Something happens to me all the time. Do not be upset if there is a desire it will definitely work out, not this one is so different. How many times have I noticed on my own that when I was too fond of something, problems arose. When she spread flowers and my daughter counted 102 of them, aphids appeared ...
Scops owl
Olyusik The holes in Hungarian are amazing. Needless to say, bookmarked it. I bought panifarin, malt, maltose syrup, a mixture for testing for baking at VDNKh (I finally arrived), and I was tempted by the woman. And I apparently cut the bread slowly, I was afraid to touch the shape. Olyus, and you Hungarian in the oven on what are you doing? Do you have a pebble or a tray from under the pot?
and sugar in a spoon and poured it into an empty one all 5 days did not last, never poured the third already
the question of what brand and manufacturer of flour?
it's easier to buy a leaven
See for yourself. You can do this in general with yeast, or you can be patient and try the recipe, you will definitely succeed, why don't you want to try another recipe?
I am actually a kabbalist raw food eater and teetotaler and gave up all yeast - and at the expense of sourdough - I bought bread at the church and on it I raise it beautifully for the second time;
Scops owl
And you just knead a piece of bread and feed it with flour? It's great that you did it.
Scops owl
Olyusya Chabattu baked, I want to bake again. Everyone liked it. Olya, I began to feed the sourdough and honey a little like you, and it seemed to me that the bread was getting sour, or was it getting stronger and sour itself? How did you not notice anything? Maybe it was bread itself, it baked buckwheat. You also wrote that you began to bake black custard on it, because it sour.
Hi!!! Now time is running out - New Year is still))) Regarding honey - yes, it sours faster with it (natural sugar still nourishes it very powerfully - I have become an adult and mature in 2 times), but if salt is added then it pryatsvuet fast fermentation (well, it's like with dry-cured sausage, well, or with a great ham))))) In general, I think I need to have 2 leavens - one strong for custard - there this sourness is irreplaceable, and the second weak - here are wheat, and so baking (well, for example, it is an eternal leaven - it matures for a long time, but it raises everything well - it has been tested). I tried to bake the custard when she was not mature - not that, but now the most relish - I specifically insist for a long time that there should be more sourness) - for an amateur))) And in my family, from one week to another, such a situation - I do myself for a week adored Borodulka (I love her either with slightly salted salmon, or with unrefined butter, a little salt. - I mostly eat it - and I have enough of it for a week (it doesn't spoil! checked))) and my family really liked Hungarian - they don't really like sophisticated and complex tastes - better a baguette, sliced ​​loaf or chiadatta - where the tastes are familiar and simpler - but I didn't like when they turned out even with a young sourdough - for me it changes the taste with its peculiar note - and everyone likes these breads in the classic version - the only difference flour - I do not do it on the tower, but on the whole grain)
Good afternoon ... I have been reading the forum for a long time ... thank you all for the detailed descriptions of the preparation of sourdoughs ... and still the question arises .... the sourdough has been milking for a day and actively foamed and grown ... I fed it with second-grade flour ... without brewing ... after 6 hours she has grown very actively ...but as I understand she is still young and you can't bake on it ... I fed it with brewed rye ... two hours have passed ... she is "eager to fight" ... good people, tell me .... WHEN can you bake on it? ?? after all, she is not even two days old? will she raise the dough?
Scops owl
In connection with the holidays, I just saw the question. You need to feed the sourdough longer, a few days. If it is hoppy, it will taste strong for the first time if it is quickly put into action. Then the taste of bitterness will disappear. And you need to feed it with slightly cooled boiling water with flour. I usually take whole grains. You probably baked something already? So much time has passed.
Oh ... finally, at least someone appeared on the forum. .. thanks ... yes ... baked but ... and more than once ... at first everything was very rosy ... the bread rose quickly ... now I don't understand what happened ... the leaven froths, but does not rise ... it does not increase in volume ... that something went wrong ... every time I bake with a sinking heart ... I read the forum and "endure" my brain .... I'm even thinking about a new leaven ...
That's just what I like best about dry sourdough: you don't need to feed all the time, only when you use it.
Hello . please tell me which flour is better to use for hop sourdough? I have sun, 1st grade, 2nd grade and peeled rye
*** yana ***
Quote: Sharksea

Hello . please tell me which flour is better to use for hop sourdough? I have sun, 1st grade, 2nd grade and peeled rye
In principle, only premium flour is not used for sourdough. ... preferably peeled, whole grain ... or the lowest grade. it is best to make the starter starter with peeled rye .. and then for white bread to transfer to wheat flour.
As far as I understand, at first I feed her with rye flour and then wheat flour? or how?
if someone can't find hops. try looking for it in the herbal market. I bought today 50 rubles a glass of dried hops. put the leaven
*** yana ***
Quote: Sharksea

As I understand it, at first I feed her with rye flour and then wheat flour? or how?
Yes exactly. until the leaven is ripe, feed with rye flour. to be honest, I didn't like the hop at all .. messing around with the broth, it tastes bitter, taste ... in short, I played with the hop, and made pure rye. everything is clear there. and with taste and with the result. then, the finished one was divided into two parts. one began to be fed with wheat flour. and kept the second one for rye bread and pro-stock .. the leaven on wheat flour often spoils.
Quote: Sharksea

if someone can't find hops. try looking for it in the herbal market. I bought today 50 rubles a glass of dried hops. put the leaven
and I bought hops at the pharmacy.
in the recipe, I read that this leaven matures in 2-3 days and does not need to be fed. and the bitterness is not so strong. perhaps the fresh buds are bitter and I don't think if you add 2-3 tablespoons of sourdough per 500 g of flour and + 350 g of water, the bitterness will be felt. Moreover, over time, with the addition of flour and water, the bitterness will be less and less. Let's see
Today I checked my starter culture for only a day, but it has already doubled and resembles foam not dough with bubbles, but foam. this is normal?
Hello everyone came to share their joy. Today I baked my first sourdough bread, it's a miracle. When I used to bake bread with yeast from the oven, there was practically no smell of bread, but after putting the sourdough dough in the oven in half an hour, the kitchen was filled with an excellent smell of bread. It's just a miracle, I am amazed at the smell alone, I am waiting for it to cool down to try it :) you will certainly think that I am crazy, but I think that we need to teach people how to bake delicious and healthy bread.
*** yana ***
Congratulations! we all had such feelings .. so your condition is very clear ... the next step is to try other leavens and choose the best for yourself .. good bread!
Andrei! Congratulations on the victory!!!! So describe in detail the whole process (from the beginning of the preparation of the starter culture to the final result). I think that your experience will be useful to many.
I read the entire thread and seems to be confused Help me figure it out, please.
I put hop number 1. Whole-grain rye flour, broth and 1 tablespoon of honey. For the first day, the leaven has doubled. I fed them with rye, brewed with boiling water. It turned out to be a very thick dough and, adding it to the sourdough, got a lot of lumps. Grind them with a blender.
2 hours passed - the leaven ran away. I decided that it was time to bake even bread! The bread, of course, did not rise) I again fed the sourdough with rye, but not brewed, but simply mixed it with hot water (here, probably, my biggest mistake), since I was frightened by the steepness of the previous feeding. And someone here told me that they do this. The leaven began to grow, but no longer tried to run away. In the morning, she assumed that she was hungry fed with whole wheat wheat, also stirred. Since then, it has not grown at all. It looks like a dough with bubbles.
Can you fix something now? And what mistakes have I made? Looks like overfeeding? How often should you feed?
*** yana ***
it is usually done like this: bread is baked with starving sourdough. that is, they fed it, waited for it to rise, besieged it (mixed it), put it in the refrigerator until morning (evening, ...ripe the leaven can starve from 2 to 5 days) in the morning they took out, kneaded the dough. the remaining sourdough was fed, waited for the rise, besieged and put in the refrigerator ... this is the process approximately ... sourdough but on wheat flour it can rise longer .. if you do not bake constantly, then after the idle time, part of the leaven is thrown away, feed it further, and after the rise, precipitate it in the refrigerator (so as not to sour). also done if it delaminates.
by the way, it is not necessary to boil rye flour with boiling water. just boiled water is enough. or filtered.
Quote: *** yana ***

Congratulations! we all had such feelings .. so your condition is very clear ... the next step is to try other leavens and choose the best for yourself .. good bread!
Thank you so much. Today I set to sprout wheat and barley will make malt sourdough
*** yana ***
Quote: Sharksea

Thank you so much. Today I set to sprout wheat and barley will make malt sourdough
serious attitude! and fermented malt is sold ready-made. the main thing is that the grain is not pickled. otherwise it does not germinate.
I took special wheat for germination and fodder barley
Natusichka, B1 my Nadezhda! I try to make a dry hop,
but something is wrong with me! She must roam as directed
in Monyast1r starter cultures or what !? I'm completely confused. I have it for days
two stands by the battery, and it’s warm, and it’s a little, and I stir every day and
the smell is not bad, but there is no volume, no noise from fermentation. generally as I put it,
so worth it. Maybe I was wrong somewhere? I ask for some information!
Quote: Foreigner

Natusichka, B1 my Nadezhda! I try to make a dry hop,
but something is wrong with me! She must roam as directed
in Monyast1r starter cultures or what !? I'm completely confused. I have it for days
two stands by the battery, and it’s warm, and it’s a little, and I stir every day and
the smell is not bad, but there is no volume, no noise from fermentation. generally as I put it,
so worth it. Maybe I was wrong somewhere? I ask for some information!
try thinning it or adding sugar
Foreigner, try adding some more rye flour.
If it does not help, there are possible reasons:
- filtered water. If there are no bacteria in it, that is, killed by a high concentration of silver, the leaven has nothing to feed on.
- there may be poor quality flour.
Do not despair. Start all over again.

I read your message in the topic Sourdoughs - in questions and answers

The water is good. Do you have any other bran? Only corn? Maybe they are the reason?
Thanks, Agata, about the time that was deleted for me
and my drinks to make edible bread!
Somehow I managed to forget about filtered water,
and read at least a hundred times in this forum!
And about corn bran, my
granny. She is 94 years old and she is a person whom she does not speak in vain!
Maybe I'll try to dilute the dough and if it doesn't work .......
I'll start over!
Sharksea, thank you for your advice! This is me going
done before putting the dough. Indeed, in
Monasti1rskikh it is written that it is necessary to feed dry
in the afternoon before it is used. Maybe
not so ... I'm completely confused ... I'll tell everyone
which at least I did, so WAITING
Quote: Foreigner

Sharksea, thank you for your advice! This is me going
done before putting the dough. Indeed, in
Monasti1rskikh it is written that it is necessary to feed dry
in the afternoon before it is used. Maybe
not so ... I'm completely confused ... I'll tell everyone
which at least I did, so WAITING
I don’t know if it will help you or not. I did the leaven like this. I bought hops from herbalists in the market with dry whole cones, I heard that the pharmacy is not suitable. poured a glass of hops with two glasses of water (room temp.), put it on the fire when boiling, boiled it over low heat for 20 minutes. removed from the heat without straining, allowed to cool, squeezed the hops. for the whole broth obtained, I added peeled rye flour to the consistency of a thick pancake dough, then added 1 tbsp. l of honey mixed everything. and put it in a warm place, my closet temperature is somewhere around 28-30 * s. I covered the container with the future sourdough with a waffle towel. In about 2-2.5 days, the leaven will be ready. I checked the readiness very simply, I made a small amount of dough, added the leaven. according to the recipe, the dough should ferment and increase in size after about 4-6 hours. if this has not happened, then the leaven is not yet ripe. for one loaf of bread I put 1-1.5 tbsp. l sourdough. and for a loaf, I mix 500 g of flour and 350 g of water. hop sourdough is very suitable for rye bread. Of course, the whole process of baking sourdough bread takes a lot of time but it's worth it. They say the rise of the dough and dough can be accelerated by putting more sourdough, but I would not recommend it, since the hop sourdough tastes bitter and the bread can be spoiled. Although everyone has their own sourdough. I wish you successful experiments
by the way about storage. I keep it in the refrigerator I bake bread every other day and feed it on the day of baking. a. this is how I take it out of the refrigerator, pour warm water into a saucepan and put a jar of sourdough in it. when the leaven wakes up and starts working, I drill the required amount of leaven. then I add about 2 tbsp of rye flour to the sourdough jar. l gram 50 warm water and a teaspoon of honey. I mix everything and leave at room temperature until it rises and falls, then I mix everything again and put it back in the refrigerator.
*** yana ***
Sharkseayou can not add honey to a mature leaven ... rye flour ferments well by itself ... and honey can spoil the whole process.
Quote: *** yana ***

Sharkseayou can not add honey to a mature leaven ... rye flour ferments well by itself ... and honey can spoil the whole process.
thanks for the advice
Sharksea, thank you for talking about me again
thought. This is how glad I was this morning.
experiment - set 3 s. l. leaven together
from 1 s. l. honey, about one hundred grams of warm water 1 and 100
gram flour, mixed well and left warm
place in a jar, not tightly covered to allow oxygen.
Let's see what happens before the evening. Tomorrow
result or. Until!
*** yana ***
it is better to completely remove the lid. you can cover the jar with gauze
Quote: Foreigner

Sharksea, thank you for talking about me again
thought. This is how glad I was this morning.
experiment - set 3 s. l. leaven together
from 1 s. l. honey, about one hundred grams of warm water 1 and 100
gram flour, mixed well and left warm
place in a jar, not tightly covered to allow oxygen.
Let's see what happens before the evening. Tomorrow
result or. Until!
contact I will be glad to help
Sorry for writing off topic. but it is interesting to know about your experiments with malt sourdough if anyone did of course. Reviews. recipes. m neniya
Sharksea, look in the topic Malt leaven
A long time ago, back in the USSR, it happened, our village friend treated my mother and me to her very tasty bread. She baked it on "hop yeast". We then diligently rewrote the recipe, tried to do it, but to no avail ... And already in the 21st century I decided to "tame" hop bread again ... I read a lot here on the forum about sourdough, but I did not find such a recipe.

a) Pour 2 handfuls of hops into boiling 3 liters of water and cook under a lid over low heat for half an hour.
b) Rub 2-3 raw potatoes on a coarse grater and pour over the hot broth of hops. Close the lid and insist in a warm place
c) Add 1 tbsp to the warm infusion. a spoonful of sugar + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of yeast or old hop yeast. Insist day. Keep refrigerated
For bread (it was indicated that 5 rolls would come out, but what size?) It was necessary to take 1 glass of hop yeast + 1 liter of water, + salt + flour
I began to try ... I fought for a long time, but in the end, something began to work out! I slightly improved the recipe .... I began to mix flour into the jar to the hop yeast, as they write here, until sour cream thickens and a little more sugar. This working leaven is on my table from it and I take it for bread. She fed her to everyone at different times: with rye flour and ordinary (even the highest grade), and threw pieces of bread and raw grated potatoes, and poured kvass malt and ate leaven ... And the strategic stock of hop yeast is kept in the refrigerator in plastic bottle "poltorashke". Here I had a big break in sourdough baking ... So the "intoxicated poltorashka" lay idle for at least six months .... But the process did not stop there! How I opened it is a separate song! The bottle from the gases that inflated it was rock-hard, I blew them out for a very long time, little by little ... But then a little ebb from it, I started fresh sourdough, and now I try to remember everything forgotten (proportions, time), and I bake bread again, by the method of tests and mistakes. And she poured some sugar and rye flour into the "drunken poltorashka", closed it tightly and put it back in the refrigerator ...
Aderkin, Zhenya
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to keep monastry leaven No. 5 on the table if I bake bread every day? Does it make sense to feed her with flour and decoction of hops? Not water. It seems to me that there is not enough hops, I put the barmen on 1.5 liters. And tell me the simplest recipe for rye bread on this leaven that a beginner can master.
Quote: Zhenya Aderkin

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to keep monastry leaven No. 5 on the table if I bake bread every day? Does it make sense to feed her with flour and decoction of hops? Not water.
Aderkin, Zhenya, welcome to the forum!
It is the number 5 that should not be kept on the table, it will simply deteriorate. The fact is that you have chosen not exactly a sourdough, but rather homemade yeast. And they are stored in the refrigerator until full use. Then they make a new portion. And a decoction of hops will give nothing but bitterness. After all, for the bitterness to go away, it takes several days of fermentation.
If you want, try taking a tablespoon of ready-made No. 5 and mix with 100 g of water and 100 g of flour and leave on the table for a day. The next day, feed 100 g each with flour and water. On the third day, discard half (even two-thirds) and feed again. As long as you use your homemade yeast, during this time you will have a full-fledged sourdough that will feed on water and flour and will last long enough.
Aderkin, Zhenya
Thank you! As I understand it, I will get the monastery number 1 according to your recipe?
Aderkin, Zhenya
I put a dough on this sourdough, then kneaded the dough .... And it sticks to my hands! What's wrong?
Quote: Zhenya Aderkin

I put a dough on this sourdough, then kneaded the dough .... And it sticks to my hands! What's wrong?
If it is rye, it sticks correctly. Add flour - get a brick.
Well, tell us in more detail what kind of dough you have.
Hello girls and not only !! I haven't come in for a long time, haven't read or baked bread, alas. There was no time. I missed my delicious bread! But since I work now, there is no way to bake it for a day or two, so I decided to try hop yeast (before that I baked with a sourdough grown on malt - I really liked it and its smell !!!)! (In principle, I have been writing since the summer and asking about yeast, but only a month ago I was going to do it). And there was a snag on this path! I would like to consult. Maybe this topic has been discussed here for a long time, but since I am writing again from work, there is no way to read the entire forum I missed! So I'm sorry if I repeat myself!
I tried make celestine yeast - First try - cooked, but when I put lively yeast overnight - they didn't work just barely started to bubble. Second attempt - maybe everything would be fine, but after the first day I forgot to take the yeast to its place in the warmth, but I forgot about the computer! On the second day I returned home very late and generally forgot about them! As a result, they stood near the monitor (which was actively used) for 2 days - when I found them, they were already covered with mold !!!
In general, I cried, and now to questions:
1) what a hop (I remember exactly that it was discussed somewhere, but now I have not found it) - I had a pharmacy. I remember reading that it doesn't matter, but my question is this - the recipe says to use 1 glass of hops for 2 tbsp. water. One glass of what hops ??? This is a big difference, probably, pharmacy crushed and whole buds.
2) the question is about yeast - I'm confused about the smell, which determines the readiness of the yeast ... That is, they do not rise ?? The first ones bubbled a little and rose, but quite a bit. In the latter, by the way, I forgot to put honey (only now I realized it !!!), maybe that's why they didn't ferment. Maybe I'm making them too thick (how do you understand the phrase "until the bran completely absorbs the water" ?? I made a very thick yeast, not the same as the sourdough)?
3) What is the importance of stirring in the preparation of yeast (and sourdough, by the way, too)? If you do not interfere, will they ferment worse? How often should you stir?
4) Is it possible (necessary ??) to cover the jar with the yeast being prepared - I, as usual, covered the leaven with a rag. Maybe a little air passes through it ??

Who prepared yeast or sourdough according to these recipes, tell me, please.

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