After discussing the topic "Liqueur in the microwave", started by KORAT, I sent an email to the representative offices of microwave oven manufacturers. I asked a question: I want to cook liqueur in the microwave. Is it possible to warm vodka. Out of half a dozen manufacturers have answered so far out of two. The essence of the answers is as follows: "... we do not recommend it. Vodka is an ethanol solution, the vapors of which are flammable. The rules for operating electrical installations allow heating such substances only on professional, non-household equipment that has an appropriate certificate ..."
I do not remember such lines in these "Rules ...", but nevertheless, they are right.
SO: I DO NOT RECOMMEND TO USE A MICROWAVE TO HEAT VODKA or other alcoholic beverages. This is dangerous. But for the preparation of syrups - it will come in handy just right.
One of the manufacturers also sent in a bunch of liqueur recipes. Here they are:
Liqueur is, as a rule, a medium-strength sweet alcoholic beverage with a special delicate aroma. Liqueurs are prepared by fortification of fruit and berry infusions using traditional spices in the form of essences and essential oils. For alcoholizing, purified alcohol is used, possibly a high concentration of 75–96. The technology for the preparation of liqueurs includes the infusion of alcohol with vegetable raw materials and spices, straining and filtration of infusions, preparation of sugar syrup, sweetening, settling and removal of sediment. The preparation of liqueurs at home can take place in two ways: extraction of juice from berries and fruits, followed by the addition of vodka and sugar; by infusing vodka on fruits and berries. The essences included in the liqueur can be made independently using fruits, berries, herbs. Plants (cultivated and wild) are dried in the shade and crushed into the so-called vegetable flour - muras. Muras is poured with alcohol and infused for 2-3 weeks, for 1 part of muras 5-10 parts of alcohol. For some plants, aroma extraction using infusions and decoctions is used. Anise, caraway seeds, mint, wormwood, hawthorn, chamomile, yarrow, rose hips, pine, linden, fir, marjoram, juniper, St. John's wort, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and black pepper, vanilla, star anise, lemon and orange zest, etc.
Raspberry liqueur
1 kg of raspberries, 1 kg of sugar, 1 l of alcohol, 1 l of water.
Raspberries are kneaded, poured with alcohol and insisted for 15 days, shaking occasionally. Syrup is boiled from sugar and water, descaled, cooled to 30-40C and poured into the infusion, mixed and insisted for another 2 weeks. Filtered, bottled and sealed.
Strawberry liqueur (old recipe)
Sort out fresh strawberries, pour into a bottle, pour with alcohol so as to cover it, put in a warm place in the shade for two days, then drain.Pour strawberries with three glasses of water, let them stand for 2-3 days and boil 2-3 times in 2.4 kg of sugar. Dilute a quarter of a bucket of strawberry alcohol with this syrup.
Punch liquor
Take 800 g of sugar, cut the zest from 5 lemons and one orange into small pieces, squeeze the juice out of them, pour sugar over with 1 glass of boiling water, boil twice, cool, pour squeezed juice from lemons and oranges into this syrup, put sugar there, let it melt completely. Then pour in 1 bottle of rum, 2 glasses of sherry and 2 glasses of quality vodka. When it is well mixed together, strain through a four-fold napkin so that the liquor is completely clean. Pour into bottles, cork, grind when a punch is needed, pour this liquor into glasses, adding boiling water or tea to taste.
Czech walnut liqueur
30-40 young green nuts, 1 liter of alcohol, a piece of cinnamon and 3-4 cloves, 0.5-0.6 liters of 20-30% sugar syrup.
Cut the nuts of milky-wax ripeness into 4 parts, transfer to a bottle, add alcohol, add cloves and cinnamon, cork and leave for a month. After that, drain the alcohol, filter, dilute to taste with sugar syrup.
Orange liqueur
Zest from 5 oranges, 2 bottles of vodka, 400 g of sugar.
Finely chop the orange zest, pour into a bottle, pour vodka and put in a warm place (near the radiator) or, if the liqueur is prepared in the summer, on the window. The bottle should stand here for three weeks. After that, the infused vodka is filtered. Syrup is prepared in bowls from sugar and glasses of tincture. When it boils, it is cooled a little and the rest of the infused vodka is poured in. Then the liquor in the bottle is set to brew for 2 weeks. The finished liqueur is bottled and, well corked, stored in a cool place.
Coffee liqueur
2 bottles of vodka, 50 g of natural coffee, 250 g of sugar.
Ground coffee is poured into a glass of water and brought to a boil. The broth is kept for a day in a tightly sealed container. Strain into a large container, add vodka, add sugar, heat until the sugar dissolves. Then the liquor is filtered through cheesecloth until completely transparent. The liquor is kept in bottles for several days, then it gains a greater aroma, but you can serve it to the table and immediately upon preparation.
Cherry liqueur
3 kg of cherries, 2 kg of sugar, 2 bottles of vodka.
Pour ripe pitted cherries into a bottle. Add a handful of broken cherry pits for better flavor. A spice lover can crush cinnamon and orange peel. 1 kg of sugar is poured on top and 1 bottle of vodka is poured into a bottle. The mixture is kept for 6 weeks. Then the cherry liqueur is filtered and another 1 kg of sugar and 1 bottle of vodka are added to it. Heat slightly to dissolve the sugar. The cherry is then filtered through gauze or woolen cloth until completely transparent and poured into bottles, which must be tightly corked.
Cranberry liqueur
4 glasses of cranberries, 500 g of sugar, 0.75 liters of water.
Mash the cranberries thoroughly, you can skip through a meat grinder, pour vodka in a saucepan, leave for 3-4 days, tightly closing the dish with a lid. Then strain into another saucepan through cheesecloth folded through several layers, add sugar and put on fire, but do not bring to a boil. Remove from heat, dip cloves and cardamom wrapped in gauze for five minutes in liqueur. Then pour into bottles through a funnel covered with gauze. Each straining increases the clarity of the liquor. Store in a cool place.
Beer liqueur
1 bottle of beer, 500 g of sugar, 4 teaspoons of instant coffee (you can take ground coffee), 1 bottle of vodka, a pinch of vanillin.
Pour beer into a saucepan, add sugar, coffee, spices, heat until sugar is completely dissolved, pour in vodka, stir and remove from heat. Strain through cheesecloth, if the coffee was natural, and bottle. It can be served immediately, but it is better to let it brew for a day.
Strawberry liqueur
3 kg of strawberries, 2 kg of sugar, 2 bottles of vodka, 2 glasses of water.
Pour strawberries to a bottle with a wide neck, pour vodka in a warm place for 4 days, or on a sunny windowsill.Then pour the infused vodka through a funnel with a gauze filter into another bottle, and pour 2 glasses of water into strawberries, let it brew for 3 days, then pour the mixture into a bowl, add sugar and boil the syrup, be sure to remove the foam. After that, pour the infused vodka into a bowl of syrup, cool, pour into a large bottle, let it settle for several days and bottle it through cheesecloth. Cap the bottles well. It should be remembered that at home, the most reliable way to seal tightly is to coat the cork and head with wax.
Milk liqueur
1 bottle of vodka, 170 ml of cream, 2 yolks, 10 teaspoons of sugar.
Mix vodka with cream, add yolks, sugar, a pinch of vanilla sugar, stir well, pour into a bottle and let stand for at least a week.
Mint liqueur
4 sprigs of mint are poured into a bottle with a wide mouth with 2 bottles of vodka, tightly corked and allowed to brew for 2 weeks. After that, the vodka is filtered, 200 g of sugar is added, heated over a fire to dissolve the sugar, cooled and bottled.
Raspberry liqueur (early maturing)
3 kg of raspberries, 500 sugar, 2 bottles of vodka.
Pour juicy raspberries into a bottle, pour vodka and put for 4 days on a sunny window or near the stove, if the liqueur is prepared in your own or country house. After that, drain the vodka, strain the berries through several layers of gauze or canvas. Pour sugar into a bowl, pour it with a glass of infused vodka and boil the syrup, bringing the mixture to a boil. Then turn off the fire and gradually pour the rest of the infused vodka into the syrup. Strain again and pour into a large bottle. It should be sealed tightly and placed in a warm place for 2 weeks. After that, the liquor can be poured into bottles for long-term storage. It is advisable to cover the bottle cork with wax.
Pink liquor
For 1 kg of rose petals - 1 liter of vodka, 2 kg of sugar and 800 ml of water, food coloring.
Collect the freshly blossomed rosebuds, cut off the white tips and put them in a bottle, pour vodka so that it barely covers the petals. Put in the sun for three days, then drain. repeat this procedure three times. Strain. For color, add food coloring. Dilute the infusion with a syrup made from water and sugar, in a 1: 1 ratio, pour into bottles and cork.
Liqueur "Aroma"
Granulated sugar - to taste, sugar syrup - 1 l, rose jam - 1 kg, juice from 1 lemon, vodka 0.5 l, white wine - 750 ml.
Prepare sugar syrup, which should not be very thick and not very thin, add rose jam and put on fire. Cook until the syrup thickens completely. Squeeze lemon juice into shiro and boil twice. After cooling, pour the syrup with vodka and one bottle of white wine. Leave on for a long time. Add sugar to taste. Pour into bottles, cork and store in sand.
Rowan liqueur
Sugar syrup - 1 liter, mountain ash - 1 kg, vodka - 2 liters, spices (cloves, cinnamon and lemon peel) - optional.
Fill the bottle with mountain ash, pour cold sugar syrup, vodka and close with a cork. Put the bottle in a warm place and leave for three weeks. Filter the prepared liqueur and bottle.
Sugar liqueur
Granulated sugar - 2.5 kg, spices or berry and fruit essences - to taste, vodka - 2.5 liters, water - 1.25.
Prepare a syrup from water and sugar, descaling. When the syrup cools down, pour in a little, stirring vodka, seasoned with some spices or berry, fruit essences, then strain, put in a warm place for several weeks so that the liquor is infused. Drain carefully into bottles. The prepared liquor can be consumed immediately.
Blackberry liqueur
2 kg of blackberries, 1 l of vodka, 1 kg of sugar, 0.7 l of water.
Pour ripe, washed and dried blackberries into a bottle, pour vodka, keep in a warm place or in the sun for 1, 5 months, strain and mix with sugar syrup made from water and sugar. Defend, filter, bottle, cork.
Apple liqueur (pear)
1.5 kg of apples (pears), 1.5 liters of alcohol, 2-3 pcs. almonds (1 bitter) ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, 5-6 cloves, 1 kg of sugar, 1.5 liters of water.
Peeled and finely chopped apples (pears) are poured into a bottle, poured with alcohol, crushed almonds, cinnamon, cloves are added, insisted for 10 days, shaking daily. The liquor is filtered, bottled and sealed. The liqueur matures within 4–6 months.
Quince liqueur
Granulated sugar - 2 kg, quince - 1.5 kg, cloves - 10 pcs., Cinnamon - 2 pieces, vodka - 2 liters, water - 0.5 liters.
Wash the quince and grate on a coarse grater. Pour in a little water and cook until soft. Strain the juice through double folded cheesecloth and add vodka, sugar, cloves and cinnamon. Pour liquor into bottles and let stand in the sun for 6-7 weeks, then strain.
Vanilla liqueur
Sugar syrup - 2.5 kg, vanilla - 45 g, cinnamon - 45 g, cloves - 3 pcs., Vodka - 2.5 l, water 1, 2 l.
Pour vanilla, washed but not crushed cinnamon and cloves with vodka and water, put in the sun for 2 weeks, then strain, mix with sugar syrup made from 600 ml of water and 2.5 kg of sugar.
Liqueur "Pineapple"
Granulated sugar - 75 g, orange or lemon peel - 60 g, vodka - 1 liter, milk - 1 liter.
Boil a mixture of vodka, milk, finely chopped orange peel and water. Boil a syrup of 750 g sugar and 400 mo of water and pour both masses into a 5 liter jar, tie tightly with paper, put in a warm place for 8 days and shake daily. Then put the liqueur in a dark place for 6-8 weeks. After this time, it will completely cleanse and become usable. Filter the liqueur and bottle it.
Viburnum liqueur
Viburnum berries without twigs - 1.5 kg, sugar - 1.2 kg, vodka - 1 l, water 400 ml.
Viburnum berries are poured over with boiling water, allowed to drain, poured into a bottle, add 2 cups of sugar, kept in the sun (or in a warm place) for 1–2 days, add vodka and insist for 7–10 days. Syrup is prepared from the remaining sugar and water, cooled to 30–40 C, poured into a bottle and infused for another month. Then filtered, poured into bottles, corked.
Emerald liqueur
2 kg of green varieties of gooseberry peeled from the stalks, 1 liter of alcohol, 30 young cherry leaves, 1 kg of sugar, 0.5 liters of water.
Pour gooseberries and cherry leaves into a bottle, add alcohol, leave for a week. Prepare the sugar syrup and pour it into the bottle. Insist for another week, drain, bottle, cork.
Cranberry Flavored Liqueur
1 liter jar of cranberries, 2 glasses of raspberries, 2 glasses of strawberries, 2 glasses of sugar, 1 liter of vodka.
Mash cranberries, add vodka, leave for 2-3 days. Cover the strawberries and raspberries with sugar and separate the syrup a day later. Mix vodka with cranberries with syrup, leave for a day, drain, pour into bottles. To make the liqueur thicker, berries with sugar can be brought to a boil and kept for 5-10 minutes, but not boiled. This liqueur can be prepared not previously harvested berries in their own juice.
Coffee liqueur (Polish cuisine)
200 g of coffee beans, 2 g of vanilla, 1 l of alcohol, 0.5 l of milk, 0.25 l of water, 2 kg of sugar.
Grind freshly roasted grains as small as possible, add vanilla, add alcohol and leave for 10 days, shaking daily, drain the mixture, add a little water, shake, let stand, drain, repeat 2-3 times. Prepare a solution from water, sugar and milk, you can heat it up, but not boil it, pour in the coffee infusion, stir it, leave it for 4–5 days, filter it, bottle it, seal it.
Chocolate liquor
300 g of dark chocolate, 1 liter of vodka, 0.5 kg of sugar, 1 glass of water.
Chop the chocolate, add vodka, leave for a week, shaking daily. Prepare a syrup from sugar and water, add to the chocolate liqueur, filter, bottle, cork.