Let's compare two pictures that I rioted for Anya's kitchen.
This one without a column is 305 long, but maybe 300 if the corner sink is cut off by another 5 cm, and maybe the modules, if it takes more than 5 cm to finish.
the inscription "somewhere here microwave" just hints that the location of the microwave is not necessary on the table.
Somewhere in the corner. And where - on a table, in a shelf, under a shelf on crumbs - it's more convenient for users.
For myself, I probably would have slapped a small microwave in the corner under the shelves, but not on the table. it turns out not high, not low and space on the tabletop and in the shelves is not occupied.

Work surfaces 80 cm wide - 1.6 meters. There are still small ones, but they can be disregarded, because the kitchen is not a standard corner kitchen, the modules are shallow along the short wall, the surface on the side of the sink bowl will most likely be made with some items for washing dishes. The surface on the side of the sink is 40-50 centimeters in general dead, you can't put anything there, because if you put it, objects put on the counter will be touched during operation at the sink. The surface from the very edge is also not working; most likely, they will put some kind of small equipment on it.
This one with a column, 300 in length and a corner sink, shredded to 80 cm.

There is a minimum of working surfaces 60 cm deep, and it may also be necessary to reduce the modules even further, since 5 cm for finishing is a very small margin.
One 60x40, one 60x60. Passable, but not really going to get loose.
And if you calculate the footage correctly?
What is the right way then? Work table 60 cm plus a corner table with a surface of 90. Only 1.5 meters.
That's what I'm writing about, that the options for placing furniture and utensils on it, you need to look "before"
And what, someone here tried to do it differently?
And with reference specifically to Anya's kitchen. Now their line-up is about the same as in the first picture. There was a set in a line, but a shallow module was attached to it and actually made a corner kitchen with modules of different depths. There are deep modules along the long wall, and shallow ones along the short one. That is, they had about 1.6-1.4 meters of working surfaces, but ... For some reason, they lacked this length so much that they had to use an extension for the equipment ..
So the taste and color of the markers are different. Someone even one surface 60 cm wide is enough, but someone may need more and fatter.
View from above:
The gas riser is as inconveniently located ...
It turns out that if you do not do anything with the riser, then between the stove and the window you need to plan some kind of furniture with a total width of about 1 meter.
In the variant where there are tables between the stove and the window, in this case it will be necessary to reduce the distance between the sink and the stove and increase the distance between the window and the stove. So that the gas riser is behind the furniture, and not behind the oven and cooking.
The column option may work. There is just a table 40 + a column of 60, the riser falls for a small table.
But in both versions, you will have to do something with the battery, because it can interfere with opening the oven door, pulling out the drawers completely, etc.
Or take the general principle as a basis, but change the modules. For example, make a column with an oven not so low, but high, with the oven at the countertop level. And below, under the oven, there are 2 hinged facades of 30 cm each. Then neither the battery nor the gas riser will need to be altered.
I understand that there needs to be at least 15 cm to ensure that the frying pan with a handle fits.
More is better. From 30 cm, so that the furniture does not heat up and does not stagnate, so that any dishes can be freely placed during cooking, so that it is convenient to stand at the stove. You can find this figure in the recommendations of furniture makers and kitchen designers. You can deduce the same figure from your own experience of using the kitchen. Consider how far spatter and fumes from the stove usually travel from your cooking style or the way your family members cook. For example, if you have ever had small household appliances next to the stove, remember how far away from the stove were the appliances, the body of which you had to wash from splashes from the stove.
The kitchen I use has small work surfaces. 40, 55 and 30 cm ..
55 - between the sink and the stove, the most popular. It's not enough for me. At one time, an electric geyser coffee maker and an electric kettle stood on this surface. The distance turned out to be about 15-20 cm from these devices to cooking, cooking does not smoke, electric. But ... Since my husband really loves to fry something without a lid, and I, too, sometimes cook without a lid, the kettle and coffee pot were regularly contaminated with splashes from the stove. Over time, I hesitated, I got tired of washing their hulls. I removed the coffee pot to another place, on the windowsill. I moved the kettle as far away from the stove as possible. Now he stands at a distance of about 30 cm from the stove and the spray from the stove does not reach him.
When there is no place to make the distance between the cooking and the nearest vertical surface, some make cooking close to refrigerators, walls, columns with appliances.
Courageous people without complexes, capable of recognizing their skin and talking about them, then shoot videos for YouTube from a series of "what mistakes did I make in my kitchen."
Vidos. again the aunts from Khrushchev. We made repairs, first they shot the video "What a cool new kitchen we have", after a while the video "Oh, we realized that we screwed up." Among other things, they tell what troubles they had because of the cooking, which is located close to the refrigerator.
From 8-44, a story about these troubles:
Anchic, catch while the corrected version without the column, taking into account the dimensions that you posted today.

The gas riser is just a pain ...
There, you may have to order a table with a non-standard depth. Depends on the manufacturer, some manufacturers have shallow-depth housings, specifically to fit different pipes behind them. For example, at the factory, the link to the drawing of which I dwelled, the depth of the tables along the body is 510 mm, at the request of the customer, they promise to make cases with a depth of 560, which they consider non-standard. With a facade, respectively, a 510 case is approximately 530 mm. The removal of the table top is still approximately 20 mm. Total, 550. And the countertop is 600.5 cm deep, there is a gap between the furniture and the wall, closed by the countertop.
This is not a recommendation from the factory, I cannot recommend them because I have never ordered anything from them. It's just infa that some manufacturers may have a shallow case.
According to your dimensions, the rm of the corner where the sink is, about 210 cm is obtained to the gas riser.
In the picture sink 800 + table 600 + "plate" 600 = 2000 mm.
Well, that is, in theory, even with a thick layer of plaster on the wall of the closet, such modules will fit between the wall of the closet and the gas riser.
If, after the plaster, something will not fit, or, on the contrary, there will be a lot of space, then you can try to stick in a sink with a 45th facade and / or a table with narrower drawers, not 60, but 50.
In general, sink + table + cooking are plus or minus 195 - 205 cm.
The window shows a module with a facade of 40. You can play with it in different ways. For example, bevelling, if after a draft it will not fit or the facade will touch the battery (however, not all furniture makers will undertake to make a beveled case).
You can saw down the body in width, instead of 40 facade, put a facade 30 and a false panel, which will fit. Attach the cabinet door to the bezel with 175-degree hinges.
This is if without alterations to the gas riser and the battery.
Perhaps the option with a column in the corner by the window will turn out better in terms of connecting the stove to gas. Well, that is, we swap table 40 and table 50 by the window, the gas riser is then obtained not in a table with drawers, which is more expensive in non-standard, but in a table with a door and shelves, which is cheaper, and which you and your husband can cut down. If 40 does not fit, then you will have to replace this table with 30.
But in these options, you may have to deal with the issue with the battery.
A couple of options in which, perhaps, no alterations are required at all.
Neither the battery, nor the gas riser, and even the window sill, may need to be touched.
Option A
The kitchen is not up to the end of the wall with an oven under cooking Along the long wall, modules with a total length of 280 cm.25 cm - stock for decoration and curtains. If 25 cm seems a lot, then you can try to increase the length of the kitchen by 5 cm by washing, or by replacing the bottle holder with a table 30 cm wide, which, in fact, can also be with pull-out baskets.

Option B
The kitchen is not up to the end of the wall with a column for the oven and microwave in the corner by the window. On the long side, modules with a total length of 290.15 cm is a margin for finishing and a gap for opening the drawer for the oven and ovens, so that they do not crash into the battery.
Unfortunately, the thickness of the battery is not in these dimensions. So this variation is drawn at random.

It is also possible that in this version it will be possible to swap the refrigerator and the column with the appliances.

It will be necessary to aim at the place, whether the refrigerator will open normally if it stands at a distance of 15 cm from the wall with a window. Or the battery will get in the way and you will need to carry the battery to install the refrigerator in that corner.
Option B.
"All eggs in one basket." Probably, in addition to the microwave, it was placed on the brackets in place of the refrigerator, next to the dining table. And with a table in reserve under the PMM 45 cm.

Along the long wall about 291 cm, 14 reserves for finishing and opening the refrigerator. It is necessary to look at the place, whether the refrigerator will open with such a gap. If not, then cut the module between the refrigerator and the stove by 5 cm. Do not 50, but 45.
Along a short wall, about 147-149 cm (an additional sidewall is needed for the table, it will be needed when the table changes to PMM).
Anchic, now I will ask you a "seditious" question.
But if the kitchen is from wall to wall, that is, like this:
https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/ga...pics/88394/vagonchik8.jpg , at the end without a column and without a refrigerator, with two quite decent work surfaces, do you definitely need a shallow extension to the sink?
Maybe go back to your parent's in-line kitchen option?
It's just that with the annex with takeoff and landing places at the table, everything is pretty sad. Three sat down - no one else can enter or exit without disturbing the one who sits at the door. If I understood everything correctly, now the layout of the kitchen and the situation with the seats you have is as follows:

If the extension is removed and the kitchen is made simply in line, with the crockery in the same place where you have it, then you can either put the table wider, or leave the same one, three people can sit quietly behind it, and at the same time the entrance and exit will be free ...
The extension, of course, turns out to be roomy if you do not mow it too much. But the working surface, on which you can "forever" put some kind of equipment, doesn’t come out too much. After all, only something very small can be put on the side of the sink. Elbows will touch a large one. There is only the edge of the annex at the entrance.
And in the variant "all eggs in one basket", too, with take-off and landing places it turns out better than now, because the space under the table and the seats around it increases by no less than 40 cm. Mom is not a pathetic stool on which she is forced to lean on the refrigerator, and a whole "throne" with a back can be placed.