Natasha, what is the production time if you bought it?
Well, it's been a week since Panasonic 2502 arrived, I can share my impressions.

The device was bought to replace the old HP SD-207, which is already 5 and a half years old. No, no, the 207 still works quite well for itself, although it requires replacing the bucket. I wanted something modern, with a dispenser and other joys of life. In short, to replace the already worked hard 207 model.

At first, the search was simple, "to find something like this, so that it is no worse than Panasonic, but much cheaper ..." began to study modern models of Panas. In the nearest electronics stores there was only the 256th model, with such a very good wrap ... we look on the Internet. And as luck would have it, in the Panasovsky Internet store, there are fresh models at the price of the above-mentioned 256th in local stores.

Nuivot (s), could not resist. I had to take a top model. Let's leave behind the scenes the epic with payment for the device with a receipt through Sberbank, this is a separate gloomy song. Still, after 12 days of waiting, the 2502nd HP was finally delivered and put into operation. Below are the first impressions, especially in comparison with the veteran SD-207.

They took out, unpacked. The new (for old baker's) layout, the 207th was "longitudinal", like "along the wall". Hmm, let's try to get used to it. So far, somehow wildly.
A chic large display is good. Oh, it indicates the stages of the process, that's even better.
We look further. And where is the description of the programs on the display? no. Only numbers. Ah, on the intermediate cover all the numbers were painted according to the programs. Well, it's easier, I'm almost used to it.

The raisin dispenser is removable, it is buzzing.
Above the yeast dispenser, a cup-lid, cleverly thought up. You can open the lid of the stove, and this glass will keep the yeast from spilling out of the dispenser.

The bucket is black, this is already familiar from the coating of the multicooker bowl TMH-18, let's see how long this "diamond-fluoride" coating will last.
I put two buckets side by side, from 2502 and from 207. Well, almost the same, bucket 2502 is a little more than 207, just a little.
The base (glass) of bucket 2502 is different from that of the 207th, that is, you cannot put an old bucket in a new stove.
But the mixer is similar. One-to-one with 207th, can be swapped.
And there is still the same ingenious backlash (swinging) of the agitator on the drive axis.
That is, do not pull the mixer in the extreme positions, in which it rises immediately after the start of the kneading.
And then there is also a little dough baked, generally tightly wedges.
And the stirrer always stays on the shaft, never falling off when shaking out the roll.

For 5.5 years of operation of the 207th, I have never left the mixer in the bun. There seemed to be a hook included, for such cases. But it never came in handy, and disappeared at home somewhere, in the kitchen cabinets.

The first bread in the new oven is basic. So why start experimenting?
And on the timer, because on the timer we bake all the time.
Loaded, went to bed. I had to jump out of bed at night, with a real sense of terror
The yeast dispenser has worked. And so it worked that he lifted him out of bed.
Fresh impressions, I will remember for a long time ...
Very loud, harsh, and frightening. You have to get used to it.

A few words (IMHO) about the need for a yeast dispenser.
I think this is a very important and necessary thing.
Why? I'll try to explain.

As you know, in Panasonic since ancient times the principle of loading "water from above" has been used. Yeast at the bottom.
And personally, I was quite stressed by the need to pour liquid onto the flour very carefully, "along the wall".
This is especially critical in cases where the load is small. Or loose flour (like mine now).
And as a hunt, just pour liquid into the bucket without looking, but you can't.
Because there is a great chance that a jet of flour will pierce the layer of flour, and the yeast will freeze. And they cannot be locked before mixing, otherwise they will work earlier.
Itself at first (from the 207th), I was pricked into this many times. Then I realized what the problem was, started pouring along the wall, carefully.

Now, with the yeast dispenser, Lafa is easy.
The device itself knows when to add them. And not the fact that it will be with the start of the batch.
IMHO, yeast dispenser is extremely useful thing.

Uff, sorry for some verbosity.
If it's interesting to whom, it will be possible to continue, paint what did not like in 2502.

Quote: Nikolai Alexandrovich

If it's interesting to whom, it will be possible to continue, paint what did not like in 2502.

Even more interesting!
Quote: Alxndr

Even more interesting!

Well, there isn't much negative (thankfully). However, there is.

1. Really harsh and unpleasant sound of solenoids opening dispensers.

2. On the contrary, the sound of the end of the process is too weak. Repeat after a minute (or 30 seconds?) This is very correct, but the signals themselves are heard only if you are near the stove.

3. Flimsy construction of the topmost lid that covers the dispensers. I would prefer to see this cover made of the same plastic that the middle cover is made of.

4. Flimsy lid hinge assembly. Like, already mentioned, no? Somehow it wobbles a little. Perhaps for my taste only.

5. The raisin dispenser is somehow very flimsy. Close it gently. And the lid, with the dispenser installed, will in no case be lowered abruptly, will open. Is this the way it should be? Sorry, I had an old model in use before, I ran into dispensers for the first time.

6. Today I put raisin, in the afternoon. After the yeast dispenser was triggered, I opened the lid a little to see how the yeast poured in there. But it turned out that at that moment, and the raisin dispenser opened, raisins poured into the bucket ... Disorder, IMHO.

I covered it with my finger, snapped it. Ten minutes later, a double click of the solenoid, like pouring raisins, the process time is very similar. He opened the lid again and looked. The dispenser is closed.

A challenge, however. We will continue to observe ...
AAAAAA poor oven of mine .... 2502 ..... Cares la try rye bread according to the recipe from the instructions in German !!!! Here it is:
rye flour - 400g
whole grain rye - 100g
rye bran - 100g
-1.5 teaspoon salt
sugar -1 table
oil - 20g
liquid sourdough - 75g
water - 300ml
dry yeast - 1 teaspoon

I just put in the compressed yeast.
My stove was kneading like crazy .... the table was already moving ... helped her as best she could .... and little by little added some water. The dough was spinning with the spatula ... it was hard for her ... in consistency, it was so viscous-sticky that horror. In general, I helped her whenever possible ... here I am waiting for the result in 2.5 hours the bread will be ready ... I don't know what will come of it
Nikolay Alexandrovich Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy it here!
This forum is a little more extensive than ixbt, albeit younger
I am very glad that such an experienced baker has joined the forum
Thank you for a detailed report on HP Panasonic 2502!
The second time I got some bread)) Although I didn’t hope and in general, in my opinion, I broke all the rules.
Quote: alison

The second time I got some bread)) Although I didn’t hope and in general, in my opinion, I broke all the rules.
in fact, bread yeast dough is forgiving a lot, but within the rules for dough. I never tire of repeating: our mothers-grandmothers-great-grandmothers baked beautifully, while the conditions for observing the temperature regime with an accuracy of a degree, proportions to a gram, they did not have time up to a minute. It was just knowing the basic rules and following them.
Master simple bread, feel the dough, and make pretzel buns
Quote: Rina

Master simple bread, feel the dough, and make pretzel buns
I've already tried milk. It turned out even tastier))) Soon I will try rye - in general, we will forget about the store))
tell me, please, the model in the SD-2500 model can be baked (or rather, there are modes)whole grain bread and rye (or Borodinsky, I don’t know what is the difference ..) was going to buy (after reading the description on the internet), and the seller in the store said that he doesn’t bake rye. came home again opened the description on different sites and the information is different:
somewhere it is written that RYE BREAD, no, somewhere there is
elsewhere it says: borodinsky-YES, rye-NO
Well, the flour of choosing a stove is already behind, after Skiing with 8 years of mileage I bought a Panasonic 2500. I baked bread according to the LV "Basic" recipe, since I have not yet acquired the scales, but there is already a proven recipe .. The bread was a success, I liked everything .. But I didn’t I realized when I read the forums, all the owners of Panasonic complained so much that in the LV the norms of sugar and yeast are overestimated, and when I looked at the recipe from Panasonic I saw the same amount of sugar and yeast. I liked the fact that Mesit is significantly noiseless compared to LV, but the signal of the end of the program is very weak, I was sitting near the stove and barely heard it ..
Quote: KonFeTTi

tell me, please, the model in the SD-2500 model can be baked (or rather, there are modes)whole grain bread and rye (or Borodinsky, I don’t know what is the difference ..) was going to buy (after reading the description on the internet), and the seller in the store said that he doesn’t bake rye. came home again opened the description on different sites and the information is different:
somewhere it is written that RYE BREAD, no, somewhere there is
elsewhere it says: borodinsky-YES, rye-NO
Yes, there is no Rye program in the 2500 model, but as far as I understand, it will be possible to do it on the Basic program, I think that avid Panasonic will correct it, if that .. I liked the model in one word .. And I put the crust on the Medium position, and it turned out such as in the LV dark. We will master it further.
Quote: mowgli

... there is no program in the 2500 Rye,....

Quote: KonFeTTi

tell me, please, the model in the SD-2500 model can be baked (or rather, there are modes)whole grain bread and rye (or Borodinsky, I don’t know what is the difference ..) was going to buy (after reading the description on the internet), and the seller in the store said that he doesn’t bake rye. came home again opened the description on different sites and the information is different:
somewhere it is written that RYE BREAD, no, somewhere there is
elsewhere it says: borodinsky-YES, rye-NO
Everything is baked, we read here: Rye custard bread is real (almost forgotten taste). Baking methods and additives.

Quote: mowgli

but the signal at the end of the program was very weak, I was sitting near the stove and barely heard it ..
This is not a bug, but a feature of all Panasonic products, both in kitchen appliances and in household
Another question: are the recipes for the bread machine valid or not? that is, you can bake on them?
mowgli The recipes are valid, but there are (was) with errors, it seems with bran.
Better take recipes from the forum
Thank you very much for your answers !!! I ran to buy while I like the price ...

another question: I have ready-made mixtures of PUDOs waiting in the wings ... today I want to start with them, because there is still nothing available for bread. Are there any peculiarities of preparation with mixtures? and is there such a temka? until my head is dizzy from the abundance of topics, I seem to have found it ...
Don't go to the branded pudoff theme.
With mixtures, you need all the same knowledge as when working with individual products. Here's what you need:

read the section
Helpful hints and help in baking bread.
Please study
paying particular attention
The rule of the kolobok

There is a section for beginners "The simplest white bread"


Pudoff misses the flour / water ratio. Therefore, the program is at least - MANUAL and RULE BOX - It will help you out.
some kind of Temka with mixtures: rose: found ... but she's dead ... intuitively understood that I need to read about the bun ... Thanks for the links, it's easier to find it until I get used to it ...
The topic is not so dead. Simply, almost ALL bakers are switching to their own compositions.
1. You will be more confident in quality (for example, solid vegetable fats are added to the mixture, i.e.palm oil, which is simply not healthy).
2. It's cheaper.
3. (and maybe most important) This is more interesting.
Yes, I'm not going to stop at ready-made mixtures just today after work at 22-00 it is a bit too early, and my hands are itching, but there is only a ready-made mixture ...
most mixtures can be baked in the main program. You fall asleep according to the instructions, watch the kneading (note, the kneading will start in 20-60 minutes from the start), 5 minutes after the start of the kneading, you can already look at the bun, if necessary, adjust - either adding water quite a bit (if you blur even a tablespoon, then will splash), or adding flour (if you pour a lot at once, then dust the inside of the stove).

I don’t know how much the new stove controls have changed compared to the 254-257 models, but read Features of work of Panasonic bread makersso that there are no misunderstandings right here and right away.
thank you so much! short and clear! a little bit of what is clearing up in my head ..
kolobok rule !!! read it!
Confetti Take the recipe from here for a start. https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/index.php@option=com_smf&topic=3328.0
specifically here
Darnitsky bread by fugaska Size XL
Or plain white bread according to the main program
Quote: mowgli

Another question: are the recipes for the bread machine valid or not? that is, you can bake on them?
in the recipe Multi-flour bread error, wheat flour should be taken 280 g instead of 225 g

oh, I got into the wrong topic with my 255
Quote: sazalexter

Confetti Take the recipe from here for a start. https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/index.php@option=com_smf&topic=3328.0
specifically here
Darnitsky bread by fugaska Size XL
Or plain white bread according to the main program
Thanks for the tip!
good day!
bought today a Panasonic SD-2500 bread machine as a gift to my mother, I was upset at first that rye was not allowed, after reading the forum I stopped getting upset

but this is a digression, and the essence of this topic is that I need your help in decoding the recipe, or rather the ingredient in it:

Let's say the recipe Ordinary white bread - it says Yeast-B, Yeast-R - I don't understand what is meant? what kind of yeast is this? ordinary dry can not be?
eka911 ,
don't worry, I, too, when I bought my HP, was confused by this puzzle.
This is a common dry instant yeast; in your instructions there should be a link somewhere in the very corner of the page - if I'm not mistaken (I haven't baked according to the instructions for a long time!) - this is for normal mode or for fast. The only difference is in quantity. Pay less attention to it. Find the appropriate recipe on the forum and bake in peace!
Everything will work out!
Quote: eka911

Let's say the recipe Ordinary white bread - it says Yeast-B, Yeast-R - I don't understand what is meant? what kind of yeast is this? ordinary dry can not be?

eka911, welcome to the forum!

B and R are the amount of dry yeast

B - for regular baking, in "Basic" mode 4 hours
R - for quick baking, bread will be ready in 2 hours

oh, thank you very much for your prompt answers!
I looked more closely at the instructions and really found the information I needed at the bottom of the page.
Quote: Sonadora

eka911, welcome to the forum!

B and R are the amount of dry yeast

B - for regular baking, in "Basic" mode 4 hours
R - for quick baking, bread will be ready in 2 hours

and how is cooked on the main mode different from cooked on the fast one? maybe with a fast one you need to specify the size of the loaf or something else?

And by the way, if you specify a small size, then you need to put everything in 3 times less?
Well, with many flaws in the instructions for Panasonic, the recipe for the main white bread is still very good. Follow it.
Bread on fast mode - it's as you like. I personally do not like it - neither with semolina, nor without semolina - I do not like it! I don't use it now. But this is a matter of taste ...
Quote: MariV

Bread on fast mode - it's as you like. I personally do not like it - neither with semolina, nor without semolina - I do not like it! I don't use it now. But this is a matter of taste ...

As recently as yesterday, when I came running from work in the evening, I baked bread in fast mode, because I couldn’t have time in the usual mode, and they didn’t want to eat at the purchased house. I don't really like it either, its crumb turns out to be more "klyalky", not to be confused with raw. But my husband likes it.

Quote: eka911

maybe with a fast one you need to specify the size of the loaf or something else?

And by the way, if you specify a small size, then you need to put everything in 3 times less?

The "size" of the loaf is selected from the amount of ingredients, does not depend on the baking mode.
The minimum size of bread for Panasonic is based on 400 g of flour. Less, they do not recommend baking bread (in a bread machine).
Quote: Sonadora

The "size" of the loaf is selected from the amount of ingredients, does not depend on the baking mode.
The minimum size of bread for Panasonic is based on 400 g of flour. Less, they do not recommend baking bread (in a bread machine).
and, that is, 400 g is indicated in the instructions for the smallest loaf? thanks for the hint, I thought the other way around
Quote: eka911

and, that is, 400 g is indicated in the instructions for the smallest loaf? thanks for the hint, I thought the other way around

Now here we go. How much we put in the dough - we get that much! https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/index.php@option=com_smf&topic=123926.0
Quote: Admin

Now here we go. How much we put in the dough - we get that much! https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/index.php@option=com_smf&topic=123926.0

Thank you very much for the links, I will definitely go to the forum, I just can't wait to try the purchased miracle of technology!
today did the french came up very well, but !!! tanned !!! I really did it on milk .. Probably it happened from fat
Indeed, French is a wonderful recipe! I do it both with water and with serum. Always golden turns out.
One "but" - a very long period of temperature equalization, a long wait for the start of the batch. Thank you, here they taught me how to turn on the stove without a bucket before the start of the batch, so that the time has already run.
And the point is, the time is still 6 hours .. or I don’t understand something, otherwise the dough will come to a condition
Quote: mowgli

And the point is, the time is still 6 hours .. or I don’t understand something, otherwise the dough will come to a condition

The dough comes up during the "rise" time. And I wrote about alignment, it lasts from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Not a single recipe for me is complete without adding flour. Therefore, the point is to wait for the start of the batch and track the bun. In winter, apparently the flour was damp and added a little bit. In the summer, in the heat - the flour is sushi, you have to add more.
I have never added anything to the bun, I use measuring glasses from my old LV .. lovely, everything is in glasses ..: victory: And I always make bread for 1000, so everything was measured a long time ago
Quote: mowgli

I have never added anything to the bun, I use measuring glasses from my old LV .. lovely, everything is in glasses ..: victory: And I always make bread for 1000, so everything was measured a long time ago
by the way, the measuring cup of mod.2500 is lying in places .... instead of 200 ml it shows 180 ml, but at 300 ml it doesn’t lie anymore and shows it for sure! it's good that I read about this and yesterday I dumped flour from the norm ... I didn't have to add it ..
check out my first bread from a ready-made mixture of pudof .... the expiration date isteaket 09/27/11 will have to be used for the time being, so as not to throw them away later ... I don't remember the name ... I remember that flour of the 1st grade and peeled rye in the composition .. just in case, I bought other yeast (like the Pudov ones did not praise it), the crumb is much darker (this is a flash so nahimichit) and the color of the crust is slightly lighter than in the photo (without the flash it turned out darker)

🔗 🔗
Yes! I forgot the most important thing: the bread turned out to be delicious ... I and the children liked me ... and even my employee, who does not eat (does not like) dark loeb, begged (and ate) from me the entire portion that I brought to work ...
I don't like flour in Pudoff either, but someone's crust is very tanned, which one did they put on?
SD-2501 will be delivered tomorrow, in this regard, the question is: how and what to check first of all when receiving the goods from the courier?
Quote: meriler

SD-2501 will be delivered tomorrow, in this regard, the question is: how and what to check first of all when receiving the goods from the courier?

There were specific advice somewhere on the forum. At one time they helped me, but, unfortunately, I cannot find ...

Read this topic https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/in...tion=com_smf&topic=8567.0

In fact, you need to check:
1. Integrity of the package. Let everyone print out in front of you.
2.Completeness and condition of components (no scratches on the bucket and blade, mostly).
3. The performance of the motor.
4. The efficiency of the ten.
The rest, you can check only during operation.

Happy shopping!
PS Probably, the work of the dispenser, also somehow needs to be checked ...
Quote: meriler

SD-2501 will be delivered tomorrow, in this regard, the question is: how and what to check first of all when receiving the goods from the courier?

You can check the operation of the bread maker as follows:
1. Place the bucket together with the spatula into the housing and select the "Pizza" program for 2501 program number 20 and press "Start". After a few revolutions press "Stop" a signal will sound. Thus, you check the operation of the engine.
2. Take out the bucket and select the "Baking" program number 12. After a minute, press "Stop". And bring your hand to the heating element, it should warm up.
Quote: mowgli

I don't like flour in Pudoff either, but someone's crust is very tanned, which one did they put on?
medium ... in the photo it is darker than in nature ...

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers