Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

Category: Easter
Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)


yeast 2 tsp
flour 500 g
milk 250 ml
eggs 4 things. 60 g each
sugar 170 g
vanillin 2 g
salt 0.5 tsp
turmeric 0.5 tsp
zest of half a lemon
cognac 2 tbsp. l. (regular)
butter 150 g (melt)
raisins 160 g

Cooking method

I tried Easter cake according to Pokhlebkin. Just a wonderful recipe, 100% coincidence with my idea of ​​the taste and appearance of Easter cake.

For those who are interested in this recipe, here are some excerpts:

"The cake resembles to a certain extent an English cake, but the finished dough in cakes is more elastic, not as crumbly as in muffins, dense, fibrous. It is never too dry and therefore much more pleasant in consistency than all other types of pastry.
Previously, Easter cakes were baked two or three, or even once a year, on the largest holidays associated with the change of the season: either on New Years, or in early spring (the beginning of the agricultural year), or in the fall, on the occasion of the harvest (the end of the agricultural year but). This was due not only to the relatively high cost of cakes, for the preparation of which a lot of valuable food products are required, but also to the laboriousness and duration of the process of their production - it takes more than 6 hours to ripen and bake the dough alone.
The main components of cake and any pastry are the same. This is primarily wheat flour of the highest grades: grit, premium, special, etc. The main requirement for the quality of flour: it should be as dry as possible. Therefore, it should be carefully stored and sieved twice through the finest sieve before preparing the dough.
The rest of the ingredients - butter, eggs, milk or cream, sugar and especially yeast - must be fresh and of very high quality. Do not cook cakes with dry or stale yeast. Sugar is best used crushed or refined, containing the least amount of impurities.
A real classic kulich must necessarily contain any flavoring additives (raisins, candied fruits, candied dry lemon or orange peel), and it must be tinted with saffron.
Therefore, these components cannot be considered additional, without which it is supposedly possible to do. They can change (raisins can be replaced with candied fruits or almonds), but in one way or another they should always be present in the kulich. In addition to the indicated flavors and aromatic additives, spices are also used in cake dough: saffron, vanilla, zest, cardamom, cloves, but in much more moderate quantities than in gingerbread, and, most importantly, in other combinations, when the usually dominant aroma of one spice is emphasized , and not a bouquet of several spices, as in gingerbread. Spices in the taste buds should not "hammer" the special cake aroma of the dough and its characteristic taste, they are designed only to give it a slight aromatic shade.
Most often this shade is cardamom, citrus or vanilla, sometimes it is only saffron.
Easter cakes differ among themselves not only in taste and aromatic shade of the dough, but also in its saturation.So, the ratio of flour and other components in cakes is subject to significant fluctuations (for example, from 10 to 100 eggs per 2 kg of flour). However, even such fluctuations do not change the characteristics of the cake dough, since it depends not so much on its composition as on the manufacturing technology, on its processing.
No matter how the amount and ratio of butter, eggs, milk, the order of kneading the dough and adding various components to it change in the recipes for cakes, the main stages of preparation remain the same for all types of cakes. These stages should be known, otherwise the recipes for Easter cakes may seem too complicated.
These stages are in their usual order:

1. Cooking dough.
2. Preparation of yeast mixture - batter.
3. Preparation of the filling - a mixture of eggs and milk.
4. Drawing up a preliminary, first test.
5. Drawing up the main, second test.
6. Drawing up the final, third test.
7. Baking.
Each of these stages differs from the previous one in that an additional component or a sum of components is introduced into the dough. The cake dough is made up gradually, growing literally like a snowball. There are intervals between stages in which the dough should fit. Thus, the dough in Easter cakes is suitable many times. This is its main technological feature. She primarily explains the duration of the preparation of cakes.
The peculiarity of the preparation of the cake dough is that it must be thoroughly kneaded, otherwise it turns out to be a simple friable dough of a loose, "saech" type, and not a dense-fibrous dough - cake dough. The finished cake dough is extremely moody. In order for the Easter cakes to succeed, it is necessary to observe a strictly defined temperature regime. The dough and all its components must be cooked in a very warm place, while being careful about drafts and any temperature difference. Best of all, cake dough rises at a room temperature of 25 ° C. At the same time, you cannot put the cake dough in a place where the heat would come from below. In this case, the dough will not grow up, but will begin to blur both when approaching and when baking.
Before planting the cake in it, the oven must be preheated well, because only in this case it will maintain a uniform temperature during baking, which is very important. The order and duration of baking also have their own rules.
Firstly, Easter cakes are baked in thin tin tins with a movable (removable) bottom. This form must be laid out with paper oiled with butter, and not just greased with oil.
Secondly, the cake dough is always put in a mold up to half of its volume, or up to a maximum of 2/3, because it grows both in the mold itself before baking, and in the process it almost doubles.
Thirdly, the duration of baking Easter cakes depends mainly on their size (weight). So, with the same heat and other conditions being equal (oven size, degree of heating, room temperature) a cake weighing 1 kg is baked in 45 minutes, weighing 1.5 kg in 1 hour, 2 kg in 1.5 hours. 1 kg (but not less than 500 - 600 g) is baked in 25 - 30 minutes. It is not recommended to make cakes of less weight, since they dry out easily in the oven, lose a significant part of the aroma, and their taste deteriorates as a result.
Properly cooked Easter cakes can be stored for a week or more.

1 kg of flour, 50 g of yeast, 1 - 1.5 cups of milk, 10 yolks, 3 proteins, 250 g of sugar, 200 g of butter, 100 g of raisins, 25 g of cognac, 25 g of candied fruits, 3 teaspoons of lemon zest or 1 teaspoon of cardamom (ground) and 0.5 teaspoon of macis or grated nutmeg, 1 teaspoon of saffron tincture, 3-4 teaspoons of vanilla sugar, 1 g of salt.
Prepare a dough: in 0.5 cups of boiling milk, brew 100 g of flour, stirring quickly with a wooden spoon until an elastic mass is obtained.
At the same time, dilute the yeast in 0.5 cups of lukewarm milk, mix with 100 g of flour and leave for 10 minutes.
Prepare the yeast mixture: combine the mixtures specified in points 1 and 2, cover and put to rise for 1 hour or more.
Prepare the filling: erase the yolks, sugar, salt into a homogeneous mass, beat it white.
Pour half of the pouring into the yeast mixture, add 250 g of flour, knead and let rise for 1 hour, then add the other half of the pour, add 500 g of flour and knead the dough until it lags behind your hands.
Gradually pour warm liquid butter into the finished dough in small portions, knead, add spices, cognac, let the dough come up again.
After the second rise of the dough, settle it to its original position, add 2/3 of raisins and candied fruits to it, having previously rolled them in flour, and let the dough come up a third time.
Divide into two parts (into two Easter cakes), pour the dough into the molds up to half, cover with the remaining raisins and candied fruits on top and let rise 2/3 of the mold, then coat with egg yolk and put in the oven over low heat for 45 minutes.
Now my comments:

By and large, Pokhlebkin's recipe can also be adapted to a bread machine by counting on fewer ingredients ... However, as for me, the time spent will not be justified by just one cake the size of a bread machine bucket. I managed to make part of the batch in a bread maker (before adding the bulk of the flour), and then switch to absolutely non-mechanized work And everything with handles)) The dough is amazing, pleasant to the touch, elastic, fragrant, almost alive. But - quite dense. So, be prepared to put in some effort. Not everything is so scary and difficult, not all 6-7 hours you will knead, crush and lay food)) You just cannot leave home for a long time. But you can easily do something else around the house or just relax in front of the TV.

The dough eventually turned out to be about 2 kg 300 g. The molds were filled to 1/3. The dough is of such consistency that it was necessary to form koloboks and put them into molds. The dough fits perfectly to the top of the molds. Yes, I risked taking dry yeast - SAF-moment, well, I didn't have the usual ones. Everything worked out great. For multicooker owners, the process of raising the dough is even easier - I put the dough there. Included Heating for 10 min. and left the dough to come up.

For myself, I have already decided that I will make Paraskina pasca (with the recalculation of the recipe for 700-800 g of flour, I will knead the dough in the oven, I will bake in the oven) and Pokhlebkin's cake (here I will count the recipe for 2 kg of flour, and then with handles, with baked goods in the oven).
nevertheless, the pens could not stand it and adapted the Pokhlebkin recipe for a bread machine. I baked it only once, there is no time to experiment further, so, for those who want to repeat it, it is desirable to have at least some skill-hardening-training
The cake turned out to be sooooo tasty. I liked Paraskin even more. Paraskin, in comparison, is more airy. This one is a little moist, juicy, and I tried to depict the structure in the photos as clearly as possible. Now I will draw a recipe if someone wants to bake the same in a bread maker.

The roof blew up on him, I suspect, due to the fact that I was in a hurry and did not allow to rise normally the second time, I put it on the Baking faster than it was put on.

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)
Pokhlobkin Kulich Recipe for Bread Maker

1. We fall asleep in a bucket of 2 tsp. yeast, 100 g flour and 100 ml lukewarm milk. Knead (I kneaded in Pizza) and leave for 10-15 minutes.
2. At this time, boil 100-150 g of milk (as practice has shown, it may take up to 200 g of milk) and pour it into 100 g of flour, stirring quickly with a wooden spatula until an elastic mass is obtained (in consistency, something in between a thick dough for pancakes and very soft pie dough). Such a spread in the amount of milk due to the different moisture content of the flour, mine is very dry, takes a lot of liquid, be guided by the consistency.
3. Cool the choux pastry to the temperature of fresh milk and transfer to the bucket of a bread machine.
4. Mix again and leave to rise for 1 hour.
5. At this time, take 4 medium eggs (about 60 g each), separate the yolks from the whites.You can then use the proteins to make the icing. I put the yolks in a blender, added about 170 g of sugar, 2 g of vanilla, a pinch of salt, 0.5 tsp. (regular) turmeric, zest of half a medium lemon, 2 tbsp. l. (regular) brandy and beat until white.
6. We turn on the kneading, the dough falls off, add the yolk filling, 300 g of flour and 150 g of melted butter to it. Let's mix and look at the consistency. You don't have to add liquid, but flour - very much even possible. The gingerbread man should be a cross between the usual wheat and rye, soft, curls into a boa constrictor and seeks to get out of the stove, leaves a damp bedding at the bottom.
7. Pour 160 g of raisins, sprinkled with flour, into a well-kneaded dough, and wait until it evenly mixes into the dough (it is not forbidden to help with a spatula).
8. We leave for ascent for 1 - 1.5 hours.
9. Lubricate the roof with a beaten egg.
10. Baking mode 1 hour 10 min.
This year I baked cake with live pressed yeast. The process is captured in the photo
1. We take 30 g of live pressed yeast, stir it in 100 g of warm milk. Sift 100 g of flour into a cotton bucket, pour the milk-yeast mixture on top and knead for a few minutes on the dough kneading program.

It is usually cool in the kitchen during the off-season, so we cover the bucket of dough with a damp towel (so as not to wind up) and send it to the oven with the light on for 15 minutes.

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)
2. At this time, boil 200 g of milk, sift 100 g of flour, pour the boiling milk into the flour and mix quickly until a homogeneous mass is obtained (I took 180 g of milk from flour).

We set aside the brewed flour to cool down to a pleasantly warm state.

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)
Cool the choux pastry to the temperature of fresh milk.

This was our dough in a bucket after 15 minutes:

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)
3. Add the boiled cooled dough to the dough and make another knead using any kneading program.

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

We cover the bucket again and send it to the oven with the light on. For 1 hour.
4. At this time, take 4 medium eggs (about 60 g each), separate the yolks from the whites. You can then use the proteins to make the icing. I put the yolks in a blender, added about 170 g of sugar, 2 g of vanilla, a pinch of salt, a pinch of turmeric, the zest of half a medium lemon, 2 tbsp. l. (ordinary) brandy and whipped to this state:

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

For an hour of lifting, our dough became like this:

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

5. Add to it the yolk filling, 300 g of flour and 150 g of melted butter. We turn on the batch and look at the consistency. The gingerbread man should be a cross between the usual wheat and rye, soft, curls into a boa constrictor and seeks to get out of the stove, leaves a damp bedding at the bottom.
Knead for about 15 minutes.
Because of Makfa, the kolobok turned out to be almost classic, but I didn't add any liquid. I wanted to see what would come out with small deviations from the recipe.

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)
6. In a well-kneaded dough, pour 160 g of raisins, sprinkled with flour, and mix evenly into the dough (it is not forbidden to help with a spatula).

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

7. We send the bucket to a warm place for proofing. It took me 1 hour 50 minutes.

This is how the dough looked after 1 hour:

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

And after 1 hour 50 minutes:

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

8. Lubricate the roof with a beaten egg.

9. Baking mode 1 hour 10 min.

She sacrificed the beauty of the roof in order to still decide on the moment - and how much to bake in time? I measured the temperature with a temperature probe, and then left it inside altogether (I slipped my hat straight onto the cake and smashed the roof for me).
Only after 1 hour 10 minutes. baking temperature reached 94 *. Think for yourself, decide for yourself - to bake less in time and underbake or bring to a baked state and get "a little negritosik". I baked for 1 hour and 10 minutes.
Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)
Thank you, everything is so clearly written!
Tell me, is it possible to use the same baking mode for 10 minutes for proofing ???
As it heats up a little, then just turn it off and let it stand ...
The fast has not started yet, but I am already for Easter cakes.
Quote: MedusaGorgon

Thank you, everything is so clearly written!
Tell me, is it possible to use the same baking mode for 10 minutes for proofing ???
As it heats up a little, then just turn it off and let it stand ...
The fast has not started yet, but I am already for Easter cakes.

In 10 minutes. the cake is already starting to bake, about 30-40 seconds is only possible, but why, the dough will rise anyway, everything is closed in the bread maker and a favorable microclimate for fermentation is created.
Such a question: is there not a lot of 30 grams of live yeast in the recipe?
Thanks for the recipe!
The dough is quite heavy, but if you have strong and fresh yeast. I think that it is possible for 5-7 gr. reduce.

Based on the original Pokhlebkin's recipe, in which 1 kg of flour requires 50 g of yeast.

But Pokhlebkin means pure and strong yeast, and it is far from always being sold in our country, so she took "for every fireman" +5 g. It worked just right with our Odessa ones.

But if you are 100% sure of the lifting force and freshness of your yeast, you have tested them repeatedly in practice, then you can easily reduce the amount of yeast, as I advised you. Celestine

Here the girls have repeatedly praised the Kryvyi Rih yeast, somehow I never had a chance to find it, so you can certainly reduce the amount with it. The same applies to imported live yeast.
Zest, I mean these Kryvyi Rih, they have very good lifting power.
By the way, you can't find it everywhere either, but before Paska last year, there were even special ones for muffins on every corner.
Zest and Celestine
Thanks for answers!
Another question is, in your recipe, the paska is baked for 1 hour 10 minutes, and in the instructions for the bread maker, the longest mode is 60 minutes (cake program). Tell me, will the pasta be baked in 60 minutes?
And is it possible to bake your recipe according to the "Russian Chef" program, where there are 2 kneads, 3 rises and a baking time of 50 minutes.
Thanks in advance!
on the eve of Easter, I decided to bake this cake for a test. Baked in the oven, reduced the portion - so that by one time. It turned out well, so airy, well, so lightest that it immediately sagged on the sides. For some reason, it seemed to me unsweetened, but my men, still warm, began to break. it is cut badly - very airy, and very fresh. Still, Easter cakes need to rest for a day, not an hour.
Yes, and Kryvyi Rih yeast can definitely be put less by 10-15%

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)

sorry, the photo of course leaves much to be desired

Zest thanks for the adaptation to HP and the master class
It turned out well, so airy, well, so lightest that it immediately sagged on the sides.
This cake cannot be the way you got it. It is dense, juicy, if I may say so about the cake.

For 15 years I have been baking this cake annually. I conjure over him all day, I get great pleasure. It is difficult to imagine that, being cooked in HP, it will acquire the desired taste and consistency. Although I have not tried it and I may be wrong
And what is better to cook this cake by hand and bake it in the oven?
Quote: rinishek

It turned out well, so airy, well, so lightest that it immediately sagged on the sides.

Tip: so that the hot cake does not settle on the sides - immediately after baking, put it on its side until it cools completely.
Everything will be OK
Yes!!! But you have to be at home all day. Once a year you can afford to waste so much time. Moreover, it is stored for a long time, so you can knead a lot of dough and bake it a few days before Easter.
Quote: Admin

Tip: so that the hot cake does not settle on the sides - immediately after baking, put it on its side until it cools completely.
Everything will be OK

Yes, I hesitated for something - five to ten minutes - and did not have time. But since it was baked for testing, then it's okay.

LiudmiLka , I haven’t baked such a cake before, and I cannot say which one it should have turned out. I took a recipe that is adapted to HP and reduced the ingredients by 300 g of flour. Then I followed the instructions that Zest gave at the beginning of the topic. Why did my cake come out
This cake cannot be what you got.
to be honest, I have no idea
rinishek, forgive me, I spoke too harshly, but this is simply because this is my favorite cake and has been proven over the years. I did not want to offend you

I don’t know why it’s not what it should have turned out (by the way, maybe it came out very tasty). You knead and knead this cake for a very long time with your hands, you rush with it like a hand-written sack. And I also always bake large cakes by weight, small ones are drier: 1 and 2 kilograms, and less than 1 kg are considered small
Quote: Celestine

Zest, I mean these Kryvyi Rih, they have very good lifting power.

Today I found these vaunted Kryvyi Rih on Privoz Now there will be an opportunity to test them in action

Quote: annadebelle

Another question is, in your recipe, the paska is baked for 1 hour 10 minutes, and in the instructions for the bread maker, the longest mode is 60 minutes (cake program). Tell me, will the pasta be baked in 60 minutes?

And is it possible to bake your recipe according to the "Russian Chef" program, where there are 2 kneads, 3 rises and a baking time of 50 minutes.
Thanks in advance!

I have never baked this cake as part of any program, it is too capricious and unpredictable cake dough to drive it into a tight time frame.

When baking this cake, I used only mixes and separately Baking. The readiness for the sake of the purity of the experiment was checked with a temperature probe. Only after 1 hour and 10 minutes. the cake was completely baked.
Although, by and large, we used to do without these probes, and baked quite successfully.Try after an hour of baking to check the readiness with a splinter - if it is dry, then everything is in order
And today I bought the Krivoy Rog-Lux, they said even better. Let's check.
I also took these. Either I put very little, or something else - I did not feel a noticeable difference between them and Lviv

Thank you for daring to try the recipe))
well, you and the heroine - decide to bake a cake from 300 g of flour.

I am now less than 1 kg, and I don't want to start ... it seems that the output of the product does not justify the labor costs ...

I understand you perfectly - I wanted to do a little for a test
It seems to me that it was precisely because of such a small dose that the cake did not come out the way it should be. I have already noticed many times that when calculating for too small portions, different metamorphoses occur, and even if all proportions are observed, the product comes out of a completely different quality.
There is one more thing. You had a very small amount of dough freely placed in a large bucket, so when baking it took up everything that was in his power, and the cake came out too airy.
LiudmiLka Yes you! I didn't even think to be offended, I just wrote about my sample of this cake.

By the way, just to knead - not to knead, and it takes more time, so this is Myasoedovsky - it is juicy and moist, it is necessary to put dough there in the evening.

Zest , this yeast is good, firstly, fresh (well, this is understandable), and secondly, unfortunately, it is of great importance where this yeast was before we got to spend the night. A couple of times there was a misfire with them - I seem to be buying in one place on the market, and then a week ago I went to ATB, and there seemed to be fresh yeast - the term of use is until 03/20/2010, and it seems like they are chilled, but here you go - the bread did not work all week. And even the pancakes did not fit well. This yeast is somehow not tolerant to storage conditions.
Zest , it may well be that this thought came to me too today - about the critical .. hmm .. mass of cake dough. Yes, and I baked in the oven, maybe the shape was really so free. No wonder that in all recipes the mass of flour is 1-2, etc. kg.
But the main, let's say, moments of this cake are still understandable - last year it did not work out for me at all - I put too hot choux pastry for kneading - and the yeast died. So I gave it up last year, and this year I decided to try it. In general, I wanted to taste it - what it tasted and looked like. I was greatly embarrassed by his unparalleled cooking method. In my understanding, paska is necessarily a night with dough and a wet ass all day
nooooo, Myasoedovsky rules!
Quote: annadebelle

And what is better to cook this cake by hand and bake it in the oven?

I declare with full responsibility - kneading by hand or in a food processor, and baking in the oven is much better and tastier. We swam, we know
By the way, all things being equal, if the same dough for this cake is baked in the oven and in the bread maker, then it will still be more airy in the bread maker.

However, what is our site? )) So, if necessary, they should be able to bake cakes in bread makers
Quote: LiudmiLka

This cake cannot be the way you got it. It is dense, juicy, if I may say so about the cake.

For 15 years I have been baking this cake annually. I conjure over him all day, I get great pleasure. It is difficult to imagine that, being cooked in HP, it will acquire the desired taste and consistency. Although I have not tried it and I may be wrong

no, you are not mistaken. Oven baking is very different from bread maker baking. The main focus - density, juiciness - this cake also retains in a bread machine, but ... after baking in the oven, all its properties are manifested a hundred times brighter. I baked this way and that, so I can compare
Hmm ... thanks girls for the warning. I'll be more careful with these Kryvyi Rih. I thought I had caught the firebird by the tail

Quote: rinishek

I was greatly embarrassed by his unparalleled cooking method. In my understanding, paska is necessarily a night with dough and a wet ass all day
nooooo, Myasoedovsky rules!

The "correct" Pokhlebkin cake is also very good, despite its safety. I really like it both in consistency and in taste.

but if you definitely need a night with dough and a wet priest, then you are welcome to Myasoedovskaya
Girls, what is this, Myasoyedovsky cake, much tastier than Pokhlebkinsky?
Quote: LiudmiLka

Girls, what is this, Myasoedovsky cake, much tastier than Pokhlebkinsky?

He has, so to speak, a thicker taste and a more fibrous structure. Both Easter cakes are worthy of being baked for a holiday.

It's all a matter of taste. Except for you, no one will decide what is more to the court for you and your family.

and even better - this one, and that, and that one, in short, everything and more, so that for every taste it was))
: flowers: Celestina and Zest, thank you very much for answering my question. I realized that no one will decide for you what is better and tastier for you and that you have to try everything yourself
Pokhlebkin cake and its adaptation to a bread maker (master class)
And here is my kulich from HP. It turned out juicy, moist, does not crumble, it smells like a very good cake bun.
But I didn't really like something, I would like it a little easier.
(Or I've become so spoiled)
I baked for 3 eggs and counted everything, but I left the sugar 170g (I like it sweeter). I immediately suspected that the whole portion would not fit in my HP and was right. Max baking time for me is 60 minutes and it was not enough - the middle was damp (I checked it with a splinter and the top was pale). Chilled the HP and put it back on the baking, baked for another 30 minutes.
It turned out, of course, dark on the outside, but inside what you need is not dry. Baked with raisins and candied lemon. Delicious dough turned out.
But I won't bake it in HP anymore, I think it's better in the oven. He burned for the purpose of experiment, I wanted to try.
For Easter, I will most likely bake Myasoedovsky or Vensky. I have not decided yet.
Zest, I forgot to thank you for the adaptation to HP and the master class. Thank you!
I would hardly have dared to bake it myself ...

Yes, yes, judging by the photo, this is it, the cake came out as expected, juicy and moist.
The experiment is clearly a success

Suddenly you will remain in an abandoned place in an embrace with a bread maker, without any ovens there, so you will not be left without cakes anyway

And as for the taste ... it's all so subjective As for me, something light and airy is not cake anymore.It should be so ... so ... well, you pick it up, sweep a thing

My mother doesn't like this Pokhlebkinsky either, she calls him "gryvky".And many bake only this one every year and nothing tastes better for them.

But there are a great many recipes for cakes, you can always choose to suit your taste.

I will probably bake Myasoedovsky, and from Vienna dough I will make rolls with nuts or poppy seeds. Or maybe with both, so that it doesn't seem a little
Zest - you are a Genius! This recipe has been used in our family for about 20 years and is considered the best and favorite. Until now, my mother has an old yellowed newspaper of Soviet times, from where we wrote it off. And when I got HP, my first thought was how to adapt it to it. And here I see not only adaptation, but also a great master class for a novice baker. THANKS A LOT !!!!!!!!!

rumors about my genius are greatly exaggerated, but it is no less joy that my adaptation was useful to you
My mother does not like this Pokhlebkinsky either, she calls him "shy"
Just about it seemed to me like that. And my mother also appreciated it. As they say, there are no comrades for taste and color.
It stood for a day, the taste became more saturated, it did not lose its moisture.
Well I say that I have become very spoiled. I can't please myself, I want the cake to be moderately heavy, but at the same time very rich and sweet.
This recipe is quite worthy of the highest praise and attention!
But everything is purely for an amateur ...
I also decided to try this recipe yesterday. There are many interesting recipes on the site, but I really respect Pokhlebkin's authority. I know that he will not advise bad. Yes, and the master class impressed, thank you! And then I bought ceramic molds for beads on the way home, I need to try them in business. I tried not to deviate from the recipe, replaced only brandy with vodka, specially bought a quarter for baking. And baked in the oven! The whole process took almost 5 hours, at the output there are 4 pies of 300 grams each. The taste did not disappoint, it is really juicy and does not crumble. There was not enough raisins, I added chopped dried apricots. I took one to work, to hear the opinion of our baking masters, everyone liked it, they asked for a recipe! Thank you very much for the recipe, for its adaptation, and for an illustrative example. A-a-a-a-great! beanie!

Urrah! The regiment of admirers of the Pokhlebkin recipe has arrived

Bake for health and communicate with colleagues
Tatiana Gnezdilova
Zest, thank you very much for the recipe, master class and adaptation for HP !!! This year I decided to bake something new for Easter. We were interested in three recipes - Elena BO cake, "winter palace" baba cake and Pokhlebkin cake. All recipes are wonderful and not in vain are popular on the forum! But for my taste, according to Pokhlebkin, this is the taste of childhood! So smelly, moist, pleasantly heavy. Kneading was done by HP, then a combine, baked in the oven - 6 Easter cakes were obtained with an average of 300-350 grams. I baked them in paper forms (I also had to try) I will bake them for Easter and, probably, I will also try "Myasoedovsky"
Tatiana Gnezdilova
and another paraskin pasque! I remember that I still did not understand which is tastier - Pokhlebkinsky or paraskina.

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