Human consumption of fluids is an integral part of ensuring the normal functioning of the body, as well as the correct course of all metabolic processes. However, it is extremely important to know what to drink in order to bring only benefits to the body, not harm. The simplest and most healthy drink is large leaf green tea. It contains a large amount of antioxidants and vitamins that normalize metabolism in all organs and tissues.
It is important to remember the rules for brewing tea (you should not brew green tea with boiling water at 90-1000C, as in this case it will lose its useful valuable properties). This drink goes well with pieces of dried fruit (orange peel, pieces of dried apples, pears and berries).
The most useful of all fortified drinks (packed juices, specialized drinks artificially enriched with vitamins and others) are freshly squeezed juices and fruit drinks without sugar. However, it is worth remembering that regular juices are also undesirable. Many of them contain highly corrosive fruit acids, which can irritate the stomach lining. In addition, some juices, when taken regularly, can cause digestive dyspepsia and bloating (such as apple juice).
The best juice is considered to be fresh (not canned) birch sap, which can saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins in the spring - at a time of the year when the body needs special support. In addition, fresh birch sap has a cleansing effect, helping to quickly eliminate metabolic products and toxins.
A drink that, unlike freshly squeezed juice, can always be drunk is a compote made from dried fruits. Dried fruits are still equipped with vitamins and nutrients, however, unlike fresh ones, they do not enter into an active reaction with the body and are much more sparing in relation to mucous membranes and digestive enzymes.
Mineral water is an extremely healthy drink. Modern mineral waters have in their arsenal all the necessary micro-, macroelements, chemical compounds, cations and anions. The electrolytes contained in the well-known mineral water perfectly compensate for the deficiency of those in the body, ensuring the normalization of metabolic processes and the functioning of organs and systems in the prescribed rhythm. However, it is worth remembering that mineral water should be consumed within reasonable limits. It is recommended to give preference to natural mineral water extracted and enriched with anions and cations directly at the source.
Don't forget about fermented milk drinks. It could be kefir, milk, drinking yogurt, serum and others. Fermented milk drinks contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora and are an excellent prevention of dysbiosis.
To keep the body young and healthy, it is necessary to observe the correct water and food regime. For the good of the body, a complete rejection of sweet soda, drinks with artificial colors and additives will go. The correct drinking regime is the key to health and well-being.