Formula of family happiness

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Formula of family happinessEverything starts fabulously and charmingly: a gorgeous wedding escort, a snow-white dress, like a princess, and next to you is your one and only prince. Light, like a feather, veil of a veil falling in a stream of milk on the shoulders, solemn congratulations of loved ones, jokes of friends, a sea of ​​flowers, a festive banquet, the promise of love and fidelity, and of course solemn exclamations of "Bitter!" And what will happen to the family next?

And then it can really become very bitter. According to statistics, five out of ten married couples get divorced. At the same time, even for undivided couples, the relationship is not at all like a happy family idyll. And only one family out of ten manages to achieve such harmony and mutual understanding in relationships, which the Bible calls "one flesh." How to make your family happy: the tenth who can achieve real unity? What are the secrets of family happiness?

Happy marriages are not based on the fact that each party wants to get something out of the relationship. They are built according to the principle: each of the spouses disinterestedly gives something to the other. It takes joint efforts of partners to create a serious relationship, but the result is worth it.

Never let everyday problems overshadow the bright colors of life. Of course, life will often be filled with work and the struggle for existence in a cruel world, but this does not mean that all this cannot be added to care for your family and warmth that should be sincerely given to relatives. A happy marriage is a gift ... Don't ruin it.

Psychologists provide some tips to help build, strengthen relationships and achieve harmony in the family. First, it is necessary to introduce the tradition of a common feast in the family. In many families, there is a tendency to separate food intake. Family members eat when they want to or have a snack, sitting near a computer or TV. If getting together at the same table does not come out on weekdays, you can implement this rule on weekends. Joint dinners allow everyone to see, relax, talk.

Formula of family happinessSecondly, the exchange of opinions plays a huge role in shaping the family aura. You should often consult with family members and ask for their opinions on certain issues. It is bad if one of the family members always takes the initiative and does not allow others to express their point of view. Be sure to remember: if you are interested in someone's opinion, then do not forget to listen to him.

To make yourself feel completely happy, try to focus on the good. Don't reckon with the irritable habits of your life partner. Get over your frustration.

As the people say, "A good word and a cat is pleased." Therefore, do not forget to speak kind words to your loved ones more often.

Don't forget to surprise your loved ones. Indeed, as we grow up, we get more pleasure, not from receiving gifts, but when we ourselves make gifts, giving joy to others.

Almost the most important rule in a complex algorithm for building a harmonious family is the ability to forgive. In every family, from time to time, misunderstandings appear. Someone becomes a source of problems for loved ones, and if you are the injured party, anger is a completely natural reaction. Do not try to perceive the people around you, multifaceted and always logical to analyze the situation. Resentment will only become an extra mental burden, so goodbye - it will be better for you and your loved ones.

If you are unable to share your concerns with family members, you are a very unhappy and lonely person. An amazing strength is hidden in a strong, friendly family.Therefore, share your problems not so that family members suffer with you, but so that they can support you.

But despite all the advice and formulas of family happiness, the most important thing in the creation and harmonious development of a family is the feeling of love and respect for each other, mutual understanding and responsibility to your family! Be happy, give warmth and joy to your family and friends, and they will certainly repay you in kind!

Novikova A.

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