Every woman dreams of having beautiful, healthy and velvety skin not only on her face, but also on her whole body. This can only be achieved by careful and constant care, including mandatory baths with the addition of various products aimed at strengthening, toning, nourishing and moisturizing the surface of the skin. To achieve the desired effect, you must adhere to some basic rules.
Taking a bath immediately after a meal is not recommended, since the processes of its digestion and proper absorption of nutrients are disrupted, which in turn will certainly affect the condition of the skin.
The water temperature when taking this procedure should not be too hot, since in this case there is an excessive relaxation of muscle tissue, leading to a loss of elasticity of the skin with the phenomenon of sagging in certain parts of the body. It is necessary to finish taking a bath with a mandatory cool shower, which activates cellular respiration, as well as blood circulation processes and will prevent the deposition of subcutaneous fat. Water jets must be directed to problem areas of the body, gradually increasing the rate of water supply.
You should not be in the bath for more than fifteen minutes, because after this time, the skin will begin to lose precious nutrients necessary to maintain normal cell structure.
Lovers of daily bathing should take into account that its temperature should not be higher than thirty-eight degrees Celsius in order to calm the body and promote restful and sound sleep.
Herbal baths not only improve overall blood circulation, helping to tone blood vessels, but also slow down the aging process of the skin, as they contain a sufficient amount of phytoestrogens, which are analogs of female sex hormones of natural origin, as well as a large number of antioxidants that prevent oxidative processes at the cellular level. Baths with the addition of various essential oilsgiving the body a refined and sophisticated scent.
The honey bath will fill cells with a range of active microelements and vitamins necessary to maintain a healthy appearance and density of the skin, with anti-aging properties. To prepare such a bath, you need to add forty grams of honey to sufficiently warm, but not hot water and wait a few minutes until it is completely dissolved.
A bath based on yarrow infusion will help to get rid of excessive dryness of the skin and a tendency to all kinds of allergic reactions.
To obtain velvety and unusually delicate skin, beauticians recommend preparing the following paste to apply before showering. To prepare it, take one part of "extra" salt, one part of cream and one egg yolk, all mix and rub each area of the skin with great care, as if grinding it. This procedure is an excellent peeling that removes the dead skin particles from the skin layer, which interfere with its renewal and, consequently, rejuvenation.
For many women, with age, the skin on the body becomes too dry and begins to flake off. It is recommended for them to cleanse their skin with Cleopatra's soap, known for its beauty and youthful skin even in adulthood. Its composition is very simple and affordable. It is necessary to take in equal proportions the flakes of "Hercules" and extra salt, pour them boiling milk and wait until this mixture swells. After that, you need to add one egg yolk to it and mix everything well.
To prepare the Cleopatra bath, which has anti-aging properties known for a long time, you need to take one glass milk powder, one glass of starch, one glass flakes "hercules" and add to the bath water. For all the components to dissolve well, you need to wait about five minutes.
To enhance the effect of the active components of the bath, you need to massage the skin of the body from the bottom up using a rigid mitten. For the appearance of a rejuvenating effect, it is enough to take such baths once a week.
Melnik I.P.