It is generally accepted that high-quality personal care is possible only if it is possible to resort to the services of beauty salons and cosmetology clinics. Including keeping the breasts in perfect condition is the prerogative of extremely expensive procedures. In fact, this is not so, and every woman can try to keep the beauty of the bust at the proper level. To do this, you need to follow only four rules, which, subject to regular implementation, can give an amazing effect.
: it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to a special diet for the breast, perform certain physical exercises, choose the right underwear and conduct SPA procedures at home.
The benefits of exercise
It is not possible to influence the mammary glands through exercise, but it is quite possible and very effective to strengthen the pectoral muscles that support them. The result can be assessed within a few weeks of systematic training.
Everyone knows that push-ups help strengthen the arms, but few people know that they can also help make breasts more attractive. Doing push-ups requires some preparation, so you can use a bench to get started. It is sometimes necessary to change the position of the hands - this contributes to the involvement of different muscles in the work. The main condition is that the back should be parallel to the floor. Try the following exercises.
For ten seconds, squeeze the palms together in front of the chest, as if holding a ball in them. The back should be straight. Do three to five repetitions.
The starting position for the next exercise is the hands on the shoulders. On the count of “one” raise your shoulders, “two” take them back, “three” lower, “four” forward. Repeat in reverse order.
Bend over backward on your toes and raise one hand up. Take it as far as possible, and then repeat with the other hand.
Pull up your raised hand while standing on your toes. Repeat with the other hand.
SPA-salon at home
The breast cannot be attractive if the skin is not elastic. The following procedures will help.
Apply a mixture of two tablespoons of warm milk and one teaspoon of cottage cheese to your chest. Wait until completely absorbed.
Make a gruel with two tablespoons oatmealfilled with a glass of boiling water. When the flakes are swollen, apply the slurry to your chest for ten minutes.
Apply the cucumber grated on a fine grater to the décolleté and chest.
Make a ten minute mask with one protein, a tablespoon of honey, and a few drops of lemon juice.
After the treatment, take a cool shower and apply a nourishing cream with a lifting effect. A gentle upward massage will improve the blood supply to the breasts.
Lifestyle and beauty
It is impossible to have beautiful breasts and smoke and drink alcohol at the same time. Moreover, nicotine can cause various breast diseases, including breast cancer.
Enrich your diet with vitamins A, E and C, which are found in carrots, apricots, spinach and citrus fruits. And also forget about rigid diets, from which the amount of adipose tissue that provides breast volume is rapidly reduced. Moreover, the skin, which does not have sufficient elasticity, sags with rapid weight loss. But gradual weight loss will not harm the bust. In any case, such an event should be coordinated with a specialist who will help you choose the right diet option for you, choose drugs that take care of the breast skin and advise on appropriate physical exercises.If you adhere to all these recommendations, the result will not be long in coming.
Choosing the right underwear
A bra will help to correct the shape of the breast, provided that it is correctly fitted. You can visually enlarge the bust using underwear with air inserts and inserts made of gel, silicone and foam. It is important to get your size underwear.
You can visually shrink your breasts with elastic underwear. However, this method is fraught with the danger of disrupting blood circulation and increasing the likelihood of developing breast diseases. The use of underwear that causes discomfort will lead to the same consequences, since the skin on the chest is very delicate.
The style of linen also plays an important role. The T-stitched cups will lift the chest. Use underwear with a horizontal seam to round out your breasts and a vertical or slightly angled seam to slightly lift the bust.
During sports, it is advisable to use specially designed underwear, which provides fixation of the ligaments that support the chest.
Beautiful, sexy and high quality lingerie will not only make your breasts more attractive, but also add confidence and sparkle to your eyes.