Many people know about the benefits of fitness. Regular workouts make the figure athletic, improve well-being, give self-confidence, develop strength and endurance. But this article is not about that. Despite all its advantages, fitness has a number of disadvantages. Therefore, further we will talk about them, namely, how to overcome them.
The first thing to note is the gradual decrease in muscle sensitivity to physical activity. This is due to the fact that the human body adapts to any stress, so with each new workout it reacts less and less to them. Consequently, with an increase in the training experience, the susceptibility of muscles to stress decreases, respectively, the effectiveness of fitness training decreases. To overcome this disadvantage, it is necessary to break the workout into cycles (cycle loads) with different sets of exercises. This is the only way to make progress in your studies. For example, you can break the workout into two cycles of 2-2.5 months each, in the first of which you will work with small weights and practice the exercise technique, and in the second - work on strength. At the end of the second cycle, it is advisable to take a break in the classroom for a couple of weeks. For women, it is recommended that the first two-month cycle go to the gym, and the second to go to fitness classes.
Reducing the susceptibility of muscles to stress pushes many to take steroids with all the ensuing consequences. In order not to resort to such pharmacological effects, you can simply change the type of sports activity for a period of two to six months. For example, go dancing, jogging, or cycling. This change in physical activity will restore muscle sensitivity and increase the effectiveness of further exercises in the gym.
Another scientifically proven disadvantage of fitness is a sharp decrease in immunity in the first hours after a hard workout, the so-called "immune pit". You can prevent this by breaking one hard workout into two easy ones. It is also beneficial to take whey protein immediately after training, which contains a large amount of L-Glutamine, which is good for stimulating the immune system.
One of the disadvantages of fitness can be considered the need to take nutritional supplements in order to increase the muscle's sensitivity to stress. It is worth noting here that such supplements do increase the effectiveness of training, but few people know that supplementation should also be broken down into cycles. In addition, all supplements should be selected strictly individually, because those that work great on one person cannot but work on another at all. So, it is necessary to individually select two sets of nutritional supplements, the intake of which will need to be alternated in accordance with the change in different sets of exercises.
The disadvantages of fitness include the fact that during active training, many organs and systems of the body are more "worn out". For example, the musculoskeletal system. To restore joints and ligaments can be helped by taking certain drugs, for example, a complex of Glucosamine and Chondroitin, which is very effective and at the same time completely harmless. But with calcium preparations, you should be careful, as they can negatively affect the health of the kidneys. Calcium can be taken only if its lack in the body was confirmed by a comprehensive blood test.
During exercise, profuse sweating occurs, which leads to thickening of the blood and increased stress on the heart and kidneys.If measures are not taken in time, then these organs will wear out intensively. Therefore, it is so important to drink a sufficient amount of water per day (to find out this amount, you need to multiply the body weight in kg by 30, as a result, the daily dose of water in ml will be released).
During exercise, the load on the liver increases, since this organ is responsible for the restoration of the body, synthesis and assimilation of proteins. There are two good ways to prevent liver overload. The first is to consume 1-2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach. Important: at least an hour should elapse between water and oil intake. The second method is black coffee made from green unroasted beans without sugar, one cup twice a day. The aforementioned whey protein also has a beneficial effect on the liver, especially if it is high in glutamine and lactase.
Psychological adaptation to external conditions can also be noted as a lack of fitness, that is, apathy to workouts conducted for a long time in the same gym. Therefore, it is recommended to change the gym every six months. New training conditions tend to bring back interest in the exercise.
And in conclusion, we can note the fact that hard training has a negative effect on brain activity. This has been proven. You can avoid "dullness" by reasonably alternating physical and mental stress (reading books, playing chess, etc.). Improved brain function and proven means such as nutritional supplements: caffeine, glutamine, carnitine, tanakan and others.
Savenkova A.