The most important types of water procedures used to harden the body are rubdowns, dousing, showers, sea and river bathing. The simplest water procedure is rubdown. Rubbing is done with a sponge or washcloth dipped in water. Its temperature for the first procedures should be at least 32x-34x degrees, but in the future it is necessary to gradually reduce it, bringing it to 20-12 degrees. For rubdowns, you can use ordinary fresh water, for a stronger skin reaction - sea water.
Women who are accustomed to cool water can wipe the entire body with water at once, and women with reduced skin sensitivity should do the body wiping in parts: first, hands, then neck, shoulders, belt, chest, abdomen, and only then back and legs.
It is recommended to wipe each part of the body moistened with water once with a dry towel and rub until reddening and a pleasant sensation of warmth spreading over the body appears.
Dousing with water and soul is a wonderful and easily accessible way of hardening the body. The optimum water temperature for pouring should be from 28 to 35 degrees, and the duration should be 2-3 -4 minutes. After that, the body must be wiped off with a dry towel.
Sea or river bathing is the best means of hardening the body, which, of course, can be used only in the warm season. Sea water contains from 1 to 5% of various salts (sodium chloride, calcium sulfate, magnesium carbonate and sulfate, iodine and bromine salts). In addition, solar radiation penetrates deep into the sea, warming up significant soybean water. This makes the sea water especially useful for swimming. But when swimming in the sea, you need to follow some rules: swim after an hour and a half after your breakfast, and two after lunch. You should not swim on an empty stomach. The body should be dry and warm, without perspiration, you should enter the water gradually. It is recommended to take a short air bath before bathing.
The duration of stay in the water for each is regulated differently, depending on many reasons.
When swimming, you need to move or swim, as movement trains the muscles and warms the body. In the beginning, you should swim once a day, in the future you can swim more often.
For women, bathing is contraindicated in acute and subacute inflammatory processes of the female genital organs, with menopausal bleeding, during menstruation, as well as with active pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, decompensated heart defects, with pronounced forms of arteriosclerosis of the vessels of the heart and brain.
On the other hand, sea bathing is useful for metabolic disorders, obesity, after infectious diseases, with neurasthenia, hysteria, with climacteric disorders, with chronic inflammatory processes of the female genital organs, with underdevelopment of the reproductive apparatus, accompanied by the absence of menstruation and infertility of a woman.
Sea bathing is an excellent method of hardening the body, strengthens the heart and nervous system and is a preventive measure for women's diseases.