If you have gas in your house, then it will be most profitable to purchase a gas stove, since you will still pay for gas, and if there is gas in the house, electricity costs a little more than where there is no gas (electric stoves are used). Thanks to a large assortment of all kinds of plates, everyone can choose what will best suit his ideas and requirements. In this article, we will list a few basic guidelines on how to choose the right gas stove.
Let's start by determining the dimensions of the slab. They are directly dependent on the main kitchen furniture. The classic dimensions of a gas stove are 85 cm. In height, 30 - 90 cm. In width and 50 - 60 cm. In depth. However, the height of the slab can change if it is equipped with special feet. The most popular among consumers are classic stove models, since they are well suited even for small kitchens.
Next, select the surface of the slab. On the modern market, there is a large assortment of stoves with gas panels made of enamel, stainless steel, glass ceramics or special tempered glass. Each of these materials has both positive and negative sides. So, the enameled surface, despite the fact that it is quite durable and also inexpensive, is very difficult to clean of greasy drops, traces of spilled liquid, and is also subject to various mechanical damage (chips, scratches, etc.). Steel surfaces can be either polished or matt. Despite the fact that such surfaces are stylish, durable and durable, they require quite careful maintenance: in order for the hob to always shine, you need to work hard on it with the help of specially designed cleaning agents.
As for glass-ceramic panels, they are the most optimal option for a home, since they have a rather attractive appearance and, moreover, are made of high-strength material that is resistant to temperature and mechanical stress. If you adhere to certain recommendations for caring for the stove, then the process of cleaning it will not be difficult.
After that, you should pay attention to the burners. How many there will be - you choose: manufacturers offer stoves with three, four, five and even six burners. As far as their sizes are concerned, they should match the size of your crockery. Moreover, it is desirable that the fire heats only the bottom of the dishes, but not its walls: in this case, the food is cooked faster, and the dishes will last as long as possible.
The classic 4-burner hob has one high power, two medium and one low power. In addition, there are special hobs with extra high power burners for ultra-fast cooking. These hotplates can be composed of 2, 3 or 4 rings. You can use them for the preparation of any dishes.
Further in the study of the question of how to choose a good gas stove, we choose an oven. Ovens in gas stoves are electric and gas. Each type has its own advantages. The choice is yours. We can only say that gas-fired ones are much cheaper to use than electric ones.
These are general recommendations on how to choose a gas stove. The rest of the criteria (price, manufacturer, etc.) are determined individually, depending on your personal wishes, requirements and preferences.