Today, allergy is a very common disease among people of all ages. The reasons for its appearance are not fully understood, but it is known that allergens are found everywhere - in food, air and even in ordinary objects. And accordingly, in order to avoid allergies, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen as much as possible. With food allergies, there is a special hypoallergenic diet, adhering to which, you can protect the body from unwanted consequences and find out which product you are allergic to.
Foods that are more likely to cause allergies:
- all dairy products, especially natural milk;
- smoked products (meat, fish, sausage);
- seafood;
- all types of mushrooms;
- eggs, spices, condiments, sauces and pickles;
- citruses, vegetables and red fruits;
- nuts and peanuts;
- dried fruits;
- honey and that's it beekeeping products;
- very sour vegetables;
- added flavorings, various colorants and flavoring enhancers to products;
- coffee, cocoa and carbonated drinks;
- sweets, chocolate, marmalade;
- all types of alcoholic beverages ;,
- fruits from exotic countries.
Foods that rarely cause allergies:
- fatty meat of poultry and animals;
- peaches, bananas, apricots and plums;
- berries (currants, lingonberries, cranberries);
- beans, peas, potatoes, bell peppers;
- cereal porridge (wheat, rye and buckwheat);
- herbal tea.
Virtually non-allergenic foods:
- fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, shop sour cream);
- lean meat (rabbit, fish);
- vegetables from your garden (cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini, greens, turnips);
- porridge: pearl barley, semolina, oatmeal and rice;
- all types of vegetable oil, butter;
- pear, apples (green), gooseberries, white currants;
- weak tea, medicinal mineral water, compote, rosehip in the form of a decoction.
Eliminate foods that can trigger allergies from your diet. For adults this diet should last about 2-3 weeks, for children 7-10 days will be enough. During the diet, you must additionally take a complex of vitamins and minerals.
As soon as you feel an improvement, try introducing prohibited foods into your diet, but always in small portions and one new product every three days. Allergy may not appear immediately, but three days will be quite enough to allow the allergen to appear.
To find out exactly which allergen is causing you trouble, keep a diary and describe your entire diet in it every day. This method will help determine which product you need to completely abandon.
Many people believe that allergies are a completely harmless disease that is not capable of causing any harm to health. But everything turns out to be much more complicated. Among the many consequences is anaphylactic shock, which can lead to the death of a person. Do not take your health lightly, get tested, listen to your doctor's advice and strictly follow a hypoallergenic diet.