Features of the development and education of young children

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Features of the development and education of young childrenEarly age is considered the period of the most intensive development of all systems of the body and organs of the baby, various skills and behavior are formed. In the first years of life, a huge world of human relations opens before the little man. They begin to master the simplest rules of behavior. Attachments, tastes and habits are already forming.

The child begins to reveal his individuality at the age of 2 to 3 years, character traits are determined, his temperament is manifested. It is already possible to speak of a small child as a developing personality, because in this period the foundations of such qualities as independence, competence, creativity, etc. are laid.

The social conditions of the baby's life in the development of his personality are decisive. These are communication, learning interactions, the influence of the environment and the organization of life in general. In many ways, it is the pedagogical influences that determine the level of development of the baby. They take into account general patterns child development this age, its individual characteristics. This allows you to determine the direction of the nearest development.

The main tasks of the pedagogical process at this age are the amplification (enrichment) of development, the implementation of the principles of humanization, which are guided not by the average personality, but by the individuality of each child.

Features of the development and education of young childrenAt this age, the child's body weight and height are taken into account. The body gets stronger, the activity of the nervous system and the motor apparatus improves, the efficiency of the nervous system increases, due to this, the duration of active wakefulness increases. At this age, the baby is easier to form communication skills with each other. Children may be held back from action for a short time. All this becomes possible due to the improvement of various types of conditioned inhibition. But they are still easily tired and excited from repetitive activities.

The mental development of children of two to three years in general can be characterized by an active focus on performing their actions without any help from adults, that is, they strive for independence, further development, they have elementary judgments about the world around them, the formation of new forms of interactions between children with a gradual transition from single games to the simplest forms of joint play activities. During this period, a plot game begins to take a significant place, in which children reflect the actions of people close to them, and by the end of 3 years they take on roles. The first manifestations of their constructive and visual (drawing, modeling) activities appear. The activities of children are becoming more complex and diverse: children already know how to distinguish between play and study and work assignments. As a result of games and activities, mental processes develop: thinking, attention, memory. New interests and needs are beginning to form.

At this age, the future foundation of the child's socialization is laid, his connection with people, nature, and also the objective world is established, the child is introduced to culture, universal values, the foundations of the child's self-awareness and individuality are formed. You can discuss all this in the section forum about children.

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