If, before the birth of your baby, there was a dog in your home that you were especially sensitive to, you will have to re-establish contact with it. The animal will become jealous and try to get your attention, just like a child. Such attempts should be immediately stopped so that it would not be worse later.
To prevent the dog from harming the baby, take her to training courses. He will become more obedient, and you will not worry that the dog may bite or scratch your child. Make it so that the dog gets used to the children: invite friends who already have children. Have them play with the dog so that it knows the movements of the children’s arms and legs. If you teach her to do this in advance, the dog will not react aggressively to sudden movements or loud crying of the child. But in any case, parents should always look after both the child and the dog. Our pets cannot be ignored.
So that your dog does not experience strong feelings and stress about his new sleeping place, it is necessary to teach him to sleep in the place where you define him after giving birth before giving birth. Lay the rug so that it can be easily washed. After all, the child, when he learns to crawl and walk, will lie or walk on this rug. Handle all dog toys thoroughly every day. After all, the child will take them with his hands and pull them into his mouth.
The dog must be thoroughly combed, washed and looked after every day. Take her to veterinarian... Undergo a medical examination and, if she is sick with something, immediately cure her, and check her health every month. Remove worms and fleas from the dog. But don't use a flea collar. Do not use liquid flea repellent. All this contains chemistry and can be bad for your child's health.
Close the door to the room where the child will sleep tightly so that the dog does not enter. Take care that the dog does not overturn the stroller or crib where the baby is at this time.
Place the food bowl in such a place that the child cannot reach it. After all, a dog becomes aggressive when someone else approaches its food. The bowl and dog food must also be cleaned because the child can taste it himself. The water bowl must also be hidden. Otherwise, the baby will drink from there himself and the floors will have to be washed more often than usual.
Sergey Teikh