It is impossible to get good yields of fruits and berries, to ensure that flowers decorate the garden during spring, summer and autumn without creating favorable conditions for the plants, which include the provision of sufficient nutrients and moisture, timely care of the plantings, including the systematic destruction of weeds, loosening the soil and other activities, including the fight against pests and diseases.
The protection of fruit and berry plants, ornamental shrubs and flowers in the garden is carried out by agrotechnical, mechanical, biological and chemical methods. Their combination gives the highest effect.
This method includes agronomic and organizational measures. When they are carried out, the resistance to pests and diseases increases in plants, for the development of which at the same time unfavorable conditions are created.
Correct agricultural technology is the basis for the cultivation of high-yielding fruit and berry plants, so every gardener should know well the meaning of agricultural techniques and skillfully apply them.
Digging the soil
As a result of digging, the food and water-air regimes of the soil are improved, and, consequently, the general development of plants. At the same time, this agricultural practice helps to reduce the number of pests living in the soil. With frequent digging, the number of soil-dwelling pests decreases very sharply.
The soil should be dug with a rotation of the layer to the depth of the shovel bayonet. In order not to damage the roots, the depth of digging near them is somewhat reduced.
Soil liming
Acidic soils must be limed first of all, since horticultural crops grow poorly on them and give low yields. When lime is added, the acidity of the soil decreases, its microbiological and physical properties improve.
In acidic soils wireworms live, larvae of long-legged flies, which often cause significant damage to plants. Soil liming prevents the development of these pests.
In addition to lime, wood and peat ash, ground chalk, old crushed and sifted plaster, etc. are used for liming. The best result is the use of lime materials mixed with manure. Doses for their introduction are established on the basis of agrochemical analysis. It should be remembered that excess lime in the soil is harmful.
Application of organic and mineral fertilizers
For normal growth and development of plants, it is necessary to maintain a sufficient amount of nutrients in the soil - potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, etc. Only in this case it is possible to obtain a high yield. The lack of these substances in the soil should be compensated for by the application of fertilizers.
Improper use of fertilizers can have a negative impact on plant development. For example, when fresh manure is applied in strawberries, the vegetative mass grows abundantly at the expense of fruiting; in peonies, the lesion by gray rot sharply increases, which sometimes leads to the death of the stems or completely of the entire bush; in gladioli, corms develop incorrectly, as a result, they rot during storage; the introduction of fresh bird droppings can cause root burns and even the death of young plantings.
In addition to manure and other organic fertilizers in the North-West zone, where the soils are poor in nutrients, it is very important to use mineral fertilizers, including microelements.
With a lack of at least some of the nutrients, the plants develop poorly, lag behind in growth, the leaves turn yellow, the fruits become smaller, sometimes the plants do not bear fruit.Weakened plants do not tolerate winter well, and are more susceptible to diseases and damage by pests.
To avoid the abnormal development of plants due to a violation of the diet, you need to carefully consider the selection of mineral fertilizers, add only the missing amount of nutrients to the soil.
It should be borne in mind that with an excess of nitrogenous substances in the soil, winter hardiness of shoots decreases, potash fertilizers increase winter hardiness, phosphorus fertilizers - resistance to infectious diseases.
When you need to quickly heal frozen, rodent-damaged or broken plants, foliar feeding is very effective, supplementing root nutrition.
One of the techniques that contribute to the suppression of pests and diseases of horticultural crops is composting, that is, the preparation of organic fertilizers from a variety of household waste, crop residues, weeds, etc.
To do this, a place is taken on the site where a box is installed or a hole is dug, and weeds, strawberry mustache trimmings, fallen leaves, rotten fruits, on which eggs, caterpillars and adult insects are found, are placed there, pincers, slugs and pathogens.
Together with these materials, household waste, kitchen waste, used organic materials, vegetable waste if grown in the garden, etc. are composted in a pit (or box). Microorganisms decompose the composting materials. In this case, the temperature of the mass rises and the pests or pathogens contained in it die.
Thus, composting is an important sanitary and preventive measure in the garden and makes it possible to accumulate valuable organic fertilizer, which contains the substances necessary for plants.
Many collective gardens have a water supply system, so in dry times it is possible to timely replenish the lack of moisture in the soil and thereby improve the conditions for growing plants.
Some gardeners water the plants in their garden too often and abundantly. This leads to the leaching of nutrients from the soil, especially from the lungs, as a result of which the food regime is disrupted and plants are affected by diseases, mainly non-parasitic ones.
In a garden where the fruits and leaves of plants are affected by diseases (apple scab, currant and raspberry anthracnose), sprinkling should not be carried out, since pathogens will be transferred with water drops to neighboring healthy parts of plants and infect them. In this case, the plants are watered "at the root".
Protection against return frost and sunburn. Frost-damaged plants weaken and lose their resistance to many pests and diseases. Therefore, plants should be protected from the effects of low temperatures in the spring.
To protect the garden from return frost, it is recommended to burn garbage and other materials that form thick smoke. Strawberry ridges are covered with newspapers, film, tar paper and other materials. Good results are obtained with the use of smoke bombs available in retail sale.
One of the ways to protect against sunburn is to whitewash the boles of fruit trees. However, in the Northwest Zone, not all gardeners consider whitewashing boles to be a useful measure for the following reason. In this zone, spring is usually cool, the rate of plant development is slow. Whitewashed trunks are less heated by the sun, and therefore the development of plants is delayed, as a result, the already short growing season is shortened.
Selection of varieties
For amateur gardeners who purchase planting material for laying a garden or replacing fruit and berry plants in the garden, it is important to know the resistance of different varieties to pests and diseases.
The correct selection of varieties is the most important agricultural technique, one of the conditions for obtaining a high yield. In the North-Western zone, for example, apple scab of the varieties Pepin saffron, Autumn striped, Bessemyanka is less affected by scab; American powdery mildew - gooseberry varieties Houghton, Green large, Russian; anthracnose - currants of the varieties Neosypayuschaya, Golubka, Slava Leningrad, Karelskaya; terry - Smart, Karelian, Unsleeping, Dove; gray rot - strawberries of the varieties Saxonka, Leningradskaya late, Leningradskaya early.
Naturally, a gardener should purchase planting material for fruit and berry crops of those varieties that have better economic characteristics, higher resistance to pests and diseases. If the variety is little known to the gardener, you can find out about its signs from gardening books or by consulting a specialist.
K. Ya. Kalashnikov - Protection of plants from pests and diseases