Almost every pregnancy begins with the onset of toxicosis, the main symptoms of which are nausea and weakness. In the first months, its appearance is absolutely normal, but if toxicosis manifests itself in the last stages of pregnancy, then it can harm the health of the mother and her child. This can be avoided if you know the reasons due to which toxicosis can occur and be able to cope with them.
One of the reasons for the appearance of nausea and weakness is that in the first weeks of its development, the placenta secretes waste products of the fetus into the mother's blood, which causes intoxication and entails the appearance of nausea and weakness. As soon as the placenta is fully formed, it will cease to release waste products into the mother's blood.
And now hormonal changes will be the causes of toxicosis. They affect the attitude of the expectant mother to smells that did not affect the mother's body before pregnancy, which will also lead to nausea. It is possible to reduce the manifestation of symptoms of toxicosis with a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and exclusion of bad habits. Of course, pregnancy is not accompanied by nausea and other symptoms of toxicosis, not every woman, so such women do not have to change their lifestyle. The manifestation of toxicosis is possible both in the first half of pregnancy from the first days of conception or after 5-6 weeks, and in the second (in the third trimester).
Therefore, toxicosis is isolated in the early stages and late toxicosis, respectively. Toxicosis in the early stages does not cause particular danger and manifests itself in nausea, weakness, mood swings and headaches. If, due to toxicosis, a woman cannot eat food, then she needs urgent help from a doctor so that he can prescribe the necessary treatment for her. The manifestation of symptoms of toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy lasts up to 16 weeks. Late toxicosis is much more dangerous. When it manifests itself in the urine, protein is found, blood pressure increases, a woman is gaining weight faster than it should, and edema is also characteristic.
All this threatens the health of the mother and the child. Therefore, when toxicosis appears in the second half of pregnancy, a doctor's help is needed, and sometimes hospitalization. To avoid toxicosis, it is necessary to find a way to reduce the effects of toxicosis. If toxicosis is difficult and leads to exhaustion, then you need to see a doctor. Usually, pregnant women are prescribed vitamins and the necessary complex treatment is selected depending on their condition. You may also need to spend some time in the hospital. Currently, a new method of treating toxicosis has been developed - immunocytotherapy, which consists in the fact that the husband's lymphocytes are injected into the woman's body. Late toxicosis must always be treated.
Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor. With a mild manifestation of toxicosis, outpatient treatment is possible, and if the symptoms are strong enough, then the woman will need to stay in the hospital, possibly before the birth of the child. This is necessary because toxicosis in the late stages of pregnancy poses a serious danger to the mother and her baby. To avoid problems with the manifestation of symptoms of toxicosis and reduce their manifestation, from the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman needs to change her diet and lifestyle.
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