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Slow Cooker Recipes

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Bacon Bombs (Slow Cooker)
Bacon Bombs (Slow Cooker) Mix the minced meat with seasoning, add the egg, crackers, mix. Remove seeds from the pepper, fill the peppers with cream cheese. Minced meat section ...
gawala 2 2 720 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow Cooker Bigos Atlanta
Slow Cooker Bigos Atlanta The recipe is taken from the book "Soviet national and foreign cuisine" publishing house Moscow 1977, a textbook for future chefs and ...
Smile 19 1 861 Slow Cooker Recipes
Hercules with milk in a slow cooker Kitfort KT 2010
Hercules with milk in a slow cooker Kitfort KT 2010 Place the milk and oatmeal in a slow cooker bowl and stir. Cover and cook on MAX 3 hours, once well ...
brendabaker 4 3 845 Slow Cooker Recipes
Pike heads with garlic from the movie
"Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession"
Pike heads with garlic from the movie "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession" Remove gills and eyes from pike heads. Scald the heads, rinse, pour cold water, add salt, spices, cut into slices ...
Lyalya Toy 14 45 018 Slow Cooker Recipes
Pea soup
Pea soup Pour 3 cups of washed peas into a slow cooker and pour boiling water over (to speed up cooking), salt. I cooked for 4 hours ...
natamylove 42 25 663 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow-cooked pea soup without salt
Slow-cooked pea soup without salt This thick pea soup is from the book of Dr. Caldwell Esselstin Jr. * Super Heart * unusually fresh and light, slightly sour, in short, atypical ...
brendabaker 1 3 292 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow Cooker Pea Soup with Vegetables
Slow Cooker Pea Soup with Vegetables In a slow cooker bowl, place 450 ml (2 incomplete glasses) of washed yellow split peas, add: 1 large onion, peeled ...
brendabaker 0 3 625 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow cooked pea soup with feta cheese Kitfort KT 2010
Slow cooked pea soup with feta cheese Kitfort KT 2010 1 cup yellow split peas, a handful of dry vegetables 4 cups of water Peas in halves, shelled, not soaked, but only washed ...
brendabaker 2 4 741 Slow Cooker Recipes
Mushrooms from the cartoon "Alice in Wonderland".
Mushrooms from the cartoon "Alice in Wonderland". If you have frozen mushrooms, it is best to defrost them. Add mushrooms, grated carrots, finely chopped onions into a slow saucepan ...
Lyalya Toy 6 8 744 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow Cooker Kitfprt KT 2010 Thick Applesauce with Honey (Apple Butter)
Slow Cooker Kitfprt KT 2010 Thick Apple Butter Slow Cooker I found the recipe (Slow cooker Apple Butter with Honey) on the website allreceipe.com, my retelling and author's photos. You need to take three different ...
brendabaker 6 2 416 Slow Cooker Recipes
Dessert "Apple Pudding" in a slow cooker
Dessert "Apple Pudding" in a slow cooker This unusual, wet dessert was found on the Internet under the name Slow Cooker Apple Pudding Cake and seemed to me a worthy alternative ...
brendabaker 5 4 217 Slow Cooker Recipes
Apple dessert with crispy crumbs (slow cooker)
Apple dessert with crispy crumbs (slow cooker) Recipe author April Mckinney, my translation, retelling, minor changes and copyright photos. If you like muesli bars, then uh ...
brendabaker 23 6 139 Slow Cooker Recipes
Jahnun Jahnun in slowcooker can be made from ready-made unleavened (by no means yeast!) Puff pastry. As easy as pie. Those...
Caprice 8 26 592 Slow Cooker Recipes
Homemade sprats
Home sprats I found in my old notebook when they made homemade sprats a long time ago. I think this recipe will also fit MV 1kg ice ...
Anael 9 11 428 Slow Cooker Recipes
Roast with mushrooms in a slow cooker
Roast with mushrooms in a slow cooker Fresh mushrooms, collected from the local forest, boiled in salt water + added peppercorns. I put a large onion and carrots ...
mowgli 6 6 037 Slow Cooker Recipes
Kitfort Slow Cooker Frozen Cauliflower 2010
Kitfort Slow Cooker Frozen Cauliflower 2010 I put 700 g of frozen cauliflower in a bowl, salted it .. I cooked at MAX for about 2 hours and 50 minutes. The cabbage gave a little juice ...
brendabaker 3 2 562 Slow Cooker Recipes
Spaghetti casserole "A la Italia" (slow cooker)
Spaghetti casserole "A la Italia" (slow cooker) Boil the spaghetti until al dente. Cut the onion into rings, dice the paprika. Add vegetables two minutes before the end of cooking spaghetti ....
gawala 19 4 275 Slow Cooker Recipes
Casserole, a la "Lazy stuffed cabbage" (Kenwood CP 706 Slow Cooker)
Casserole, a la "Lazy stuffed cabbage" (Kenwood CP 706 Slow Cooker) I did it for the first time not only in a slow cooker, but in general, although I heard about the recipe for "lazy cabbage rolls" more than once. And after digging ...
rusja 5 17 623 Slow Cooker Recipes
Baked creamy dessert
Baked creamy dessert A very tasty dessert, similar in taste to baked colostrum. I took a closer photo so that I could see the layered structure ...
Qween 58 26 408 Slow Cooker Recipes
Eggplant caviar for the winter
Eggplant caviar for the winter Eggplant caviar with us always goes with a bang, but in the season, for the winter, I never closed it, because I had a sad experience with bakla ...
rusja 3 14 620 Slow Cooker Recipes
Overseas eggplant caviar.
Overseas eggplant caviar. I baked eggplants in the oven. I twisted the tomatoes, peppers, onions and garlic in a food processor and slightly saved them in a frying pan on a vegetable ...
Anael 2 8 673 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow cooked roe of fried eggplant and zucchini
Slow cooked eggplant and zucchini caviar Cut all the ingredients into slices, I cut everything on a burner grater on a 7mm insert. Each ingredient is lightly pre-fried ...
Stafa 2 7 320 Slow Cooker Recipes
Caviar from vegetables baked in a slow cooker Kitfort KT 2010
Caviar from vegetables baked in a slow cooker Kitfort KT 2010 PREPARATION OF FOOD: Wash and dry eggplants, peppers and tomatoes, wrap each vegetable separately in foil. Fill the bowl more slowly ...
brendabaker 40 4 733 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow Cooker Yoghurt (Kenwood SR-706)
Slow Cooker Yoghurt (Kenwood SR-706) Boil homemade milk and cool to 38-40 gr. or reheat to the same temperature, if it is pasteurized, ultra-paste ...
rusja 18 12 934 Slow Cooker Recipes
Stewed cabbage
Stewed cabbage Fry carrots, onions in a pan. Salt chopped cabbage, add pepper, onions, carrots, diluted tomato paste ...
Anael 12 15 820 Slow Cooker Recipes
Carp in beer
Carp in beer With this dish, my husband (then not her husband yet) looked after me (which you just won't go to to please a girl). Cooked him in pain ...
Omela 22 14 188 Slow Cooker Recipes
Carp in sour cream sauce (for slow cooker)
Carp in sour cream sauce (for slow cooker) Kind people brought me already cut carps, they said that the pieces from the carcasses were 2-3 kilos, there was about a kilo in the bag ...
mowgli 11 5 654 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow-cooked potatoes in sour cream with onions Kitfort KT 2010
Slow-cooked potatoes in sour cream with onions Kitfort KT 2010 Slow cookers are well suited for extinguishing and infusing pre-processed foods, simple foods * add ...
brendabaker 4 3 388 Slow Cooker Recipes
Potatoes in foil with sour cream sauce (slow cooker)
Potatoes in foil with sour cream sauce (slow cooker) Wash and dry the potatoes. Do not clean. Slice the potatoes lengthways without cutting through to the end. Lubricate the cuts with oil. Wrap in foil ...
gawala 8 3 440 Slow Cooker Recipes
Rosemary potatoes (slow cooker)
Rosemary potatoes (slow cooker) Wash unpeeled potatoes, leave moist. Place in the MV ceramic bowl. Add oil, slightly crush the garlic, (not clean ...
gawala 28 5 532 Slow Cooker Recipes
Stewed potatoes in a creamy sauce
Stewed potatoes in a creamy sauce Cut the potatoes into circles. Grease the bottom of the slow cooker with oil and lay a layer of potatoes. Top-rings onions. Season with salt, sprinkle ...
natamylove 2 18 787 Slow Cooker Recipes
Potatoes in sour cream (slow cooker)
Potatoes in sour cream (slow cooker) This budgetary, aromatic and uncomplicated dish can be prepared with both steamed and frozen turkey fillets, or even taken together ...
brendabaker 12 5 621 Slow Cooker Recipes
Creamy porridge made from millet and apples in a slow cooker
Creamy porridge made from millet and apples in a slow cooker Cut apples (without skin) into small pieces. Place in a slow cooker and add butter. Cook on a High R ...
Qween 59 22 210 Slow Cooker Recipes
Morning melted porridge with millet, rice and pumpkin
Morning melted porridge with millet, rice and pumpkin I cooked in a 3.5 liter slow cooker. At 20.15 pm I turned on the "High" mode, put butter and pumpkin in a saucepan ...
Qween 45 19 508 Slow Cooker Recipes
Compote for Fedya from the comedy "Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik
Compote for Fedya from the comedy "Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik Rinse the compote mixture, put in a slow cooker, pour boiling water over it, add sugar. Close the lid. Cook on "High". ...
Lyalya Toy 11 7 847 Slow Cooker Recipes
Cat sardines
Cat sardines https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/forum/Themes/classic/images/hleb-sm.png "fish for cats" is taken. I have a small cod without a head ("...
Anael 6 7 347 Slow Cooker Recipes
Red pea soup
Red pea soup We wash the peas with cool water until the water drained from the peas becomes almost completely transparent. Then put the peas ...
Reina 6 10 046 Slow Cooker Recipes
Creamy pearl barley and milk soup
Creamy pearl barley and milk soup I read the recipe for pearl barley cream soup in a worn out booklet (from 30 pages). The recipe is for a steamer, but since a steamer ...
Qween 36 18 749 Slow Cooker Recipes
Polenta corn porridge on a mixture of chicken broth and water in a slow cooker Kitfort KT-205
Polenta corn porridge on a mixture of chicken broth and water in a slow cooker Kitfort KT-205 In Kitfort KT205, for 1.5 liters, polenta corn porridge was prepared on a mixture of chicken broth and water. 1 cup (160 ml) cereals, pr ...
brendabaker 4 944 Slow Cooker Recipes
Wheat Kutia
Wheat Kutia Put the wheat in a slow cooker, add salt and water. If you like kutya thicker, then you need 500 ml of water, and if you like with liquid ...
Qween 15 9 537 Slow Cooker Recipes
Lasagna Lasagna leaves Fried minced meat Sauce I have a lasagna recipe (ripped off from the Israeli forum) Lasagna leaves are not boiled ...
natamylove 6 6 367 Slow Cooker Recipes
Lasagne Bolognese
Lasagne Bolognese I cooked lasagna according to Aunt Basie's recipe I cooked the sauce in the microwave - melt 50 grams of butter, add flour and stir ...
natamylove 5 11 281 Slow Cooker Recipes
Minestrone in a slow cooker
Minestrone in slow cooker 1. Pour dry beans and oyster mushroom legs with water. Adjust the amount of water to your liking. The density will depend on its quantity ...
Miela 4 1 593 Slow Cooker Recipes
Capelin with vegetables
Capelin with vegetables Place a 100 g cut on the bottom of the slow cooker. carrots and 100 g of onion cut. Top with half the fish, salt, sprinkle with spices, polo ...
natamylove 7 12 999 Slow Cooker Recipes
Condensed milk
Condensed milk And what came into my head to do it? - I don't know. But I will place my experiment. How much did I cook it? - I don't know. Probably all day ...
natamylove 44 22 710 Slow Cooker Recipes
Baked milk
Baked milk mode 4 hours Cooking time: 4 hours Similar recipes ...
natamylove 55 33 893 Slow Cooker Recipes
Milk porridge
Milk porridge I really wanted to cook milk porridge in a slow cooker. Well, I heard what they cook, but tips and a cooking algorithm ...
SupercoW 11 9 807 Slow Cooker Recipes
Milk rice porridge in a slow cooker Kitfort KT-2010
Milk rice porridge in a slow cooker Kitfort KT-2010 Wash the rice to clean water, drain, place in a slow cooker bowl, add milk, stir, cover and cook for 3 hours ...
brendabaker 17 7 450 Slow Cooker Recipes
Kitfort KT Slow Cooker Lentil Milk Chowder with Ginger and Cardamom 2010
Kitfort KT Slow Cooker Lentil Milk Stew with Ginger and Cardamom 2010 We wash the lentils (red, or a mixture of red and yellow) with running water, let the water drain. Put the slow cooker in the bowl, add ...
brendabaker 0 1 605 Slow Cooker Recipes
Carrot cake with pineapple or nuts in Breville slow cooker 3.5 l
Carrot cake with pineapple or nuts in Breville slow cooker 3.5 l Grease the slow cooker and cover with baking paper. Grate the carrots on the finest grater. Cut pineapples into small pieces ...
gawala 53 2 789 Slow Cooker Recipes
Stew "Tender" with mushrooms in a slow cooker Kitfort 212
Stew "Tender" with mushrooms in a slow cooker Kitfort 212 I brought a recipe for delicious meat in a slow sauce. I cook often enough, the recipe is from my brother, he taught me how to cook ...
Trishka 17 1 957 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow cooked oat milk porridge
Slow cooked oat milk porridge Rinse the oatmeal, cover with clean water and leave for 4-12 hours (I soaked it for 4 hours). Then rinse the groats again, give water ...
brendabaker 0 4 103 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow-cooked beetroot pâté Kitfort KT 2010
Slow-cooked beetroot pâté Kitfort KT 2010 To bake beets in a slow cooker, you need to wash them, wipe them off, wrap each one separately in foil and put it in a bowl, placing ...
brendabaker 21 4 446 Slow Cooker Recipes
Liver pate in a pot, boiled in a water bath
Liver pate in a pot, boiled in a water bath Preparation Twist the liver and lard in a meat grinder. Add sour cream and eggs. Put pieces of bacon on the bottom of the pot. Then into the pots ...
natamylove 26 16 259 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow Cooker Peperonate Kitfort KT 2010
Slow Cooker Peperonate Kitfort KT 2010 I put 3 tablespoons in the bowl of the slow cooker. tomato paste, 3 tbsp. odorless vegetable oil 1 tsp. dry oregano 1 tsp. salt ....
brendabaker 20 4 764 Slow Cooker Recipes
Barley porridge with milk in a slow cooker
Barley porridge with milk in a slow cooker I decided to cook this porridge after reading Pokhlebkin's text about Tsar Peter 1's favorite porridge and the technology of its preparation on the homed forum ...
brendabaker 19 8 793 Slow Cooker Recipes
Barley with mushrooms and cream (slow cooker)
Barley with mushrooms and cream (slow cooker) I want to treat you to my favorite porridge with mushrooms, sour cream and cream. I love her very much both with mushrooms and without mushrooms, with cream ...
Tanyulya 39 15 405 Slow Cooker Recipes
Barley with potatoes in a slow cooker
Barley with potatoes in a slow cooker Let the slow cooker warm up for 20 minutes at HIGH mode. We put the pearl barley in a sieve and put it to rinse under a flow ...
brendabaker 8 4 913 Slow Cooker Recipes
Peppers stuffed with vegetables (slow)
Peppers stuffed with vegetables (slow) minced lean, vegetable: 1. onion, carrots rubbed on Berner, slightly stewed with the addition of sunflower oil 2 tomatoes - I had ...
mowgli 6 4 252 Slow Cooker Recipes
Lenten potato ragout with rosemary athos
Lenten potato ragout with rosemary athos Turn on the slow cooker to warm up in HIGH mode for 20 minutes. Peel the potatoes, cut them not finely (1cmx2 cmx2cm), rinse, floor ...
brendabaker 0 2 810 Slow Cooker Recipes
Lean borscht in a slow cooker
Lean borscht in a slow cooker Preliminary preparation: Wash the beans and soak overnight in plenty of cold water. Sort out the mushrooms, rinse, pour ...
brendabaker 0 5 347 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow Cooker Lean Ginger Soup
Slow Cooker Lean Ginger Soup Leave the slow cooker to warm up on HIGH mode (90-100 degrees C) for 20 minutes. Take 500 g of carrots, 100 g of potatoes and 1/2 small ...
brendabaker 6 2 242 Slow Cooker Recipes
Lean soup with barley and mushrooms in slow cooker 3.5L
Lean soup with barley and mushrooms in slow cooker 3.5L Rinse the pearl barley, leave in water. Pour boiling water over the mushrooms and leave for 30 minutes. Then drain the water. Peel the vegetables, wash ...
brendabaker 2 2 907 Slow Cooker Recipes
Milk pudding (feather test)
Milk pudding (feather test) Mix eggs with a mixer with condensed milk (do not beat) add vanilla stir starch with cold milk (first with a small amount ...
natamylove 18 19 822 Slow Cooker Recipes
Millet porridge with undiluted milk in a slow cooker KT205
Millet porridge with undiluted milk in a slow cooker KT205 Millet porridge with undiluted milk for 2h 15 minutes at High at KT205. (without stirring), 1: 5. I still achieved a suitable ...
brendabaker 4 5 283 Slow Cooker Recipes
Stew of frozen vegetables in the KitFort slow cooker 2010
Stew of frozen vegetables in the KitFort slow cooker 2010 Rinse the rice to clean water and put 2 packs of frozen vegetable mixture, 400 g each in a slow cooker bowl (I also cooked with the mixture ...
brendabaker 6 3 417 Slow Cooker Recipes
Vegetable stew
Vegetable stew Made today vegetable stew Cut vegetables, salt and pepper. Fry 2 onions with 1 tablespoon of tomato paste. all in a slow cooker ...
natamylove 3 11 874 Slow Cooker Recipes
Loose and soft buckwheat in Kitfort KT-205 slow cooker
Loose and soft buckwheat in Kitfort KT-205 slow cooker 1 glass = 250 ml Put buckwheat, salt and oil in a bowl, poured cold water, covered and cooked for 3 hours on Low. Didn't interfere and didn't ...
brendabaker 0 3 746 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow Cooker Rice Pudding
Slow Cooker Rice Pudding I make 1: 6 rice milk pudding using the * water bath * method. 1.Sterilize a glass saucepan in which I will be g ...
brendabaker 2 2 626 Slow Cooker Recipes
Athos Bean Salad with Onions
Athos Bean Salad with Onions Mix oil, vinegar (I took grape), and mustard (I took sweet French one with whole grains) - this will be a salad dressing. H ...
brendabaker 0 3 697 Slow Cooker Recipes
BBQ pork
BBQ pork Pork 1.5 kg Sugar 1 tsp. Salt 1 tsp (salt on the eye) Ginger 1 tsp (I did not take) Olive or vegetable oil 20 ml Ketchup ...
marinal 0 4 797 Slow Cooker Recipes
Condensed milk in a slow cooker
Condensed milk in a slow cooker Put everything in a slow cooker pan (I have a 3.5L Sybarizka), turn on the HI mode with the lid open. I mixed it several times ...
Omela 156 35 098 Slow Cooker Recipes
Seven o'clock Ajapsandal
Seven o'clock Ajapsandal The author of the recipe Elenka69 https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/index.php@option=com_smf&topic=23666.msg163583#msg163583 This is very easy to prepare ...
natamylove 8 12 008 Slow Cooker Recipes
Blue sote (eggplant) for slow cooker
Blue sote (eggplant) for slow cooker peel the eggplants, cut into a finger thick. Cut carrots, onions, bell peppers on a Berner on a 3 mm insert. Fried sleep ...
mowgli 1 5 084 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow Cooker Mushroom Soup with Beans
Slow Cooker Mushroom Soup with Beans Wash 1 cup of beans, add plenty of water and leave for 12 hours. Then drain the water, put the beans in the bowl slowly ...
brendabaker 4 3 142 Slow Cooker Recipes
Pearl barley soup with lentils and mushrooms
Pearl barley soup with lentils and mushrooms 1. Soak pearl barley for 4-8 hours. 2. Rinse mushrooms and lentils. Lentils should be taken not quickly digestible - brown ...
julifera 13 7 574 Slow Cooker Recipes
Cottage cheese in a slow cooker KitFort 2010
Cottage cheese in a slow cooker KitFort 2010 Pour 800 ml of kefir with a fat content of 3.2% into a cleanly washed bowl, add 2 liters of pasteurized milk 3.2% - 4.5% fat, stir a little ...
brendabaker 29 8 024 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow Cooking Curd Casserole (Kasekuchen)
Slow Cooking Curd Casserole (Kasekuchen) The semolina will mix with baking powder and salt. Beat butter with sugar. Add cottage cheese, egg, mix everything with semolina, add vanilla. IN...
gawala 17 3 141 Slow Cooker Recipes
Cottage cheese casserole with fruit
Cottage cheese casserole with fruit Fruits / for example plums, cherries, apples / wash, cut, remove pits. Let the water drain from the compote. / I took fresh apples, ...
Claire 11 8 202 Slow Cooker Recipes
Cottage cheese and semolina casserole with rhubarb (slow cooker)
Cottage cheese and semolina casserole with rhubarb (slow cooker) Cut the rhubarb to a thickness of 5 mm. Add vanilla sugar and 1 tablespoon sugar. Mix. Leave for a while so that rhubarb gives juice. Egg ...
gawala 4 3 100 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow Cooker Creamy Crushed Potatoes
Creamy crushed potatoes in slow cooker Peel the potatoes, cut into small pieces, rinse with cold water and place in a slow cooker bowl. Peel and chop the carrots ...
brendabaker 1 3 617 Slow Cooker Recipes
Ghee in a slow cooker
Ghee in a slow cooker Since there is no recipe for heating butter, and this topic is often raised, I decided to describe it for those who wish. Add oil to slow cooker ...
Lerele 48 17 153 Slow Cooker Recipes
Baked Milk Slow Cooker KitFort 2010
Baked Milk Slow Cooker KitFort 2010 To make baked milk, I bought 2 liters of natural pasteurized cow's milk with a short shelf life and fat content ...
brendabaker 11 4 701 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow Cooking Sauerkraut
Stewed Sauerkraut Slow Cooker In a slow cooker bowl, I laid out in layers: Down a layer of slightly chopped sauerkraut mixed with quarter rings of onions, And light ...
brendabaker 2 3 230 Slow Cooker Recipes
Braised young cabbage in the KitFort slow cooker 2010
Braised young cabbage in the KitFort slow cooker 2010 Rinse the rice cleanly, pour boiling water over it, cover and leave to cool. Then rinse, discard in a colander and use. Minced meat ...
brendabaker 2 3 016 Slow Cooker Recipes
Uzvar from dried fruits and spices with walnut partitions or medicinal compote in slow cookers
Uzvar from dried fruits and spices with walnut partitions or medicinal compote in slow cookers In this recipe, I offer my own, invented by me for my family, composition of a wellness and healthy, tasty and rich recipe ...
Rada-dms 50 3 965 Slow Cooker Recipes
Gefilte fish
Gefilte fish Cut the fish into pieces, remove the skin, separate the flesh from the bones, twist everything with onions, add matzah flour gruel (you can replace ...
Anael 9 6 831 Slow Cooker Recipes
Stuffed vegetables "Assorted"
Stuffed vegetables "Assorted" The idea was borrowed from here Before stuffing vegetables must be defrosted. Cut off the tops of the peppers, remove the seeds and partitions. ...
Gypsy 38 18 423 Slow Cooker Recipes
Stuffed peppers with olive oil
Stuffed peppers with olive oil Viki I counted 10 peppers! It fit into 3 liters? : o I have no more than 7 pieces in 6.5 liters: - \ I also love with meat, but this ...
Gypsy 1 5 628 Slow Cooker Recipes
Beans "Texas Ranch"
Beans "Texas Ranch" It's night outside, it's cold, windy and I don't know what I want ... Something like that, with a spicy taste, so that the smell of spice spreads ...
Babushka 19 7 011 Slow Cooker Recipes
Greek beans in slow cooker Kenwood CP 707
Greek beans in slow cooker Kenwood CP 707 1. Soak beans for 8-12 hours in cold water and rinse. The original recipe is for white beans, and I used a mixture of three. M ...
mur_myau 20 12 030 Slow Cooker Recipes
Bread pudding with berries in the Kitfort slow cooker 205
Bread pudding with berries in the Kitfort slow cooker 205 She brought a delicious, and not at all complicated recipe for our favorite saucepan - baby Kit. You can also cook it in the oven ...
Trishka 18 1 016 Slow Cooker Recipes
Auvergne Slow Cooker Lentil Soup Kitfort KT 2010
Auvergne Slow Cooker Lentil Soup Kitfort KT 2010 1. Pour 1 liter of cold water into the slow cooker bowl, set MAXIMUM mode. To cook this soup until the desired soft ...
brendabaker 4 2 109 Slow Cooker Recipes
Monastery-style chorba in a slow cooker 3.5 l
Monastery-style chorba in a slow cooker 3.5 l Leave the empty slow cooker to warm up for 20 minutes in HIGH mode. Let's put the kettle on the fire, we need hot water. Och ...
brendabaker 6 3 925 Slow Cooker Recipes
Chocolate cake in Breville slow cooker 3,5l
Chocolate cake in Breville slow cooker 3,5l # Grease the slow cooker with oil and cover with baking paper. Melt with ...
gawala 125 5 267 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow Cooker Chocolate Pudding
Slow Cooker Chocolate Pudding (I cooked pudding in a slow cooker KENWOOD SR 706, volume 4.5 liters, round bowl) 1. Let's put the kettle to boil, we need 2 cu ...
brendabaker 16 4 497 Slow Cooker Recipes
Cabbage soup with sour cream in a slow cooker
Cabbage soup with sour cream in a slow cooker 1.Cut peeled and washed potatoes into small slices and put in a bowl of water with slightly acidified citric acid ...
brendabaker 3 3 461 Slow Cooker Recipes
Lean cabbage soup in a slow cooker
Lean cabbage soup in a slow cooker Not so long ago, I found out about the existence of a shchanitsa (puppy) and caught fire first to make this shchanitsa, and then this legendary cabbage soup. That's h ...
Tanyulya 6 7 086 Slow Cooker Recipes
Russian cabbage soup
Russian cabbage soup I will say right away that this is not my invention, but inspired by the correspondence on one of the forums and adapted to the slow cooker from the magazine ...
Irene 7 7 593 Slow Cooker Recipes
Cabbage soup, like from a Russian oven (slow cooker)
Cabbage soup, like from a Russian oven (slow cooker) At the request of the slow brewers, I prepared a recipe. Rather, not even a recipe, but a method of cooking cabbage soup. For me, a city dweller, it was very and ...
OlgaGera 164 12 062 Slow Cooker Recipes

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