I smear all the cracks with yolk, and then in the oven for proofing
I found a video on how to make the braid more uniform, but I didn't know what to braid from the middle ...
Lorik, I roll the kneading in Kenwood ....... it's too hard to knead such good stuff, and to come up already in the drying room, but last time I put it in HP, kneaded so hard on the "Dough" program Main, everything turned out just super
and what kind of butter, butter or vegetable?
I understood correctly, 3 eggs and 2 yolks? and for lubrication, these are separate yolks, right?
DJ - classsss
It's probably the harnesses that rolled like a roll, that's why you got such a chic layering?
Thank you, everyone really liked it!
Thanks to the author, a wonderful recipe! Baked today, here's my darling
It does not look like a wicker (challah) at all, a more rich and incomparable taste - it is more suitable for pies or butter rolls. But all the same, many thanks, I got a lot of pleasure from the cooking process and of course from the taste.
Thanks to you, I discovered the braiding technique, I have never cooked it before. I take it to my bookmarks.
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