vmspb, or yeast, all the time I forget about them - I have sourdough. :-)
You can also subtract the water by the same couple of spoons.
Reduced yeast from four grams per recipe to three:

Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker

Better, but the top still managed to settle, next time I'll try 2 grams.

And if the share of rye in the flour mixture is increased, all other things being equal, how will this affect the rate of rise of the dough during proofing? It could be darker, especially if it helps.
vmspb, experiment, analyze the result, everything is in your hands.
I tried to reduce the amount of yeast to 2 grams and water by 30, 40 and 50 ml. Did not like:

Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker

The best result, in appearance and taste, was achieved by reducing the yeast mass to 3 g and reducing the last proofing from 70 to 60 minutes (by adjusting program 3 in the user mode):

Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker
Whole wheat wheat with bran (200g w / s, 80g c / z, 40g bran, 200ml water, 20ml vegetable oil, 8g salt, 15g sugar, 3g yeast Saf moment), in the user mode (kneading 15 min, proofing 30, kneading 30, dist. 50, warm-up 1 min, dist. 50, baking 1 hour):

Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker

The bread is somewhat denser at the bottom. To achieve more uniformity, what to change in the recipe and program?
The bread is somewhat denser at the bottom. To achieve more uniformity, what to change in the recipe and program?
Only remove bran or c / z flour - they have little gluten and such a dough does not hold its weight well. You can also bake a hearth (without a mold), then the crumb will be more even. You can also mix in a strong high-protein flour like durum / semolin (protein 12-14%).
Crown, Thank you.
And an increase in kneading time, for more gluten release from flour, will give a more stable dough frame?
Where, in general, is the line of reasonable kneading time?
vmspb, gluten itself is formed by wetting flour from its various proteins, kneading or long cold fermentation of gluten (it is also gluten) can only be developed.
Look at the dough, freshly crushed flour has a lumpy structure, after autolysis and good kneading, the dough becomes smooth, tender and plastic, and with strong flour, even the batter has significant elasticity and stretches well, without tears.
The stronger the flour, the longer it can be kneaded, the dough on weak flour does not hold the extra kneading well and easily falls off when overstretched. Determine the time of kneading and proofing empirically, based on the quality of your flour.
Gluten can be purchased separately and added to mild flour, but you can make your own. We have a recipe here, type in a search engine a phrase like "do-it-yourself gluten".
I reinforce the flour with the addition of T grade yellow semolina instead of expensive durum.
Satisfied with the stove. I debugged recipes and custom programs to a stable result for three types of bread, I basically bake them on the machine by the morning: almost lean wheat (I add milk), wheat-whole grain with bran and wheat-rye with malt and caraway seeds.

Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker

The loaves are 500 grams each. I tried to reduce the bookmark by a third, the result was so-so. It does not always mix and spread unevenly. And the top crust turns out rosy when at the level of the rim of the bucket.

10-12 minutes to enter the program and bookmark (everything on the scales) is no longer than a hike for bread, and here it is fresh and the one you want. In terms of costs, even some savings. In terms of quality - bread shelves in stores are not yet attractive, tandoors and bakeries too. I only bought a baguette once, when I wanted a baguette, but didn't want to mess around.

I also like the oven for dough, baked goods and yoghurt. Despite the fact that there is a combine with a dough mixer, and a smart oven, and a yogurt maker.
She added some quality of life)

Quote: vmspb
Debugged recipes and custom programs to a stable result for three types of bread, I mainly bake them
vmspb, please share the recipes for these breads and step-by-step programming
The ingredients are in the order of addition, everything is on the scales (for weighing the yeast, the scales are needed with a discreteness of 0.1 g). Sift flour. I like to pour vegetable oil on the axle before installing the spatula, then when shaking out the bread, the spatula remains in the loaf, and it can be removed more accurately.
Weight in grams, time in minutes. If using other yeast and flour, adjustments will be required.

Wheat bread

Vegetable oil - 10g
Water - 100
Milk - 80
Salt - 8
Sugar - 20
Wheat flour Makfa premium quality - 300
Yeast Saf moment - 3

Knead 1 - 10 '
Rise 1 - 20
Knead 2 - 30
Rise 2 - 60
Knead 3 - 1
Rise 3 - 40
Bake - 60

Whole wheat bran with bran

Vegetable oil - 15
Water - 100
Milk - 80
Salt - 6
Sugar - 20
Premium wheat flour Makfa - 240
Wheat flour c / z Pudov - 50
Rye bran - 10
Sunflower seeds - 15
Yeast Saf moment - 3

Knead 1 - 20 '
Rise 1 - 30
Knead 2 - 40
Rise 2 - 45
Knead 3 - 1
Rise 3 - 40
Bake - 60

Wheat-rye malt bread with caraway / coriander

Vegetable oil - 18
Rye malt - 15
(I steam it with boiling water, stir it and let it cool to room temperature)
Water - 200
Salt - 8
Sugar - 18
Wheat flour Makfa premium quality - 150
Rye flour Sorceress - 135 rub.
Cumin and / or coriander - 2
Yeast Saf moment - 3

Knead 1 - 15 '
Rise 1 - 30
Knead 2 - 30
Rise 2 - 35
Knead 3 - 0
Rise 3 - 0
Bake - 1:05

vmspb, thank you very much for the answer. I will definitely try these recipes, I bake bread on auto programs, but somehow I did not make friends with the Masterchef, but I want to use this oven to the fullest. And how did you achieve such a fried crust on top? I always have a light program on my car, and if I put it on a dark crust, then a thick crust turns out
Quote: vmspb
then, when shaking out the bread, the spatula remains in the loaf, and it can be removed more accurately.
I bought a bucket from Redmond, I like it better with it and the spatula remains on the axis in the bucket, and there is a very neat slot in the bread and you don't have to pull out anything

Quote: Amazonka
And how did you achieve such a fried crust on top?
Quote: vmspb
And the top crust turns out rosy when at the level of the rim of the bucket.

Amazonka, I bake in the medium crust mode, the top is the same tone with the sides, if it is approximately at the level of the edge of the bucket. For me, that's what you need. Covering the window with foil and covering the top with a towel is not very effective.

Which Redmond bucket fits Martha? I would like to have a smaller original as an option.
Quote: vmspb
if it is approximately level with the edge of the bucket
vmspb, strange, I do it with the same amount of flour, but I can't do it at the edge level, it turns out lower, apparently something is wrong with my stove
Quote: vmspb
Which Redmond bucket fits Martha?
Redmond RP-A100 is for 750 grams of bread.

Here I am a grouse, of course I will not succeed at the edge level, the same bucket from the redmond is higher than my own, but initially and in my own, it turned out pale

How much boiling water do you need to brew malt?
Quote: Amazonka
I can't do it at the edge level, it works lower,
It is necessary to increase the proving time, if in the original bucket. Or a bookmark, if larger. But a one and a half times larger bucket should leave smaller gaps on the sides and top, there will not be enough heat for a ruddy top crust.
Quote: Amazonka
How much boiling water do you need to brew malt?
All 200ml.
You can brew with a part of this volume, add cold water after 15 minutes - it will cool faster to room temperature.
I welcome everyone. We've just brought the beautiful Marty. How small she was, I did not even expect, but this is good, it did not take much space
Please tell me a simple and trusted bread recipe for this bread machine, which will definitely work out. Actually, this is our first time with the stove, and I understood (maybe mistakenly) that it is always perfect only in Panasonic, but you have to adapt to others.
There are ovens in which it is always perfect, from any flour and yeast?
In my opinion, Marta is good precisely with the custom mode, which allows you to adjust the process to the ingredients used. On the built-in programs, all the recipes offered in the manual gave me more or less decent results, except for rye, but everywhere there was something to improve. And this was not always achievable only by adjusting the bookmark.
Now I bake wheat bread according to your recipe. For the first time, this is the first time I can’t even imagine how the correct kolobok should look. Baked, I’ll take a photo

The bread is ready)) It seems to me that the bun is low. It was a little fried from the barrels, although I chose a medium crust and the top is cracked. Have not tried it yet, it cools, but the aroma is old
Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-bakerDiscussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker
Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker
Quote: Aziyade
It seems to me that the bun turned out to be low
Try adding 5-10 minutes of proofing next time. But it may also settle.
Quote: vmspb

Try adding 5-10 minutes of proofing next time. But it may also settle.

What is it like?

Bread in a cut. It tastes great. The crust is a bit thick, especially at the bottom, and it seems to have really risen a little. In general, there is something to work on. Question: over what specifically? Choose the lightest crust?
Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker
Rise 3 set 45 or 50.
But if it stops the dough, the top will turn out flat or fall through.
They cut it too early, reaches for the knife and the top crumpled, in comparison with the previous photos.
I let it stand for an hour without covering.
Thank you for your advice
I also wanted to ask, do you also get a hard crust? It's even difficult for me to cut it with a knife (it's not critical, of course, she's not oak and her daughter has already eaten everything)
I think it's a matter of taste. I tried all three, the middle crust was the best.
Difficult to cut because the crumb is still too soft. Please be patient next time)
Thank you))
vmspb, baked wheat-rye bread according to your recipe, but set 10 minutes of kneading, 1: 25h proofing and 1 hour baking (I decided to make rye mode as in x / p Panasonic), it turned out very tasty bread, thanks for the recipe

Quote: Aziyade
I also wanted to ask, do you also get a hard crust?
My crust is not tough, that's why I liked this bakery, here in Moulinex the crust is sooo thick, but in this very
I baked wheat-rye according to the recipe from the instructions for program 3, the result was not pleasing. Also, like Vmspb, the lid is opal. The dough has risen very high, and above the level of the bucket. Opal was already in the baking process, I hoped until the last)) I didn't take pictures, they ate it quickly, everyone really liked the taste. Today I decided to do it on 1 program. It seems to be not bad, but I would like more rise. I didn't even reach the edge of the bucket. Gresh is still on the amount of yeast, because it is impossible to measure accurately on my scales. Most likely this time the yeast was less than 4 grams.
In general, I think now, next time try to measure the yeast 4 g or increase the proving time with 3 g of yeast
Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker
Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker

Quote: Amazonka
My crust is not tough, that's why I liked this bakery, here in Moulinex the crust is sooo thick, but in this very

This time, the crust turned out normal, as desired))

Tell me, I have such a stupid question, how do you get a spatula? I can't get it out of whole bread, just cut it in the middle. I thought about getting it out before the last proofing, but automatic programs are still getting it. If I take it out after it, will the dough not fall off completely?
Another question, did you bake pure rye bread and Borodino? Will the stove pull the batch? No shovels for rye, I'm afraid to break something
If the scapula remains in the loaf, it is crocheted from the kit, what's the problem? You can get it after the workout.
Borodinsky baked from the ready-made mixture, adjusting the bookmark up to 300 g of the dry mixture and a forced transition to baking after a sufficient rise.
The oven also "pulls" the tight dumplings dough, much thinner wheat-rye is not a test for it.
Quote: Aziyade
according to the recipe from the instructions
I do not follow the recipes from the instructions, I take the proven recipes here on the forum, or I use my own proven ones.
Quote: Aziyade
how do you get the spatula
I took it out of the cooled bread with a hook (I don't remember whether it was included in this stove or not, I got it from the Mulinex stove), then I bought a bucket from Redmond, bread comes out of it perfectly, without a spatula, it remains in the bucket.
Quote: Aziyade
It seems to be not bad, but I would like more rise
I experimented, at the same time I put bread in two different types of cotton according to the same recipe from the same ingredients and in March the bread turned out lower and denser, apparently the programs are set up this way, so you need to try it in manual mode, maybe it will work
Quote: Aziyade
Another question, did you bake pure rye bread and Borodino? Will the stove pull the batch? No shovels for rye, I'm afraid to break something
No, I haven't tried it, if you try, expose
Quote: Amazonka

I do not follow the recipes from the instructions, I take the proven recipes here on the forum or use my own proven ones.
I found a recipe for Darnitsa bread here on the forum, it is for Panasonic. I counted it for 300 g of flour, I studied like a recipe from the instructions, so I took a program for rye. Now I put it on 1, but with 4 g of yeast, and on with 3, as last time (pah-pah, so that my scales weighed correctly). I will take away the scapula after the 2nd batch, I'll see what happens.
As for the crumb, I liked the bread on the rye program, it was more magnificent, but the lid fell off. On the 1st it turned out more dense, the taste, of course, is the same)))

Please share what proven recipes from the forum you bake. There are so many of them, eyes run wide. And I'm still not good friends with the recount

The bread is baked. With 4 g of yeast rose a little higher, but the roof fell. We will try further. I like it very much))
Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker
Aziyade, subtract a couple of spoons of water.
Quote: CroNa
Aziyade, reduce the water by a couple of spoons.

Thanks for the advice. I'll bake bread for my mother-in-law in the evening, I'll try
Quote: Aziyade
according to what proven recipes from the forum you bake.
Aziyade, look through these Temko, here I didn't even change the weight, left everything as it is

By the way, there are even recipes with a full description of the regime, that is, you can try in ours to put it like this on the Chef-baker
I reduced the water and added a little flour, everything was useless, the lid still fell through. I will reduce yeast. Let it not rise high, but the roof is all right

How grateful I am to everyone for your answers. Just started baking, there is so much information here, you cannot cover everything at once. So far, even
I haven't learned to understand what the same kolobok should be, but everything will come with time.

In general, I am happy with the stove. I can recommend it as an inexpensive, compact, easy-to-use model.
In the oil that goes into the dough, I first fried chopped onions and a clove of garlic, for taste and aroma.
Ate in one go, just with butter and tea, it doesn't come off.

Wheat milk bread with onions

Vegetable oil - fry the onion, garlic in 20g
Milk - 180
Salt - 6
Sugar - 20
Wheat flour Makfa premium quality - 300
Dry yeast Saf moment - 3
Knead 1 - 10 '
Rise 1 - 20 '
Knead 2 - 30 '
Rise 2 - 60 '
Knead 3 - 1 '
Rise 3 - 55 '
Bake - 60 '

Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker

Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker
Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker
Good morning. Having studied on the forum and not only the reviews, I decided to opt for the brand. So I got it and baked the first bread. It turned out something, the taste cannot be conveyed, we do not remember the purchased bread. The bread maker was bought at the rate of baking every two days, since only I eat bread. After trying the bread, the grandchildren said we didn't need another one (meaning the store one). Now I bake every day.vmspb, thanks for your wheat bread recipe. Never wrote, only read mostly
Freshly baked bread, the one you want, and when you want it - it's great! )
With all the understanding that industrial equipment with technological maps and technologists obviously surpasses the capabilities of a household bread machine - either the freshness of the product, or the lack of economy on materials and the adjustment of the recipe and process to personal preferences, and bread shelves in stores are not yet attractive. Not to mention safety in a pandemic.
Marta is a good oven who needs a small loaf and a custom mode. I would also add control through the application, so as not to enter everything through 6 buttons and an LCD display. Or at least the ability to adjust the built-in programs for specific ingredients used.
Interestingly, in March there is no wrinkle in automatic programs. Rather, it comes right after the second batch. Then, the program switches directly to lift 3.
I compared baking in automatic mode and when manually setting it with blende, I did not notice the difference in the finished bread.

vmspb, what a beautiful bread I have already tried everything according to your recipes, the result is excellent!
Quote: Aziyade
Interestingly, in March there is no wrinkle in automatic programs. Rather, it comes right after the second batch. Then, the program switches directly to lift 3.
In automatic programs, there is also a short kneading. Longer kneading plus additional proofing should, in my understanding, give a more developed gluten framework, greater yeast development and greater gas exchange, as a result, the dough can be allowed to rise higher without settling the cap.
It is necessary to check, all other things being equal, say, on the first program (10 minutes kneading, 20 proofing, 15 kneading, 60 proofing) and with exactly the same bookmark, but longer kneading and the third proofing, compare the result.
Join the experiment)
Quote: vmspb

Longer kneading plus additional proofing should, in my understanding, give a more developed gluten framework, greater yeast development and greater gas exchange, as a result, the dough can be allowed to rise higher without settling the cap.
Yes, and with a wrap-around, the dome always turns out beautiful.
Although, during kneading, the stove heats up, then slowly cools down. I measured the temperature of the dough immediately after kneading - 43 ’
Good day. I'm new on your site, I bought Mart's bread maker, I'm still studying, looking for recipes, I have been looking for a topic about this bread maker for a long time, I already thought there is no one here, and then I suddenly found it in the topic Bread makers comparison.

It seems to me that I need to take it out of this topic in the topic Choosing bread makers, if possible, so more people will find it, because the stove seems to me very popular and has a couple of advantages, firstly, small, and secondly inexpensive.
Quote: OliyaBer
firstly small, secondly inexpensive
... from having a custom mode, which in my opinion is the main advantage.

Aren't there any of them now, where for an action, like Okevskaya for 2tr?
Tell me, do you have to type the program every time in user mode, or is there some kind of memory where you can fix the necessary settings?
Jackdaw-Crow, unfortunately, you have to type. There is no user program memory or the ability to edit the built-in ones.
It's a pity how! And so you want perfection!
Mrs. Addams
Oh, what a cool stove there is, it turns out, and even if at such a price I immediately wanted HP again.

Quote: Amazonka

Most of all I like to do in the L11 form, small buns are obtained and it turns out more ruddy
Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker
Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker

A good option for a very small bread, I always wanted a 200 gram loaf.

And, in general, it is necessary, in my opinion, to single out all the topics for small CPs in one section.
Good day! I'm inclined to buy this bread maker, please tell me, did someone make Borodino bread in it? How does the oven handle kneading? baked goods and on what program did they bake?
Cassandra is a soothsayer, isn't she? Everything is in the subject here)

In wheat-rye with malt, caraway seeds and coriander, the recipe and program of which laid out, replaced sugar with honey, and water with whey, it turned out even more aromatic. The proofing had to be increased by 20 minutes, apparently, honey suppresses the development of yeast.

Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker

Discussion of the Marta mt-1784 bread maker Chef-baker
Quote: CroNa
I was convinced for a long time that rye dough needs no less powerful kneading than wheat dough (contrary to popular belief)
Please tell us (or by link, if already somewhere).
I ask in this thread, because without a user mode, apparently, this cannot be done. It is interesting to work until stable baking on the machine. In this very stove.
I want more rye than 50/50.
Quote: Aziyade
during kneading, the stove heats up, then slowly cools down. I measured the temperature of the dough immediately after kneading - 43 ’
Custom Mode Wheat Bread6 No Baking.Duration of intervals and dough temperature at the end of each, for the main batch temperature after 20 'and at the end around 25 °, Fluke 561 (IR + TC):
Knead 1 - 20 '- 30 °
Rise 1 - 30 '- 31 °
Knead 2 - 40 '- 35 °, 37 °
Rise 2 - 55 '- 35 °
Knead 3 - 1 '
Rise 3 - 65 '- 30 °

In my understanding, 37 ° is too much, but within normal limits.

I liked the dough after a long kneading more, both in appearance and tactile. Allowed to rise almost under the cover, without settling.
If time is not running out, I see no reason to shorten the intervals for wheat bread.

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers