strawberry, thanks, I understood) I found the express train, I liked the porridge on it, so today I'll try the pasta.
Quote: AnastasiaK

If anyone is interested, today, for example, I cooked a simple soup with dumplings.
Turned on the Fry, poured a spoonful of vegetable oil, fried onions, meat, vegetables for several minutes

Thank you very much for the detailed recipe!
Why soup with Milk porridge? Is there any peculiarity in this?

Multicooker Redmond RMC-03

I added potatoes, spices to taste, poured boiling water from a kettle. Turned on the Milk porridge program for 30 minutes

Multicooker Redmond RMC-03

Towards the end of the program, I added dumplings (egg + flour) to the soup, rubbed it with a silicone spatula through a double boiler, put bay leaf, dill. Left it heated.
It can be seen that the portion is quite small, literally for 2 plates. Nothing ran away anywhere, the multicooker worked perfectly.

Multicooker Redmond RMC-03


Thank you very much for the detailed recipe !!!
And why is there a soup on Milk porridge, in this program there is some special trick?)
Mrs. Addams
melrinhow I cook pasta (spaghetti and small hard horns):
100-110 grams (our portion for two + the cat) into a multicooker saucepan, add a drop of vegetable oil, pour boiling water from a kettle so that it covers or a little higher, salt, stir. Turn on the Express program. Without waiting for the end of the program, look after about 10 minutes - you should be ready without water.
mariashik, Milk porridge has a suitable temperature and time, nothing needs to be changed, it does not boil, and there is enough time for fried products.
Whole-grain porridge did not disappoint. The forum has recipes from it, I wanted to test the baby.
There is nothing tastier and healthier, the minus is that whole cereals take a long time to cook. There is a crushed one on sale, but I like the whole one, like pine nuts taste. Porridge is good both on water and on milk.
For 1 serving of 40-45g of cereals, 4-5 parts of water or milk. Salt, sugar to taste and a slice of plums. oils.
In the evening, rinse well and soak the cold. water.
Drain and rinse in the morning. I cooked with milk porridge 110 min. and remained on heating for 10 minutes.

The porridges are delicious, but so far I will not risk cooking on the timer on it. You cannot leave without attention.

Sorry, I made a typo. The porridge was cooked for 1 hour 10 minutes. Then 10 on heating.
When it boiled, slowed down. up to 90.
Although it is possible at low temp. and simmer for 2 hours.
Good evening! Can you please tell me how much water should I put in the bowl to steam vegetables? I have not found information about this anywhere, thanks.
Girls, and from whom does Hercules not run away? I greased the bowl, milk 1: 4, milk porridge mode ... Tired of washing, I took out a ladle, I will cook on the stove
Quote: strawberry

Girls, and from whom does Hercules not run away? I greased the bowl, milk 1: 4, milk porridge mode ... Tired of washing, I took out a ladle, I will cook on the stove
When I cook oatmeal, I boil it from crimped cereals and add water to any milk, at least 1: 1, but I like 1 part milk 2 water most of all. Nothing runs away, I don't change the temperature
melrin, I have quick-cooking flakes, 1 part of milk and 3 water, I grease the bowl ... I haven't tried the express. I like liquid hercules porridge ... Well, I poured everything today, washed it under the tap.
M @ rtochka
Natashado not put much? And then, maybe, almost a full bowl, and that's running away.
Try it on a 95 degree multi-cook.
Quote: M @ rtochka
do not put much?
Dasha, no. Three tablespoons of rolled oats. I'll try at 95 grams, thanks.

Girls, can you steam it? So I wanted okroshka, put two small testicles, but the lid does not close, I took off the top cap and cook without it ...Is it possible or? What a shallow double boiler to accommodate? I don't want to turn on the stove in such heat
Mrs. Addams
strawberry, Natasha, about "Hercules", yes - it is possible on a multi-cooker, at 95 degrees - never ran away, on this program, indeed, quiet uniform heating.
From my observations of "milk porridge" - about 5 minutes before the end of the program, a very strong boil begins. That is, out of 30 minutes, it boils quietly for 25 (it boils for only 20 minutes), and at the end there is a strong heating. Here is the algorithm. Sometimes I look after in the morning - it is at these last minutes that I open the lid, just in case.

I liked to cook light soups in the baby. I don't like it with potatoes, especially with broths - I got hooked on the "Yelli" soups, after work it was quick and tasty. This time there was "Turkish with bulgur"
Multicooker Redmond RMC-03
- but my half rejected it, like bulgur looks like pearl barley (and even the word "pearl barley" after the army is taboo).
I had to complicate things a little:
fried onion and frozen mushrooms in a saucepan on "frying":
Multicooker Redmond RMC-03
I covered 80 grams of the mixture:
Multicooker Redmond RMC-03
I poured 500 ml of hot water from a kettle:
Multicooker Redmond RMC-03
"On the advice of comrades" (thanks to Anastasia for the hint with the regime), I put on "milk porridge" - just so that the lentils and bulgur were simmered, and at the end of the program a wonderful soup for two turned out:
Multicooker Redmond RMC-03
Good day everyone!
I understand that I am not at all original, but still I will turn.
I have not too large, but still the multicooker staff: Shteba DD2, Panasonic-dozen, Mulinex, an old one, like Panasonic, baby Philips.
Shteba, of course, is the most workhorse. But I like making milk porridge and buckwheat rice in small ones. By the way, I ask you not to throw slippers, but I didn't like the milk porridge in Panasonic, it's better in Moulinex and Fillet, despite all the dances with tambourines.
But! Filya is a very specific friend, the Mulinex bowl is already a little alive, I like Panasonic more for other purposes, and he lives separately ...
The other day I came across this kid in Eldorado, climbed onto Ozone and ordered it. With points and Thank you, it turned out about 2900.
Last night I read the topic and thought: maybe I don't need it? ..
Dances with this baby are also present.
Judging by the not too "lively" conversation, the model is not particularly popular ...
But the presence of a sensory program won over, how is it there, Express?
Tell me I'm wrong ... or right? ..
Mrs. Addams
Quote: marinastom
Judging by the not too "lively" conversation, the model is not particularly popular ...
Marina, I'm not sure if this is an indicator, given that there are topics on 01 and 02 (and according to Phillips small, in my opinion, there are also). And the people have been cooking in them for so many years.
For today it is the only produced "small" with a spare bowl. Therefore, you decide. For 2900, not bad, buy - look, you don't like it - Ozone returns 60 days - there will be time to think.

I will not give up mine -
Unfortunately, I won't tell you anything about milk porridge.
Mrs. Addams, Arina, I am very grateful to you for the topic, for your lively participation, interest and in general ... Thank you very much!
I never wanted to offend anyone or anything like that.
Just in doubts, torments ...
There is a very big topic about little Filia. And this despite the fact that he is no longer released.
I will not even meddle in topics on 01 and 02, I will get bogged down. Maybe later, if questions arise.
And you will not give a link to an additional bowl?
It seems that the one offered on Ozone does not fit ...
Mrs. Addams
Marina, Thank you! Yes I am, joking and loving
Of course, there is no perfection in the world. And now there is so much technology that you can afford "I don’t like the buttons for this one, the color doesn’t suit that one."

I always guessed "my" technique - I usually define it like this: if I put something new, and it seemed to always be there (well, figuratively) - it means "yours". And even if you immediately began to use the feeling as if you have been using this technique for 100 years -. But the coolest thing is when you look - and admire, cook - you enjoy

True, carefully (in case of return) look at work - how you like / dislike. I wish you to like it and help

And I saw the bowls on - 🔗 , the name of the bowl - Bowl for the multicooker REDMOND RB-C208, 1700 rubles.
Mrs. Addams, Arina, another question.
You have been using this saucepan for over a year. How does the coating behave? And then they talked about ceramics ...
Mrs. Addams
Marina, I have been actively using a saucepan (2 times a day) not so long ago (4-5 months) and not only is there no hint of any coating defects (mmm), but I can't even imagine how it can get scratched. Naturally, I only use silicone spoons. The coating of this bowl is similar to the coating of my bowl from MV "Marta" -1988 - Korean ANATO. I took a picture for comparison (though at night with a flash - and two drops of water are visible there):

Multicooker Redmond RMC-03

Multicooker Redmond RMC-03

Multicooker Redmond RMC-03

The ceramics on this bowl is completely different, not like that of 01 Redik (my bowl 01 still gets scratched). Everything bounces very well, even when frying. And the porridge is washed normally. I only wash it with an ordinary foam rubber sponge, not abrasive. True, I don’t make meat in it, otherwise we would probably have to wash the protein with a washcloth or soda ("Martha" is so regularly washed after chicken).

The pictures are really not visible. I wanted to look in the Gallery, but, apparently, they were previously flooded, I could not find it.

By the way, doesn't baking soda scratch the coating? She's also a decent abrasive ...

We, dentists, do not highly recommend it ...

Mrs. Addams
Photos were not in the gallery
I just pour a drop of soda, and clean it lightly, right with my finger (in a glove) - so I feel and control the process, since, of course, soda is abrasive. But I don't know anything better

Quote: marinastom
We, dentists, do not highly recommend it ...
What a good specialty

I can't even imagine who can whiten teeth with it ...

Oh, now I see! ..

Straight, according to Charlie Chaplin ...

Thank you!
And, indeed, the coating looks amazing!
Mrs. Addams
Marina, Thank you!

We are waiting with Redyushka!
I decided to leave the baby unattended. As I always do in my favorite Panasonic 550.
Two in one, in a bowl of meat eg vegetables, cutlets in gravy. In a double boiler, garnish in a silicone mold.
First, fry for 5-10 minutes, add a little boiled water. Turn off, put a silicone mold or molds in a double boiler. Fill the washed cereal by about half, salt and pour boiling water so that the cereal is closed. Extinguishing program. Didn't change anything. Switched to heating.
Came 4 hours later for lunch. Everything was prepared perfectly.
I tried at the same time brown rice, which takes a very long time to cook, and buckwheat.
The tins fit small for cupcakes.

Hello girls.
Became the owner of 03. Something is somehow unhappy so far.
I am not a fan of kitchen appliances. The cook from me is so-so.
I have never had a microwave oven in my house, let alone a multi., Bread makers and other equipment.
I am looking for recipes for this slow cooker, you have a large forum, you cannot re-read the information. Poke your nose, please.

There are, of course, many questions.
1) Unpleasant production smell. Is not washed off. What to do? Now she was boiling water with citric acid in it. The smell seems to remain.
2) it seems that the cooking time in the recipe book is incorrect.
Yesterday I cooked rice porridge on the "petty porridge" program. The default is 30 minutes. The porridge was not cooked at all during this time. In my opinion, during this time, it only warmed up. I put this mode again, and the porridge was cooked. Today I set the water to boil in the "soup" mode. After 30 minutes, the water was still not boiling.
In this regard, the question is, do you cook according to the recipe book? How much do you increase the cooking time? Or how do you bring a dish to readiness?
From which site do you take detailed recipes, which indicate the amount of products and the exact time and temperature of cooking.

I would like to put cooking and take care of the house and children, and not stand near her, like at the stove. Otherwise, I don't see any point in it.

I will be glad to every answer.
Irina, something is not right, I cook any porridge until tender in 30 minutes. How many products have you pledged? I always boil 1/3, maximum 1/2 multi-glass of cereal for 3-3.5 liquids (milk + Water).Maybe there were a lot of cereals? Then, of course, you need to increase the time, because you need to heat a large amount of food.
I didn't have a smell, I washed it, boiled it for the first time and that was enough, it didn't smell of anything.
I don't cook according to the recipe book, because I already have a lot of experience in cooking in multicooker, I cook everything by sight, like in a regular saucepan on the stove.
Do you have sufficient voltage at the outlet? This may affect the cooking time.
Quote: AnastasiaK

Irina, something is not right, I cook any porridge until tender in 30 minutes. How many products have you pledged? I always boil 1/3, maximum 1/2 multi-glass of cereal for 3-3.5 liquids (milk + Water). Maybe there were a lot of cereals? Then, of course, you need to increase the time, because you need to heat a large amount of food.
I didn't have a smell, I washed it, boiled it for the first time and that was enough, it didn't smell of anything.
I don't cook according to the recipe book, because I already have a lot of experience in cooking in multicooker, I cook everything by sight, like in a regular saucepan on the stove.
Do you have sufficient voltage at the outlet? This may affect the cooking time.
Laid the food as indicated in the book: 100g. rice + 560 ml. milk. The only thing is that I crushed milk 2.5% 1: 1, because I cook porridge for children, I only introduce porridge with milk to one child.
I can't say anything about the voltage in the outlet, the house is old. But the same blender works well from her.
Please tell me, is it possible to cook according to the recipe book, or do you still need to adapt and adapt by trial and error itself?

Anastasia, thank you for not passing by.
Maybe it was my subjective opinion that she was not prepared. It was soft to the teeth, but it did not look like milk porridge cooked on the stove. At the glance, it was just soft cereal in milk, that is, the rice itself did not swell at all.
Irina, yes, the amount of porridge that you cook is more, I would put it for 40-45 minutes. This is if you cook it and eat it right away, but usually I cook it for breakfast at night and let the porridge stand on the heating, then it is generally downy.
This is Hercules
Multicooker Redmond RMC-03

If the house is old, maybe the voltage jumps or is low, it may not be noticeable on the blender, and the multicooker will work longer. One and the same multicooker in my apartment, for example, bakes a biscuit in 25-30 minutes, and, say, in my parents' house (where there are problems with voltage) - 60 or more minutes! Same!
Quote: AnastasiaK

Irina, yes, the amount of porridge that you cook is more, I would put it for 40-45 minutes. This is if you cook it and eat it right away, but usually I cook it for breakfast at night and let the porridge stand on the heating, then it is generally downy.
This is Hercules
Multicooker Redmond RMC-03

If the house is old, maybe the voltage jumps or is low, it may not be noticeable on the blender, and the multicooker will work longer. One and also a multicooker in my apartment bakes, for example, a biscuit in 25-30 minutes, and, say, in my parents' house (where there are problems with voltage) - 60 or more minutes! Same!
I realized about the tension.
Tell us how you cook porridge at night?
Are you betting on a delayed start? If, for example, I need porridge by 10.00, how can I cook it?

Sorry for the large number of questions, I don't understand anything about multicooker at all.

It turns out that all the same recipes in the books are not entirely correct in the ratio: quantity / time.

Do you know where you can find detailed recipes for this multi?
Irina_Pinakolada, Irina, I also have a similar slow cooker from Redmond. I cook milk rice and millet porridge in similar proportions for 45 minutes on Porridge + Heating. In the process, I still drop in and mix it once.
Quote: Rituslya

Irina_Pinakolada, Irina, I also have a similar slow cooker from Redmond. I cook milk rice and millet porridge in similar proportions for 45 minutes on Porridge + Heating. In the process, I still drop in and mix it once.
Hello! Thanks for the answer. How much does porridge cost on heating?
Minutes 5. In the process, you will see that it thickens.
Recipes and tips can be found, for example, here.
Red's multi-cookers are of the same type, because they are also suitable for yours.

Get used to it, don't worry. It's just an electric saucepan with a lot of functionality.
And you don't have to use the recipe book. The Reds' recipe books are beautiful, but the beauty in these books does not always correspond to the sensible content in them.

My proportions for porridge. For example, millet. For 80 grams of cereal, I take 3.5 multi-glasses of milk. I do not dilute with water. Time 45 minutes, stir once, + 5-10 minutes Warm up or just let stand in the switched off machine.
Quote: Rituslya

Minutes 5. In the process, you will see that it thickens.
Recipes and tips can be found, for example, here.
Red's multi-cookers are of the same type, because they are also suitable for yours.

Get used to it, don't worry. It's just an electric saucepan with a lot of functionality.
And you don't have to use the recipe book. The Reds' recipe books are beautiful, but the beauty in these books does not always correspond to the sensible content in them.

My proportions for porridge. For example, millet. For 80 grams of cereal, I take 3.5 multi-glasses of milk. I do not dilute with water. Time 45 minutes, stir once, + 5-10 minutes Warm up or just let stand in the switched off machine.
Thank you. I will be ex-remnant. I'm going to get some corn porridge
I'll see what happens.
Do you pre-soak millet in water?
I rinse the groats thoroughly to clean water. I fill it with water, stir it periodically, then drain it, etc.
If the cereal is already very dirty, then I pour it over with boiling water, or even boil it for a minute.
Irina_Pinakolada, corn porridge requires more time and liquid, I give it 50 minutes, you can even an hour. I put off the delay for 3 hours, then the finished porridge is heated before breakfast (I get 3-4 hours), if breakfast is at 8 am. You can put on a delay for 5-6 hours, there will be enough time and stand up to 10 hours on heating.
Quote: AnastasiaK

Irina_Pinakolada, corn porridge requires more time and liquid, I give it 50 minutes, you can even an hour. I put off the delay for 3 hours, then the finished porridge is heated before breakfast (I get 3-4 hours), if breakfast is at 8 am. You can put on a delay for 5-6 hours, there will be enough time and stand up to 10 hours on heating.
Quote: AnastasiaK

Irina_Pinakolada, corn porridge requires more time and liquid, I give it 50 minutes, you can even an hour. I put off the delay for 3 hours, then the finished porridge is heated before breakfast (I get 3-4 hours), if breakfast is at 8 am. You can put on a delay for 5-6 hours, there will be enough time and stand up to 10 hours on heating.

Thank you. Now I was preparing rice porridge (side dish) according to the book. + put a plate of vegetables on top. According to the book 170g. cereals / 250 ml. water = 30 min. on the "groats" mode.
Delivered 50 minutes. As a result, the vegetables cooked well, and the rice seemed a little undercooked. It is crumbly, soft, but I make it a little more boiled on the stove. Next time I will either put less cereal, or add more water + put more time.
And so today the cartoon helped out. I cooked one dish on the stove, at the same time the second in a multicooker. Less dishes, less hassle.
I will get used to it, I hope soon, I will get used to it, and it will help me out.)
Girls who have CF at hand, please measure the parameters of the bowl.
Quote: Marpl
please measure the parameters of the bowl
Quote: Mrs. Addams
bowl top diameter: outer 17 cm, inner - 15.5 cm; bowl height - 11 cm.
Irina, thank you! I just bought a 2 liter Gemlux 27 MB and wanted to know if this bowl would fit. Here the bowl from the Redber 205 fits exactly, but this one is a bit tall and different in width (along the outer edge and inner diameter).
I read it .. And somehow I got upset. I ordered myself a three-ruble note. And I decided to give the bad grade to my son. But for now, I'll wait .. Something that user reviews are not particularly optimistic. I will start testing the C grade only after October 12, when I will return from vacation. And she will just arrive. There are no problems with cooking. Nothing Runs away, does not burn (5 years old).
Girls, power users of redmond 3.All the same, how do you like the device? is it worth it? How are baking, soup, stewing?
I compare with my 5 L 027 AD polaris, I think. At 5 liters, the bowl is scratched, and 5 liters is too much. I want 2-3 liters of cartoon, but with heating off. What else can you advise? Right now I'm looking at the hemlux. Thank you in advance))
Yuyu88! I have been using it for less than a year ... It burns all the time, soup, stewing I set the temperature manually. All the time I compare with Panasik .. It is a pity that I covered myself. Maybe there are still different ones? The girls are happy, maybe the handles are not from there ... I don't like the bowl. In Panas for 10 years, new state.
Quote: Yuyu88
I want 2-3 liters of cartoon, but with heating off. What else can you advise? Right now I'm looking at the hemlux. Thank you in advance))
Look at the Polaris 1203, it is with heating off and 3 liters. I have been using it for six months and am very happy. There is a topic about her, read it.
Thank you

Quote: strawberry

Yuyu88! I have been using it for less than a year ... It burns all the time, soup, stewing I set the temperature manually. All the time I compare with Panasik .. It is a pity that I covered myself. Can still come across different? The girls are happy, maybe the handles are not from there ... I don't like the bowl. In Panas for 10 years, new state.
Wow ... unexpected. If such hemorrhoids nafig her. Especially for 4 thousand ...
M @ rtochka
Quote: svetta
Look at the Polaris 1203, it is with heating off and 3 liters. I have been using it for six months and am very happy.
Svetochka, do you both have multi? And the comparison is in favor of Polaris?
And then the choice is also relevant. More for morning cereals.
Daria, I have Panas-18, Vitek 4212 and Polaris 1203. There were two more, but I don't take them into account. There were no Redmonds.
I have Redmond 03 and 02. 03 is very inferior in all respects. The coating on the bowl has become sticky over time, the smell at the bowl does not disappear anymore. I bought a second bowl especially for milk (yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.). The boil is very strong on the Soup and Milk Porridge programs. On the "soup" I adjust the temperature after starting the program, but I no longer cook porridge in it.
Straight disappointment ...
Quote: Yuyu88
Straight disappointment ...
On the contrary, charm! :)
Hello! Do you accept newcomers into your ranks?) Today I bought this little one, a big one by 5 liters, which is also a pressure cooker. I cooked milk porridge for a test. Nothing boiled away, did not run away, it turned out great. Actually, for the sake of cereals and bought) I am very happy :)
Tano4ka, congratulations! It still seems to me that they are different. I grease with oil but the rolled oats always run away. Perhaps you need to choose the ratio of cereals, water ... Share your recipes, this is very important and necessary.
Quote: strawberry
Share your recipes, this is very important and necessary.
Strawberry, the proportions are as follows:
Milk 3.2% - 250 ml
Water 150 ml
Hercules (whole, no flakes) 50g
Salt, sugar to taste
Butter 1.5 tsp for good lubrication
t ° 94
Time 40 minutes.
P.S. And poke me, please, where are the recipes for our baby? Or are they scattered by topic?

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