Quote: Nonsense

My dear!
Happy Holidays! All the best!
Kitchen little things (2)
Thank you! Happy holiday to you too!!!
Some time ago, in the subject, someone joked and laughed about the subject "why hell do we need an opener for cans at home when there is a ring on the cans"

I tell you why you need it
I baked pancakes for an oily week, put them on a plate in a slide, put them on the table, slapped them over a jar of caviar in the fridge ... I look forward to the pleasure
I open the jar by the ponytail-ring ... tyr ... tyr ... pyr ... once again tyr-pyr ... the ring bent, but the lid did not budge I repeat tyr ... tyr ... pyr .. once again sput-pyr ... the result is zero!

In short, I small jar I opened it with caviar with a can opener, a bottle opener ... and take my word for it, also with problems, until it got knocked over, sorry

Kitchen little things (2)

I repeat the question: do we need a can opener in the kitchen, even if we have to open cans once a year?
Needed, needed ... oh, how needed!

While I was poking around with the jar, the pancakes cooled down, damn it! Caviar ate, quite normal caviar, this is not the first time I buy such
Admin, I've been sitting in ambush on ozone for a week - I'm waiting for this advertised opener ... both for myself and for a friend ...
Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
Quote: Admin
result is zero
And sometimes you just pull the STE ring, and it remains in your hand once.
you pull the STE ring, and it remains in your hand once.
It happened until the smart phone turned on, the instructions are not attached ...
Fold back and sharp pull - door jar / lid and open!
Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
Iskatel-X, it doesn't always help. there is such a soft metal that this ring can be removed from its pipka with just a glance
the ring from its pipka is removed just by a glance
Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
Iskatel-X, oh, come on.
Pakat, dopleta, thank you! I'll send my son to IKEA, let him look.
Quote: Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
there is such a soft metal that this ring can be removed from its pipka with just a glance
+100500 Maybe I'm a sorceress too, but it often happens to me
Quote: Iskatel-X
Bend and pull sharply
and a ring in hand, and the bank is closed
Katris, oh, wow, today this Ikeev thermometer has broken too. In my oversight. I measured the temperature in the oven with them, the readings went off scale for 250 degrees, I quickly pulled out the temperature probe, turned it off and tried to cool it, but ... that's all. Only beeps and shows temperature rise. The husband took it apart in the evening, they thought the temperature probe itself was covered, but it turned out - a short circuit in the cord (from overheating of the cord itself). Theoretically, it was possible to cut off a piece of cord and connect it, but my husband has already knocked out the temperature probe himself, and a mustache .... Now I will buy a new one in Ikea. And I already ordered a special thermometer for the oven (as many as 2 pieces) up to 300 degrees.
vatruska, Svetlana, thank you. I rarely go. I did not immediately see
Anastasia, but I just waited until the milk for the yogurt cooled down and measured the temperature in it. And the cord with the probe is fine. If you were near, I would give it to you.
and a ring in hand, and the bank is closed
Sometimes they are lucky ..., banks / Tommy Lee Jones -> Will Smith "Men in Black (Part One)" /

readings went off scale 250 degrees
According to the instructions it is not designed for such temperatures! Therefore, it was not acquired by me in any case.

Quote: AnastasiaK
Theoretically, you could cut a piece of cord and connect
That's how it broke for me. The husband took it to work, SMART MEN did it, cut off a piece of the cord and connected it, but there is a very fragile structure and now you need to be VERY careful with it. there it is impossible to solder tightly somehow, in short it can fly again, it is easier to buy a new one. I realized that this is the trouble with all thermometers of this kind.
Kitchen little things (2)
Pull the ring, the door will open ...
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These apologies to us, until ...
Upload a picture to the forum, it's interesting to see. And we will laugh together.
kseniya D
Quote: Katris
Instead of the measured temperature, I began to show dotted lines.
Kate, have you set the temperature you need for milk? To what temperature did you need to cool it? That is, your temperature is not even set, in my opinion for yogurt you need 36-38 grams.
Girls, somewhere discussed kitchen thermometers suitable for the oven, I can't find. We need advice on which one is better to buy, it is needed specifically for the oven, to determine the readiness of meat. My sister's husband got carried away with baking meat lately, they came to visit me for the holidays, well, I showed mine from Tescom's ham and now I was instructed, as a kitchen deviceaholic (the opinion of my sister and her husband), to choose a thermometer for him for this purpose the MOST high-quality and Best !!! And so it was said! So girls, I ask you for help on this issue, so that I do not embarrass myself ...

From my own practice I know that it is better to buy a temperature probe for the oven, it behaves well in the oven and will never crack or burn out. The core temperature probe can be inserted into the meat once and kept for a long time, until the end of cooking. Unlike electronic ones.
And I already had several electronic ones, and they all went for a walk to the dump, they burn out quickly.

Thermometers, oven temperature probes
Practical and popular. Available from some of the Masters of our forum. Hammer in the search.
Ikeevsky, twisted in his hands many times, and did not take it. Will die, according to reviews.

This "Practical-Popular" burned out in duplicate, one in the oven, the other in the airfryer
kseniya D
Quote: Iskatel-X
Ikeevsky, twisted in his hands many times, and did not take it. Will die, according to reviews.
Works great for a few months, mmm. I am very pleased with him. I'm even thinking about buying it in stock.
Quote: Iskatel-X
Ikeevsky, twisted in his hands many times, and did not take it. Will die, according to reviews.
A year of almost daily use, you are not reading those reviews ...
We also have Ikeevsky, only my husband uses it. He was impatient for a moonshine still, bought it, it seems while it works, tttttt ...
you are reading the wrong reviews ...
All from our forum.
Those who fuss in the mini-oven will die, because they are not designed for high temperatures. We look at the characteristics.
And I order temperature probes in China for aliexpress. Cheap and not a pity if it breaks. With the option to signal when the product is heated to the required temperature. Until now, I have not broken. I put it in a mini oven ...
Quote: Iskatel-X
Upload a picture to the forum, it's interesting to see.
Pakatu verbal warning for listening to this advice.
I am very surprised that constantly forum users, even "veterans" do not notice the huge red letters in the Gallery
Quote: Iskatel-X

Those who fuss in the mini-oven will die, because they are not designed for high temperatures. We look at the characteristics.

And if you put it in an ordinary large oven at 180-200 * C, what is the temperature? With this, he will not die? And in an airfryer at 150-180 * C - is this also a high T * C?
Will die, how will it die! I can cite many more examples. And the characteristics have nothing to do with it, oven thermometers with a cord, portable - this is also a big lottery, and more expensive, and what is cheaper.
Therefore, the reviews on the forum are not an indicator.

But my temperature probe, brought back from Holland, at the dawn of the Soviet perestroika, is plowing conscientiously to this day
That is why I recommend everyone to turn their eyes to temperature probes.
Or completely metal, as I have at the link above, which can be kept in the oven for a long time (with T * C set on the scale on it)
Or electronic (even with and without a cord), but for a short time, to measure the T * C in the product and pull it out.
Quote: Caprice
And I ordered there at the first check and died in a mini-oven
Oh, I was mistaken, did not I order on OZON, clicked on the wrong link
Quote: Mila1
And I ordered there at the first check and died in a mini-oven
Under the guarantee, it is necessary to return it without fail and leave a review on Ozone.
So much for the "firm", it is better to buy Ikeevsky then.
I have a built-in temperature probe in the oven.
Irina F
And I shove Ikeevsky into the oven and everything is fine for now!
Katris, yeah, they would make one fit out of two deceased.
Iskatel-X, maybe not calculated, but his measurement scale is 250 degrees, and he regularly measured everything until I burned him. Exactly - I put it in a mini oven.
Here I will buy in stock any more - and the Ikeevsky temperature probe again, and a thermometer separately for the mini-oven. And for meat, etc., there is an Electrolux thermometer (a pin with a round scale without a cord). ...
It is difficult to use a mini-oven without a thermometer - almost blindly! I conduct tests and accomplish my goal in the topic about mini-ovens, some dances with tambourines and disappointments.
Quote: julia_bb

Under the guarantee, you must return it without fail and leave a review on Ozone.
So much for the "firm", it is better to buy Ikeevsky then.
I have a built-in temperature probe in the oven.
Yulechka, I copied the wrong message On Ali I ordered ... my message has already been corrected
Quote: Mila1
Yulechka, I copied the wrong message On Ali I ordered ...
Aah, I see. Well, in any case, then Ikeevsky must be taken, at least you can return it, if that. IMHO
I came with little things. I am definitely not satisfied with any of the current culinary blades. They are inconvenient to turn over and remove thin pancakes. I use an old spatula from an ancient set with still wooden handles. In my opinion. the dexterous scapula should be thin, always springy-flexible and with the tip of an oblique cut, in order to successfully pick up even in small round pans. My eyes fell on unsuccessful modern pliers. I decisively gutted them and got just such a shovel for pancakes.

Kitchen little things (2)

And immediately I tried them on super-thin pancakes in a prone way. The tests were successful, the pancakes were removed and turned over quickly and dexterously.Subsequently, I will leave only the outer loop of wire, and remove the two middle loops. I will make a civilian handle with a hole so that it can be washed in the dishwasher and hung on the railing hook.

Kitchen little things (2)

And here is a completely freaky thing. I bought an unfamiliar little thing without much hope to replenish my collection "A lot of things are lying around, what if ...". She surprised me by being sold in a restaurant store and also surprised me with a completely inhumane price. But it turned out exactly "suddenly". It was called "for removing tomato petioles". Now I can't live without her, her other simple brothers are removed. This spoon is very convenient to cut out the tails of a tomato, the middle of apples and pears, I also cut out the bottoms of onions. If you see such a spoon, then quickly grab and run away!
Alevtina, a wonderful spoon for vegetable pops.
Elena Bo
I do not know whether we discussed it or not.
I bought today such a diffuser for powdered sugar, instead of lost in the wilds of the kitchen.
Kitchen little things (2)
The quality is very good, the plastic is dense, the strainer is fine. Everything was done very neatly. Called SVIM, made in Greece. I bought it at the White Cat.
Elena Bo, and what is the volume? We must take a look. I bought a syringe from this manufacturer for myself a confectionery for biscuits and other things, I am very satisfied
Elena Bo
There is nothing on the packaging. She poured water into it, almost 280 ml entered.
Elena Bo, I have the same one, but it doesn't close. I bought a diffuser with a lid on Ali, it's more convenient for me: I poured powder or cocoa, used it, closed the lid on top and removed it. Will not damp or crumble.
Elena Bo I have a similar Teskomovsky, but it also has a lid, very convenient. I used it, closed the lid and stands until the next time. Still, progress is a good thing. Of course, you can use a simple strainer, but still, when it's convenient, it's nice.
Graziella, but you can link to Ali where you bought it, otherwise I look at Teskomovsky, but the toad strangles
SmiLena I bought Teskomovsky in a city store for 110 rubles. Over the Internet, of course, it will be more expensive, for delivery it will be more expensive than for the item itself.
but I really like this diffuser for powdered sugar, I bought both for cocoa and for cinnamon, then I closed the lid and order

, though Tatyana T.A. helped the girls to buy like these, but from the Amazon, and I really like Ali
Tatyana, and I have one! Nice Comfortable. And I have an electrolux thermometer, from which mvideo. Ideal for meat, now only with it for barbecue. And now it is even more convenient to use the electric grill: he threw the meat, stuck it in, closed it and you can see when it's ready. And then I sometimes dry out Alevtina, I never cease to admire your resourcefulness!

Kitchen trivia "Reply # 29300 March 08, 2016, 21:59"

Anastasia, I was just waiting for the milk for the yogurt to cool down and measured the temperature in it. And the cord with the probe is fine. If you were near, I would give it to you.

I ruined my first thermometer (just from IKEA) while making yogurt. I dipped it in milk while measuring the temperature. The husband suggested that the sensor was flooded at the junction of the wire and the steel tip. Then, a year or two later, the American thermometer also died. Already when she was dipped into the liquid, I remembered that this should not be done.

Yes, the spatula is also important for me when baking pancakes. Only I didn't understand which tool turned into such a comfortable spatula? I liked the cutter too)).

Thanks for the link to the icing sugar jar! Useful thing)).
Jenealis, can you tell us more about the Electlux thermometer? I don't remember something like that.
Quote: chistotel
Elena Bo I have a similar Teskomovsky, but it also has a lid,
I also have one, but only one (there is powdered sugar), but I want two (for cocoa), but they are expensive now

Kitchen little things (2)

Kitchen utensils Electrolux E4TAM01

The core temperature probe helps you not guess at the cooking progress of the meat. It clearly shows the readiness of your meat with an easy-to-read graphic icon.Suitable for oven, hob and barbecue. Instructions: Frozen meat must be completely thawed before installing the thermometer. Insert the tip of the core temperature probe into the pulp, avoiding bone contact, so that the tip is in the center of the piece. When baking in foil, the scale should be outside the foil. The roast is ready when the pointer reaches
temperature marked with the appropriate symbol. Caution: Do not let any juice or grease stand out over the scale. Remove from oven / grill after use. Do not wash in a dishwasher. Wipe dry. Do not immerse in water. Do not leave in self-cleaning
ovens during cleaning. Do not use in microwave ovens.
Material: Stainless steel with aluminum disc / pointer and glass lenses.
this one was bought in the same place. I'm glad. Glass does not break in the oven

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