Nata333, Different recipes, different quantity. Besides replacing sugar, glucose actually works as an anti-crystallizer. In addition, it plays a role in imparting plasticity. Cherries are sour, so you need more sugar. As a result, there is less glucose.
Trimolin, dextrose, sorbitol - these sugars play a role when making a product that is supposed to be stored for some time. Therefore, often all the sugars are present in the candy fillings in bulk. As a result, the shelf life is increased to 1-1.5 months. Without these, you need to gobble up the candy faster: girl_tortik: a week or two.
SUGAR (common SUGAR)
Sweetness coefficient - 100 (or one)
- Provides a hard texture;
- extends the shelf life;
- crystallize with oversaturation;
- reduces the indicator of water activity;
- does not dissolve in alcohol;
- provides flavor and color when caramelized.
Sweetness coefficient:
glucose 60 DE - 63
glucose 38 DE - 43
glucose 30 DE - 30
(DE is the dextrose equivalent)
- delays and reduces crystallization;
- reduces the indicator of water activity;
- provides aroma and color when heated;
- absorbs moisture (especially with a high dextrose equivalent).
Low dextrose equivalent glucose increases viscosity and is used as a thickener and fixer, for example in the manufacture of low fat ganache.
Glucose with a low dextrose equivalent (less than 40) does not contain a large amount of reducing sugar, but includes polysaccharides, which provide low hygroscopicity and prevent changes at low temperatures. Due to these properties, it is recommended for the production of dragees, caramel, nougat, etc.
Glucose with a high dextrose equivalent (more than 45) is mainly used in products that contain a lot of water, such as pastilles, since in this case the water-retaining properties of the reducing sugars prevent drying out.
Sweetness coefficient - 30
- ideal for reducing sweetness;
- poorly soluble;
- prevents crystallization in creams;
- reduces the average crystal size of added sugars and provides some flexibility that can be useful in preforms, for example, fondant sugar (sugar for icing);
- creates a cool effect (only monohydrate);
- reduces the indicator of water activity;
- has hygroscopicity.
Sweetness coefficient - 125
- contains 50% dextrose and 50% pure fructose;
- prevents crystallization in creams;
- reduces the activity of water, if not heated to 70 ° C;
- hygroscopic. Desirable ingredient in products with a high water content that must remain soft;
- excess invert sugar can lead to viscosity and syrup production. A good result is usually achieved with a content of up to 23%;
- gives color and aroma when heated.
Differences in the composition of honey depend on the type of plants in the habitats of bees, but on average it contains approximately:
- 18% water;
- 38% fructose - inverted sugar;
- 31% grape sugar (glucose) - inverted sugar;
- 10% - complex sugars, minerals, organic acids and vitamins;
- 3% - enzymes (or enzymes), hormones, gluconic acid, dyes and fragrances.
Honey gives the product its characteristic taste. The microorganisms in honey make it susceptible to fermentation. From a technical point of view, the comments regarding inverted sugar apply to honey.
Sweetness coefficient - 130
- prevents crystallization;
- dissolves well;
- reduces water activity;
- enhances fruit flavor;
- has hygroscopicity;
- sensitive to temperature (caramelized).
Sweetness factor - 27
- crystallizes well;
- reduces water activity;
- fixes aromas.
Sweetness factor - 50
It occurs naturally in many types of ripe fruits: apples, pears, grapes, some berries, as well as in algae and spinach. It comes in two forms: powder and concentrate (70% substance). Usually, recipes use no more than 5 - 10%. If more than 3% is used, an equal amount of molasses should be removed from the recipe.
- prevents crystallization;
- possesses preserving and stabilizing properties;
- reduces water activity;
- hygroscopic;
- stabilizes moisture, prevents drying;
- creates a cooling effect;
- withstands high temperatures. At temperatures in the range of 150 - 170 & # 186; C it turns brown;
- resistant to acids, enzymes and heat up to 140 & # 186; C.
From the Chocolatier website
To the heap for the rest of the sugars
Other sweeteners
Many fruits contain sugar, more often fructose. Processed can be included in recipes. For example, in fruit jelly, fruit paste and even ganache. In this case, some surface aromas disappear during the production process.
Produced from Canadian maple sap. Contains about 34% water and 66% sugar.
Dark sticky sugar with many flavors. Derived from the juice of various types of sugar palm, each of which gives sugar its own flavor.
Sweetness coefficient - 0.50 - 0.60
A product made from roasted and powdered carob pods with a taste and smell reminiscent of cocoa.
After grinding the mixture of cane and palm oil, sap is released, which solidifies in the molds. Cane sugar has a characteristic, spicy flavor and is often used in Indonesian cuisine.
Made from sugar-rich dates. It is a dark syrup with a neutral flavor.
Unrefined or semi-refined sugar from the juice of date palms. Has a characteristic strong caramel flavor.
Produced from the juice of sugar ash - a tree with a height of 6 to 8 meters, which grows mainly in Sicily and southern Europe. The sap flows out of a crack in the trunk and branches.
Agave syrup, which grows naturally in Mexico, is obtained from the juice of the heart of this plant. The sweetness is higher than that of sucrose. Contains 23 - 25% water.
Produced from the leaves of stevia, a perennial shrub of the Aster family. According to various sources, it is 100 to 300 times sweeter than sugar.
The application of these components must be supported by the necessary knowledge. It is recommended to use them in minimal quantities.
100% organic matter that is extracted from chicory root due to its ability to dissolve in warm water. Although inulin is sugar, it does not taste sweet. This creamy white mass is an ideal fat substitute and filler. Inulin is low in calories and fibrous. It is mainly used in conjunction with a sweetener and / or sweetener.
Fat substitute and filler.
A natural sweetener found in all types of vegetables. Has a light sweet taste, no aftertaste. Daily consumption should not exceed 15 g, since it has a laxative effect.
A natural sweetener found in all types of vegetables and fruits. As sweet as sucrose without the aftertaste. Daily consumption should not exceed 20 g, as it has a laxative effect.
The main sweetener. Has a strong sweetness (0.45). The only sugar substitute directly derived from sugar beets. Isomalt has some special characteristics: it is acceptable for diabetics and non-hygroscopic, in addition, it prolongs the shelf life for some formulations. Not subject to Maillard reaction. Since the sweetness of isomalt is half that of sucrose, it is mainly used in combination with strong sweeteners such as ACESULFAM K.
MALTIT (maltodextrin, molasses)
The main sweetener. Produced by hydrogenation (hydrolysis) of maltose (starch). The sweetness is slightly lower than that of sucrose (0.9). Temperature stable.
Artificial sweetener. Made from milk sugar (lactose). Sweetness - 0.4, has a sugar taste, no aftertaste.
Some artificial sweeteners are not sweet enough so additional sweeteners need to be added. However, it is important to consider that high doses of sugar alcohols act as a laxative and can lead to health complications.
Sweetness coefficient - 200
A major human-made sweetener. It is heat-resistant up to 225 ° C and is therefore primarily suitable for cooking and baking.
Sweetness coefficient - 30
Artificial sweetener.
Sweetness coefficient - 300 - 500
Artificial sweetener.
Sweetness coefficient - 200
Artificial sweetener. Its chemical composition can be harmful to humans, which is why products containing aspartame should be labeled with a phenylanine warning.
To summarize, if you are not going to store for a long time, you can get by with one glucose
: lol: Oh, I'm a lohushkaaaaaaaaaaa. I zhezh thinking, sho I'm in chocolate sweets. Lost))))) But all the same, the principle of action of sugars is the same. Keep the marmalade for a long time - add other sugars