Quote: brendabaker
I guess the point is that the meat that I take as a pair is frozen.
so it is, but not much usual the store sells cattle killed yesterday, I usually take not frozen meat, at least you can see it - fresh or not
kirch, Luda! And how do you slowly cook the duck parts, that is, legs?
Vikaas well as regular meat or duck. I put it in a saucepan, sprinkle it with some spices. I put butter on the bottom. I cook almost everything in butter, better, of course, ghee, but it doesn't always happen. Duck parts are not sold fatty, you can see young ducks. And now I grease everything with pepper paste according to Zachariah's recipe, I like it so much, next year I will cook more. And at first on high, I see that the soft became I translate to slow or warming up. All I want to try the whole process on a slow mode, but all the time is not enough. It's not handy to put at night, there is something during the day
kirch, from smells you can't sleep at night
Quote: kirch
greased with pepper paste according to Zachariah's recipe
Oh, poke your nose into this paste?
Ir, I did not recognize you in this outfit. Only now I realized that it was you. Here
Ludmila, Thank you so much! Gotta do
Yes, even no one will recognize me, I changed clothes for a long time, poke at F5
LudmilaThank you, Lyudochka! I also did something like this. But I didn't know about the pasta from Zachariah, I went to look.
And I also don't cook meat slowly at night. we do not eat all this in the morning. Shift, then reheat (n) reluctance somehow
Quote: Irsha
few ordinary store sells cattle killed yesterday
We have a slaughterhouse and fresh meat in our bazaar.
At first I was not even puzzled by the name of the bazaar itself (slaughterhouse) and then as I saw the process of bringing cattle ... brrrrr .. so creepy ...
now to the market only on Saturdays and Sundays, when there is no such process.
and in supers everything is hidden from the client, frozen meat. it is not clear with what additives.
Quote: vernisag
Yes, even no one will recognize me, I changed clothes for a long time, poke at F5
This is another matter
brendabaker, and torment at high mode? better on high then - in 4 hours it should be done. I have never had this either.
Quote: Mirabel
it is not clear with what additives.
Probably processed with bleach ...
And I lit myself Russell Hobs. I am very pleased, I was tormenting the porridge for 1.
Slow cookers: model selection, features, reviews
Slow cookers: model selection, features, reviews
Oksana, what a beautiful porridge, with a warbler, delicious!
To be honest, I basically only use the high mode and use it, as a result I have an excellent stewpan, where nothing will boil. (If you need to dump it, then in its pillows and under the blanket for the night!) turkey, small fish, I really like vegetables stewed in a slow cooker on the HIGH mode.
And I buy meat extremely rarely, one can say once a year not every year.
Therefore, once again a big thanks for the DUCK RECIPES, !!!
We often sell them at home in the fall, not from the farm. (Somehow I missed them, it's good that I went to the forum with the topic)
BIG THANKS, for the feedback and advice, order is gradually being restored in my head.
(I thought I was buying defective devices)
Laslovna, Oksana, very beautiful porridge turned out! How long did they cook? In my cache, 8 hours probably need to be up to such a beautiful color

Congratulations on your new miracle saucepan!
I have one on ozone, it’s been in the basket for a whole year, I don’t understand if I need it or not. I want a little one of course
I read a lot and bought two at once, Electrolux and Russell Hobs. on Sunday in Elektrolux I had stuffed cabbage rolls, I will no longer cook in the oven only in the slow one. And for every day I bought Russell for cereals and meat. This porridge for me reached 8 hours for 1. The taste is amazing, now morning porridge is only in a slow cooker.
Quote: Laslovna
now morning porridge only in a slow cooker.
Oksana, excellent porridge .. I have already two years of porridge only from the slow.
And I hope for a long friendship. I tried to simmer in a slow cooker, not quite.
Girls, besides pickle, we have nothing else to buy from the little ones, right? It confuses me that there is no timer ...
Kenwood 707, but it's 4.5 liters.
Quote: vernisag
It confuses me that there is no timer ...
Ira. I have a penny socket timer on my liter, however, the third one is already ... fail.
Girls! Teach me to slow cook porridge, please!
In my opinion, something is wrong with me. so many admire them.
I cooked millet porridge 1 multi-glass of millet 6 glasses of milk 3.2%, sugar 2 tablespoons, a bit of salt and vanillin. ALL. Mode 1 for the whole night! What are you failing to do?
Quote: Laslovna

Kenwood 707, but it's 4.5 liters.
I have Kesha, he is huge, although I love him very much, even just because he is Kesha

And I didn’t see the liter ones on sale at all. Ksyusha, where are you buying, the third already?
Ira, so I have had three for a long time .. for every taste and color. Liter from England via ebay.

In Kenwood, I cook 4.5 liters of porridge in portioned ikeevka mugs with lids. The only thing is that because of the water it is difficult to wash the bowl later - a lime rim remains.
I misunderstood the socket-timer you have the third, but I thought the slow liter is already the third

I don’t buy on ebey, I don’t know how, and I’m even afraid to get involved .., I think it’s so complicated ...
Ahh .. no, the socket .. chot does not add up with me with them, or, conversely, they have with me. I don’t mess with ebay either. after they asked me for my passport details. But I have been ordering with Aliexpress for a long time ... everything is very easy there, if there is a desire. I can teach.
Quote: Omela
But I have been ordering with Aliexpress for a long time
And there seems to be no slow
Yes? I will take a look now..
Ir, there are a lot of them .. type in the search engine slow cooker
Omela, I entered the medical insurance number on ebee instead of passport data. There you can choose from.
Natalia, and what kind of insurance? 7 policy or what?
Yes, policy.
Oksana, Thank you Oksana!
I get some kind of oversaturated, very thick mess, maybe it should be so, I just don't like such porridge.
But, for example, in a milk cooker, the principle is the same, but it turns out wow!
I do not cook in a milk cooker, and recently my slower really liked it.

Quote: Mirabel
But, for example, in a milk cooker, the principle is the same, but it turns out wow!
Vic, the low-temperature regime may be similar, but the temporary one is unlikely
In a slow 5-8 hours, and in a milk cooker 1 hour at most, there are still two big differences (Odessa)
We also love porridge from the milk cooker, and from my slow one ... maybe I'm doing something wrong
Quote: Mihailina
maybe I'm doing something wrong
All of you do that
Just the color of the rope - a matter of taste
Quote: Lerele

kirch, from smells you can't sleep at night
[That's for sure, my dog ​​wakes up first,
Then dad appears from his room and begins to ask why it smells so good.
And then how can you sleep when you are drowning in saliva.
No, I now cook from morning until dinner and sleep well
Quote: Mihailina
.. maybe I'm doing something wrong
Oksana, During the night with milk porridge, everything is in order, the milk does not sour, but is baked like in an oven. Such problems may arise when adding dairy products to meat dishes, such as adding cream to meat.
And I have wheat porridge with pork ribs and fried onions this morning.
Slow cookers: model selection, features, reviews
Slow cookers: model selection, features, reviews
Wow !!!! What, probably, was the aroma in the morning!
Oksana, thank you very much for the clarification about milk, otherwise I was afraid to leave milk porridge overnight and I ended up with something like a milk lunch. Also, of course, delicious, but in the morning it's still better.
In milk porridge, the main thing is to guess with the proportion, for millet porridge I have a proportion of 1 multi-glass of porridge and 7 glasses of milk.
Yes, I want to cook semolina everything, so that without lumps and with a chiffon like in an oven.
But I did not dare for the night, and now, it will be possible to do.
Quote: Laslovna

In milk porridge, the main thing is to guess with the proportion, for millet porridge I have a proportion of 1 multi-glass of porridge and 7 glasses of milk.
Oksana, do you pour boiling milk? And immediately put on 1?
No, milk from the refrigerator, I put it at 2 for 1 hour, and then for the whole night at 1.
Oksana, Thank you. I just poured hot milk and immediately put it on one. Let's see what happens tomorrow. Slow for a long time, but I have never cooked porridge
I once set it to 2 and forgot to switch, the porridge did not burn, but it baked so beautifully. It seems to me that the slowest in any case will be delicious porridge!

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