Quote: NataliaN

and at 4 UAH / kg, but sooooo big, the shovels are intact, I did not take, as I imagined, that I need to clean it with my hands -

and it's also cool that they pour me larger ones, and I immediately throw them out and throw in smaller ones. The seller, and I
And yesterday, literally close by at the market, I bought small things for 2 UAH - how tasty it turned out to be, mmmmmm
Thinking like that - I would never have taken such a thing before, but now the savings are starting!
Me too, I ask for small potatoes, but the sellers are perplexed.
Small, round, with butter, crushed garlic and dill: :) hmmm ...
Freken Bock
Take a potato peeler. Dedicated to Viki! Too-doo-doo-doo! Doo-doo!

Electric potato peelerElectric potato peelerElectric potato peelerElectric potato peelerElectric potato peeler

Saturn, 250 hryvnia.
We accept!
Did you take her on the 7th?

I’ll tell you in secret that I don’t wash the potatoes, I throw them away, then it’ll be washed when my unit itself - while I rinsed it, lo and behold, the potatoes were already clean in the sink
Quote: Freken Bock

Take a potato peeler. Dedicated to Viki! Too-doo-doo-doo! Doo-doo!
Saturn, 250 hryvnia.

Freken Bock - congratulations!

Electric potato peeler

Freken Bock
Thanks ... I actually expected it to be great cleaning. I believe you because. My husband kicked painfully. I was surprised that I went straight to the market and bought a small, neat little potato for 3.50. I'm going to rattle now ... By the way, I am also allergic to young potatoes. I sneeze and the skin slips off my fingers. Now I am her, not she is me.
Freken Bock, and Kenwood didn't want the attachment, or what?
I am now also an electrified potato peeler.
I read and read and all the time, tormented by the Wishlist, persuaded myself. that for two people you can clean it with your hands, and today my husband brought me potatoes, even though young, but didn't want to peel off the skin
I was tormented with cleaning, I was angry .... And then I remembered what was lying on the mezzanine for a long time and firmly forgotten ancient 1959 !!! harvester (probably in the entire post-Soviet space I am the only owner of it), and this harvester should have a potato peeler ...
Got it out, collected it, horrified it immensity (assembly height as much as 52 cm) The insides are all stainless steel, the safety margin is like a spaceship ...

Electric potato peelerElectric potato peeler

and it took 1 minute to clean it. so that the potatoes become velvety.

Now I want a new one even more compact cleaning
Maybe new and more compact ones will be, but I'm sure 200% that yours will be more reliable. In the union, they knew how to lay a margin of safety, and stainless steel is also a stainless steel. Use and rejoice
And for the money saved, you can still want something
Oh, how I wanted such a thing. Kenwood can't find a nozzle. They promise in a month. But there is no strength to wait. Do you think the cleaning quality will be the same? Well, if you take a separate unit or attachment to the combine?
Quote: Rita

She is (new), a fool, healthy! But, fortunately, this is her only drawback.
she is not stupid and not healthy and light. And what a good plastic - smooth, high-quality, washable and easy to assemble
Quote: IRR

she is not stupid and not healthy and light. And what a good plastic - smooth, high-quality, washable and easy to assemble
IRR, I agree, she is lovely! I adore her . But you can't call her a baby, despite her low weight. For a long time I was looking for a place to stuff it.
I call her lovingly, foolishly, like myself.
Kenwood nozzle - plastic. Cleans, but slowly - old potatoes. Speed ​​- third (according to the passport). But, what is nice, she cleans slowly or quickly, but ITSELF !!!! Only then you will clean up the irregularities, and at this time, the second batch of potatoes is sausage ...but - longer than in a freestanding, a young one will take quickly, probably, but with an old potato, it will take longer ... In 2-3 minutes, it will not fit, well, okay ... I will not want a freestanding ... I will not. ...
Ira! Knowing that tomorrow I will need potatoes for soup, when cleaning in the evening for dinner, I peeled it a second time for soup and put it in the refrigerator, expect tomorrow's cooking
Quote: NataliaN

Ira! Knowing that tomorrow I will need potatoes for soup, when cleaning in the evening for dinner, I peeled it a second time for soup and put it in the refrigerator, wait for tomorrow's cooking
now, I understand the agony in the election of the fridge shob po-o-o-lsheee for shoving today's peeled potatoes for tomorrow
Quote: IRR

to shove today's peeled potatoes for tomorrow

And if you don't stop at all, then you can even for a month - in the freezer.
Girls who took Saturn in Mriya, prepayment is required or you can pay via New mail upon receipt of the goods.
Girls, my potatoes are smaller for a walnut for the same time peeling worse than the one that is larger, the skin remains on it in places.
I looked through the lid, it turns out that small potatoes do not always reach the denticles on the side walls. I increase the cleaning time, but then more foam appears.
Duc with a small surface area is larger, so it takes longer to clean.
1. The day before yesterday succumbed to mass psychosis. Having realized that I will not receive the Kenwood attachment soon (there are only 010 machines on sale, and the shaft attachments only for 020: these are the managers working). Understood - we must take a separate shnyaga. Although, honestly, we eat very little potatoes. Mostly in soup.
2. Yesterday I ordered Saturn 8507. Metallic.
3. Today I rushed to pick it up. To the other end of the city. Almost 30 km one way.

Total. The dimensions, of course, impressed 26cm * 26cm in diameter. Weight 1800 g.
The smell of plastic or paint is felt - fu (I do not like it when extraneous odors are present).

And now on the topic.
The potato is young. Smooth. Shallow 5cm long, oval. 900 BC
After cleaning it was 780. Time, as stated, took 2 minutes!
Result: excellent. There are, of course, eyes (by the way, my husband cleans this way without picking out, so we are no stranger to it). Duc, and pick them out once or twice. You can't clean it!
In short, I squeaked and I squealed. From happiness.
Still, such results were on the old potato, it would be a miracle! Even if it takes longer.

- The dimensions of this miracle can upset the owners of small-sized kitchens.
- rumbles decently
- well, collect / disassemble / wash / reassemble

+ fast (I work much longer, and my hands are dry afterwards, like a miner's)
+ it washes perfectly (only it is better to drain the cleaning into the toilet, otherwise the sink gets clogged)
+ lightweight despite its size
+++ Now I can give my family what they were deprived of because of someone who does not like to peel potatoes: you potatoes, and zrazy, and stewed and fried potatoes and ...... Well this will expand my menu.

In short, BIG THANKS to the instigator (s).

Z. Y. I’m just ashamed to tell anyone about this thing.
When I took them away they looked at me like an alien.
Girls, where in Russia can you buy a Saturn potato peeler?
Quote: ksuxa198721

and in Sochi no one knows where to order?

"Electrocomfort" delivers them across Russia. And delivers by mail and transport company.

Girls, thanks for the topic. many years ago I caught fire with a potato peeler (I wanted to buy it from my hands, but they beat me to it)
but I didn’t see it in stores, and it was forgotten over time
I saw Temka and jumped straight up)))
I would never have thought of looking for egg cutters !!!

brought it today. first ordered in a miracle dish, and they are put on the waiting list. quickly reordered in another store
Cheers cheers! I have already prepared both the device and the potatoes, now we have to wait until everyone wakes up))) I will rattle
h. we looked closely at prof. cleaner, which is 7 kg at once, but the fact that it needs to be connected to water cooled me down. not for the urban kitchen thing
Quote: dopleta

And what - are we in egg cutters? Hey! Well, who's cutting the eggs? And most importantly - with what?

Lorik, don't be afraid ... Just olpe I confused the egg cutter with the egg cooker a little .. In Miracle Potato they so fancifully combined the potato peeler with the egg cookers ... admire ... 🔗
Yes, lega, it is, thanks.
peeled old potatoes, of different sizes.
and very large and very small and crooked and oblique
6 pieces fit on the bottom of the bowl. the second row did not pour from above.

I am delighted!
but probably only the one who hates peeling potatoes and who has to peel them often and in large quantities can understand this

sister came - said garbage. (but a dishwasher is an unnecessary device for her, and for many years an irreplaceable assistant for me)

in short, happy))))) and finally I can start drying the potato chips that have long been promised to children
but as I saw this mountain of potatoes, immediately there were excuses
what store did you order?
so there for 1800 not clathronic, but some other company. And how much does the delivery cost? I need to go to Sochi. Is the payment there as: prepayment or upon receipt?
Girls, if you don't eat a lot of potatoes, DO NOT buy a potato peeler. You will eat it more often. We crack almost every day now. I thought I didn't like potatoes. And it was all about peeling this vegetable.
Z. Y. Hope the potatoes don't stick too much on the hips
And I even save money from my potato peeler yesterday I came to the delivery - everyone rowing potatoes by 4, I modestly got it at 1.50 ... like a dog of fleas I’m big - fu ... not a format
Aunties, my computer is sore with a saffsem - windows fly off every 2 seconds. I've been reading 2 pages for half an hour. So throw me a link where this beast is sold for Ukraine.
Quote: sweetka

Duc and about Saturn, the reviews are extremely positive, did I understand correctly?

at Lyudka's, Lisses was originally defective. Lyudok visited them 2 times, made and received a new one from the back room.

Svettik, so sho you, just in case, immediately to them
ordered. Mlyn, there is such an uncle on the phone more like a watchman Yefimych than a manager.
Well, I warned you, the Shobs checked well, I'm nervous. Sho lickedly said so and will. I still seem to be in time even for today's shipment ...
was 2 weeks in the village. and they are there potatoes, like Karalad beetles eat!
I gave them spaghetti (I took a slow cooker with me), I pilaf for them - not a fig, the dogs were only grateful to me. they want potatoes and that's it! and the potato is the size of a large ... pigeon's egg! Damn, I have a blister on my index finger from a knife. maybe another time I would have thought, do I need this potato peeler, but the corn was the last straw in the sea of ​​my patience!
although at home we hardly eat potatoes.
Quote: sweetka

they want potatoes and that's it! and a potato the size of a large ... pigeon's egg! Damn, I have a blister on my index finger from a knife. maybe another time I would have thought, do I need this potato peeler, but the corn was the last straw in the sea of ​​my patience!
although at home we hardly eat potatoes.

Take it, you won't regret it ... you will go to visit with your cleaner and forget about the calluses ...

I presented a picture - ours is going sweetka on a visit, and behind it a trolley according to the principle: "The lady checked in luggage ..." with a cartoon, a potato peeler and a bunch of gadgets
Antonovka, you sales have no idea how right you are! I have to go to the village in September - to the christening. they eat a lot there, but their mother will have a minimum of time to cook. Here I am writing a little list of what to take with me: a harvester, a cartoon, now also a potato peeler!
Quote: IRR

Sveta, one thing pleases, so far only on our forum there are 2 such obvious punctures. Well, you know ... it's me about our Jewish happiness

I missed something, who has a second marriage?
You IRR you write about Jewish happiness, just don't say what you have \

And I finally howled - "skoko possible to eat one potato per side dish "
I answer - "so not one, but a lot and with mnyas"
Quote: Lenny

Girls, if you don't eat a lot of potatoes, DO NOT buy a potato peeler. You will eat it more often. We crack almost every day now. I thought I didn't like potatoes. And it was all about peeling this vegetable.
Z. Y. Hope the potatoes don't stick too much on the hips
And we! Fill with sour cream with dill, and pop without ... a side dish. Delight !!! And before that they ate potatoes at most a couple of times a month.
Quote: julifera

I missed something, who has a second marriage?
You IRR you write about Jewish happiness, just don't say what you have \

holy, holy, God had mercy. In Scarlett's multicooker - productions. marriage. Initially.
mulberry About potato peeler, only at Lisses (and, here's a paradox, she took 3 and she got a defective one) on Lyudykino's happiness ... People, well, is it all harash?

shl. I'm talking about the fact that in my memory there is a marriage - so far only 2 cases. I mean small household appliances. On the forum.
well, I'm handsome! I'm already with a potato peeler!
and now silly questions begin.
girls, two black latches on the lid - both need to be snapped off, or just one. and then everything is fine with the left one, and the right one is somehow suspicious. and does not snap off, and the lid does not rise up.
Quote: sweetka

girls, two black latches on the lid - both need to be snapped off, or just one.

Both two must be snapped off ...
kapets. the right speck grabbed the lid like Leonardo DiCaprio on an iceberg.
Well, like the left one, it opens, do I understand everything correctly?
Quote: sweetka

Well, it opens like the left one, do I understand everything correctly?

Yeah. And snaps, and snaps. Apparently, you have something skewed.
Yeah, it looks like that. And I’m afraid the main thing is to break this shitty bump. apparently, the husband will have to wait. since he is my dock for opening and closing all sorts of cunning devices such as a steam cleaner. but with me, the burglar-bugbear would never have worked out.
girls, and besides potatoes, she still peels something? Or is it not necessary to shove into it as an experiment, who knows what?
The girls peeled both beets and carrots - it worked.
Sweetka, did you take prepaid or cash on delivery?
superimposed, I am so annoying. I came to the carrier, paid money on the spot to an Internet store, a carrier, received a box and left.
A. then on their website, only prepayment. So you can agree, otherwise the prepayment is not for my nervous system. And they take payment for delivery to the shopping mall?

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