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Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class) (page 416)

Can you please tell me if it is possible to simmer raspberry leaves in a yogurt maker (no multicooker)
Yuri K, Yuri, when she was just starting to make grape tea, did it without roasting.
Quote: Eugene
is it possible to simmer raspberry leaves in a yogurt maker (no multicooker)
No, the temperature is too low. It is possible in the oven in a pot under a lid with a laid damp cloth at a temperature of 60-80 * C.
Linadoc, thanks for the answer, but you don't want to drive the oven for 6-8 hours in such a heat (30 degrees in the kitchen), so you have to give up stewed raspberries
Yuri K
francevna, understood, I will try.
I looked into my freezer yesterday - and it’s time to make teas there already) I have a vacation since Monday. wow, I'll get to tea and grass

Linadoc, got it. maybe my raspberries are not sweet enough so there was no raspberry jam praised by everyone in the smell?)
wow how many drinks
Yuri K, the color is gorgeous! if I find chokeberry this year I will also freeze it. I like to cook compotes in winter)
Yuri K
Quote: sweet_blondy
Yuri K, gorgeous color! if I find chokeberry this year I will also freeze it. I like to cook compotes in winter)
For hypertensive patients and those prone to this, the berry is very good. The mother-in-law brought something just rubbed with sugar - she was not impressed at all, so I began to google an alternative. They were taller than me in height ... I was surprised that rather elderly ladies, passing by me, asked what kind of ... and what would I do out of it? But I have already got hold of competitors in the collection, a man probably heels
Yuri K, for "pretty old ladies" you can and
Yuri K
Radushka, come on, well, how to describe the age above average, that would become clear? I call you all girls, and let them be ladies, mind you - I didn't call them aunts
I was really surprised that many do not know the blackberry!
Yuri K, and write - the ladies will be older than me
Yuri K
Radushka, be remembered!
Quote: Linadoc
what is the difference between fermentation and steaming .. and there and there they restrict access to oxygen ..
Fermentation is a process of biochemical transformations in damaged leaves under the influence of microorganisms (microbes and yeast) in the presence and without oxygen at temperatures up to 30 * C. The process is creative and transformative. Sweating is a biochemical process of decay in leaves without oxygen (anaerobic lysis) and at elevated temperatures. Leaf destruction process. Completely different processes. And the result is different.
But fermentation for several days, as some "amateurs" do, leads to fermentation and souring of the leaves. And this immediately affects the taste and aroma, or rather, leads to their disappearance and the appearance of the taste and smell (and not aroma) corresponding to the rotted and peroxidized grass. And this is no longer tea.
Linadoc, I have already figured out from my own experience ... both processes go on for me almost without air - in packages. But sweating happened when the raw material was very wet in the sun - the result was boiled leaves ... I'm trying to get something else from them, but there is no particular hope .. And my fermentation is essentially the same, only semi-dry or medium raw materials humidity. Various processes are going on.
Quote: Yuri K
be remembered!
aha! You are young here, but this is not worth emphasizing. Moreover, we are on a healthy diet and healthy teas, too, very nothing, deffchonki

Quote: RODA
And fermentation for me is essentially the same, only the raw materials are semi-dry or medium moisture.
And if done according to the recipe, then the result will please. Why ruin your labor? You can ferment normally in a saucepan with a lid or in a plastic bucket after the destruction of the leaf. And then there will be both taste and aroma.
Quote: Linadoc
And fermentation for me is essentially the same, only the raw materials are semi-dry or medium moisture.
And if done according to the recipe, then the result will please. Why ruin your labor? You can ferment normally in a saucepan with a lid or in a plastic bucket after the destruction of the leaf. And then there will be both taste and aroma.

Linadoc, I am very happy with the result)) I do it according to the recipe, only in a bag, I like it more .. I don't have such a weight to compact the leaves in a saucepan well, but everything in the bag shrinks perfectly and so ...
I wrote that I like fermentation more than sweating .. although it is possible that over time I will reconsider priorities.
And I also didn't really like the freezer, I put dry leaves in it - I get it out - at least squeeze it out .. I have to dry them after the freezer .. although freezing gives an aroma)
RODA, and you wilted leaves right? if at least squeeze the leaves, then of course you need to dry them. so that the hand is pleasantly moist, but the leaves do not stick to the hand.
do you make loose leaf tea?
Quote: sweet_blondy
RODA, are you withering the leaves, right? if at least squeeze the leaves, then of course you need to dry them. so that the hand is pleasantly moist, but the leaves do not stick to the hand.
do you make loose leaf tea?
Evgenia, if you are talking about freezing the leaves, then you did not wither, but they were already dry, especially with raspberries ... where did so much water come from ... Next time I will specially wither in front of the freezer ... I just read the recipes about freezer, in which it was not said about drying in front of it .. they just bring raw materials - and into the freezer, then granules, fermentation and drying .. perhaps this was implied)) but I still do not always know how to read between the lines ..
Both alder and raspberry were dry - they did not stick to the hand, as you wrote - that's for sure)
RODA, withering is a mandatory process because there was so much water in your leaves after the freezer - most of it had to go away when withering. afraid to dry out - dry in rags
if you make granulated tea, then you don't need any oppression.
Quote: sweet_blondy
RODA, withering is a mandatory process because there was so much water in your leaves after the freezer - most of it had to go away when withering. afraid to dry out - dry in rags
if you make granulated tea, then you don't need any oppression.
I am still studying withering ... it is impossible to wither qualitatively even in a pillowcase, some leaves are overdried, others are underdried .. I work, I leave it for a day - that's the result .. maybe more pillowcases are needed, it's not very clear yet ..
Granular just started making - I bought a cheap shovel grinder - but something weak granules are obtained, even with dried raw materials .. maybe you need to twist 2 times?)
RODA, I kind of also work swaddling 2 times a day - morning and evening. it is best to dry it in sheets - there the thicker layer of fabric comes out. Yes, single leaves dry out, but this is not critical. when quenched through the freezer, the dried leaves will take the necessary moisture from the rest. by the way, if a lot of leaves dries, then there may be a problem that there are few leaves, but a lot of tissue
and the granules disintegrate because your raw material is not sufficiently dried or the leaves are such that loose granules give - apple, bird cherry, raspberry, blackberry. repeated twisting can give stronger granules if 1) the leaves are withered properly 2) strong granules are generally obtained from these leaves
Eugene, thanks for the advice, I will try)
Or maybe the fact is that I have only 1 nozzle at the meat grinder, but everywhere they write that first they twist it on a large one, and then on a small one .. or does it not affect the quality of the granules?
But until I get granules, I knead them completely into powder and mold balls or other shapes from them .. the first batch, though small, is fermented))
RODA, on electric, when spun it first on coarse, after fermentation on fine. the granules were compacted significantly.
then I twisted it once on the manual one - there was a fine grate and the granules were immediately dense.
how small is the batch? the very minimum is 800 gr. and even better - 1000-1200
Quote: sweet_blondy

RODA, on electric, when spun it first on coarse, after fermentation on fine. the granules were compacted significantly.
then twisted once on the manual one - there was a fine grate and the granules were immediately dense.
how small is the batch? the very minimum is 800 gr. and even better - 1000-1200
For balls, I have very small ones - trial ones. First, I want to try different options and choose the best ones, and then I will do by kilogram)
But I just make leafy willow tea in medium batches, to be honest, I didn’t weigh it)) I don’t have an oven, I dry it in a frying pan, the volume is small, so I make it small.
RODA, the problem is that when the volume of raw materials is insufficient, then fermentation may not occur at all. so even for trial, you need to do at least the minimum, otherwise the result will not be indicative.
Quote: sweet_blondy
RODA, the problem is that when the volume of raw materials is insufficient, then fermentation may not occur at all. so even for trial, you must do at least the minimum, otherwise the result will not be indicative.
I have fermentation at any volume .. why shouldn't it take place at small volumes? and I have almost oxygen-free fermentation in bags, and all sorts of small batches in jars with good access to air ..
Yuri K
Quote: Linadoc
You are young here, but it is not worth emphasizing
Me, young ??? Well, I just caught a compliment This is how I look, in fact, it's still a pepper to half a ruble picking up

What a time-consuming sea buckthorn to collect, we took half a bucket with our son

Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
Quote: RODA
but something weak granules are obtained, even with dried raw materials .. maybe you need to twist 2 times?)
See reports on mixes here here and here... And withering is a must. I also have one middle grill at the meat grinder.
Quote: Yuri K
This is how I look, in fact, the same pepper is picking up half a ruble
I looked at the profile before writing. Young!
Quote: Linadoc
but something weak granules are obtained, even with dried raw materials .. maybe you need to twist 2 times?)
See mix reports here and here. And withering is a must.
Quote: Yuri K from Today at 15:03
Linadoc, an interesting idea to spin frozen leaves !!! Maybe this is the whole point ... I'll definitely try! Thank you!!! In the meantime, I run out of frozen leaves, you can freeze the fermentation and then scroll it in this form, suddenly it will work)
Quote: Yuri K
For hypertensive patients and those prone to this, the berry is very good.
And that's a plus.
A minus that it thickens the blood and with a tendency to thrombus formation is categorically contraindicated
Do the leaves have the same effect or only the berries?
I have such a beautiful bush idle.
Yuri K
Quote: Podmoskvichka
And the minus is that it thickens the blood and with a tendency to thrombosis is categorically contraindicated
So it is necessary to slurp it with spoons in order to achieve the effect. And in the compote version - most likely this minus turns into a myth. But the color of the compote is awesome, ruby, like wine!
Today I twirled two more cans with cherries as an additive.

Honestly, I don't even know about the sheet ...
Quote: Podmoskvichka
Do the leaves have the same effect or only the berries?
These berries activate platelets, but the leaves do not. And even more fermented leaves, as has been written a thousand times.
Pani Tasha
Good day. I am again with questions. Please develop my doubts.
Have I correctly determined that this is a spirea? While only white blooms, pink for some reason has not bloomed yet.
Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
And about the goat willow.Is she like that? The reverse side of the leaf is light, soft, as if fluffy. And then we have all kinds of willow growing.
Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
And we also have a lot of alder, well, just heaps, only sadness, it is all gray. The black one, no matter how they looked, was never found.
Quote: Linadoc
These berries activate platelets, but the leaves do not.
Great, we need to start collecting while the leaves are clean and the freezer is empty.
Good day. I have read your recipes for herbal teas for a long time, and I consider them the most detailed and complete. I also do it myself according to these recipes. And now I want to share the method I found for drying raw materials. The fact is that I do not have the opportunity to often collect herbs, and I want to make a lot of tea. I collect up to 10 kilograms or more at a time. As a result, drying difficulties arise. Neither the oven nor the electric dryer can cope with such volumes, and it happens that the raw material becomes moldy. I did not find a way out of this situation right away, but now I can dry at least 10 kg in a couple of hours. raw materials. I hope that my method will be useful to other lovers of herbal teas.
The essence of the method is very simple and clear from one word - microwave. Put the herb in a plate (300 grams) and turn on the microwave for 4-5 minutes. The water in the leaves should boil. Therefore, choose the amount of grass and the time yourself. After turning off the microwave, quickly spread the raw materials in a thin layer (very hot). Clouds of steam will rise and the grass will become noticeably drier. The operation can be repeated if necessary.
Do not try to dry the grass completely — ruin the stove. Although, with minimal experience, at the exit I began to get rustling tea in my hands and almost dry to the touch. In any quantity. And no mold.
It is possible that such advice is already on your pages. In this case, I ask you not to scold me for my inattention.
Quote: Linadoc
what has been written a thousand times.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
And then while I look through a thousand pages, everything will fly around
Quote: Pani Tasha
Have I correctly determined that this is a spirea?
It looks like the colors, the leaves are different, the leaves are narrower and smaller.
Quote: Pani Tasha
about the goat willow. Is she like that?
Exactly like that. And if you tear off the bark from an average thickness of the twigs, then it quickly turns red-orange.
Quote: Pani Tasha
a lot of alder, well, just heaps, only sadness, it is all gray
Gray is also fine, just the scent is less pronounced.
Quote: kolobok
turn on the microwave for 4-5 minutes. The water in the leaves should boil.
Welcome to the topic!
I don’t know, maybe this boiling of water can kill the taste and aroma. Have not tried. If it does not kill, then the method is suitable.

Quote: Podmoskvichka
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Len, and I also wrote many times - me on "you"
Linadoc, Lina, I don’t know about tea, but shredded dill in the microwave. The aroma is retained and the color remains bright green, with normal drying the color is much lighter.
Quote: francevna

Linadoc, Lina, I don’t know about tea, but shredded dill in the microwave. The aroma is retained and the color remains bright green, with normal drying the color is much lighter.
Alla, at what power and how many minutes?
Hope, I immediately do not turn it on for a long time. Depends on the amount of raw materials. I turn on full power for 1 minute. I open the microwave to remove the moisture, then you can still repeat. Take out the container with dill and let cool. Then check.
The house has a strong aroma, it is good if there is a hood.
Pani Tasha
Linadoc, Lina, thank you very much Last year the leaves of the spirea were smaller, but this year, probably because of the weather, even Ivan tea is almost everywhere two meters high and all the grass is raging.
francevna, Allochka, how much greenery do you dry at a time? And in what container? deep-shallow I mean
Likar Nadiya
Made steamed raspberries. As they say in Odessa: "These are two big differences." Soared in a multicooker on "heating" 60 degrees hours 6.5-7 with an open valve. Only about half of the leaves are dry.I don’t know if it’s right, but I closed the valve after 6 hours, mixed the leaves and left for another 30 minutes. As a result, all the leaves are steamed. I twisted it with difficulty. But the result is excellent.
About the smell - from the moment the multi was opened and until the end of the drying of the tea, there was such an aroma !!! This is some kind of symbiosis of raspberry jam, unsweetened caramel, fruits of fresh and dried apples ... and so on, so on, so on, which is difficult to describe
Likar Nadiya, it tastes the same as aroma
Likar Nadiya
Radushka, thanks)) I brewed the remainder that did not fit in the jar. And yes, the taste is great, from the fermented raspberries.
And I twisted half of the mumalins with rose petals, stood such seagulls for hours, fermented, and ... I can't even describe this aroma in words)))
Likar Nadiya, and you got the granules?
it didn't work out for me, even after the second scroll
And how did you dry with a rose - first in the oven or immediately to dry?
Likar Nadiya
Podmosvichka, I twisted it twice. Pure raspberries are almost dust, with a rose - small granules. Everything was dried with a roast in the oven.
Likar Nadiya, Thank you.
And with a rose, about what proportion?
I made melissa today, as the author of the topic advised. Just wilted, twisted and dry. The meat grinder coped with lemon balm at once, this is not blackberry or steamed raspberries, which we do not like with a meat grinder. I have not brewed it yet, it is being dried. I think that I will also make mint - my plantation has grown and is already blooming with might and main, while cutting.
Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
It was also necessary to update 2 beds with strawberries - the hand, of course, did not rise to throw away so many valuable and tasty leaves, it took about 5 hours to carefully cut them off, blow-wipe them off from dust, debris, dirt, cut off cuttings. It turned out about 1.660 gr. While they lie, they wither. If there is no more delicious, I will not subscribe to such a feat of collecting leaves.
Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
Melissa, oh what a beauty !!!! I also want to make strawberries, but I don’t know if I’ll find the time or not. So how do you share your impressions!
Oh, girls and boys, I’m reading how you cut off the cuttings and veins from the leaves, and I’m stunned ... why should you burden yourself with work like that ?! Or is the meat grinder not working? I twist everything, both with cuttings and with veins. It looks even more interesting tea turns out, with "natural inclusions"
Recently I made currant tea. First time !: with apple and cherry. What deliciousness it turned out !!!! And the color is straight dark amber! It already glows. 3 liter jar. This will be my "gold reserve"!
I sit and cannot remember what else I threw there ... like four ingredients ... strawberries, or what?
Lasto4ka, I prune or tear off cuttings from pear, apple, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and rose hips. because they are tough. the rest to wither immediately. hard of course, but I decided to save the meat grinder. after she almost welled up

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