Elena Tim
O hospadya, my grave sins ...
San, and San, tell me, my druhh, did you even add anything from the recipe?

It's okay. If you knead it normally, the minced meat will stick tightly so. It's just that gelatin retains moisture well, and the ham with it, albeit a little, but juicier. There, inside, such small, small inclusions of jelly are obtained, and they give juiciness. But don't bother, it should still work out fine.
| Alexandra |
I dissolved it in some recipe, but there was no time to see how. And now you have found that you can just fall asleep. It is a pity that I did not fall asleep.

Added Monday 02 Jan 2017 09:36 PM

I put in meat, salt, sugar, ice, black pepper, 15 herbal seasoning, basil, nutmeg, garlic, tomatoes, bell peppers ... Everything seems to be.
Elena Tim
And saaaalo?
| Alexandra |
Yes, there is lard, a little. Lenus, and I can put 52 minutes at 80 degrees? Still, I didn't add vinegar, I didn't add alcohol. True, the meat is not purchased, but Melochka poured vodka into the moose sausage ...

Added Monday 02 Jan 2017 10:48 PM

6 minutes left, then add the time.

Added Monday 02 Jan 2017 10:58 PM

That's it, you are late - put 1 hour 78 gr.
Elena Tim
Aaaaaaaaaaaa! As soon as I leave the computer ...
Quote: | Alexandra |
Still, I didn't add vinegar, I didn't add alcohol.
Don't worry, these are optional ingredients. And Melka would only need to make some vodka.

Do as you want with the temperature - if you feel calmer, then you can set 80.

Added Monday 02 Jan 2017 11:21 pm

Quote: | Alexandra |
Everyone, you are late
Well Duc!
| Alexandra |
Last 20 minutes only it was 80 gr. I measured it inside - 69. But when the water in the staff was already 74 - I missed the end of the work, I read about Aquitaine. Well, even though it's 69 - I can't continue to cook it, after all, I can cool it for about an hour. What will be will be. Lenochka, thank you very much, without you I would be lost ...
Elena Tim
Oh, you pulled it out already, right?

Added on Tuesday 03 Jan 2017 00:46

Did you reach for the meat with a thermometer? We can, he was higher, so he showed this temperature ...
| Alexandra |
I did not immediately hit the hole, and stuck it deeper.

Added on Tuesday 03 Jan 2017 01:29

Poured 185 ml - is that a lot?
Elena Tim
For ham without nitrite, that's okay. I did more, but it depends on the meat. Therefore, in order not to drain the liquid with glasses every time, I stopped adding water to the minced meat. For such a cooking method, it is almost superfluous.
By the way, this juice can be used for sauces, soups and gravy instead of pouring it into the sink.
| Alexandra |
Lenochka, I really can't believe it, but we did it with you and Teskoma ... IT TURNED OUT. And even the color is not disgusting as expected. And the main thing is really tasty. I did not write in the morning - the child was ill. I'll write later and post a photo. THANK YOU!
Elena Tim
Fuy! Thank God! And then I was already sweating, expectantly.
Sasha, congratulations on a successful debut!
Child of a speedy recovery!
| Alexandra |
Elena Tim
Whoa, whoa? He hunts for ham too.

Nice, does elk have such a dark color? I just never saw her ...
Sash, didn't it work out too dry?
| Alexandra |
No, Lenochka, not dry, and many have already tried it - it's delicious. I collected the crumbs that fell off (post) - it was absolutely delicious to me. The color is just lighter than usual, it was a young elk from December 30th. And we have a rare animal hunting - a lynx ...
Elena Tim
Well, it's nice, since I liked it. And I'm very happy about that.
| Alexandra |
Lenok, today I will make the second sausage, they brought me awesome hooks to Bosch. Tell me, why don't you use alcohol, but vinegar?
Elena Tim
Yes, I generally do not use either one or the other. What for?
It's just that if I need to extend the shelf life of a ham for a couple of days, I add a little vinegar and that's it. But this is very rare. And finally I don’t understand about alcohol, why is it needed and who invented it. No seriously. We can add for disinfection ...
Sash, if you really want to add alcohol, add it. What is the problem?
| Alexandra |
And gelatin - before kneading, like spices?
Elena Tim
Well yes.
| Alexandra |
Kneaded with hooks, if you compare with a knife - of course today I just saw the threads. I had to go to the refrigerator for the night, I have no strength to sleep, now I was baking Melkin a fruit casserole, looking at it with my elbows on the countertop in front of the oven - and so I fell asleep STANDING, woke up from the fact that my knee bent ...
Elena Tim
Quote: | Alexandra |
woke up from the fact that my knee bent ...
Boo-ha-ha! Nuuu ... I mean, what a horror.
Sasha, since she has put the ham in the refrigerator, tomorrow, before cooking, let it stand on the table for two hours to get warm, otherwise it won't boil.
| Alexandra |
Oh - in the morning I didn't see what you answered, she stood less, but today I set the temperature to 80. Now there are 2 hours of cooking left, the water temperature in the steak is between 70 and 75 ...

Posted on Friday 06 Jan 2017 10:49 AM

This is 72.5 on Teskoma's thermometer.

Added on Friday, 06 Jan 2017 11:05

Here again I removed the upper pan, on the Teskomovsky thermometer it is 72.5. Shteba shows 79.

Posted Friday, 06 Jan 2017 11:13

Maybe rearrange for languor? How much do I need to be on Tescom's thermometer?

Added Saturday 07 Jan 2017 01:00

Something is wrong with my temperature, inside the ham does not rise above 69. Next time I'll write down all the numbers. Or Shteba is lying, or Teskoma.
| Alexandra |
Helen, I have now put a new attempt at the Headquarters, according to a variation of your recipe, while it is heated at 80g, but I think, taking into account the previous measurements, can I put 82g on languor? Moreover, I will not dance next to her today - I will watch Sklifosovsky ...

Added Wednesday 18 Jan 2017 11:09 PM

Len, I thought - you left me forever with my moose ham, but - you just haven't come in yet. I cook for 82 in Shtebe, inside the ham I finally have 72, for a long time. And how much should be 72? Maybe I have too long, the cutlet will be ...

Added Wednesday 18 Jan 2017 11:21 PM

In general, of the two previous hams, the first one was much tastier - which I cooked at your temperature of 78 (according to Stebe). But then I missed measuring the inside of the ham.
Elena Tim
Oh, Saaash, I'm sorry! I was so busy that I didn't even see what was going on here.
You do not need to keep it at 72C for a long time, when the temperature gets there - it's done. But, anyway, I rode late, judging by the time you asked.
Elena Tim, Duc why are you still asleep and asleep, and people digest ham. Disorder.
Elena Tim
Well, I didn't know.
| Alexandra |
Yes, girls, there was an experience after three attempts, the next one - tasty and corresponding to the name products turned out only the first time. BUT - only the first time wild meat was used was thoroughly soaked. In addition, only the first time did I knead with a combine knife, not with hooks. And for the first time the temperature was the lowest - 78 (heating in Shtebe). Interestingly, for the third time, the amount of liquid drained was the same as always - although I did not add ice, I did add alcohol 25 g. And maybe because of not adding ice, that's what happened when I opened it - a lot of bacon got out through the holes and turned out to be red over the circle. This time I passed the bacon through a meat grinder before the meat, unlike the first time, when I just cut it finely before kneading. Today I soaked the next piece ...
Elena Tim, The roll is just a feast for the eyes and for the stomach !!!!
Helen, what if you replace beef with pork?
Elena Tim
Sasha, you will soon become an expert yourself. In the end, you will come up with your own cooking formula and you will easily churn out the ham.

Thank you, Lilyush! This is one of my most successful and favorite recipes.
Of course, you can substitute pork for beef. The taste will be simpler, but it should still work well. Especially if you don't forget to put in the lamb.
| Alexandra |
Lenochka, my 4th attempt went ... And then I came up with a question: at what temperature of water in Shteba, shown by Teskoma's thermometer, does it make sense to measure the temperature inside Teskoma with this thermometer? I cook on "heating" 78 gr., After 1 hour 10 minutes. Teskoma's thermometer shows less than 70. Probably, it is necessary that 75 become - then measure inside Teskoma? And since I have half of the meat - wild boar, I need 72g. achieve?
Elena Tim
Sasha, you don't have to measure the temperature inside the piece at all, if, after the water reaches the temperature already in 75C, you set the timer for 3 hours. During this time, the ham is guaranteed to be ready.
Well, you can, of course, if you really want to, after three hours, stick the thermometer into the meat, just in case, take a taxi, but personally I have not done this for a long time. But the main condition here is that the ham is boiled immediately, and does not sit in the refrigerator for several hours. Otherwise, it will take longer for her to warm up.

Posted Monday 23 Jan 2017 7:49 PM

Yes, inside the piece, the temperature of the finished ham is 72-74C.
| Alexandra |
I didn't put it in the fridge, stood on the table for two hours. Now it was 2 hours from the start, Teskoma shows the water temperature 71g. I’ll measure it today - otherwise the wild boar, they eat all kinds of nasty things, of course they took the meat to the test, but all the same - this is not an elk, which we never check.

Added on Monday 23 Jan 2017 08:23 PM

And you know - the third worst ham, it is not only overcooked, it is lard, I put even more of it, it is not very tasty. And she never climbed out, very dense. Still, moose need water. It's strange - I drain the same amount every time.
Elena Tim
Why does it keep you warm for so long? My Shteba reaches the desired temperature in 15 minutes and starts the countdown. Listen, maybe it's easier for you to cook in a saucepan, on the stove? You pour water straight along the pink border, turn on the fire to the maximum and, as soon as the thermometer shows 75C, you can already time it for 3 hours. Just make sure that the temperature does not rise above 80C and does not fall below 75. Well, you will have to add some hot water a couple of times, because it boils a little in an open pan. It seems to me that this way you will succeed faster than heating the water itself for two hours. And the ham will turn out juicier than when you cook it for almost five hours, although not at the right temperature.
| Alexandra |
After 3 hours - like the water around Teskoma - 72 gr.

Added Monday 23 Jan 2017 09:25 PM

Maybe - now put 80 at the Shtebe?

Added Monday 23 Jan 2017 09:26 PM

In the pan - there were such thoughts, but this is the next time - now Sklifosovsky is walking ...
Elena Tim
Yes, of course, put 80C. Well you will get tired of waiting.
| Alexandra |
And at 80 - it did not creep higher than 71, I was heated up to 80, so I set "languor" 82, reached 72g. inside - and for cooling.

Posted Monday 23 Jan 2017 10:53 PM

Maybe you can check Teskoma's thermometer under warranty? I have a long-standing staff.
Elena Tim
And you have Shteba DD1, right?
| Alexandra |
Yes, I bought it right in the forefront. Well - I dumped it with apprehension in the morning, I try it - it tastes normal. And then my husband was already laughing at my experiments. Now it is clear that I spoiled the two previous options with lard, and the last time I sent it to the meat grinder. She took lard from the Belruskie Produkty store. This time there was 2 times more broth, but I threw in ice too much, because I got lost between your 100g and Melkin's 40g. Also for salt. I think Mela has too little - 8 g. I regret not putting gelatin and pepper in this ham. And yet I want to try again instead of hooks - with a knife. In terms of temperature, it is necessary to try for options with a wild boar - 80 from the very beginning (according to Stebe), because I don't have 81, 82 - it will overheat to 75 inside the loaf.I also just want to try to press the boar in pieces, we do not often have it, but now there is a whole half of the carcass, and young - two years old (they have maturity from 3 years old, that is, "smelly" is possible, sorry) ...
Elena Tim
I don’t understand why everyone runs between my recipes and the Melkin’s, and all the time they compare salt and water. Then they take the arithmetic mean for some shit. It's not my ham that has a lot of salt, but Melka just loves unsalted.
| Alexandra |
Well, don't be offended, it's just that Ksyusha dealt with moose a lot, but not ham business, and your recipes are more acceptable to me for moose ...
Elena Tim
Yes, and in my thoughts there was no offense. It's funny just - since Melka and I had ham makers, they have been comparing us all the time.
| Alexandra |
Well, there are not so many girls with such rich experience, and at the same time who do not put in nitrite. It just so happened that I cooked the first ham in Tescom under your careful guidance, and for several years I had been "getting" Mistletoe with elk. Now I tried it after a day in the fridge - it tasted great, and such spots of wild boar in it are cute ...
Elena Tim
Quote: | Alexandra |
Now I tried it after a day in the fridge - it tasted great, and such spots of wild boar in it are cute ...
Oh, congratulations! You still tortured her to a normal taste.
| Alexandra |
Yes, Lenochka, the fact that I EAT HER is an achievement, because I like a big nag.
Elena Tim

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