Bijou, calculated the price per square meter
These cost about 190 rubles, those cheap gemlux, which I took on ozone - 270.

And if 15 pieces of those that are 30 to 600 take, then 170 per meter turns out
To know the quality ... The thickness seems to be nothing, 95.
Quote: Sibelis
And if 15 pieces of those that take 30 to 600
Sssskoka-lope ??? 90 running meters? Opening the little factory, citizen? Vacuum packing machine
What I see - I will see
Finally, I found where it says about delivery. I figured out this roll - one 20x30 package without shipping costs will cost 11 rubles 50 kopecks. There, on the site, by the way, there are reviews.
Quote: Bijou
Opening the little factory, citizen?
That nooo, the same gangbang. It would be possible to come to an agreement if you know what the quality of the norms is.

I have not yet realized how much these rolls are consumed, so it always seems to me that I have little
I went to bed and cannot sleep. I surf the internet. Found a good article on sous vide:
Quote: soneyka
I figured out this roll - one 20x30 package without shipping costs will cost 11 rubles 50 kopecks.
To the fig, in short ... So we will look. Cheaper.))

And then yesterday I briefly estimated that about 30 and a penny rubles per linear meter with a width of 20 cm and calmed down, it seemed like nothing .. Well, there are still questions about the "correctness". Although they sell tubeless packers there, and they look like ours, only more expensive. Probably, this film is for them. But you have to ask when you call, yes ..
Oh, and I'm very happy. I called the owner of the store and he said that he would make a free roll delivery to me. Tonight they might already be. Today I will try and write off the quality.
I asked about other cities. Delivery either by mail of Russia or TC, you need to write to him by mail or in vatsap, he will answer everything in detail. The order is also from 100 packages, or you can from 1 roll (only, probably, it is not profitable, nevertheless, you pay for delivery for one roll).

Lenochka, thank you very much !!! I am delighted!!!
Why do you think that 11.50 for a corrugated bag is expensive? I believe that a good price is the same bags with corrugation.
sleepyhead, so you clarified during the conversation that this tape goes to tubeless, right? And then I will have to financially compensate for your purchase, if it does not work.))

It seems to me expensive against the background of the use of smooth ones. I wanted to get the overpayment at least twice, but not more. And then it turns out almost fourfold, or something ... Against the background of three rubles.))
Quote: Bijou
so you clarified during the conversation that this tape goes to tubeless, right? And then I will have to financially compensate for your purchase, if it does not work.))

No, I read your post after the conversation. I will not specify already. They will bring it, try and accomplish your goal here.

You can write to him yourself in WhatsApp if you want.

Okay, I'll write it myself.

He does not answer yet, a mark that the message has not yet arrived, apparently the Internet is turned off.

Lenochka, the seller replied that this film is for tubeless household vacuum cleaners. He wrote that it was for them that a corrugated surface was needed.
Quote: Bijou
Hence, we will search. Cheaper
I don't think it will be cheaper. But if you find it, let me know
About 12 p. for a package - it is almost one and a half times cheaper than in regular sales, on ozone or in the Metro corrugated.

And someone can enlighten about the thickness: what numbers, for example, for dense branded ones, such as caso or solis? Have the smooth ones from the Metro? To somehow navigate. Why don't they write the thickness on the package?
Quote: Sibelis
It seems to me it won't be cheaper
This is a private trader.With decent advertising costs to fight back. Smooth packages are definitely expensive for him and would not suit me, the previous links came across cheaper. The origin, if I remember correctly, is Latvia. That is, he does not cut and glue them himself, but stupidly resells them. From this we draw logical conclusions.
And I ordered a little more smooth ones for testing: Vacuum bag PA / PE 200x200 70 microns
2.79 rbl
It's profitable for me, delivery is free.
Quote: Bijou
By the way, people, do you think there are rolls with the "correct" film or not?
https: // package-corrugated. рф / p329098880-riflenyj-vakuumnyj-rulon.html
I bought this film in rolls. I liked it. They are elastic, but slightly thinner than branded proficuc bags, and ribbed on one side. The friend who answers the contact phone is very friendly. By the way, the packages of profikuk I got unstuck over time, which I don't see with packages from other manufacturers. I've already tried many different ones.
Lenochka, personally I am so grateful to you !!! You solved a global problem for me!
Bijou, you see, you are a pro in this business I can read the number on the screen at most
Quote: olaola1
By the way, the packages of profikuk I got unstuck over time, which I don't see with packages from other manufacturers.
Wonderful. For that kind of money ... ((

And after that I will be told that thin, they say, too thin, cheap and "wrong". By the way, today I still found an old package - a mountain of packages with peeled walnuts was dumped in a non-living room since last autumn. Both in large packages and in small ones. Tight-tight !! There, basically, the liner is not tubes, but non-woven. But basically I see inside the big ones, too, a nested ordinary bag. It doesn’t fit into a seal, it just contains nuts.

Quote: soneyka
Lenochka, personally I am so grateful to you !!!
You are welcome. )) It's not difficult for me. And this Bijou has not yet been puzzled by the search for herself personally! Where is the stubborn armored personnel carrier digging the Internet!
But my cheap ones are still fine with me, and there are enough correct ones that were taken when buying a packer. And the roll is almost whole, and there are two sizes in bulk. I use it, but very rarely, when I really can't get it out.

Sibelis, do not slander yourself!

Bijou, no, no, I'm just a rookie compared to many of you). Although in real life, for my acquaintances, I am a very cool cook
Registered here on some random culinary site, and I received a welcome letter with the following text: "You probably don't believe that you can cook well! With us you can! We will prove it to you!"
Oh really???
Quote: Bijou
dumped a mountain of packages with peeled walnuts
And how old are they?
Quote: Bijou
from last fall

Last year was very fruitful. And for walnuts and hazelnuts. In this, the hazelnuts were not enough for the squirrels, the walnuts were so-so, and even then half crumbled.
Bijou, last year we went to Sevastopol, so right in the city we collected a whole bag of almonds
Quote: olaola1
By the way, the packages of profikuk I got unstuck over time, which I don't see with packages from other manufacturers
Finally, at least one more person confirmed. I do not like these bags, in freezing several bags opened along the factory seam and when cooking sous-vide too.
And the rolls of Gochu and Status never failed.
So far I have prepared in two native packages from Profiquk sous-vide. The flight went well, although it cooked for 6 and 7 hours. New packages will be delivered at 20 o'clock, I will immediately vacuum it, and tomorrow I will cook sous vide. Let's check the quality. Want to try one of the rolls, one smooth with a gauze bandage.
Svetlana, that's all this gauze of yours worries me ... For some reason it seemed that synthetic materials were needed to melt. Well, or at least with sooo thin fibers, so that the air does not have time to run back, while it releases and solders through the clean bag. The napkin meets these requirements. I don't know cotton fibers yet. But I will wait for the result.))
Bijou, and someone has already done here successfully with gauze.
Bijou, Helen, I cut off the gauze on top and make the second seam without gauze. The main thing is that it pumps out well with gauze. Well, I'll try, trying is not torture. I'll try with folds, maybe you won't need gauze. With folds in the freezer bags, my air did not pump out, but with gauze - fine.
Quote: soneyka
The main thing is that it pumps out well with gauze.
I never doubt it.)) I was just afraid that on elastic products it could just as well get back up before it comes to the second seam. But if this is not so, then I will be very glad, because I agree - simply nothing can compete with gauze in this matter, IMHO.

Sibelis, even I missed, then. Have you already tried it on your stubborn one?)
sleepyhead, I do not pump out with folds either.

Bijou, no, I haven't tried it with gauze, there are non-woven towels at hand. It solders normally with them, but I don't always manage to put it so that it pumps out. I can't figure out how to properly arrange this piece of fabric in the bag.
Girls, I received the bags and vacuum them. I'll start with the roll. Corrugated on one side, smooth on the other. Evacuated with a bang. I'll see how he behaves tomorrow at sous-vide. True, I will cook chicken fillet, there is only 1 hour and 20 minutes. Here is a photo of the package from the roll:

Vacuum packing machine

So far I am very happy. If it works out with those and other packages, then for ripening homemade cheese I will use corrugated rolls, and for sous vide, very cheap smooth packages. I asked the store owner how much further deliveries would cost, he replied that they would be free. Such a nice man. He called me and asked me to come downstairs, and I said that it was very painful for me to walk up the stairs, and he agreed to come up to my apartment. True, it did not work out, since he confused the entrances, I had to go down. So he also apologized.

White is the paper that held the roll curled up, it was not possible to peel it off.
sleepyhead, oh what a Bijusya glad that while you are doing well !! And what a useful uncle!
Heartiest congratulations! At least on the corrugated bags there is already some savings so that the "ozones" are not fed.

Sometimes it is really difficult to do without them or to mess around with smooth ones. So, for example, I quickly closed the dried fruits for the outgoing guests, of course I took the corrugated ones, because it is both faster and more reliable. And in cooking, sometimes corrugated is more useful.
Svetlanaand are these smooth bags suitable for sous-vide?
What roll width did you order?
For small pieces of fillet, it is better to take a width of 150mm.
Quote: francevna
For small pieces of fillet, it is better to take a width of 150mm.
In general, I am firmly convinced that several different sizes in the house lead to decent savings. My heart bleeds straight when I see such waste as Soneika's.)))
Bijou, so I could not resist.
I disagree. If there is a goal to reuse the package, it is more convenient to take a larger size.
After opening, the adhesion site is cut off, and when the vacuum is re-evacuated, the packet size decreases.
Is not it?
Tayadecreases in length. When I cut the roll, I always make the bag longer, but I try to choose the width according to the size of the meat, I don't like the emptiness on the sides. I take several sizes at once.
Cuts of meat aren't always predictably standard. Well, just the package is suitable for a piece larger, wider and longer.
Quote: francevna
Are these smooth bags suitable for sous-vide?
I think they fit. This is the same for professional vacuum cleaners.
Girls, I deliberately divided small pieces into 3 bags, and not put them in one, in order to conduct an experiment: vacuuming with folds, with gauze and in a corrugated bag. I had little meat, and I was eager to know the result of different vacuuming. Nothing, I reuse them.
The width of the corrugated roll, as I understood on the site, is only one - 20 cm. Maybe I really missed something.

And I am always grateful for your advice
I am packing the cheese for ripening in a bag almost twice as long as it needs to be.Then you can repack it several times, that is, cut off a piece of cheese - packed the rest, etc. When the cheese runs out, I pack the next head and so on 2-3 more times. The savings are substantial.
Quote: soneyka

Nothing, I reuse them.
It is very problematic to wash the corrugated bag after the sous vide. I throw them away. Therefore, for this I take a package of the maximum size and, as a rule, used after fruits and vegetables, cheese or sausage.
Quote: Taia
I disagree. If there is a goal to reuse the package, it is more convenient to take a larger size.
I don't reuse packages.
It seems to me all the time that I do not blow it to its original state, so after the first or second attempt I threw nafig. ))

Therefore (for me) it is better to smooth ...

olaola1, ahh .. I see.) No, I don't make cheese, so there is no need to repackage. And what needs to be "eaten off", I either immediately pack in small portions, donating an extra bag for one and a half rubles, or store it in containers, pumping it out.
I found it on the internet:
“Isn't it dangerous to dip food in plastic bags in hot water? In this case, plastic can release all kinds of harmful substances.

In order to avoid this, you need to use only bags or film made of food grade plastic. This type of plastic begins to degrade at temperatures well above 100 degrees, so it is safe for sous vide cooking. "

And these bags on the site are made of food grade plastic.
And what, the packages are pasted? Hmm .. that never happened ...
Both grooved and mixed - one side is smooth and the other is grooved.
I can reuse the package after freezing the bread. My husband loves Borodino bread of a Moscow factory. Here is a son who brings 20 loaves, I freeze them. And then I use the pack for sous-vide. Then for release, after heat treatment.
I always seal the bags in two rows.
Quote: Bijou
I don't reuse packages.
I only use it frozen. Even purchased.
Opened-chopped off as needed-sealed.
Corrugated after suvid not only wash them and solder poorly.
Quote: Anna67
Corrugated after suvid not only wash them and solder poorly.

And I normally wash with dishwashing detergent and solder OK too! Only the color from the seasonings remains a little. But so far I have tried professional ones from Profikuk. New corrugated and smooth then I'll try and unsubscribe.

New bags, both corrugated and smooth, have been perfectly preserved. : Victory: I put the su-see.

Su-vid was preparing for two hours instead of an hour 20 minutes, I forgot about him. The bags performed great, both corrugated and smooth. So girls who want to can order them. Thanks again to everyone and especially dear Bizusechka Lenochka
sleepyhead, well, I praised it straight.))) It's very good that everything turned out so well, I hope that someone else will come in handy.
Congratulations, you, how gloriously everything turned out - both the packer is new, and all kinds of inexpensive packages with home delivery! Just get ready.
And I made pears with jam in sous vide yesterday. I vacuumized two packages - one was normal, and the other was swollen for some reason. At the same time, I did not find any hole in it
Quote: Bijou
It's very good that everything turned out so well, I hope it will be useful to someone else.
Lena, that's how interesting it is. If it were not for the forum and would not know about this store, I always follow the link from Moscow, from there I ordered. But it turned out that the son works in a four-minute walk from this store.
Quote: francevna
Lena, that's how interesting it is.
And don't tell me, godfather.
The world is tight ... And I always said - look in your city !!
Quote: Bijou
And I always said - look in your city !!
This is how we searched, for a long time I tried to find at least something in our Rostov. I found only one with smooth bags and delivery of 300 rubles, and this was not even in the search.
sleepyhead, this is because Lena Bijou talent!

Bijou, I suck up - what if you find some other shops with bags in Moscow
Quote: Bijou
look in your city !!
Lena, this is how I always make a request for my city.

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