Irsha, Ira !!!!! Where is the bread? !!!!!
S * lena
mamusi, Rituel! Where is the bread? I want one more of your bread! Ooooooo-chen!
Thanks to your posts "negro women, radishes", and stories about cereals, and even Borodino bread, I also ordered a radish for myself. Although I don’t know anything about it, but I still know too .. Does it have a removable inner cover?

Added Wednesday 15 Jun 2016 04:12 PM

So to walk on other people's topics! Replenishment only!
So are we going to walk in "flocks"?
Quote: Wildebeest
Where is the bread?
I'm not eating ... I'm illiterate

tomorrow I'll get two radishes + bowls Hurrah
And today I received my "radishes"! (01 and 02)
So little, cute! They don't seem to smell.
Now I am with you, girls, I will try to cook in them.
yudinel, Helen!))))
That's great, come on join us ... millet porridge ...
For some reason, everyone starts with her ...

Added Wednesday 15 Jun 2016 06:33 PM

S * lena, Flax, the lid is NOT REMOVABLE ... as in the small Panasik 10. But it does not bother, I removed the valve, washed it, and wiped the lid ... and everything will be fine ... it DOES NOT SPIKE REDISCHKA!
Urrah! Let's cook everything together, girls ...
Bread, I will give it, I will give it ... I will arrange everything, the numbers are similar ... I love accuracy
Margarita, tomorrow morning millet !!! (on milk porridge for 40 minutes?)
I would also like to bake your bread.
there is no heating of the lid when my bread dough rested against the lid (I put a little too much this time, and the dough turned out to be very bouncy, albeit 50/50 with rye flour), and it didn't even bake at all
yudinel, Lena, congratulations on the kids, they are very cute. Let them feed your family with different goodies.
S * lena
yudinel, Lena, how do you call them cool here - radishes! I want to smile right away! Congratulations, let them please!
Sveta, Elena, Thank you !
Girls "delay start" here how is it set? If it's 22.30 now, and I need porridge by 7.00 in the morning, how much should I put? I set something this morning, she cooked porridge for me ahead of time ...
Quote: marlanca
If it's 22.30 now, and I need porridge by 7.00 in the morning, how much should I put?
Eight and a half hours
vernisag, Irish, that is, by the time the program ends?)))
Irishkin, thank you sunshine ..., like today I put it ..., ....., in the next. once a specialist I will track everything more precisely ...
Well, if it is 23 o'clock now, and the porridge should be ready by 7 in the morning, you need to put it at 8 o'clock. The program will start (8 - the set program time (let's say 40 minutes) = after 7h20 min) and after 8 hours the dish will be ready.
In general, such a cooking scheme in multicooker without hours
I report the millet porridge cooked perfectly, the rolled oats on the water stained the lid by 0.5 mst.
I like the radish!
Quote: yudinel
Hercules on water 0.5 mst stained the lid
Here everyone has something hercules is running, and I've already done 5 times for milk + water and never even got the lid dirty. Did Monastyrsky.
Sedne, Svetlana, I have Hercules "Traditional", "Monastic" something was not.
Quote: Sedne

Here everyone has something hercules is running, and I've already done 5 times for milk + water and never even got the lid dirty. Did Monastyrsky.
I, too, never tried to escape, I cook it every evening, leave it on the heating for the night (I like stewed porridge). Milk WITHOUT water, any rolled oats (not fast).
And today Hercules ran away at night with a valve, and it poured onto the table ... for some reason the lid opened by itself ... I'm at a loss ... Hercules is the same, the proportions are the same ... on the water ...Multicooker Redmond RMC-02
mamusi, Sedne, yudinel, girls, do you cook your milk porridge on what mode? Milk porridge or baby food?
Something I really like the baby food regimen. Hercules hasn't cooked yet, but I'll try.
Today I made an omelet from 4 eggs for soup / stewing, after 15 minutes the omelet was ready.
Quote: mamusi
And today Hercules ran away at night through the valve, and it poured on the table ...
I was unprecedented, too, I had it like that all the time, that's why there was a Radik in the closet punished for a couple of years
Quote: vernisag
I am unseen too

And most importantly, infection, after two ... on the third ... he runs away ... Not every day ...

Added Thursday, 16 Jun 2016, 10:21 AM

Wildebeest, Sveta, I didn't cook it with milk, with water ...
Well, you have there on the sea that sea tides, ebb and so on. Everything is simple for me, every day is running and that's it
Quote: mamusi
Wildebeest, Sveta, I didn't cook it with milk, with water ...
The regime interests me.
Sveta, I cooked on milk porridge, did not run away, I already cooked 5 times.
I, too, on Milk porridge ... Light .. but not every time Hercules always runs Traditional ... a mystery .. .
Margarita, well, even in my fillet, milk porridge does not run on porridge, it only stains the lid.
vernisag, Ir, no, not all cartoons have this ... right now I have carefully read the Instructions from Redi ... it says ... "the time of the delay must be counted in the interval of the program's work", which means that we, by setting the delay, put it on the end of cooking, and not at the BEGINNING, AS In Filechka, for example ...
That is why Galochka's Porridge was cooked earlier ...
So, the girls of our kids - Fili and Radisochka, it turns out that the delayed start is set differently.
I mean, you need to add another 20 minutes (if 40 minutes is set) to the total time?
I cooked oatmeal porridge in water, on the program for baby food. In the first 15 minutes, I opened it, mixed it, the porridge froth and rose to the edge of the bowl. If I hadn’t opened it, I don’t know, maybe I would have shuffled through the valve But, everything was cooked well, the lid is clean But, without control, no matter how
Svetlana Mazqarovna
so that the oatmeal does not run away, try to rinse it and smear the rim with oil wider.
I cook rolled oats on 'baby food', I don't add water, I don't smear a cup with oil. The porridge never even rises.
I am reporting on cooking oatmeal porridge in the milk porridge mode.
I poured 0.5 mst of oatmeal with 10 minute boiling water so that all sorts of huskies and "marigolds" floated up. I drained the water, but did not wash the rolled oats.

The liquid took 2 MCT of milk + 0.5 MCT of water, salt, sugar. The time was the default. Previously, the bowl was greased with completely melted butter. After the end of the program, there was heating for about 10 minutes, then I turned off the porridge and went for a walk.

Result: the lid is "sterile", the sides of the bowl are also.

Or I am so clever, or 02 is such a cutie, or the Hercules is correct.
Sveta, but I do not fill the rolled oats with water, I do not rinse it, and I don’t grease the bowl with oil and nothing ran away.

Added Thursday, 16 Jun 2016, 02:28 PM

Although maybe I cook a little oatmeal? I cook a little more than half of the mst.
Sedne, Sveta, flipping through the recipe book from 01 one, I noticed that in most recipes it is recommended to grease the bowl with oil before cooking. I believe this will increase the life of the bowl.
Sveta, there is ceramics, and a fig bowl.
Quote: Sedne
Although maybe I cook a little oatmeal? I cook a little over half a ms
Quote: Wildebeest
I poured 0.5 mst of oatmeal with 10 minute boiling water so that all sorts of huskies and "marigolds" floated up. I drained the water, but did not wash the rolled oats.
... Maybe this is the case ... I always cooked 0.5 mstkn, and yesterday I put 1 mstkn (whole), respectively 4 mstkn of water ...
What, because of e-hoo jerked ... or what ???
Quote: mamusi
I cooked 0.5 mstkn all the time, and yesterday I put 1 mstkn (whole), respectively 4 mstkn of water ...
What, because of e-hoo jerked ... or what ???
I once had a porridge from 1 m. Art. also splattered the lid. But I sinned that I cooked in whole milk and from the leftovers of oatmeal (there is usually a lot of flour at the bottom of the box). And after all, they always wash the rolled oats before cooking, but at that time, I was in a hurry on purpose and did not do it.
Virgin, what are you ignoring for cooking milk porridge Children's mode? Not much longer, but it will be more delicate.
I cook Hercules in undiluted milk, on the MILK PORSE mode, time 40 minutes.
I also made 1 m glass of cereal + 3 m glass of milk,
0.5 m glass of cereal + 1.5 m glass of milk
2/3 m glass of cereal + 2 m glass of milk.
Milk is not diluted, I do not put butter,
I always cook without delay, for a month and a half, I have never risen higher than 2 cm in a bowl.

But today I put the casserole for 40 minutes on MILK Porridge, and she beeped and gave an E2 error.
She baked with soft cottage cheese on milk porridge, and with 9% she went on strike to me.
I left the casserole for 30 minutes in the turned off multicooker, she finished cooking, but the fact is the fact
[urlц = https: //mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/gallery/albums/userpics/89040/P_20160616_151930.jpg]Multicooker Redmond RMC-02
Delicious and tender, but it looks like a cheesecake
Biryusa, Olya, today I will try to put on Children's, but in the dark they wrote that someone's tone of Children's was seething ... "Not Po Detski", too, it seems Irisha wrote ... DO NOT THROW without supervision. And me for the night over ...: oo
Maybe the cartoon behaves so differently due to the fact that there are different parties?
My barcode is 5 055 323 605 314,
And the serial number is 04 01 10 14 09039, that is, it was assembled in October 2014.

Added Thursday, June 16, 2016 3:41 PM

Margarita, can try 1: 3. to cook it?
In the book about tasty and healthy food, the ratio is 1: 2.5

There are 2 glasses of cereal, 5 glasses of milk, 0.5 tsp. salt and 2 tbsp. l. oils.
And it says that semolina, small Poltava and rolled oats do not need to be washed.
But then they cooked in a saucepan, loading the cereal into boiling milk and immediately removed all the floating litter.
I didn't wash the semolina and rolled oats, I choose cleaner in the store, and my Poltava is strong, it is full of dirt.
And I can't even imagine how semolina can be washed, for me it's like washing flour for about
Quote: Wildebeest

I am reporting on cooking oatmeal porridge in the milk porridge mode.
I poured 0.5 mst of oatmeal with 10 minute boiling water so that all sorts of huskies and "marigolds" floated up. I drained the water, but did not wash the rolled oats.

The liquid took 2 MCT of milk + 0.5 MCT of water, salt, sugar. The time was the default. Previously, the bowl was greased with completely melted butter. After the end of the program, there was heating for about 10 minutes, then I turned off the porridge and went for a walk.

Result: the lid is "sterile", the sides of the bowl are also.

Or I'm so smart, or 02 is so cute, or Hercules is right
That is, the porridge fell without problems in a ratio of 1: 5?

And your barcode is the same as mine 5 055 323 605 314
Made in October 2014, I also do not run milk and I cook cocoa in it.
Quote: brendabaker
And your barcode is the same as mine 5 055 323 605 314
Made in October 2014, I also do not run milk and I cook cocoa in it.
I have the same barcode, and it was also made in October 2014.
I didn't cook cocoa, but I boil milk - it doesn't run. And with cereals, too, everything is fine (the fact that once the lid spattered - I don't think, because I know the reason and it is my own fault).
Thank you, Olga, because I don't know what to think anymore.
My porridge DOES NOT RUN in it, never, in any way, not once, not on milk, not on water.
Although I don't cook at night. because at night all my slow cookers (and I had 6 of them) began to boil so actively that the lids rattled as much as during normal cooking on the stove.
Apparently my * pilot * is designed to protect against a sharp, shock power surge.
I wonder if expensive models should have a built-in voltage regulator?
Devuli, and when was it done for me?
I can’t figure it out.
I am also very pleased with my little one. I shove everything that I cook in 5-liters. True, more time is needed, but this is already production costs.
Quote: Rituslya
Devuli, and when was it done for me?
Also October 2014.
Quote: Rituslya

Devuli, and when was it done for me?
I can’t figure it out.
I am also very pleased with my little one. I shove everything that I cook in 5-liters. True, more time is needed, but this is already production costs.
Made 10 months 2014, the same as mine.
Or maybe not October. But the serial number is the same as Oksana and I have.
brendabaker, Oksana, and how, by the way, to determine the date of production of equipment by the serial number?
I read that the first digit is the last digit of the year. The next two are the week when the equipment is made. The instructions for Panasonic say so
Ol, in our instructions in the serial number, the 7th and 8th digit is the year, the previous two, as I understand it, are the month.
That is, 7 and 8 are numbers we have 14,
And the previous two are 10.
So the year is 14
And the month is 10.
I think so

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