In my 2500th, large cakes always have a sticky crumb, it resembles cotton candy: very airy, fluffy, but sticks together instantly. I don’t pay attention, it’s delicious! Probably it is just unusual to get this after small cakes from the oven, which, thanks to a small change, are more dried.

A question for experts. A month ago, bread from the instructions (the simplest: 400 g of flour (I do not sift), 1 tsp. Salt, 1 tsp. Yeast, 1 tbsp. L. Sugar, 10 g. Vegetable oil, 280-290 g. Water) reached height 12-13 cm. Then 14-15 cm, now 15-16 cm, and today the dome rose as much as 17 cm and even cracked - I wanted to rise even higher! Yeast is a box, all of the same date, stored in a heap in a closet, oil from the refrigerator six months ago (1.5 liters still won't run out), the only thing is flour ... It turns out by dates that first was 2013, then 2012, and the last packet of 2011, from the very bottom of the box, was scattered from somewhere. Here's how I now explain that a bag of old flour, well compressed with the three top packages, turned out to be better than the freshest? Is wheat being watered with filth? And this last bread is really tastier and more aromatic than its predecessors!
(If you take flour of 2010, the HP cover will probably support the cover).
Elena 65
Quote: Oca

In my 2500th, large cakes always have a sticky crumb, it resembles cotton candy: very airy, fluffy, but sticks together instantly. I don’t pay attention, it’s delicious! It’s probably just unusual to get this after small cakes from the oven, which, thanks to a small change, are more dried.

A question for experts. A month ago, bread from the instructions (the simplest: 400 g of flour (I do not sift), 1 tsp. Salt, 1 tsp. Yeast, 1 tbsp. L. Sugar, 10 g. Vegetable oil, 280-290 g. Water) reached height 12-13 cm. Then 14-15 cm, now 15-16 cm, and today the dome rose as much as 17 cm and even cracked - I wanted to rise even higher! Yeast is a box, all of the same date, stored in a heap in a closet, oil from the refrigerator six months ago (1.5 liters still won't run out), the only thing is flour ... It turns out by dates that first was 2013, then 2012, and the last packet of 2011, from the very bottom of the box, was scattered from somewhere. Here's how I now explain that a bag of old flour, well compressed with the three top packages, turned out to be better than the freshest? Is wheat being watered with filth? And this last bread is really tastier and more aromatic than its predecessors!
(If you take flour of 2010, the HP cover will probably support the cover).
I had it on butter, I thought the yeast was different, I reduced it from 1.5 tsp. up to 1 tsp, the cake propped up the lid and strongly tore off the "roof" when baking. I consulted with the masters, did not receive an answer, and only recently, it dawned on the flour of the same manufacturer, but in a different package. On the contrary, this "uncontrolled rise" confused me. Therefore, I bought flour from another manufacturer, everything went back to normal, again even neat loaves.
And for baking, I agree, I have never baked such airy, tall buns in the oven, all are small, but here I had to make baking of a different shape, the most interesting thing is that it is eaten faster than buns before.
Quote: Oca

How can I now explain that a bag of old flour, well compressed with the three top packs, was better than the freshest? Is wheat being watered with filth? And this last bread is really tastier and more aromatic than its predecessors!
(If you take flour of 2010, the HP cover will probably support the cover).
I know that wheat flour of the highest grade after grinding must be allowed to stand for at least 3 weeks before being sold, so it gets stronger and gains strength.Accordingly, baked goods made from freshly ground flour are so-so. Moreover, after harvesting, before processing into flour, the grain should also be aged for some time. Maybe, how can all this be explained?
Elena 65
Natasha, when I read articles like Bread that kills us, I read that the problem is high-quality millstone flour, a short shelf life (2-3 months). Purification of high-quality wheat allows to obtain a product with a long shelf life, 12 months, which is very convenient for our trade and industry. But when the package was opened, the December 2012 packaging flour already had the smell of delight. That is, it was ground before it was packed. Therefore, the "truth" cannot be found like that, it remains only to sort out the manufacturers, in the hope that there will be no "tricks" here. Clipping from the article.
Flour shelf life
The main landmark of the freshness of flour and the integrity of the manufacturer. Good flour cannot have a shelf life of more than six months. Meanwhile, in stores I came across 10 months, and 12, and even 18. If you see such a figure on the packaging, you should not take it. Most likely, a stabilizer was added to the flour to extend the shelf life.
Quote: Elena 65

Good flour cannot have a shelf life of more than six months. Meanwhile, in stores I came across 10 months, and 12, and even 18. If you see such a figure on the packaging, you should not take it. Most likely, a stabilizer was added to the flour to extend the shelf life. [/ B]
Thanks Lena! I didn't know.
Quote: Elena 65

Natasha, when I read articles like Bread that kills us, I read that the problem is high-quality millstone flour, a short shelf life (2-3 months). Purification of high-quality wheat allows to obtain a product with a long shelf life, 12 months, which is very convenient for our trade and industry. But when the package was opened in December 2012, the flour already smelled sweetness. That is, it was ground before it was packed. Therefore, the "truth" cannot be found like that, it remains only to sort out the manufacturers, in the hope that there will be no "tricks" here. Clipping from the article.
Flour shelf life
The main landmark of the freshness of flour and the integrity of the manufacturer. Good flour cannot have a shelf life of more than six months. Meanwhile, in stores I came across 10 months, and 12, and even 18. If you see such a figure on the packaging, you should not take it. Most likely, a stabilizer was added to the flour to extend the shelf life.
Well, I do not know. Aunt, it happened, in the 70-80s, was packed with flour in bags for a couple of years - nothing spoiled, did not smell, it all depends on the storage conditions. Honestly, such articles amuse me. Flour is not a product with a limited shelf life. Within reasonable limits, of course.
Elena 65
Natasha, and I am amused by the statements that our grandfathers slept on the benches, and without any fancy mattresses. You can laugh at everything, but sometimes it's worth thinking about where the truth is, what is the catch. Your aunt never bought flour for two years, she lived during those years, they took flour one bag at a time, and that was special, when word of mouth brought where and how much COOL flour. At that time, flour lay calm in trade, there was no shortage. The deficit was different - to find flour that does not float, tasty, fresh. So they ran and bought - then, often blew, laid out on canvas bags and stored in the bedroom outside the door. And they used this flour as soon as possible, because they knew the fresh flour is better. In the villages, everyone knows about this; they don't bring all the grain to the mill at once, but grind in batches. And if you dig deeper, then spelled is a completely different grain, namely, it was grown under the tsar-father in the vastness of Russia. So we look here and now, what the state and trade offer us, and choose the "lesser evil".
Lenus, for my aunt I answer that it was exactly so. She lived a little far from the store, so she bought a lot if possible. I don't know about others. I just suggest that you treat everything reasonably. Sweet smell, dampness is a matter of flour storage conditions, not duration. Although, of course, there is still low-quality grain, again rotten, sprouted. You can't get good flour out of such grain. But Wasp was faced with the case that old flour in baked goods behaves better than fresh flour. Interesting.
And my parents kept flour (1 bag) in the bedroom. And the grain was kept in a chest in the barn. And as soon as the village spread: "Mlyn mele (the mill grinds flour!)!", Then ... well, I don’t remember (how many - a small one) bags in the back and in the mill. Only one bag of freshly ground flour was always brought back.
Such an interesting conversation !!! I knew nothing and I do not know from this! Thank you! If there is anything else to say about this .. oh, how I wait!
Looked, the "strange package" of VS flour has a shelf life of 12 months. Another - the freshest (for March) from another manufacturer - is stored for 6 months, but the dough from it breaks faster.
Elena 65
Quote: Oca

Looked, the "strange package" of VS flour has a shelf life of 12 months. Another - the freshest (for March) from another manufacturer - is stored for 6 months, but the dough from it breaks faster.
The shelf life and quality of flour are different things, if we are talking about high-quality flour, as well as the correct storage of grain and flour (as Natasha wrote), then the shelf life does not greatly affect the result. And low-quality flour is a low-grade grain, just like it and flour do not keep the result "deplorable" And then the food industry technologists are included in the process - we add "every kaku". For example, natural gluten is not a cheap product, so why flour produced at dairy plants with added gluten is very affordable. The use of gluten for flour fortification is cost-effective and expedient. For more than 30 years in Europe, both large and small mills process grain of any quality, ensuring a stable high quality of the produced flour only by adding gluten. And this is true - only our expensive bread comes out of this flour. The cheapest gluten on the Ukrainian market is China. The most expensive is Europe.
Over the past several years, due to the prevailing difficult economic circumstances, the agricultural producer has not been able to pay due attention to the cultivation of the land and adverse weather conditions. This led to the fact that the quality of the resulting grain in relation to the gluten content decreased markedly, and, consequently, the quality of flour also decreased. This situation can be corrected by introducing dry wheat gluten.
And here the most interesting thing is that it (gluten) is different ...........
Quote: Oca

How can I now explain that a bag of old flour, well compressed with the three top packs, was better than the freshest? Is wheat being watered with filth? And this last bread is really tastier and more aromatic than its predecessors!
(If you take flour of 2010, the HP cover will probably support the cover).
Before, the sky was bluer and the grass was greener and we are younger.
But seriously, I myself noticed this. I buy flour mainly from Magnet Tverskaya Extra and their own rye. I don’t take much, but in autumn the flour is much worse than in spring.
People, what can you say about Ashanovskaya flour?
Quote: Nata01

People, what can you say about Ashanovskaya flour?

I wrote here before. In general, I tried various products. And then he raised his hand higher and lowered it down with a characteristic word. I made up my mind, took Ashanovsky flour, Ashanovsky yeast. I assure you: no worse! It turns out very "kosher". So use it calmly! And then, someone here said that Panas very much forgives mistakes ...
Ashanovskaya "for every day" (or what is their series called there?) Gave good results! But I only bought 1 package for testing, I did not believe the quality at a low price. And with yeast ... I experimented to my heart's content, now I buy SAF, although it is expensive, but I definitely won't spoil the products, they have stable results from batch to batch.
This time I took "Alekseevskaya flour". Worse than Ashanovskaya. No, I'm not campaigning! I was just pleasantly surprised then ...
Elena 65
Quote: Oca

And with yeast ... I experimented to my heart's content, now I buy SAF, although it is expensive, but I definitely won't spoil the products, they have stable results from batch to batch.
Similarly, I bought a large pack (there are no small ones on sale) SAF gold, divided into sachets, the quality is super. Refused fresh for the same reason.
Quote: Oca

Ashanovskaya "for every day" (or what is their series called there?) Gave good results!
yeah, I also gave a good result, so you can be sure and take it. And I also take the saf-moment.
It makes me mad, infuriates, besiiiit!!! standing! It steals time from the climb. And the kneading infuriates me - it's not immediately clear which bun, you have to wait until the dough is collected, and then there is no time to pour flour. And when you add flour, it SPIRITS! She falls asleep all around - the stove, the table, eyes and nose. Horror. When will I adjust ?!
But yesterday they gave me half a kilo of Nevada yeast. My loved ones.
Quote: Bridge

It makes me mad, infuriates, besiiiit!!!

Vesna-aa ...
And when something infuriates me, then I definitely change the situation, buy a more advanced device or delete forever from my life and the environment of the person who infuriates. I always change something for the better. And if a kitchen appliance enrages, why use it to the detriment of your mental health?
Oh, Bridge... want a tablet?

Take half the flour, half the water and all the yeast = put "pizza" on the knead for 10 minutes. During this kneading, you control the bun. Then you reset the program, put the "main" one, add all the other products (the remaining flour, the remaining water, salt, sugar, butter) to the bucket and go about your business. Advantages - you immediately control the flour / liquid ratio, gluten develops better, yeast is guaranteed to start, starch grains swell, which has a beneficial effect on bread.

You need to add flour just a little bit, so that there is no volume that will dust when the bun hits. And you also need to add water a little at a time, just to lubricate the bun on the surface, then it will not blurt out.

And no one is stealing time from any exhibit. In other bread makers, the main program lasts 3.00-3.30, with no dependence on the ambient temperature and food. But, if you think about it, then the proofing time should be different if it is cold in the kitchen (and more time is needed, and the temperature needs to be adjusted to the optimal one, that is, the shades should warm up the dough) and if it is hot (the heated dough will simply stop). In pure Panasonic, the "basic" program for kneading / proving / baking takes the same time - 3.00-3.40.
Quote: Bridge

It makes me mad, infuriates, besiiiit!!! standing! It steals time from the climb. And the kneading infuriates me - it's not immediately clear which bun, you have to wait until the dough is collected, and then there is no time to pour flour. And when you add flour, it SPIRITS! She falls asleep all around - the stove, the table, eyes and nose. Horror. When will I adjust ?!
You can always find a way out ... First, you can turn on the stove, it will stand, and you start cooking the ingredients, weigh them, fill them in, pour them into a bucket - this will take a good time and the standing time is sharply reduced. Secondly, if the flour is dusty, you can cover the bucket with either a towel or cardboard - many find different options. And when you add flour, pour a little bit on the top of the kolobok, then it almost doesn't get dusty, and if you pour it on the bottom of the bucket, it gets dusty. The rise time can also be increased by turning off the bread maker from the socket (I turn it off sometimes 3 times 7 minutes). The main thing is not to get upset, but to adapt to the stove. Stove
Yeah, you can also cool down the temperature sensor so that the stove thinks it's cold in the kitchen. The main thing is not to freeze, because she decides that the cold is completely doggy and overheats the food.
almost a joke
As Carlson said, "Calm! Only calm!"
Quote: Rina

Yeah, you can also cool down the temperature sensor so that the stove thinks it's cold in the kitchen. The main thing is not to freeze, because she decides that the cold is really doggy and overheats the food.
almost a joke
As Carlson said, "Calm! Only calm!"
Than to cool the sensor (and even furious) it is better to go to the store for a loaf. No dust for you, no standing
And my something is not dusty
But after all Creamy the rights. True, when she pisses me off, then for some reason I don't want to part with her
Or maybe my yeast is just so-so? I am using Dr. Etker now, they do not have time to work, the top of the head is torn. Actually, I like it, but not on the couch.
Girls, thank you all, read your advice. I'll try again Nevada, if this is garbage, I will, apparently, bake with dough.
Spring, probably, also affects ...
Quote: Lyudkin

And I bake everything already beloved "Wheat-rye bread with prunes and pumpkin seeds" for Panasonic (SD-2502) from Elena
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (3)
Luda, beautiful bread. I haven’t taken on it yet.
Quote: Lyudkin

And I bake everything already beloved "Wheat-rye bread with prunes and pumpkin seeds" for Panasonic (SD-2502) from Elena
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (3)
beautiful bread! I will definitely try to bake.
Quote: Lagri

You can always find a way out ... First, you can turn on the stove, it will stand, and you start cooking the ingredients, weigh them, fill them in, pour them into a bucket - this will take a good time and the standing time is sharply reduced. Secondly, if the flour is dusty, you can cover the bucket with either a towel or cardboard - many find different options. And when you add flour, pour a little bit on the top of the kolobok, then it almost doesn't get dusty, and if you pour it on the bottom of the bucket, it gets dusty. The rise time can also be increased by turning off the bread maker from the socket (I turn it off sometimes 3 times 7 minutes). The main thing is not to get upset, but to adapt to the stove. Stove
Masha! Five points! And when did you visit me? (Actually, I would love to meet many of you!) I started doing that almost from the very beginning. And no reason to be dissatisfied. On the contrary, sometimes you get carried away, and the stove has already started to "slip". I run from the socket and take out everything and add it. This is what, in my opinion, the disadvantage is the lack of a "central button". You have to maneuver with a plug and socket.
Quote: Nata01

I will definitely try to bake.

Quote: Bridge

I haven’t taken on it yet.
Girls are very tasty bread, I really do not have prunes and seeds (they do not like mine). Try it !!!!
And these were the girls who baked bread White canteen on a long dough
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (3)
Kneading in HP
Quote: Lyudkin

And these were the girls who baked bread White canteen on a long dough
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (3)
Kneading in HP
Class! Both at once in the oven or one in HP?
Good bread.
Quote: marinastom

Both at once in the oven or one in HP?
No, kneading in HP, baking two buns at once in the oven.
Quote: marinastom

Masha! Five points! And when did you visit me? (Actually, I would love to meet many of you!) I started doing this almost from the very beginning. And no reason to be dissatisfied. On the contrary, sometimes you get carried away, and the stove has already started to "slip". I run from the socket and take out everything and add it. This is what, in my opinion, the disadvantage is the lack of a "central button". You have to maneuver with a plug and socket.
Marin, and I bought a socket with a switch - very convenient ...
Quote: Lagri

Marin, and I bought a socket with a switch - very convenient ...
Mash again? Well, I just don't know! Me too. Only on it there is still a micra with a coffee machine. I should have had a separate one, but I'm afraid I would get tangled up in the wires.
With the purchase of Panasonic, I really liked baking rye bread .. I baked it with prunes five times already, I really like Rina50 \ 50 bread, very tasty Viennese. https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/index.php@option=com_smf&topic=94522.0... Yeast I have Saf moment, Lviv dry, and I tried it with Kryvyi Rih live .. And I take flour only Luhansk Dobrodiya ... I like everyone ... But I don't have dances with tambourines with Panasonic .. We are friends with her
Quote: marinastom

Mash again? Well, I just don't know! Me too. Only on it there is still a micra with a coffee machine. I should have had a separate one, but I'm afraid to get tangled in the wires.
And I have such

Quote: marinastom

Mash again? Well, I just don't know! Me too. Only on it there is still a micra with a coffee machine. I should have had a separate one, but I'm afraid I would get tangled up in the wires.
Marine, but there is also an extension cord for 3-4 sockets (or even 5-6) and each has a separate switch.Once I saw it in the store and did not buy it, so now I will see it - I will buy it for sure.
Quote: Wit

And I have such
Vit,! I have these extension cords at home like flies
Tell me please! Does the SD-2502 have a program suitable for baking rye bread?
(Preferably with a prescription)
Now I bake by hand (the 20th mode, it rises for 2 hours and bakes at the 12th one for 1.5 hours. It's tasty, but still I would like to bake on the machine ..)
Quote: Serge_Ya

Tell me please! Does the SD-2502 have a program suitable for baking rye bread?
(Preferably with a prescription)
Now I bake by hand (the 20th mode, it rises for 2 hours and bakes at the 12th one for 1.5 hours. It's tasty, but still I would like to bake on the machine ..)
Program 07 There is rye. And the recipe is in the book - Zavarnaya bread, try it (I liked it). And there are also many proven recipes on the forum here rye here or rye-wheat.
Guys, read jokeif anyone has not seen it yet.
I hope no one among us gets to this.
Autocorrect worked in the link, marinastom, write in plain text with asterisks.
about switches there was a conversation in interrupting programs in Panasonic
Quote: Oca

Autocorrect worked in the link, marinastom, write in plain text with asterisks.
I join!
Edited. I don't know why it took off. The text is ours. Just in case, here. https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/index.php@option=com_smf&topic=14.0
Elena 65
Find 10 differences from the series
"Frenchman" on bad flour
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (3)
the same "Frenchman" on good flour
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (3)
And one more case, the other day it was necessary to put the second bread, immediately after baking the first. To "trick" the electronics put the unit from the portable refrigerator into the stove and held it for several minutes. Result - the program has started. And then the most interesting thing - the leveling lasted 60 minutes, and the rise time was not enough, I had to disconnect the stove from the mains for 25 minutes. So who fooled whom
Len, did you track the bun with bad flour?

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Selection and operation of bread makers