thanks, read the topic. impressive =) but so far ... there is definitely no finance for this =)) but we must remember =)
Ottoman. And there are no discounts? Maybe you should wait for her ...
no, it's just going crazy ... I have others in a week - multi-cut - like a gift from my husband to me on DR =))) Well, I ordered it - today they brought it to the store. I tell him - so and so - go, take it - he - yes, no problem. And near this shopping center, where they brought - the market - well, I wrote him a list, what should be bought on the market - well, at the same time, so as not to go twice =) left. calls after 20 minutes - got stuck in a traffic jam - "can I go home? there are traffic jams" - she talked him out all the same to go - I want to. What do you think? waited for him 2 hours - arrived without a gift: ((FORGOT !!! I went to the market, bought everything according to the list - and went home ... it's going to go crazy: (((
Ottomanmaybe this is a sign?
here I sit and think =))) Well, of course I was upset, he promised to go today. think not worth it? =)))
I went thank you very much for the advice, I have already prepared a bunch of vegetables to try, I will write down my impressions
In general, my gift came to me. Once again I want to thank everyone for the answers. To say that I am satisfied is to say nothing =)) I really liked the device, I quickly cut 10 onions and grated 10 carrots. I even felt sorry that I had nothing to drive him on =)) tomorrow, probably, I'll make a salad of cabbage - I'll try the shredders.

and who ever tried to cut the sausage? =)
Ottoman, Congratulations! May you only be happy!
You see, and you doubted, but we talked to you
I myself did not cut the sausage, we buy slices. But I heard that it cuts very well.
Ottoman, congratulations on your new assistant!
Phil, after all?
And sausage is not found in my family, so I don’t know, I haven’t tried it ...
Ottoman, Congratulations! Good luck with learning! I cut the hard sausage on a Homecukea shredder, also Phillips, of the same design, only higher. It worked out well.
And I'm waiting for my Philips from the warranty repair - with a large shredder of cabbage, it suddenly stops, I disassemble it - the drive gear is cut off. The service said - the case is not guaranteed, mechanical damage, but Phillips acknowledged the factory defect, now - waiting for this gear to arrive. All plans for procurement collapsed, tomatoes are slowly rotting ...
yes, it's a shame: ((but everyone has a marriage, but what are you doing with tomatoes on it?

And who ever tried tomatoes on Julienne? probably will be a complete mess?
Ottoman, peeled and hard tomatoes are cut normally on a julienne and on a 2.4 mm slicer. Unpeeled into porridge, ripe too.
Yes, I was just going to do something, but he broke down. I have a vegetable cutter in the Zelmer meat grinder - but this is a BADGE ... Probably I will cut it with a knife and extinguish it in Shteba as a preparation for hot dishes.
Ottoman, How is it going?
I am learning =)))) of course you need to adapt =)))
I tried to cut potatoes into a frying pan - as in your photo ... potatoes flew all over the kitchen =)) I don't know, maybe I’m a handshake, but it’s good for me if half got into the pan - and the rest is on the stove, on the floor =)) although large, deep saucepan. in general, I will not experiment like this anymore :) And I liked the cutting of fries - for frying, the very thing - and the fact that it turns out a little arc - does not bother me at all =)).

At my own peril and risk, I tried to cut the tomatoes on julienne =))) with the skin. True, the tomatoes were dense - very much nothing happened. nor of course they gave a little juice - but not quite into the porridge. made a salad - julienne - cucumbers, tomatoes, bulg.pepper, shredder 1.2 - cabbage and pickled onions by hand - very good even =)))

Well, I cut the little things - I chopped the onion, and I made carrots in a Korean manner. carrots to taste are not the same as sold (((but, chopped perfectly - so that it was longer, I did not put it vertically, but horizontally - it turned out very good cutting.

in general, I'm very happy with my gift =)))
Ottoman, great! Everything fits well into the frying pan / saucepan .. Korean carrots are cut perfectly, it's true. Although mine are more like alcohol. They say Endless Korean Carrot.
Ottoman, Super!
Quote: Ottoman
I don't know, maybe I'm a handshake
I told you that at first everything may not work out, and then be sure to get used to it.

Quote: Ottoman
At my own peril and risk, I tried to cut the tomatoes on julienne =))) with the skin. True, the tomatoes were dense - very much nothing happened. nor of course they gave a little juice - but not quite into the porridge. made a salad - julienne - cucumbers, tomatoes, bulg. pepper, shredder 1.2 - cabbage and pickled onions by hand - very good even =))) More:
and I have not tasted tomatoes ... I will improve this weekend.
I looked at Redmond with a bowl live, well, he's still big and wash the bowl, it's not for me. I look at the mule very much. They are tempted by the cubes and the fact that the dishes can be substituted, and the sizes are more convenient, although the Phillips are just 2380 rubles. on ozone, ooh choice is hard
kVipoint, I have Moulinex and Phil. I bought both, as Tanya-Grandma advised. They really complement each other.
I recommend following my example. Let not just once, but buy exactly 2.
I can't compare with Redmond.
Quote: Mirabel

kVipoint, I have Moulinex and Phil. I bought both, as Tanya-Grandma advised. They really complement each other.
I recommend following my example. Let not just once, but buy exactly 2.
I can't compare with Redmond.
and I like both! each in their own way are good helpers!
valushka-s, You have the same too!
Quote: Mirabel

valushka-s, You have the same too!

so I read you all here about a year ago, read, and could not stand it!
first bought Filipka, and almost immediately Mula. And I never regretted it.
They helped so much in NG my our helpers!
valushka-s, I really like the mule, I'll buy it first and then to NG, maybe I'll be honored with a fil
kVipoint, for a long time I could not decide between them, and then I realized that in Fillet I only need graters for carrots and onions, and in Mula, absolutely everything. At the same time, the device in Mule is not disk-based, the cutting principle is ingenious, everything is so smooth and neat. I'm very happy with Mulei and don't look at Philips anymore.
and I like Filya too! I somehow even use it more often
in a quick way, carrots in frying or in sauerkraut, it's more convenient for me in Fillet. but I will not refuse Muli either, vinaigrette-salads, etc.
and indeed, it is very convenient that you can shred and rub right into the bowl-bowl!
I don’t even remember when I took out my harvester ?! and I have convenient extras for him. there are nozzles.
although, I will soon use it for a test in 21 seconds.
I can’t say that I don’t like Filya, since I didn’t have him. But I had another Phillips combine with a bowl and cubes and also with a disc cutting system, I don't like the principle of cutting in a circle. And most importantly, having bought a Mulya, I no longer need anything else, except perhaps the Alligator))))
Quote: Vei
unless the Alligator))))
probably for slicing onions?
kVipoint, yeah, for onions and small pickled / pickled cucumbers in salads. If the size of the cube, although larger than I cut it with my hands, is fine, then the cucumbers are too large, I don't really like it. But so far I do not have 5 thousand free, so I eat large cucumbers without hand slicing.
Now I fry potatoes with pleasure, because the cubes are fantastic!
And when I made mimosa directly on the dish, I was amazed that even a soft and shapeless cheese (I bought it unsuccessfully for cheap) and that Mulechka rubbed for me!
I recommend buying Mula first, and then it will be clear whether you need to buy something else.
The mule is good!
And here is Filya in the wings! I liked potatoes a la rösti (sort of like that) Grated fillet and baked-fried in Princesse!
In general, I need both units!
and I also have a Burner, and a Gigant-Multi-Hobel multi-cutter and that's it!
Vika, valushka-s, totally agree with you! They complement each other very well! Both are used and salads on the table are mandatory, and in cooking, everything is shredded directly into the pan / frying pan.
BabushkaSo who am I who advised and prompted us? Whenever I use them, I thank you mentally.
VikaBy the way, both of us appeared in stores. I bought the hob last weekend and saw it. I didn't look at it in detail, I didn't even look at the price, because I was in a hurry ..
I read the whole topic from the very beginning. I could not decide for a long time on the choice of what is better to buy Filia or Mula, and as a result, Redmond 3904 came to me yesterday. Although it is considered a combine, I would classify it as an electric cable cutter. Filya was more affordable, but there were no cubes in him - that stopped. Mula had cubes and fries would have been better, but the price stopped me there. And Redmond also tempted me with the additional opportunity to make a quick dough for dumplings. But everything was decided by the discount from Ozone. Yesterday I tested the newcomer. This is fantastic. Once it's done - it's about him. I checked the cubes on pickled cucumbers. For me, the ideal size for vinaigrette cubes. It may be sweat that there is nothing to compare Redmond with, I really like it. For those who still do not have any electric grocery cutter, I advise you to purchase, although it requires no less space. For a long time I monitored the prices for these tripribor. And for those who want to buy Mula - now the price for it is very attractive on the Internet Eldorado (for recycling a little more than 4 thousand)
Quote: valushka-s
and I also have a Burner, and a Gigant-Multi-Hobel multi-cutter and that's it!
so I have them, so I think I need IT !!?
Quote: Nalya
on the Internet Eldorado (for recycling a little more than 4 thousand)
even a little less, I ordered it yesterday.
Quote: kВipoint

valushka-s, so I have them, so I think I need IT !!?
It is necessary! Sometimes they are more convenient.
Bottling, I had a Vitek 1480 blender with a huge number of disks-graters-cutters-shredders, two bowls of different sizes, a whisk, a leg and a mash nozzle. A very cool blender I must say, everything about it was great, except that everything is chopped and cut in a bowl. For a year I was happy because I didn't have to do anything with my hands, and then I got lazy, because washing all this took as much time as cutting by hand.
As a result, I gave this blender to my mother (although she does not use it), and bought myself a mule, but very often I miss it as a blender (although I now have a bamix). When I make mashed potatoes, I always sigh over it, when I beat some trifle, I miss one of its whisk (there are no whisks and nozzles for mashed potatoes in the bamix).
And as a vegetable cutter there were cubes of the optimal size, and fries, and two types of graters, and two shredders and something else I don't remember. All in all cool stuff, I doubt Redmond is better. Yes, and the size of a large bowl there was about 3 liters, and then I missed it when I shredded cabbage.
Vei, by the way, Vitek 1480 is now in mvideo with a discount of 3900, maybe anyone needs it, but it’s the bowl that doesn’t tempt me, I want to go straight to a bowl or saucepan
Quote: Cirre

Kitchen processor Energia, I have had it for many years, when you need to rub a lot of carrots or beets, it has no price.

Electric vegetable cutter

This harvester immediately throws out the grated products into the desired container. Judging by the reviews, it is as reliable as a tank. After all, it is produced by an enterprise that assembles spaceships. Works for decades.
kVipoint, that is why I gave it to my mother, and bought myself a Mulya. There is zero washing at all.
Ipatiya, probably a reliable unit, but there are no cubes and blocks.
Vei, I cut the cubes on the burner. But the cubes ... Maybe Moulinex is best in this regard. I have a Bosch cube. I used the cube attachment a few times. Because after that, wash as much as you saved time, or so + still find a place to dry.I already took a Moulinex vegetable cutter once, but its design still did not inspire confidence. Everything is fine, but the place above the motor is not protected by anything. As I imagined that I would be twitching about this, what caution must be observed. I come to the conclusion that Nicer Dicer is better for cubes. For example, this one from Amazon 🔗... He has good reviews.
Well, I have a Chinese diser, garbage, of course, the alligator is cooler, but there you still need a preliminary cut. It pisses me off and washing bowls too, that's why I took the mulyu. It happens when I rub / cut a soft, that porridge is stuffed into the slot to the motor, but I quickly remove this kaku from there. There is not so much of it and everything is not so critical. but washing the mule is a song for me - with a slight movement of the hand, everything is removed and rinsed, EVERYTHING!
this is of course my preference, but the further, the more I am satisfied with it.
Ipatiya, I had this for 17 years, then I gave it to my mother. Plowed like a horse. The most interesting thing is that the graters and shredders are still sharp.
Vei, it has a disc for fries, exactly the same as Fili's.
Hello hostesses!
Soon I have been using Mule for a year - and I am 100% satisfied
There is also a Bosch with a cube cutter, but I only take it out when I need to crumble a large volume, but Mula works every day.
Today, all slicing for red borschik, fried potatoes and salad is all playfully and 5 minutes of time
Thank myself for this wonderful purchase!
Quote: Tatoshenka

Ipatiya, I had this for 17 years, then I gave it to my mother. Plowed like a horse. The most interesting thing is that the graters and shredders are still sharp.
Vei, it has a disc for fries, exactly the same as Fili's.

Whoa! I wanted to join space technologies. Progress is progress, but earlier devices were somehow more thoughtful. Engineers have not yet been corrupted by the principle of planned aging. I especially liked the lid with which you can use any container. There are only 2 speeds. But the first Bosch-cube also has only 2, and even the expensive Bamiks blender has the same.
Ipatiya, it has 2 speeds and plus a pulse mode. You can grate and cut either into a separate container or into its bowl. There the flap is inserted and the lower disc is removed. In general, you are right, not a killable technique. I would still use it if I hadn't got here on the site, and a bunch of new Wishlist hadn't formed ...
And I don’t like the disc-cut blocks, they still turn out round, but Muli has the correct shape, and the cubes were mostly needed. By and large, I like to manually chop, the process itself is a pleasure))
and of course it's a great unit, and on Avito they sell a lot for a penny.
Quote: Tatoshenka
Ipatiya, it has 2 speeds and plus a pulse mode. You can grate and cut either into a separate container or into its bowl. There the flap is inserted and the lower disc is removed. In general, you are right, not a killable technique.

Tatoshenka, thanks for the feedback on Sanyo!
You're welcome

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