Bozhedarka, calmly - do not be nervous. With legs, questions are very solvable in a parallel topic. In fact, it all started with Creamy Alevtina She is our most brilliant genius!

Legs can be easily grown by itself. Here I show "my"
And in the same topic, Alevtina shows the legs of a dumpling maker, shod with accessories from a sewing store Look or ask Alevtina for a link. She will help
Svetlenki, oh, mom, how simple it is! Yes, I don't even look at the sneakers, but it will be more stable with the hose, so I will look
Quote: Bozhedarka
what usa !?
Is OZONE lying?
Quote: Bozhedarka
this one
Thank you
Irsha, Irina, reviews on plastic dumplings of such a plan (not to be confused with the idea and Polish ones) are bad
Quote: Svetlenki
Irsha, Irina, reviews on plastic dumplings of such a plan (not to be confused with the idea and Polish ones) are bad
I confirm, I myself threw this out twice, one at 37, the other at 23
Thank you - I understood this from the topic, I thought it was decent at OZON, I have Soviet dumplings for 37, I wanted a bigger one
Irina, look only for aluminum GONDOL like Creamy or Black Chinese ... But your decision, of course
Quote: Irsha
Anastasia, and here is such a dumpling maker
Dumplings and dumplings mold
as written, originally from the USA, so much more expensive. than with Ali, that you did not buy yours, but ordered in China?
Irina, I have this size with Ali, she is small, 19 pcs., Diameter 21 cm, small dumplings, like in the Soviet 37.
Quote: Bozhedarka
And in a dumpling machine for 37 I will sculpt berry dumplings, just for two cherries.
I also think maybe not to bother with Polish?
Quote: Svetlenki
Legs can be easily grown up
Sveta, I will keep in mind for the future
Elena Tim
Quote: Katerok87
I also think maybe not to bother with Polish?
And then how will you turn gray in the eyes of decent people?

As soon as I get mine, I'll be the first to come running to tease you.

I'm fucking all over my head ... Nafik I have so many dumplings? ...

Quote: Elena Tim
Why should I have so many dumplings? ...
Len, how is it? And the variety in the plates ... 42 for 3 grams, 26 for 5 grams, pieces of 8 for 15 grams, well, 2 for 0.5 kg, sit, choose and enjoy!
Today I sculpted dumplings, because I deboned two domestic chickens and twisted the meat into minced meat. Since chickens are over-eaten, you can't tell in life, I don't know that this is chicken. A lot of onions, cilantro, salt, pepper, water and ... what to do from such wealth? Dumplings, of course!

I pulled out a drawer with my dumplings tools. BOX! Ikeevsky is such a transparent huge container. There is so much there))). I meditated for a long time and chose which toys I would play today)). First I took out a round Soviet dumplings with hexagons.

Made choux pastry. Someone here laid out recently, from the Ukrainian chief. In fact, it is dumpling, but it's okay, right? Nifiga !! A lot of awful and obscene text!)). The dough had to be redone.))) It "breaks", disgustingly rolls through the rolling, etc. Having poured my fill, I kneaded a new portion of my usual simple dough. The first batch of hexagons from the unfortunate dumpling dough went into Plushik's belly. I did the rest from my own. Today I had inspiration for my Soviet "torpedo". She has more dumplings than standard hexagons. As far as I understand, this is an analogue of the Chinese 19 in size. The minced meat leaves quickly and well.Having rolled a little on the rolling machine, I shouted loudly: "Yura! Come here, it's such a thing ..!))" Still, they did not come up with a dough sheeter better than a husband with a marble rolling pin. Like an asphalt roller! the dumplings turned out to be delicious ...

Dumplings and dumplings mold

Dumplings and dumplings mold

Dumplings and dumplings mold
Natasha, so it's not dumplings, it's almost pies! Or does it look deceiving in the photo?

It does not seem. One and a half hex. Standard round dumplings, only there are 37 hexagons (? I forgot), and these are 25.
Quote: Scarecrow
It "breaks", rolls disgustingly through the rolling, etc.
Scarecrow, thanks for the warning, I wrote it down too, but I will do my usual)
Dumplings are lovely, the shape is so unusual)
Elena Tim
Quote: Scarecrow
the dumplings turned out to be delicious ...
And boiled deeeee ?!

I've been looking at this "torpedo gun" for a long time.

Elena Tim,

De de ... Gobbled ONE!)). This torpedo is for two bites, it's elongated. But due to the elongated shape of the minced meat, it takes a normal amount.
Elena Tim
Quote: Scarecrow
Gobbled ONE!
No, well, I don't play like that. So I wanted to go on boiled torpedoes
Natalia K.
Quote: Elena Tim
I've been looking at this torpedo gun for a long time.
Bliiin Lena, stop looking ... I don't have time to look after you ...
Elena Tim
Quote: Natalia K.

Bliiin Lena, stop looking ... I don't have time to look after you ...
Why are they ... teasing!
Okay, if they didn't give it to gobble up, otherwise it would even be a fig.
Scarecrow, how beautiful, I like this shape of dumplings. I have never seen such people .. Houses were always made by hand, in the evening .. with the whole family .. how we loved these evenings .. and dad and mom and children were all involved .. there was time to talk .. to joke .. And they did this form - on a plate (when you eat) in half, and now, out of habit, always a dumpling in half, but they are round and do not divide evenly ..
We went to my grandmother - she also made dumplings in the winter evenings, under grandmother's * fairy tales * and life ..
Once grandmother's nieces came to us, and my friends and my sisters of the same age, grandmother plants dumplings to sculpt .. they don't want to ..
grandmother them, how much you stick it, take it with you .. jokingly .. but they did it and really took it ..
Natalia K.
Quote: Elena Tim
Okay, if they didn't give it to gobble up, otherwise it would even be a fig.
What greedy ones, huh?
Elena Tim
Can they not be very beautiful when cooked? So Natasha, Schaub to spare our feelings, didn't show it?

Natashaaaa, show me the dumpling! Well, we need to know - want this pribluda or, well, its nafik.
Quote: Scarecrow
Today I had inspiration for my Soviet "torpedo".
Nata, nice torpedoes turned out
Quote: Elena Tim
I've been looking at this "torpedo gun" for a long time.
Yeah, Len, I saw her on Avito too
Elena Tim,

They keep their shape clearly. Everyone is normal with them. I will show you tomorrow, because I will continue (I'm still stuffing dokhrenidze))).

By the way, about my bookcase: one floor is enough for 2 torpedo tubes and a little more. In short, 3 floors - 7 tabs. Excellent result. My husband took them to the freezer and built up the floors. The beauty!.
Elena Tim
Quote: julia_bb

Len, I also saw her on Avito
Yes, they are lying around, just one uncle from Choyt's YouTube criticized her, and I calmed down. But he made them somehow clumsy, just barely cut through. And boiled - finally a nightmare.
Wait, Natasha showed her hers - so neat, cute (though they healed boiled ones) that somehow I again wanted to lust for them a little.
Quote: Scarecrow

Elena Tim,
They keep their shape clearly. Everyone is normal with them. I will show you tomorrow, because I will continue (I'm still stuffing dokhrenidze))).
Well Slavate! And then until, you know, you do not yell - they will not start to respect!
I sat down to wait ... In the meantime, I'll go and order a torpedo gun, until ours swept everything out ...
Quote: Elena Tim
Can they not be very beautiful when cooked? Therefore, Natasha, Schaub to spare our feelings, did not show?
You think correctly Lena! Let's stop at this .. and calm down
Natasha, tell them that they are not beautiful, spare us!
Okay, Avito, hold on again!
Elena Tim
FSEM STAND !!! I'm the first to run on Avito!
The third week of dumplings insanity has gone and all thanks to Lenochka Elena Tim, tomorrow I will also make minced meat, my husband bought meat, first sausage, and then I think we will get to the dumplings, but there is no place in the freezer
Natalia K.
Quote: Elena Tim
In the meantime, I'll go order a torpedo gun, until ours swept everything out ...
Leeeeeeeeeen take two. One for me.
Damn, I'll leave this topic. And then I will have dumplings like a fool candy wrappers.
In fact, why the hell would they be ugly in a normal test ?? Soviet dumplings work great. You can choose the wrong dough, have crooked hands and all that, but the principle on Soviet dumplings is the same everywhere !! Why should they be scared of being bad?

And these are torpedoes cooked in broth for Timkina. Good, beautiful. Strong. In:

Dumplings and dumplings mold
Quote: Natalia K.
Damn, I'll leave this topic. And then I will have dumplings like a fool candy wrappers.
That's for sure, it's time to leave the topic of Tok, at the beginning, with all the arsenal of forms, at the same time, you must boast of what who has
Elena Tim
Quote: Olga_Ma
but there is no room in the freezer
There is always no room in the freezer, even if there are two of them and one of them is eight stories high. In it, without the "eight-storey" horseradish you will find!
Quote: Natalia K.
Damn, I'll leave this topic.
I'm with you. And then, I sense, Timon will soon hang me with dumplings and kick me out of the house.
Quote: Scarecrow

the principle on Soviet dumplings is the same everywhere !! Why would they be afraid to be bad?
Yes, I'm just dreaming, Schaub they were bad - I was tired of wanting.
Elena Tim
Scarecrow, Natasha, is there a price?
Quote: Elena Tim

There is always no room in the freezer, even if there are two of them and one of them is eight stories high. In it, without the "eight-storey" horseradish you will find! : crazy: I'm with you. And then, I sense, Timon will soon hang me with dumplings and kick me out of the house. : girl_haha: Yes, I'm just dreaming, Schaub they were bad - I was tired of wanting.
That's for sure, but tomorrow, first of all, sausage, and then dumplings, then I'll take the sausage to be smoked in the house to the dacha
Quote: Elena Tim

Scarecrow, Natasha, is there a price?

Eeeee ... The price of what?))) Dumplings? Right on her? There is usually, I'll look at it.

Yes, it is written 2p.30 kopecks.

Here is the size, by the way, so as not to seem like pies:

Dumplings and dumplings mold

Natalia K.
Quote: Elena Tim
I'm with you.
Let's go already.
Elena Tim
Quote: Scarecrow
I give THREE! No change! Deal?

No, well, in fact, Natakh, what for you this cheap for a rubble? Yes thu! Somehow she's out of rank for you, you know! Not solid. Your dog is so good; the husband, again, is a genius practically brilliant; and vdruh - here, "twenty".
No, no, no, give it back and forget, my advice to you.
And I'm not proud, I have only two gophers and Timon. They'll do it.
Elena Tim, in Moscow such forms are dofig on Avito ...

but in general, is it possible to make a list of forms in the first message indicating where to buy them ...
head spin...
Elena Tim
But then the cunning Eugene came and give him everything on a silver platter!
Sens, Duc all these dumplings, except for plastic ones, are bought from hands - there is no point in giving links.

Quote: Sens
in Moscow such forms dofiga on Avito
So I want Natashka - she sculpts beautifully.
Quote: Elena Tim
Duc all these dumplings, except for plastic ones, are bought from hands - it makes no sense to give links.
If with hands, then write: look bna Avito, etc.
But there is also a metal mold from China.

We need to make a list! Otherwise, you can get lost in molds, pieces and manufacturers ...
And there are also such


and still found taakooooooeeee !!!! I will try to find it tomorrow, now I won't, I want to
Elena Tim
Quote: Sens
If with hands, then write like this: look bna Avito, etc.
But there is also a metal mold from China.
We need to make a list!
You can't, if Timkina is messing around ...
Lan, I will wool Temko, see what can be done.
Quote: svetta
And there are also such
Even the classics came to my mind: "... The French teacher I know, Ernestina Iosifovna Poincare, never drank wine in her life.And what! At one party she was treated to a glass of cognac. She liked it so much that she drank a whole bottle and immediately, at dinner, went crazy ... "
Elena Tim
svetta, this is a diversion!

It's a hint???))

I'll show you one more. Wait a minute))). Nothing special, but cool.
Elena Tim
Pancake! Why are you awake ?!
In. This is also a Soviet dumpling maker. But the rarity is great. I have it sooo long ago (even at the dawn of the appearance of dough rollers - it looked like it to me), and I accidentally saw it on sale in ads literally once. I make personal dumplings on her Bun. They differ in shape and it is immediately clear that the Plyushkins. It fits under the dough rolling machine without even trying, you yourself see how narrow ...
Dumplings and dumplings mold
Dumplings and dumplings mold

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Selection and operation of bread makers