Aunt Besya , and what fermented with?
Aunt Besya
Sugar- initially by "activization", and now for the third time with my own yogurt, I leave one jar. Sugar did not lay down at all, but a pinch of vanilla, yes!
Read the post k.alena and I thought, this is what it means not to read the topic, I didn’t know that it was overheating. I bought it, looked at the instructions, put it on at night, and take it off after 8 hours. I didn’t even notice how long it took for the light to go out, but from about 20 minutes to half an hour. Nothing has stratified yet
Quote: k.alena

Rather light green.
Yes you are right! Maybe you overexpose yogurt. I noticed that with a good leaven, yoghurt is often ready in 4-5 hours.
It may be harmful, but the body requires it. I eat a maximum of 1 liter of yogurt per day. And anything harmful is possible, I eat fourteen 3-liter jars of honey a year. , although they also tell me that you can't eat so much honey, otherwise you'll become a big bee!
Quote: oleg9979

It may be harmful, but the body requires it. I eat a maximum of 1 liter of yogurt per day. And anything harmful is possible, I eat fourteen 3-liter jars of honey a year. , although they also tell me that you can't eat so much honey, otherwise you'll become a big bee!
wow !!! not words ...
I'm talking about honey: after all, it's about 200g per day
it's a bit too much even for a family of several

and I don't eat sugar at all - in any form
like poison ...

the maximum I can afford is to add once to the yogurt for the experiment, foods containing sugar, such as jelly or jelly
If it `s not a secret? Please write when, how and in what form, add jelly and jelly to yogurt.
Quote: oleg9979

If it `s not a secret? Please write when, how and in what form, add jelly and jelly to yogurt.
I add all the additives to yogurt only after it has been made

jelly and jelly - purchased, called Appetissimo

when I eat, I just pour jelly from a bottle into yogurt

but with jelly it is not very convenient: it is difficult to crush the jelly into pieces - so that the jelly is evenly distributed in the volume of yogurt
and so I ate it separately and ate it with yogurt

by itself - there are different strawberries in syrup, etc. - they mix well in yogurt ...

Yoghurt - homemade curdled milk.

Market fat milk, homemade fatty sour cream is not the first freshness, five hours in a thermos, then in the refrigerator - and the result:

Yoghurt maker: recipes, questions, answers, problems ...
Quote: maribraun

And I have it ready in 3 hours ... Maybe what's wrong? but I've been doing it for a long time .. Not one month ...

I do not heat milk, I pour it straight from the refrigerator. Maybe if you heat it - it turns out faster? As a starter - Activia (green natural), Valio Gefilus (without fillers), Ermigut prebiotic (also natural, without sugar, etc.).

I have had a yoghurt maker for over a year, always 6 hours. Two times it was ready in 5 hours. But once it was 10 ... I tried another leaven, now I don't even remember what was fermenting for me for so long
The other day I started making yogurt and saw that Activia was overdue for a week (it was lying around in the bowels of the refrigerator). I decided to try it, especially since Prostokvashino's milk was also lying around next to the yogurt. I never sterilize cans: either my hot water, or in the PMM. The yogurt turned out wonderful and, as always, in 6 hours.
Aunt Besya
Girls, and if you ferment the cream with activations, you won't get sour cream ?? I would also not refuse homemade sour cream, but there is no sourdough
Quote: djania

but when fermenting cream, sour cream turns out to be just super, and I tried to ferment baked milk on it, fermented baked milk is also excellent.

Thank you for the idea! I buy homemade milk and always collect an inch - cream from it (from 3 liters of milk - 400-500 ml of cream), but for some reason they don't sour for a long time at room temperature. Now I will ferment them with my yogurt
Quote: Aunt Besya

Girls, and if you ferment the cream with activations, you won't get sour cream ?? I would also not refuse homemade sour cream, but there is no sourdough
It should make sour cream. No matter what souring the cream, in any case, sour cream will turn out, it just seems to me that the choice of sourdough is already a matter of taste.
I have a question a little off topic, but maybe someone has experience or advice. How to rid milk, so to speak, "from under the cow" from the smell. Since childhood, I cannot tolerate fresh milk because of the smell. All sour milk is also obtained with a terrible smell. It's just that our milk from packages is very expensive, more than $ 3 per liter, and cream is generally more than $ 5 per half liter. It is very expensive to ferment purchased milk from packages, and it smells fresh.

With all my heart I want to thank the local members of the forum for detailed information about yogurt makers, recipes and ideas. It was thanks to you that I decided and in December last year I bought a moulinex yogurt maker. Indeed, homemade yoghurt and sour cream are SOMETHING THE MOST TASTY and USEFUL! My little daughter flatly refused the purchased milk, and began to eat products from the yogurt maker on both cheeks.

But here's the bad luck - the yogurt maker did not work for six months, when the yogurt began to turn out wonderful: it is normal in consistency, as always, but it tastes with bitterness. If you try the next day, taking the jar out of the refrigerator, the bitterness is extraordinary. At first I thought that I hadn't washed the jars with lids well ... Then I made a mistake on bifidumbacterin and bought a new pack ... Then I transferred liters ... a lot ... milk, I thought it might be because of him problems. All to no use, bitter yogurt and other products, and that's it! I put the device away. And the other day they brought me a thermometer, and I decided to measure what temperature my moulinex maintains. Since the thermometer is long (laboratory, 200 degrees), the experiment was carried out with the lid open. After a few hours of work I looked at 42 degrees. This means that with the lid closed, the temperature is even higher. What happens, the thermo is out of order ... what is there, a thermosensor, a thermostat? What do you recommend to do? There is no way to go to Moscow.

PS and I didn't "rape" the yogurt maker, sometimes I stood idle for 2 and 3 weeks ...

Even if the temperature in your yogurt maker is higher than normal, the yoghurt cannot be bitter because of this, it just curdles, stratifies, into cottage cheese and whey. Look for another reason. Good luck to you!
oleg9979, I think, I think, but it does not come to my mind what else could be the cause of bitterness ... If it is not milk, not bifidum, not cans, not temperature ... then what? She always did the same, did not rearrange from place to place, no drafts, no vibration during cooking ... Maybe someone jinxed?

But seriously, homemade dairy products are in short supply. Has anyone encountered the problem of the bitter taste of finished yoghurts?
For the sake of the purity of the experiment, try to make yogurt, not in a yogurt maker, but simply ferment it in jars, and leave it in a warm place, if available. With the same milk and sourdough that was used in the yogurt maker. Fermentation will certainly take more time, but then you can find out what's the matter. In products or something else?
If possible, try changing bifidumbacterin (I am tormented by vague doubts about it), to another pharmacy starter culture, or try to ferment with store-bought yoghurts Activia, or Ehrmann prebiotic.
My yogurt, too, came out bitter several times when I made it on Narin, and then it became normal. I don't even know why.
Continuation of the story of the search for truth in yogurt with bitterness ...

1. My husband said that I measured the temperature in the yogurt maker incorrectly. In a technique such as a yogurt maker or, for example, a refrigerator, measurements will be accurate if you put a container with liquid inside the turned-on unit, hold it for several hours, and then measure the temperature of the liquid.
I decided to double-check what temperature my yogurt maker keeps. She put three jars from the cold. tap water (one in the center of the yogurt maker, and two on the sides of it). After 2 hours, the temperature only rose to 34 degrees. (Hence the conclusion: I will make yogurt - I will definitely preheat the milk to 40 degrees. I will not pour milk from the refrigerator right away, several hours and N amount of electricity is wasted completely in vain.) The results of the experiment after 5 hours from the moment of switching on are as follows: the temperature in the central jar is 43 degrees, at the side - 41 degrees. (In the central one, by the way, yoghurt was prepared the fastest.) By the way, the instructions for the yoghurt maker do not say a word about the temperature to which it heats up. While the banks were warming themselves in the yogurt maker, I flipped through the first few pages of this forum thread. Took note that some people make yogurt even at 45 degrees, and everything works out great. It turns out that my temperature is not critical, the yogurt maker, in any case, is working properly.

2. Thanks to advice oleg9979 decided to put on a second experiment - to make yogurt not on bifidumbacterin, but on something else. In fact, I always did it only on the pharmacy bifidum, the result was always wonderful, so it never crossed my mind to try another probiotic. I bought the activator, added it to the warmed milk and ... I almost missed the finished yogurt: after 2 hours I urgently took out the cans. Yogurt is of good consistency and, most importantly, does not taste bitter!

Apparently, bifidumbacteria from the latest packages bought in different pharmacies were not viable enough and were suppressed by some bad microorganisms, hence the bitterness. But this is only a guess. For verification, it remains only to conduct a third experiment - with bifidumbacterin. I will buy, I will do it, I will report it if anyone is interested.

Thank you oleg9979 and Rina72 for advice, Juliya - for the information (otherwise, after shoveling half of the Runet, I began to think that only I had such a disgrace) and to all forum users of an angel at a meal!
Be sure to write what result you will have! Personally, I am very interested. And you are always welcome.
(My opinion)> Our body needs not only bifidobacteria, but also lactobacilli too. So it is advisable to alternate between those and other bacteria when preparing yogurt. In pharmacies there are a lot of drugs, which simultaneously include lacto and bifidobacteria. As they say, everything is in one bottle.
And to you, guardian angel!
Regarding bitter yoghurt: Most likely, it is in the milk, and not in the ferments and temperature, since in summer time, cunning sellers often add soda or antibiotics to milk to preserve the milk. Therefore, it is important to take milk from "your" seller
Quote: qwerttt

uberipuzo, then you are preparing yoghurt in one large container, and not in several jars?
I add the starter culture directly to the milk bag
Quote: qwerttt

uberipuzo, original And then you do not need to wash the dishes, threw it out and everything And in how many hours is yogurt ready?
it's not even about washing dishes
I'm just an opponent of dancing with tambourines
bacteria multiply themselves - you just need to create conditions for them
the main thing is to provide a temperature of 40 degrees at a minimum cost
then the yoghurt will be ready in 4-6 hours - depending on the amount and type of starter culture
Midnight lady
About yoghurt for sourdough. We also sell Activia yoghurt with a shelf life of 1 month. And I use it as a leaven. The result is a delicious, thick yogurt. I heat sterilized milk to 40 degrees, a jar of Activia "greenest" without additives, mix it and pour it into jars. Yogurt is being prepared (I also have a Mulinex yogurt maker) for exactly 5 hours.The yoghurt turns out to be dense, has a glossy surface (like ice, only white). Immediately close the lids and refrigerate. I manage to cook for the night, that is, I take out yogurt only in the morning, the yogurt thickens so that you can safely turn the jar upside down.
About the temperature in the yogurt maker. I took the advice of experienced yogurt makers given in this thread above, and on the bottom of the yogurt maker I put several paper napkins and a thin napkin made of packaging material with which the yogurt maker was sold. True, sometimes I also get a small amount of serum when the jar is tilted. I don’t know if the reason is in the yogurt maker. I noticed that the jar in the center heats up more, but it is in it that the yogurt is denser.
Good luck in mastering a new useful acquisition!
Quote: RolandS

I do not understand! ;-(
Friends. I bought myself Moulinex Yogurt Maker.
Began to do
I will not quote the entire post

1 no need to listen to lamers - it is not known where they took the term of the use of yogurt 1 week
I got a wonderful yoghurt made from sourdough (store-bought yoghurt) with a one-month shelf life and expired by one week, but kept in the refrigerator

2 it's a whim - to use activator without additives for fermentation
one hell - everything will grow anyway ...

3 milk heated to 40 degrees should be poured into a thermos, and not into a yogurt maker
the yogurt maker will heat the milk itself - even from the fridge ...

4 if the yogurt maker heats up to 50 degrees - yogurt will not work
you get cottage cheese
possible - this comes from an overvoltage in the network
yogurt maker device - primitive
for the rich ... uh ... weirdos ...
a naman engineer will never buy such a bullshit - from a princess ...
Quote: Midnight lady

About yoghurt for sourdough. We also sell Activia yoghurt with a shelf life of 1 month. And I use it as a leaven. It turns out delicious, thick yogurt. I heat sterilized milk up to 40 degrees, in it a jar of Activia "the greenest" without additives, mix and pour into jars. Yogurt is being prepared (I also have a Mulinex yogurt maker) for exactly 5 hours. Yoghurt turns out to be dense, has a glossy surface (like ice, only white). Immediately close the lids and refrigerate. I manage to cook overnight, i.e. I take out yogurt only in the morning, the yogurt thickens so that you can safely turn the jar upside down.
About the temperature in the yogurt maker. I took the advice of experienced yogurt makers given in this thread above, and on the bottom of the yogurt maker I put several paper napkins and a thin napkin made of packaging material with which the yogurt maker was sold. True, sometimes I also get a small amount of serum when the jar is tilted. I don’t know if the reason is in the yogurt maker. I noticed that the jar in the center heats up more, but it is in it that the yogurt is denser.
Good luck in mastering a new useful acquisition!
I envy white envy: I can tilt the can only 90 degrees, not 180 degrees
but I don't use a yoghurt maker .....
Quote: RolandS

I do not understand! ;-(
I poured the ingredients into jars warm 40 degrees (as taught on the wise forum)
I put only yogurt in all the jars and milk. Nothing more.
I kept the device in operation for 4 hours, as those who did it on "Agusha" wrote. Opened.
Well, if you tilt the jar, it does not pour out, immediately like water, but
slightly watery though.
Held for another 15 minutes, started IMHO bundle :-(. Removed in
refrigerator, nafig .. In general, nothing happened :-(.
Question: How to determine exactly what is ready then? Just as soon as "not
poured out, "so immediately throw it into the refrigerator?
there may be 3 reasons:

1 milk - for the purity of the experiment, it was necessary to take cold and sterilized
2 leaven - it was necessary to take all tested and approved activity
3 temperature - if points 1 and 2 are met, and the stratification continues, then the yogurt maker is to blame

in theory, a small amount of clear liquid may be present on top of the yoghurt (several mm) and this depends on the sourdough

but if the liquid is at the bottom and about half of the capacity, then this is already curdling from overheating
or - from the presence of yeast cultures (as in kefir)
RolandS, the lids are very convenient to hold on top, on a transparent "lid" - they just fit nicely like a chamomile
And my assumption about a 10-day shelf life: maybe drinking yoghurt in paper bags was meant? I'm not a specialist, I bought a regular asset (it really is stored for a month), but I tried to just choose a fresher one.
but 4 hours is still not enough ... I think so
good luck with your experiments! the most important thing is not to give up! you will succeed
And so that the milk does not run away, I put the pan keeper at the bottom ... Yoghurt maker: recipes, questions, answers, problems ...
RolandS , envy again ...
So, another experiment has been carried out. Prepared yogurt from Acipol, cooked for 11 hours 20 minutes. Here I sit and eat.

So: there is no bitterness at all, which again confirms the full performance of the beloved yogurt maker. Still, the bitterness was earlier (I conclude), sadly, because of the lost vitality of bifidumbacterin. (By the way, according to my personal observations, yoghurt is prepared faster and the best taste and consistency is obtained if you use bifidumbacterin not in sachets, but in glass bottles. But this is so, by the way.) The taste of acipol yoghurt ... it's hard to find words. .. slight sourness + melts in the mouth + ... uh ... silky, so to speak + some straight, very light. In short, tasty and pleasant))) Well, useful, two in one (acidophilus + kefir mushrooms). Recommend.
Midnight lady
If you like froths, you can eat them, but I don't have time to form it, I immediately cool the pan with boiled milk in the sink, which I fill with cold water. A couple of times, I pour new water into the sink, since it heats up quickly, after 15 minutes the temperature of the milk drops to 40 degrees
As I thought, it’s not a yogurt maker, but Bifidumbacterin, I’m glad that everything has cleared up, and I congratulate you on the yoghurt made with new sourdough. Bon Appetit!
oleg9979 , Thank you! And how glad I am, not to say a word, not to describe it with a pen. But I almost buried my yogurt maker. Thank you, we promptly suggested a different sourdough to try. (But the next in line is still bifidumbacterin)
That's right, keep making yogurt, on Bifidumbacterin, I'm sure you just accidentally came across the wrong, bitter Bifidumbacterin. I hope that more such trouble with him will not happen again.
Quote: RolandS

Wow! And what is this "watchman" for a baida? To the bottom then?
Poke, pliz, which thread is the link on the network?
I will read, maybe I will order / buy too. And then I did not even hear what there is.
I boil the milk in a saucepan and turn it off as soon as the foam goes.
What about this canoe? Doesn't foam go? Is the milk just boiling?
Very interesting
There is no such ceramic watchman in Russia, this is for sale:
Yoghurt maker: recipes, questions, answers, problems ...
look for him ...
When the milk boils, it starts jumping, knocking, does not let the milk rise, it boils calmly ...
Quote: oleg9979

That's right, keep making yogurt, on Bifidumbacterin, I'm sure you just accidentally came across the wrong, bitter Bifidumbacterin. I hope that more such trouble with him will not happen again.
bitterness is half the trouble
the main danger is dysbiosis and food poisoning
I would no longer take risks and stop experimenting with bifidumbacterin and other products from this manufacturer
Quote: RolandS

Now, if, for example, I ruined the next batch of Yoghurt (stratification into water and the emerging white fraction), then THIS is all just to throw out?
Or if there is a mistake with production, then the whole liter of village milk in the toilet? :-(
Yes, my God! Where is the toilet? > :( It will be too good for him !!
And it is possible and necessary for cottage cheese, and it will go great for baking!
uberipuzo Well, bifidumbacterin is produced by more than one single organization. And bifidum bacteria are very necessary for our body.

RolandS, if you still have the jars in the included yoghurt maker, then hold them there a little longer, until the curd mass itself forms so that you just have to drain the whey from the jars and enjoy the resulting tender curd. And if you have already taken out the cans from the yogurt maker, try to warm up or boil in a saucepan, and then put them on a sieve (although there will be less benefit). I described a similar situation either at 142, or at 143 pages. By the way, whey can be used in baking. Waste-free production)))
I almost always have a little flaky yogurt. I don't pay attention to it, I just shake the bottle several times, after that everything is OK. And if you are very picky about the exfoliated sour, then you can squeeze it out, get a curd, and put the whey on bread. You can use the "failed" product to make the same pancakes. The main thing is that the yogurt does not taste bitter (I somehow had to throw out the failed cottage cheese Easter - I got sour, and it was impossible to use it for anything)
From overexposed, stratified, or sour, yogurt, you get the most delicious cottage cheese that you cannot buy in a store, and even rustic cottage cheese cannot be compared with it, either in taste or in consistency. Qwerttt-I already told you, yogurt in a saucepan , and you can boil it, Then fold it on cheesecloth to stack, or, if not, on a fine sieve. But the drained whey, let it go for bread.
Quote: uberipuzo

and there was more than one attempt - after all, there are 10 bottles in each package


Quote: uberipuzo

BUT !!! never had a bitter taste!

Yes, bitterness, from which you can't spit out later (I apologize for the details), this is something ... This is how we take medications, which not only will not be useful, but can also harm. But this is true only if the bitterness was precisely because of bifidumbacterin
Quote: qwerttt


Yes, bitterness, from which you can't spit out later (I apologize for the details), this is something ... This is how we take medications, which not only will not be useful, but can also harm. But this is true only if the bitterness was precisely because of bifidumbacterin
Excuse me, of course, but in my opinion, either it was generally left bifidumbacterin, or some kind of very expired. I never got bitter bifidumbacterin yogurt. But when we lived with our parents in the Moscow region in the summer (the child was small), there we took very good homemade milk from friends. So it was there - several times the milk was bitter. The cow went somewhere in the wrong place to eat grass. And what kind of weed did she gnaw - x. z., only the milk was bitter. When I pointed this out to them, they themselves were stunned, and began to follow the cow. So I also suspect that it may well be that some nasty thing like antibiotics is stuffed into milk.
Dear Uberipuzo! I also got the feeling that having tried to make yoghurts using pharmacy starter cultures, and having received an unsuccessful result, you were specifically disappointed and gave up on this business. And you try to experiment a little more! Just do not take starter cultures for that amount right away, but start a little. For example, from yogulact, for example, or narine ...
When I read your posts, I am very surprised. After all, I always make yoghurts only using pharmacy starter cultures and I have no idea how to make them at store ones. That's just in time for the producers of milk, I have little faith .... And, in particular, to Ehrmann. This summer, several friends very seriously poisoned store sour milk. One is definitely from a snowball, and the other from curd activity. Of course, I suppose that the storage regime was not observed, etc., only this does not make it easier for buyers. And from your yoghurt you know that you will never get poisoned
Quote: mageta

Dear Uberipuzo! I also got the feeling that having tried to make yoghurts using pharmacy ferments, and having received an unsuccessful result, you were specifically disappointed and gave up on this business. And you try to experiment a little more! Just do not take starter cultures for that amount right away, but start a little. For example, from yogulact, for example, or narine ...
When I read your posts, I am very surprised. After all, I always make yoghurts only using pharmacy starter cultures and I have no idea how to make them at store ones. That's just in time for the producers of milk, I have little faith .... And, in particular, to Ehrmann. This summer, several friends very seriously poisoned store sour milk. One is definitely from a snowball, and the other from curd activity. Of course, I suppose that the storage regime was not observed, etc., only this does not make it easier for buyers. And from your yoghurt you know that you will never get poisoned
well, not that disappointed and scored ....
I continue to use gastrofarm
and so far I don't see the need to try with other leavens from the pharmacy

if local pharmacies sold me low-quality drugs, then I have to go for them somewhere in Moscow time, look, waste time, drag around the city ...

I do not yet see any particular advantages in pharmacy starter cultures
saving money - also no

and shop yoghurts suit me completely
so far there have been no failures even when using slightly expired (due to my forgetfulness) yoghurts (but kept in the refrigerator)

and I do not believe that people were poisoned with sour milk, and not with something else
I myself don't remember such cases
IMHO - if the product is spoiled, then everything would be clear by the smell

and I would not blame the producers - it is rather the fault of the sellers or transport workers

I'm not against pharmacy starter cultures - I'm just too lazy to mess around
qwerttt , I had 2 bags out of such a pack, I just threw away the rest. It doesn't ferment and that's it. Although they were bought at a network pharmacy, they were taken out of the refrigerator with me ... After this incident, I also stopped using pharmaceutical preparations.
Midnight lady
Yes, the packaging says "normalized milk" 3.2% fat.

I also decided that this milk fat was located on the surface, especially since in a warm state the smell was appropriate, superimposed on the classic aroma of yogurt. So you also get such a fat layer?
Midnight lady
Honey has to be eaten separately, since it is not particularly well stirred, because it is thick. Mostly I eat yogurt without additives, but sometimes I want sweet yogurt, and then I add raw jam (I think it is somewhat healthier than "boiled" jam), also home-made, for example, sea buckthorn, apricot, plum, etc.
Quote: mageta

I totally agree! Too much began to be cheated and faked. Honestly, you start scratching turnips, where to get sensible starter cultures. Exactly, you need to drop everything and go to Lyusinovskaya ...
and I recently bought yogurt BIO-MAX 12 VITAMINS in troughs - for sourdough
8p 125g

yogurt from this starter culture turned out much faster than from other store yoghurts (at room temperature)
very dense and tasty

that's why - I'm not attracted to Lyusinovskaya ... yet ...

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