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Making malt at home

Malt, malt preparations - use in baking (discussion)
I still baked bread from sprouted wheat. I took as a basis the recipe for the main wheat bread - an average loaf for 3 cups of flour, ground sprouted wheat in a mill, instead of sugar I added the usual tablespoon of honey (candied, it turned out with a large mountain), put less water, then added it during kneading and added a glass of ground in gruel of wheat grains (I did not add milk, I got lean bread).
Result: delicious sweet bread for tea, similar to a bun with the aroma of freshness, spring, lush, airy, tall. I really liked it.
(I tried to take a photo, but it didn't work. I’m just learning how to use a camera.)
I buy wheat for germination, rinse it, soak it overnight in water, rinse it again, put it in an even thin layer on wet cheesecloth in 2-3 additions, cover it with gauze (2-3 layers) and wait for 1-2 mm sprouts to appear ( 1-2 days), rinse and use. The sprouts appear unevenly, therefore, if there is time, then I sort and leave the non-sprouted for another day, if in scrap, then I use them all at once.
Quote: Anyuta

hello bakers. Please tell me the recipes for bread with the addition of Glof malt extract. How is it stored (in the refrigerator or not necessary) and how much? I used recipes from Gennady (2 recipes for rye bread) I liked the bread. very tasty. except for Borodino bread add malt somewhere?

If this is a liquid extract, it seems to me that after opening it should be stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life is on the package.
Sunflower Seed Malted Bread Recipe (from Vicky Smellwood's book)

1 cup of water
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp. l. butter, melted and lightly chilled
1 tbsp. l. honey
1 tbsp. l. malt extract
1/2 cup (250 ml) sunflower seeds
2 cups bran flour
1 cup wheat flour
1 tsp yeast

Place products in x / n in the order in which they are listed, BASIC mode is the main one.
the recipe is not mine, I did not bake bread with it.

Bora Bora When purchasing whole grains, make sure the grain is ergot free. Ergot is a fungal disease that occurs most often in rye. Instead of a grain, a purple-black ergot appears on the ear, which contains toxic substances that can cause nausea, dizziness and vomiting. Therefore, it is recommended to buy "white refined grain". During processing, the outermost layers of grain are removed and, along with them, harmful substances. When buying, inspect the grain, if necessary, sort it. Therefore, I personally am a supporter of buying grain in grocery stores, it is really pure, without impurities and refined.

What does finished malt look like? For example, you can purchase "wheat germ flakes for food purposes" from the Sokolniki flour mill. Transparent package weighing 150 grams. In appearance - as if crushing (not flour) mashed potato flakes, the color depends on the grain - in wheat, the color is yellow.

Bora Bora That's right, the sprouts should be no more than 2-3 millimeters in size. Malt is a grain of bread sprouted in warmth and moisture, dried and coarsely ground. All the charm and strength is in these little sprouts, you don't need to tear anything off. As they say, in these seedlings, new life has arisen.

Now, if you crush potato flakes with a mortar not to flour, then it will look like "germ flakes", only the color will be different and depend on the grain (rye, wheat, etc.). You see what the name is - germinal... You will not see this in the photo, because both the grain and the embryos are ground together (lie in front of me), and resemble very small flakes.
Quote: Zubastik

I never had the usual malt, but if the taste of bread with malt is the same as with Glofa, then I don't need it.

I add malt in kvass wort, 1 tbsp. l. 400-500 grams of flour is enough. It is not noticeable in bread, but it nevertheless gives a black flavor and improves the structure of the dough and gives a darker color. I like it, I always add it to rye flour.
It is necessary to try it once and decide on the taste.
Self-taught baker
Look in Temko about additives in bread, where people explain everything in detail.
And beige malt is "white malt", it basically goes to the Baltic types of bread, for example, to "Riga".
You have "red malt", it is fermented, goes into all rye breads.
I brew it, and then bring it to a boil, and wrap it for 2 hours. I like it that way.
Quote: Gerda1

Is it possible to replace malt or, as you write kvass wort concentrate, for example, dry kvass.
And if so, what proportions to take and what to look for when buying

You can, and you need to put 1-2 tbsp. l for 300-500 grams of flour.
I buy dry kvass in SAF-moment bags, it is better.
And I prefer to add dry kvass along with dark beer, which also contains fermented barley and oat malt, and some dark beers also contain hops (read on beer packs).
How to store malt at home?
We managed to get 2 kg of rye malt. A tablespoon goes into the bread, that is, it will last for a long time. I poured it from a plastic bag into glass jars with screw-on lids (hermetically sealed).
It was in connection with the tightness that doubts arose.
According to GOST R 52061-2003 ( 🔗) dry rye malt is packed in fabric bags and stored in ventilated granaries or warehouses, at ambient temperatures from minus 15 * C to plus 30 * C and relative humidity of 75%.
Maybe you shouldn't seal it?

While looking for information on storage, I came across an article about malt extracts from the magazine Bakery of Russia, No. 5, 2003 🔗
In a book about making drinks, I read about making barley malt at home.
I found it interesting. Something, of course, is repeated, but I did not delete anything. I am writing it as it is.

Making malt
When choosing barley for brewing, you must be guided by the following criteria:

1) The grains should be light yellow.
2) Must be full, equally ripe, tough, thin-skinned and heavy.
3) The insides of the grains should be loose, white, mealy. Ripe grains immersed in water sink to the bottom, and immature ones float to the surface.
4) The grains must be dry and free of impurities of peas, cockle, etc., which give the beer an unpleasant taste and turbidity.
5) Barley must not be older than a year.

For soaking, a wooden vat is used, which, before each soaking, for 4 days, must be washed clean and poured up to half with water. Grain should not be added immediately, but little by little, with constant stirring. After 3-4 hours, light grains and weeds that have surfaced are scooped up with a sieve.
After that, some of the water is drained, leaving it at a level above the grains no more than 3-4 inches. After several hours, some more grains will float to the surface of the water from time to time; they also need to be removed, leaving only those grains that can germinate. In warm weather it is necessary to drain the old water every 12 hours, and in cold weather it is enough after 24 hours. The last water should drain completely clear and clean. As for the greater or lesser duration of soaking, then it must be carried out until the grain is completely swollen, which is achieved after 2-5 days.

Signs for suspending a grain lobe:

1) When the husk is easily separated from the pulp.
2) When the grain bends between the nails and bends without breaking.
3) When at the end of the grain, to which the sprout is close, the skin is cracked.
4) When crushed grain can be drawn on the board like a chalk line.

Growing grain carried out in a well-ventilated room, it should not be damp and stuffy. The temperature is maintained up to 15 °. The grains are scattered on the floor in an even layer of no more than 2-3 vershoks. Grains need to be turned over from time to time in 5-8 hours 3-4 times. From the time the root suckers appear, the layer of heaps is increased to 5 vershoks, and then the temperature of the heap reaches 18–20 °. The grain begins to sweat. The temperature of the heap should not rise more than 20 °, which is achieved by uniform mixing of the heap. More sprouted grain produces lighter beer.

Germination must be stopped:

1) When the root shoots have reached 1.3-1.5 grain length.
2) When the feather under the skin has reached ½ - 2/3 of the grain.
3) When the roots are so adhered to each other that taking one grain in your fingers, 4-8 grains will intertwine with it, and finally,
4) When the grains are salted and have completely lost their flour flavor.

Good germination can be judged by the following signs:

1) When the color of the grains does not change.
2) When the grains have sprouted smoothly.
3) When a pleasant smell develops from the malt heap.
4) When the sprouts are fresh, they have curls and cling to one another.


When the sprouts of the grains have grown to the required size, the grains are dried or their temperature is lowered with a strong influx of fresh air. For this, the sprouted grains are scattered under a canopy or in the attic, where the free flow of air carries away moisture or is directly transferred to the drying room. When moisture is released gradually, the temperature can be increased to 70-80 ° P. Malt is called green, white, or airy, depending on the drying method. They take it out of the dryer when it gets a special smell characteristic of malt and when the sprouts are easily separated from friction in the hands.

Signs of a good malt:

1) The malt must be full and so light that it would not fall to the bottom when thrown into the water;
2) When biting through, it should crunch, be sweet and white inside.
3) Easily separates from sprouts.
4) Must have a pleasant smell.

The sprouts should be removed from the malt. For this, the malt is placed in a mesh drum, and the sprouts are separated during rapid rotation. Store it in a dry place.

In order to extract components useful for brewing beer from malt, it is necessary, first of all, to destroy the malt shell, which prevents water from reaching the inner parts of the grain. Home-brewed malt is ground using a coffee mill. In order to prevent the millstones from turning the grains into flour, you must first sprinkle the malt with water. Depending on the degree of dryness of the malt water, take 10-20% by weight of malt.

Here's the question: I want to buy such malt Glofa Extract, is it convenient, how much you need to add, or can you get by Rye fermented malt (RED MALT), ... What's better?
SchuMakher If there is red malt, then Glof is not needed.
Add it 1 hour. l-1st. l depending on taste preferences
: sazalexter pasibki! And another question: is it always possible to replace malt with kvass wort and in what quantities should it be added and should it be brewed?
SchuMakher You can replace it, but increase the quantity by 2-3 times. in comparison with the glof, brewing in my opinion is useless
Mueslik why are Agram bright? And what is Extra-P for? I understand that, judging by the fact that they are with the agram in the same section, that either this or that is possible ...
EXTRA-R-sourdough for rye, including malt
agram-light-add to white bread-if suddenly there is no whey
Quote: Light_Mi

MALT CONCENTRATE! How much concentrate should be added and is it included in the total liquid volume? In messages they write from 1-2 tbsp. spoons (to taste).
The malt concentrate is included in the liquid volume.I pour 100-150 ml of warm water into a measuring cup (it dissolves longer in cold water), add malt, stir well and add liquid to the norm. And about the number of spoons, only you yourself can determine one or two. My family loves plain bread. Very dark sweet and sour breads are not favored. Therefore, I put one spoon.

If you just pour boiling water or hot water over the malt and wait for it to cool (about 20-30 minutes), then yes, there is no difference, compared to dry laying

Correctly, the malt must be steamed and kept at a temperature of 65 * C for about 2 hours, then gradually cooled to 35 * C and only then put into the dough.
During this process, the saccharification of malt takes place, and this is what gives rye flour bread its unique taste and spirit. and a beneficial effect on the dough.
Quote: Admin

Lana, now try my version and I'm interested in your opinion, what happens
I am reporting the use of steamed malt according to your method.
I love the aroma and taste of malt! For the purity of the experiment, I did not make any other additives to bread.
Conclusion: the aroma and taste developed more fully, richer so much that it seemed to put more malt in quantity. Even the color of the bread is more intense.
The grandson said that the bread is fragrant and beautiful And in children, the receptors are softer and they feel the taste thinner than adults and stronger ... It remains to wait for the conclusion from the gourmet daughter. But that's later.
Don't be lazy, but listen Admin
Thanks for the science, Admin
Admin, can I have a question? According to your technology, it takes about 2.5-3 hours to brew malt. 2 hours for brewing / infusion + cooling. Actually the question is - can this be done in advance, for example in the evening, in the morning to bake? Or vice versa - to brew in the morning, in the evening in the dough?
Alas, these 3 hours are not always there

We now have the topic Preparation and use of tea leaves in bakery , let's talk about tea leaves in one place
Nr, in "Peki itself"


and on our website Here

White malt is primarily made from barley.
White malt is included in the recipe for Riga bread.
White malt is used in distilling and mashing.

You can also make bread - you have to try it yourself
Quote: Sania

We sell cereal from sprouted wheat. How they can be applied and in what quantity,

Sprouted wheat flakes must be used very carefully, as they give the properties of a crumb, a little damp, unbaked bread, even if the bread is completely cooked. And there is also a property of sprouted flakes - the dough can be "fuzzy" when proving and baking bread.
yes, how flour! oh girls THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote: Elenka

Good evening!
Sorry in advance for my possibly stupid question: how to accomplish this? I mean - keep at t-re 65 for about 2 hours?
In a thermos, or what? or in a water bath somehow?
And how do you cool gradually: how much gradually? Just pour it into a glass and leave it on the table?
It's just that my head is already spinning from the abundance of information, and such technical issues are perplexing
Thank you in advance!!!

Elenka, I use three methods of saccharification of malt:
1. In a multicooker at 60 degrees. After two hours, I turn off the multicooker and leave the malt in it until it cools.
2. In a mini oven at 65 degrees. After 2 hours, I take it out and wrap it in a kitchen towel until it cools.
3. I wrap the freshly brewed malt in a hot towel (you can iron it or heat the towel in some other way). Additionally I wrap it in a blanket and leave it for 6 hours.

Plus, I use a cast iron pot, which keeps warm for a long time. Maybe one of the ways will suit you.
But all these methods are for "perfect" saccharification. Some recipes simply recommend pouring boiling water over the malt, cool to room temperature and add to the dough. With this express method you will not achieve proper saccharification, but the bread will not be spoiled.

For clarity - my cast iron pot - brewing BEFORE and AFTER malt saccharification.
Malt, malt preparations - use in baking (discussion)Malt, malt preparations - use in baking (discussion)

See how it becomes chocolate-like after 5 hours. This means that the saccharification process was successful. )

I can't say anything about malt extract and malt concentrate. But the concentrate of kvass wort, I know, used for the production of kvass.

Kvass wort needs 1-2 tbsp. l. 400-500 grams of flour and put it directly into the dough, you can first dilute the wort in 50 ml. water.

Concentrated kvass thick in cans and bottles requires the same amount.

There is dry kvass, which we put in the dough 1-2 tbsp. l. for 400-500 grams of flour, put directly into the dough dry. We do not use the supplied yeast in a bag with dry kvass.
Scops owl
Girls, when is white malt added? In sourdough bread with a long rise in dough, not in a dough, but in the dough itself? Is it added to yeast bread? I would like to understand, but here they write a lot about rye malt, but I didn't find something about white malt: girl_red: Help me figure it out, because now bread is more often baked with sourdough, it painfully likes it unusual, I think the sourdough gives it.

Malt flour or malt, most commonly milled from barley, but also from wheat or other cereals. Malting is a process where whole grains, under special control, sprout or sprout, after which the grains are dried and ground into flour.

Malt flour can add stickiness and crease to baked bread. The crumb of such bread resembles the crumb of unbaked bread.

Making malt at home
So I answered you above, malt flour is made from malt, by finely grinding malt, 100% ground malt.
This is flour, flour from wheat, barley, rye grains, but previously germinated.

This flour is commercially available, but you need to use it carefully. If you want malted bread, bake with the addition of malt, about 1-2 tbsp. l. for 400-500 grams of wheat flour, or a mixture of wheat and rye flour plus malt.


Malt, malt preparations - use in baking (discussion)
Quote: AVZ

Admin, I will also ask, according to your experience, to use the malt extract, or dry malt - is there a difference?

Today there is no problem to buy any good malt, including fermented rye. Therefore, I am not fond of extracts

Even through our website you can order, look here
Hello! Yesterday I bought a "semi-finished kvass" product from a bakery, and now I sit and think, can it be used at all for baking bread? Or is it just for making kvass?
Ingredients: peeled rye flour, malt, yeast, sugar. The shelf life is 72 hours.

We use a leavened semi-finished product, wort, only because they contain malt, which gives rye bread a pleasant taste, inherent in rye bread.

You can also use black beer, which contains malt, hops, barley (read the composition on the package).
Malt - liquid, flour, extract - which one to choose?
Met barley malt syrup. How can you use it to bake bread? If in a recipe you make a substitute instead of dry malt, then in what ratio?
Read more about the use of malt here:

Liquid malt concentrate can be taken 1-3% by weight of flour according to a bread recipe - this means for 500 grams of flour you need 5-15 ml of wort - about 1 tbsp. l.
such a question arose.
there is a recipe for rye bread for a bread machine (brewed - dry yeast, wheat flour, rye flour, salt, vegetable oil,rye malt, boiling water for malt, honey, coriander, water).
in stores, even fermented or unfermented is sold. which one is better to buy for this "mixed baked goods"? test

For custard rye bread, dark-colored fermented rye malt is used.

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