GOST 26574-85: Wheat baking flour
GOST 26574-85: Wheat baking flour. Technical conditions
UDC 664.641.12: 006.354 Group H31
Wheat bakery flour. Specifications UJCN 26574-85
GOST 26574-85
(instead of *)
Official edition
OKP 92 9310
Date of introduction 07/01/86
Validity from 01.07.86 to 01.07.97
* OST KZ SNK 8467/265, OST KZ SNK 8468/266, OST KZ SIK 8469/267, OST KZ SNK 8470/268, OST KZ SNK 8471/269.
This standard applies to wheat bread and baking flour produced from soft wheat or from soft wheat with an admixture of durum not more than 20%.
1.1. Wheat bakery flour must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological rules approved in the prescribed manner.
1.2. Wheat baking flour is subdivided into grades: grains, higher, first, second, wallpaper.
1.3. Wheat baking flour of the highest and first grades in the production process can be fortified with powdered vitamins.
When flour is fortified, the word "fortified" is added to the designation of the corresponding grade, indicating the vitamins introduced.
1.4. Wheat intended for processing into flour must comply with the requirements of GOST 9353-85.
1.5. Wheat sent for grinding after cleaning should not exceed,%:
grains of barley, rye, as well as adherent grains of these crops and wheat (in total) - 5.0
including germinated grains - 3.0
cockle - 0.1
harmful impurity - 0.05
including creeping bitterness and multi-colored visel by (aggregate) - 0.04
admixture of seeds of heliotrope pubescent and gray-haired trichodesma - Not allowed
Note. The content of germinated grains is established based on the results of grain analysis prior to cleaning.
1.6. In terms of quality indicators, wheat bakery flour must meet the requirements specified in the table:
Indicator name
Characteristics and norm for flour varieties
the first
White or cream with a yellowish tinge
White or creamy white
White or white with a yellowish tinge
White with a yellowish or grayish tint
White with a yellowish or grayish tinge with visible particles of grain shells
Characteristic of wheat flour, no foreign odors, not musty, not moldy
Characteristic of wheat flour, no foreign flavors, not sour, not bitter
Mineral impurity content
No crunch should be felt when chewing flour
Humidity,%, no more
Ash content in terms of dry matter%, no more
Not less than 0.07% lower ash content of grain before cleaning. but not more than 2.0%,
Grinding size,%: residue on a silk fabric sieve according to GOST 4403-77, no more
sieve No. 23
sieve No. 43
sieve No. 35
sieve No. 27
residue on a wire mesh sieve according to GOST 3924-74, no more
sieve No. 0 67
passage through a sieve made of silk fabric according to GOST 4403-77
No more than 10
sieve No. 35
Not less than 80
sieve No. 43
Not less than 65
sieve No. 38
Not less 35
sieve No. 38
Raw gluten: amount,%, not less
Not lower than 2nd group
Metallomagnetic impurity, mg per 1 kg of flour, no more
Pest infestation of grain stocks
Not allowed
1. The size of individual particles of a metal-magnetic impurity in the largest linear dimension should not exceed 0.3 mm, and the mass of its individual particles should not exceed 0.4 mg.
2. Moisture content of wheat bakery flour intended for the Far North and hard-to-reach areas should be no more than 14.5%. 1.7. The volumetric yield and dimensional stability of bread are established by test baking at the enterprises of the flour-grinding industry, the list of which is annually approved by the USSR Ministry of Procurements and the USSR Ministry of Food Industry.
1.7. The volumetric yield and shape stability of the bread are established by test baking at the enterprises of the flour-grinding industry, the list of which is annually approved by the USSR Ministry of Procurement and the USSR Ministry of Food Industry.
1.8. In terms of quality indicators, fortified wheat bakery flour of the highest and first grades must meet the requirements specified in the table. The amount of powdered vitamins introduced per 100 g of flour, mg, must comply with the following standards:
0.4-vitamin B1 (thiamine);
0.4-vitamin B2 (riboflavin);
2,0-vitamin PP (nicotinic acid).
In fortified flour, the presence of a faint odor characteristic of vitamin B1 (thiamine) is allowed.
1.9. The amount of vitamins introduced into flour is controlled when they are laid.
2.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 9404-60.
2.2. Each batch of flour must be accompanied by a quality document. Flour mills, the list of which is annually approved by the USSR Ministry of Procurement and the USSR Ministry of Food Industry, indicate in the quality document the volumetric yield and dimensional stability of bread for test baking.
For fortified flour, the name of the introduced vitamins is indicated in the quality document.
3.1. Sampling and test methods of flour - according to GOST 9404-60 and GOST 20239-74.
3.2. If disagreements arise in assessing the quality of flour by organoleptic indicators (taste, smell, content of mineral impurities), they are determined by tasting the bread baked from it.
3.3. Sampling and isolation of weighed portions of wheat grain - in accordance with GOST 13586.3-83.
3.4. Determination of the content of harmful impurities, germinated grains, and impurities of rye and barley in wheat - according to GOST 13586.2-81
4.1. Wheat bakery flour is packed in bags in accordance with GOST 19317-73 at least III category.
Packing of wallpaper flour for local sale in IV category bags is allowed.
The category of bags is established in accordance with the approved procedure for the use of fabric bags for bread products and seeds of agricultural crops.
Bags for packing flour should be odorless and free from pests of grain stocks.
4.2.Packing of flour in bags should be carried out in accordance with the basic rules for the release, acceptance and transportation of flour and cereals packed in bags of standard weight, and with the procedure for using fabric bags for bread products and seeds of agricultural crops, approved in the prescribed manner.
4.3. Sacks with flour are sewn up by machine with linen or synthetic threads according to the normative and technical documentation, leaving a ridge along the entire width of the bag.
Manual sewing with twine in accordance with GOST 17308-71 is allowed, leaving two ears. In addition, each bag is sealed.
4.4. Flour sent to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas is packed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15846-79.
4.5. Flour for retail trade is packed in net weight: 1, 2 and 3 kg in paper bags in accordance with GOST 13502-68, bags made of plastic food film in accordance with GOST 10354-82 and packs in accordance with GOST 6420-73.
Deviations from the net weight for weight dosing for individual bags and packs - ± 1%, for volumetric dosing - ± 2%.
4.6. Packages and packs of flour are packed in boxes in accordance with GOST 13511-84, GOST 10131-78 and GOST 13360-84.
It is allowed to pack bags and packets with flour in inventory containers (metal and polyethylene boxes, made according to the normative and technical documentation).
For transportation by road, group packing of bags and packets with flour in wrapping paper in accordance with GOST 8273-75, in sack paper in accordance with GOST 2228-81 and other types of paper of appropriate quality is allowed.
4.7. It is allowed for road transportation of flour, packed in packs and packages, packaged in containers - equipment according to GOST 24831-81.
4.8. Net weight of flour for group packing of packages and packs in paper and boxes should not exceed 20 kg
Plywood and plank boxes are lined with wrapping paper in accordance with GOST 8273-75 or sack paper in accordance with GOST 2228-81 in one layer before placing flour in consumer containers. The laid products are closed with wrapping paper or sack paper, and the box is covered, respectively, with a plywood or board shield, which is nailed down.
4.9. Each bag of flour during packaging must have a 6X9 cm marking label made of durable elastic cardboard, sack paper in accordance with GOST 2228-81, wrapping paper of grade A in accordance with GOST 8273-75 or other durable material.
The label must contain the following information characterizing the product:
manufacturer's name, location and subordination;
the name of the product, grade, the word "fortified" is highlighted in large print;
Net weight;
date of production or release (year, month, day), shift number;
designation of this standard.
4.10. The font color on the labels should be for bakery wheat flour:
purple for grains;
blue - for premium grade;
red - for the first grade;
green - for the second grade;
black - for wallpaper.
It is allowed to print the text of labels in black font on paper of the font color specified for each grade of wheat flour, except wallpaper, or with a vertical strip in the middle of the label, 1 cm wide, in the font color set for each grade of flour, except wallpaper.
4.11. Each bag and packet of flour must be marked with the following product information:
manufacturer's name, location and subordination;
the name of the product, grade, the word "fortified" is highlighted in large print;
Net weight;
dosing method;
retail price;
packing date;
designation of this standard.
4.12. The marking of boxes and group packaging is applied in accordance with clause 4.9, indicating the number of packaging units without marking the date of production or discharge and the number of the shift.
4.13. Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192-77 without applying manipulation signs.
4.14. Flour is transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for each type of transport, in universal containers in accordance with GOST 18477-79 and packages in accordance with GOST 21929-76.
Transportation of flour in special vehicles is allowed.
Transportation of flour by rail is carried out only by wagonload shipments. During loading and unloading, flour must be protected from atmospheric precipitation.
4.15. Flour is stored in dry, clean, well-ventilated warehouses not infected with pests of grain stocks, in compliance with sanitary rules and requirements for storage of baked goods, approved in the prescribed manner.
Change No. I
Group H31 GOST 26574-85 Wheat bakery flour.
Technical conditions.
Approved and put into effect by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 06.16.87, No. 9021
Introduction date 01.11.87
Clause 1.5. Sixth paragraph. Replace words: "by (aggregate)" with "(by aggregate)".
Clause 1.6. Table. Delete reference to GOST 3924-74.
Table. Column "Characteristics and norm for flour varieties" for the indicator "residue on a sieve made of silk fabric according to GOST 4403-77, no more" replace the word "sieve" with "cloth" (4 times);
for the indicator "residue on a wire mesh sieve in accordance with GOST 3924-74, no more", replace the word "sieve" with "mesh";
for the indicator "passing through a sieve made of silk fabric according to GOST 4403-77" replace the word "sieve" with "cloth" (4 times).
Section 4 shall be reworded:
"4. Packing, labeling, transportation and storage.
Packaging, marking, transportation and storage - in accordance with GOST 26791-85. "