Quote: Ekaterina2

And who uses the cooling trays, does the lid open normally after freezing? Doesn't burst? And what size is your most popular?
I think so, 0.8 liters.
Ekaterina2, when I take it out, I let it stand for one minute on the table and calmly open it. I have some trays for 7-8 years. The flight is normal. TTT. I have all sizes of cooling trays. Most of all are square for 800, 400 and 200 ml. Rectangular for 1.3 l and 600 ml. And rectangular for 2.8 liters (I use them for freezing berries and vegetables for storage and I also put dumplings, dumplings, cutlets, meatballs, etc.)
mowgli, Mila1, thanks for answers! That I looked after them, otherwise the sachets are not always convenient. But then you don't need to wash them ... and the boxes are not empty anywhere, waiting in the wings. I think so far
but I don’t think anymore, since I have the whole box in beets. perfect-boxes-do not break soft lids, square
Ekaterina2, Katya, and they are almost never empty, they are always lacking. Here I wrote. Look
Ekaterina, I have the most popular of the cooling ones, square for 800 and rectangular for 1.3 liters. Nothing bursts, the lid bends. You must first put the container with the product in the refrigerator for cooling, then in the freezer, then there will be no condensation on the lid. I have a lot of freezing, there is no better Taper for her, space is spent very efficiently: you put one on top of the other - and beauty.
Maryka, do not tease .... and I already counted the wishlist on 3850 .....: nyam: Right now, where to get money for these excesses
Not necessarily in the fridge first, just when we put it in the freezer, do not close the lid tightly. If there are several containers, then we put the lid obliquely and put on top of each other. It cools down and the warm air leaves the container without forming frost.
I freeze the jam-grated currant-raspberry-for 2 days in the freezer, then take it out and wrap it well in plastic wrap. The briquettes turn out to be of a beautiful ideal shape - I stack them on top of each other, in the winter I unfold and cut the desired piece with a knife. I do this only in 400ml. The ideal serving for us is 200ml. So that for the winter, under 4 liters of jam, do not take up 10 trays. I no longer cook jam, only in the freezer. In winter, if you want, you can cook in the microwave Mikro +, MikroKuk.
Ah .. mushrooms are the same, I freeze briquettes. Boiled.
Liver pate.
Plastic dishes Tupperware - reviews
If cooked without adding gelatin, then it can also be frozen. When defrosting, it does not lose any taste, and it turns out just as well.
Plastic dishes Tupperware - reviews
susika, Laris, do you grind it with sugar or just one berry?
Natasha, they usually grind with sugar right away!
I add ooch little sugar, we love without sugar (raspberries, strawberries), but they write that vitamins are better preserved, you need to add a little sugar. So I'm putting in a bit.
Ekaterina, do not try to buy everything at once, wait for special offers, there are always discounts on cooling trays in the summer, I gradually buy them, last summer there were multi-colored, very funny. Almost everything has been bought from me on special offers.
Returning to the topic of butter.
I forgot to show one more container - a small composite tray.
Just conveniently - in a smaller tray (230 ml) butter (who wants cheese),
in a large (640 ml) sausage, ham, any cuts, sausages .. also cheese.
Fits tightly, the lid fits snugly, it is slightly elastic. People even take sandwiches in them to work - in a small tray, chopped vegetables, cucumbers, paprika, tomatoes, lettuce (we like iceberg in boutiques more) ..
Plastic dishes Tupperware - reviews
susika, Larisa, it's good that you are here. Well, advise me a kneading bowl or miliana. Eyes run up and I don't know what I need then ??? Straight like everything is necessary, of course, most of all you need a bowl of 7 liters (with a cake dough I was knocking about this year). And how is it more profitable to purchase them in a handful or by the piece? And I also wanted to ask about the dumpling maker if it is convenient to use. I often make dumplings, I only sculpt with my hands and it is long and dreary, no one from my family wants to help me.
susika, Larissa, received an answer in PM. Thank you.
Still, there is a big difference in functionality between the pasta dish with milianas? Or are they completely different things? Or maybe just a 4.5 liter milian can replace a 3 liter mix one?
Quote: notka_notka

Still, there is a big difference in functionality between the pasta dish with milianas? Or are they completely different things? Or maybe just a 4.5 liter milian can replace a 3 liter mix one?
In 3 liters, do not make a dough from 1 kg of flour. the finished dough will raise the lid by 4 cm.
Why do I like milians - I wrote that I knead the dough with a scraper charm (green) - so it repeats the contours of milians. Cleans clean and it is very convenient for them to mix .. Kneading no longer follows the contours.
susika, and I also need a scraper !!!! What a nightmare !!! My hamster will be torn apart right now
Larissa, what is the big slime good at? How often does it come in handy? I think I will need him? Please advise. Thank you.
Larissa, and what kind of scraper is this? Is it on sale now? is there any photos?
otherwise I put on bread today and broke mine, but I don't remember what kind of company it was. Here I am looking for the better mines.
Milian 4.5L and scraper.
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Quote: Maryka
there are always discounts on cooling trays in summer

To postpone is better with trays, right?

Larochkaand you don't have such a mug ?

Until I forgot, how much does a silicone waffle iron cost?
Larissa, isn't it this scraper? I'm waiting for this

Quote: susika

Plastic dishes Tupperware - reviews

Crochet, Inna, what kind of waffles are obtained? How Viennese or crispy? And I'm interested in the price of the waffle iron.
susika, Larissa, for some reason no more messages are sent to me, writes that the limit is over. If convenient, then my email.
Seven-year plan
Natalia, here is the limit on messages in PM, at seven messages per hour!
Seven-year plan
Vasya! This is it !!! Cool stuff!
You will receive, you will enjoy!
Quote: notka_notka
Inna, what kind of waffles are obtained?

Natasharather Viennese), here Larisa wrote about them ...
Sveta, and above Larisa's photo, there is a scraper, like a knife. Now I am at a loss as to which one will come to me
Seven-year plan
Vasya! He's only one! It's just that he's lying there sideways! Do not worry!
Quote: Krosh

To postpone is better with trays, right?

Larochkaand you don't have such a mug ?

Until I forgot, how much does a silicone waffle iron cost?
only yesterday gave it ... .. at the very 2 pieces of these in use.
Quote: Vasilica

Sveta, and above Larisa's photo, there is a scraper, like a knife. Now I am at a loss as to which one will come to me
This most versatile-and kneads the dough and scrapes the bowls, and cuts the cake-sideways on the plate transfers the cake .. on the handle bent-soda-cinnamon-vanilla-salt scoops .. cakes charlotte type pies .. cuts jellied meat too. Snack cakes .. we coat them with them ...
The only thing he doesn't want is that they can't cut it hot! or stir in a pan! Will be offended and bend!
Seven-year plan
Nah, Laris! Now they are smart! We will not offend !!!
Maryka, thanks for the advice. I will hold the hamster
Quote: susika
just gave it yesterday

Oh, what a pity ...
Seven-year plan, susika, uh, thanks, calmed down!

Quote: susika

The only thing he doesn't want is that they can't cut it hot! or stir in a pan! Will be offended and bend!

The fact that it is impossible in the pan is understandable, after all, it is plastic, not silicone.
But to cut hotter, now you have to watch your own or hide away

Girls, I took a walk here on the link to 7sei, of course there are a lot of things.I just didn’t understand what kind of double kneading bowls, how and why? And I'm still not quite catching up with the 125 ml kneading bowls, should I knead the FAQ there?
Quote: Vasilica
I walked here on the link to 7sei

I'd better not go there ...

Quote: Vasilica
what to mix there?

Easter cake dough ...
Seven-year plan
Quote: Vasilica

kneading bowls for 125 ml, where to knead?

Quote: Krosh

Easter cake dough ...

For a family of gnomes !!!
Quote: Krosh

I'd better not go there ...

You know, Kroshik, and it even helped me, surprisingly
When you read our girls here, you light up, and there are so many things, and you understand that there is no money or space for all this. And it became so calm

Truth read the last pages here and again
I don't need - I don't need - I don't need
Vasilica, same! I ordered it from Larissa, but I myself think it is necessary to clean everything old! : girl_cray: And something new will not fit! All of my bowls are 20 years old. Tired of it! And it seems like all the whole! Eh, pomoimu this is shopaholism! : oA is he being treated?
Natalia K.
Quote: Vasilica
I just didn’t understand what kind of double kneading bowls, how and why? And I'm still not quite catching up with the 125 ml kneading bowls, should I knead the FAQ there?
Now Larissa will come and tell us all what and for what, we are waiting
As far as I understand, double bowls are double-walled bowls, that is, as if one bowl is in another, they say the dough fits faster there, perhaps due to low heat transfer. I don't have any, I make the dough for a long time, in HP. And 125 ml is, of course, for storage or serving, you won't mix anything there.
Quote: Bulia

Eh, pomoimu this is shopaholism! : oA is he being treated?

It is being treated ... aha, the lack of expanders for lockers
Quote: natalisha_31

Now Larissa will come and tell us all what and for what, we are waiting

mini kneading- Well, I don’t know why it was so called - to knead section deep-sauces. Curd with sour cream sugar ..
But they are always needed in the household - if there are 10 of them ... sometimes you wipe in the closet, but there is not a single one empty .. in the summer you need even more.
Plastic dishes Tupperware - reviews
Plastic dishes Tupperware - reviews
inside it is pleasantly smooth
outside, as it were, silicone does not slip. you can pour over boiling water and put the dough. Don't put in a warm place - the bowl keeps you warm. There is a removable window in the lid - you can see how the dough rises, or you can beat it with a mixer - nothing scatters anywhere.
I looked at a new catalog today, spring - summer: more and more expensive. So we need to take these trays now ...
Quote: susika

This most versatile-and kneads the dough and scrapes the bowls, and cuts the cake-sideways on the plate transfers the cake .. on the handle bent-soda-cinnamon-vanilla-salt scoops .. cakes charlotte type pies .. cuts jellied meat too. Snack cakes .. we coat them with them ...
The only thing he doesn't want is that they can't cut it hot! or stir in a pan! Will be offended and bend!
Mdyaya ... I have it for several years already lying idle ...
It’s not in vain that they say: live and learn ...
It turns out that it's already spring! A new catalog with new prices has already been in operation since April 1.
And who uses such a knife sharpener? sharpens well?
Plastic dishes Tupperware - reviews
bukabuza, I took this to my mother. Enjoyed 3 years.
Ludmila, that's good, I'm looking at her, otherwise I'm tired of the grindstone, and cutting my fingers too.
Do you have knives?
And then I only have for bread, I like it, so I'm thinking of taking the rest, but they are only sharp, whether the blade quickly becomes blunt.

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