Family is the best educator |
The family is the best educator of the younger generations of all times and peoples. A real family is conscience, honor and valor, the national pride of every people, nation, the property of the pedagogical culture of mankind. The origin of educators comes from the mother, from the father, from the family. Through the joint efforts of each nation during its centuries-old history, its own national education system has been created, endowed with both universal human achievements and original creative finds. Only in the family, under the guidance of parents, the little one learns the world in all its complexities and multifaceted manifestations, here its social formation takes place, worldview and aesthetic tastes are formed. The family is a natural environment for the child's primary socialization, a source of his material and emotional support, a means of preserving cultural values. At school age, the basis of education is the formation of humanistic morality, aesthetic culture, readiness for work, protection of the native land, patriotic feelings. Parents in every possible way contribute to the formation of national consciousness and self-awareness, national mentality in children. The family gives schoolchildren an idea of the external and internal culture of a person, fulfills a respectful attitude towards mother and father, towards elders, mercy towards the weak, crippled, widows, orphans and others, forms an idea of universal human moral values, teaches them to conscientious work, respect for people labor. Family education should be carried out in close cooperation with the school. Parents are an example for their children always and in everything - they must be exceptionally tactful, fair, sincere, honest, self-possessed. After all, children love to imitate adults. It is through the mother that the successes of civilization penetrate into family life, and through him into the life of the people. K. D. Ushinsky writes that the foundations of human character are laid in the first years of life, when the child is under the direct influence of the mother, and formation of the child's character largely depends, first of all, on her, and when a woman has a child, she no longer lives for herself, but completely surrenders to the upbringing of a small creature. "It is difficult to imagine such a hobby that could fight in a woman's heart with maternal feelings ..." - the teacher subtly remarked. K. D. Ushinsky strongly supported "home primary education", believing that by the age of eight and even ten years (before entering the gymnasium) children should be taught and raised at home under the guidance of their mother. If, given certain circumstances, parents are forced to send their young children to primary schools, then it is imperative, he noted, that this school be "fully imbued with a family character" and would be "more like a family than a school." Kirichenko S.P. |
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