God has endowed us with memory not only to remember who we loaned money to, but also to remember to congratulate our loved ones on their birthday, their loved ones on their anniversary, to remember friends and foes, and to remember ourselves. There is no need to doubt that a person cannot exist without memory. Muscles are a completely different matter, they are needed. We cannot move without them, we cannot live.
And it is quite possible to live without memory, as much as possible, but only in the form of an old grandfather or a baby, who only need the motor functions of their body.
All thoughts and feelings of a person are stored in conscious memory and subconscious memory. Memory helps a person to develop in many ways, because its main goal is to keep in its reserves the knowledge gained by people, ensuring his progress as a person.
Many people know that there is not one, but several types of memory. Scientists claim that each species has its own ways of strengthening and development. Many books on memory and memorization have already been written and rewritten, but all the same, this amazing human ability often amazes us with its capabilities. Nowadays, many ways have been invented for memorization, from ordinary physical exercises and walks in the fresh air to the technologies of the 25th frame. If the first option is even more or less, then the second is a kind of artificial way to deceive your consciousness and memory, one might say, this is a way to forcefully stuff into your head what you want to remember.
Let's consider some interesting and useful tips on how to preserve and increase what has been given to us from birth:
1. It may sound trite, but one of the foundations of the correct and uninterrupted work of our memory is proper nutrition.
Alpha lipoic acid, vitamin C, biotin and pantothenic acid, thiamine (vitamin B1), niacin (vitamin B3), cobalomin (vitamin B12), vitamin C, iodine, iron, lecithin and choline - this whole bunch of scary and incomprehensible words should being in your diet is literally food for your mind. By the way, it is a well-known fact that to improve memory you need to eat blueberry... These berries have a very, very good effect on memory and mental abilities of a person.
2. Well, let's move on. Practice is most effective for developing memory. Train your memory! Educate yourself constantly. The organ, without load, gradually ceases to function.
If you constantly practice memorization, train your memory, then it will surely thank you. It's like building muscles in the gym, the longer you do (train) the healthier you get. It is the same with memory, if you constantly train it, it will certainly develop.
3. Surprisingly, while searching the web for the information you need, you are simultaneously developing your cognitive abilities. Moreover, memory improvement occurs exactly when you come up with a request to find information. And it doesn't matter what exactly you are looking for: a movie or an answer to a difficult philosophical question.
4. Alcohol. Who in their life has not encountered him. It's no secret that it has a very negative effect on memory. You have probably heard stories more than once that people under the influence of alcohol did not remember what was happening to them. Even the next day, the amnesia persists. The person does not know the measure and, as a result, has memory gaps.
Drinking alcohol in moderation can also negatively impact our cognitive abilities. The only difference is that this process is somewhat slower.Therefore, if you want to develop your memory to a very high level, you should significantly reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, up to a complete rejection of it.
5. Do you want to remember everything - beautiful teeth must have. Something like this can be formulated the following rather interesting and controversial method of improving memory. World-famous British scientists have conducted a study and found that people who have dental problems most often complain about memory and brain function.
6. Physical activity is a good way to oxygenate the body. The brain needs oxygen in the first place, because it performs a heavy function - it controls all organs. Choking, you would hardly be able to solve complex problems - the same happens with the brain. Check hormone levels and thyroid function - it is common knowledge that poor thyroid function negatively affects memory function. If the cardiovascular system and blood vessels are in a terrible state, do not expect a good return from your memory.
7. Such training methods as mnemonics and jigsaw puzzles help to develop their memory perfectly. It seemed as if nothing was heavy, but there was benefit. Lovers of jigsaw puzzles and similar puzzles have a very good memory.