Whatever your romantic status, you never go to bed alone. Are you surprised? But it really is. There are countless intruders in bed with you. To understand what is at stake, read what microbiologists and immunologists have to say. Some people change bed linen once a week, others once a month, and some even less often. It is noticed that many people, especially young people, are extremely inattentive to the problem of timely replacement of pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers.
How often should bed linen be changed?
Sheets and pillowcases should be washed once a week to remove dirt that has accumulated on the laundry over the past period. It will be safer if you do not smell this material.
How is it that the sheets get so dirty?
Human skin cells are food for bed mites. This is one of the biggest problems with sleeping in bed. Mites accumulate on the laundry along with their feces. And then there's pet dander, molds, fungal spores, bodily fluids, and bacteria. And that's not counting dust, fibers, insect particles, pollen, dirt, sand and cosmetics. Surprisingly, one person can create up to a liter of pollution per night - and even more if they have a lot of blankets. And of course, one should not deny the fact that many people eat in bed while watching TV, which also does not contribute to sterility.
This is all just disgusting, but is there a real health risk?
Contamination in bedding is a direct threat to the respiratory tract, but not a source of infection. If you have allergies or asthma, your health may worsen. But if you do not have allergies, it can develop, as the body is constantly exposed to harmful substances.
Is there an ideal way to wash my bedding?
It is required that the temperature of the water for washing be at least 60 degrees - such a program exists for every washing machine. It is also advisable that the bed linen be dried in the machine using hot air. This kills bacteria and bed mites.
Bleach can be used for extra protection. It is the cheapest bacteria-killing agent that can be used in small quantities. The bleach used in cold water contains peroxide, which can also help get rid of the bacilli.
So, you need to wash your bedding once a week in hot water and you can sleep soundly?
No. To protect the mattress, it is best to use a mattress topper in addition. It is ideal for collecting dirt. All unnecessary, harmful and unnecessary will remain on him. Without a mattress topper, over time, the mattress turns into a real breeding ground for bacteria, a kind of "botanical and zoological garden". Mattress toppers made of modern synthetic materials are well suited for people with asthma and allergy symptoms. And last but not least, they can be washed.
Vasina P.