Many women's habits often cause discontent among men. When women in a cafe or restaurant do not order dessert, and then "attack" the partner's dessert. In an effort to maintain a beautiful figure, women often do not order sweets. Men have nothing against it. However, it annoys them when the question: "Do you want dessert?" they get the answer "No, I'm on a diet," and as soon as the man is brought sweet, they suddenly hear a shy voice: "Let me try."
The most unpleasant thing is when the dessert is very tasty, and you need to share not one piece, but most of it.
When a woman refuses to play in the middle of a game to avoid defeat... Regardless of whether you two are playing a computer game, competing in sports, or just sitting together at a card game, women do not want to lose. Therefore, when they feel they are under threat of defeat, they give up the game before reaching the end. This annoys men terribly because of the competitive spirit - they are already counting on victory, and at this moment they are shown a charming smile and leave the game.
Women love to talk... And at the most inopportune moment. Unlike men, who speak an average of 7,000 words a day, women produce about 20,000 words a day. Men often want to enjoy silence, especially while watching sports games, movies, or just playing their favorite game. At these moments, a woman's voice is either completely ignored or a source of irritation.
Discussing problems with third parties... Women often discuss problems in relationships with friends, and often a man finds out precisely from friends that he, it turns out, has problems in his family that he did not even know about! Men are much less likely to expose their problems and devote less friends to family relationships. They are very annoyed when someone from mutual friends suddenly begins to offer their recommendations for resolving family disputes. Such "shaking out dirty linen" in public causes the most negative emotions in men.
Crying for no particular reason. It is true that women cry at every derogatory word from their partner, for a bad haircut, a movie with a sad ending, a movie with a happy ending ... and are especially whiny when this "scary PMS beast" comes every month. Men know that the fair sex is very sensitive, but they are annoyed that a woman needs to be comforted and reassured, without even understanding the reasons for her tears. In moments of "female sadness," they simply do not know how to act, and they hate it when they find themselves in such a situation.
Moving your partner's personal belongings. Men want to know where their car keys, driver's license, wallet are. Even when their house is chaotic, they successfully cope with the search for personal belongings and clothes. They are very annoyed when things suddenly disappear from their "familiar" place and are transferred to a completely different place than the one where they were left. Dependence on women in such situations rarely causes positive feelings in men.
A closet full of clothes that are never worn. Sometimes men are just as concerned about their appearance as women. However, their closet certainly does not contain as many clothes as a woman's. It is true that most women are obsessed with frequent shopping for clothes. But what annoys men is the woman's statement “I have nothing to wear” when the closet is just bursting with an abundance of things.
Anger or sadness, without an answer to the question - what is the reason. Sometimes women will reply, "Nothing," or "It's okay," when it's too obvious that they are angry. In these moments it is implied: "If you really understand me, then you must guess what I need." But if men can read the emotions of a woman, then their reason remains a mystery to them.
Interrogations... Women's curiosity and suspicion knows no limits. “Where were you?”, “There were girls nearby?”, Who called you now and why? ”For men, it's like a police interrogation - apart from psychological pressure, it causes them panic and nervousness.
Frequently asked questions "What are you thinking about?" It is a myth that men can lie for hours and not think about anything. It is absolutely natural that hundreds of thoughts are spinning in your head at any moment of the day. But the question is, "What's on your mind now?" cause a man to be very nervous - still, besides the fact that he is not given rest, they also try to penetrate even into his head - absolutely no personal space.