A healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular every year. In principle, this popularity is very easy to explain. After all, the ecology is currently simply catastrophic, and the constant stresses to which a person is exposed leave an indelible mark on his health. That's why sports, a healthy lifestyle and a cup of coffee every morning will help keep you healthy.
Free radicals as a cause of obesity.
According to scientists, free radicals are the main culprits of aging and poor health in general. This is the name for molecules with "aggressive behavior". They constantly attack the cells of the body, which, as a result of such an attack, begin to oxidize, and the body tissue begins to deteriorate. To understand this, it is enough to cut an apple and put its halves in the fresh air. The incision will begin to darken. The same thing happens with the human body. The production of free radicals is produced under the influence of many factors, which include strong air pollution, harmful ultraviolet radiation and stress. Free radicals also affect a person's weight. The more their presence, the thicker the person will be.
However, not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance, because you can find an antidote for any poison. If you know where to look. I must say that the human body has a kind of "army" that protects it from free radicals. This "army" is called antioxidants. Such molecules are able to neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals, thereby protecting the body at the cellular level. That is, the more antioxidants in the body, the better the protection.
Foods that contain antioxidants include coffee, tea, fruits, vegetables. For example, coffee is ranked 6th among 50 foods containing antioxidants. But many people drink coffee every day.
Some coffee makers try to improve their product by adding a certain percentage of green beans that are not roasted. This step allows you to achieve a higher content of free polyphenols in coffee. This is the name of natural coffee antioxidants, which successfully fight free radicals. In some respects, coffee even surpasses in some ways and green tea, which is considered the record for the content of antioxidants. And if you add here the wonderful aroma of coffee, then this drink will generally be magical and healing.
Vlasova Tatiana Vitalievna
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