The mighty "pomp" of the dish is also characteristic of the results of heat treatment of a number of cereals. The main requirement, if you want to get the full benefit from these products, is to carefully sort them before starting the heat treatment.
To cook a well-boiled porridge, which has acquired an excellent taste and aroma, you need to gently look after it. So, the groats are poured into the pan in a uniform stream and at the same time mixed without sudden movements. When stirring boiling porridge, the spoon does not move in a circle, it raises the cereal from the bottom up. The boil should be moderate.
Viscous and semi-liquid cereals are not suitable as a side dish.
You can get a crumbly porridge only if the cereal is completely cooked and the water has boiled away. Now the main thing is to keep the porridge hot as long as possible. It is not necessary to cover it with, say, a warm blanket - you can put it in the oven. To prevent it from burning there, place the pan in a baking sheet with water.
If the porridge is burnt during cooking, do not stir it, but quickly transfer it to another pan, making sure that the burnt crusts are not there.
Milk porridge requires less salt than water boiled porridge. The groats are poured into the already salted liquid.
Rice is especially prone to sticking to the bottom of the pan and therefore requires constant stirring when boiled. But these actions destroy the swollen grains, make the porridge sticky, unappetizing. How to be? Better to steam the rice. And if, nevertheless, you decide to do it in a saucepan in the usual way, put a thin layer of dough with fat on its bottom.
Semolina has one secret, mastering which, you will make any dish from it lush and appetizing. About 30 minutes before starting culinary operations, soak the cereals (you can both in water and milk) and let it swell.
It is more difficult to reveal all the advantages of pearl barley. (This is probably why it is not very popular with housewives.) For good boiling, it also needs to be soaked (for 1 kg - 2.5 liters of cold water) and hold in this state for up to three hours. But that's not all. To get rid of the dirty purple color that the cereal imparts to the liquid during cooking, drain the water in which the cereal has boiled, and fill it with a new one, hot and already salted. By adding fat, you cook a viscous porridge in just 15-20 minutes, but if you want a crumbly one, put the porridge to blame.
The vegetable fats contained in millet often taste bitter, if you do not pour boiling water over the cereals before cooking, and then do not rinse them with cold water.
Is the porridge too thick, not cooked yet? Hot milk or water, poured in a thin stream while stirring, will bring it back to normal.
Do you want boiled rice to turn white like snow and taste better? For this, the water must be slightly acidified with vinegar even before filling the cereals.
Cooked rice is not a very appetizing dish. Pour a few tablespoons of milk into the water prepared for boiling it - you get a dish, as they say, "grain to grain."
Do not try to give up cooking porridge or soup if you have already rinsed the cereal. Left unused even for half a day, washed cereals will lose their taste, or even deteriorate completely.
Fat must be mixed with liquid before filling the cereals.
When boiling milk porridges, milk is added to them when the cereals are almost cooked.
It has been proven that porridge, which is well stubborn after readiness, is better digested, and the body absorbs more nutrients from it.
Good luck in cooking crumbly porridge awaits the hostess who knows that for every glass of cereal you need to spend 25 g of fat.
If the rice is slightly heated in fat before cooking, then it will be easier to cook a crumbly porridge of excellent taste from it.
What can be added to cereals? Loose ones are served with butter, with milk, with fried onions, with milk and cracklings (or fried bacon), with bacon fried with onions, with fried brains, etc. Rice, semolina, wheat, millet cereals are allowed to be added to porridge during cooking, raisins, apricots or dried apricots, other dried fruits and, of course, sugar were added. Liquid porridge is good with butter, milk, jam, jelly.
For making dumplings, cutlets, casseroles are used viscous porridge. Just don't let them cool completely before shaping these items.
If you want to make a side dish (and crumbly cereals go to it), then the consumption of cereals per guest is 50-70 g. If you want to treat porridge as an independent dish, then 80-100 g.
B.P. Brusilov - Culinary savvy