The current 2017 in Russia is devoted to ecology. This fact encourages people to think about how to make their home not only beautiful, but also safe for health. It is better to start transformations from the room where we spend a third of our lives - from the bedroom.
Step one. Choose the right materials
A good atmosphere in the bedroom depends a lot on the wall decoration, as well as the floor and ceiling coverings. Hygienic certificates for the materials used will guarantee that substances harmful to the body, such as styrene, chlorine or phthalates, will not accumulate in the air. It is also worth making sure that all selected construction products are suitable for interior work and are as environmentally friendly as possible.
For walls, it is better to choose paper, cork or non-woven wallpaper. Vinyl should be left aside due to its low breathability and the likelihood of emitting harmful gases. Another option is to paint the walls. Water-based, casein or lime-casein paints should be preferred. They do not contain petrochemical solvents, therefore, contact with toluene, xylon and mineral alcohols is excluded. You can safely use water-dispersion paints marked with the ECO-sign "Leaf of Life". These are produced, for example, by Akzo Nobel Decor.
For floors, natural wood with a minimum of impregnation and adhesives is suitable. It is advisable to choose a varnish with a low emission, with the EC-1 marking. However, wood flooring is expensive. In order to save money, it can be replaced with a laminate. The ecological safety of the latter depends on the composition of raw materials and production technology, therefore it must be confirmed by an independent examination. For example, the Tarkett laminate flooring lines have a corresponding certificate.
For the ceiling, you can choose lime as the most environmentally friendly material. It is perfectly acceptable to mount a stretch ceiling made of natural fabric. Plasterboard will have to be abandoned, as ceilings from it often become a place of "registration" of mold. Expanded polystyrene tiles should also be scrapped, since the styrene released by it accumulates in the liver.
Step two. Organize your sleeping place
It is necessary to take care of the environmental safety of the central attribute of the bedroom - the bed. The frame is preferable from metal or solid wood. But it is better to refrain from furniture made of chipboard: urea-formaldehyde or phenol-formaldehyde resins are often present in its composition. Of these, under the influence of heat, formaldehyde, a dangerous carcinogen and allergen, easily penetrates into the air.
In any case, before buying, you need to make sure the reputation of the manufacturer, at least by the marking on the products. For example, the goods of the Russian furniture holding "Angstrem" have the A + environmental category, as evidenced by the special GoodWood® symbol. You can check the authenticity of eco-, bio- or organic products using a special application for smartphones “Ecopolk”: it contains only products accredited by independent international centers.
The existence of such applications proves that the declared "naturalness" is not always a guarantee of environmental safety. So, buying a mattress made of natural latex, the consumer does not even know that the milky juice of rubber plants is only 15-20% of the composition. The rest is additives and additives with questionable health effects. A similar problem arises when choosing products made from coconut coir: cheap artificial latex-like mixtures or adhesives are most often used to hold the fibers together and give them strength.A strong chemical smell and formaldehyde fumes from them is the most harmless thing that awaits the buyer.
A completely artificial material - polyurethane foam - is significantly more environmentally friendly, especially if products made from it bear the CertiPUR label on the packaging. “This marking ensures that the foam in the product meets the European standards for maximum permissible concentration for the emission of volatile substances,” explains Natalya Sverdlova, Head of Mattress Blanks at FoamLine, a developer of turnkey solutions for foam mattresses. - In addition, the CertiPUR certificate is issued only to manufacturers responsible for environmental impact that do not use hazardous and prohibited substances (chlorinated hydrocarbons and other ozone-depleting elements, bromine-based flame retardants, phthalates, formaldehyde, heavy metals such as mercury, lead, etc. .) ".
Step three. Achieve acoustic comfort
The ecological "ill health" of any metropolis is aggravated by strong noise pollution, which can provoke hypertension, disruptions in metabolic and oxidative processes, and sometimes just do not allow you to sleep. You can protect yourself from noise in the bedroom with the help of modern window structures: multi-chamber double-glazed windows, special "quiet" profiles. The engineers have already taken care of the need to open the windows for ventilation and let in the sounds of the night streets. For example, the Schuco VentoTherm ventilation system provides fresh air even when the window is closed. In addition, it is equipped with an anti-allergenic filter, which, thanks to a coating of enzymes, traps harmful substances coming in with the air, and then breaks them down.
Reducing the noise level will not hurt even inside the room: even a non-intrusive hum TV in standby mode and the sound of a dishwasher or washing machine operating at night tariff for electricity can significantly affect the quality and depth of sleep. The TV should be moved to the living room, and the rest should be protected with a good seal on the bedroom door. Polyurethane foam and its derivatives are often used as the latter, since this material is a good sound insulator. It is also useful in a sleeping place: the foam mattress together with the PU foam padding at the head of the bed will perfectly absorb sound.
Step four. Create the "right" conditions: humidity and temperature
If the laptop and TV that are harmful to sleep must be removed, then humidifier and air conditioningon the contrary, add. The benefits of their work are inestimably higher than the "sound" track. After all, it is they who help maintain the air temperature optimal for healthy sleep, and also prevent the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract from drying out and prolong the youthfulness of the skin.
Somnologists warn us about the negative effects of overheating. In particular, experts are sure that the blanket should be such that it is warm under it, but not hot. According to Ekaterina Petrova, a neurologist, somnologist, member of the Association of Somnologists of Russia (Renovatio Center for Aesthetic Medicine, Krasnoyarsk), the need to constantly open up will disrupt sleep and can lead to insomnia and, as a result, to anxiety disorders in a few nights. In addition, a common cold is often a consequence of sweating under a hot blanket.
Thermoregulation is assisted by modern fillers for mattressessuch as open-cell, breathable polyurethane foam combined with classic cotton linens. “Thus, the development of our company for the manufacturer of mattresses Ormatek - Memory Cool foam with memory effect ensures air circulation and reduces the temperature on the surface of products. The passage of air flow in it is increased by 95%, and the rate of moisture removal from the body of a sleeping person is three times higher in comparison with ordinary polyurethane foam, ”comments Natalya Sverdlova (FoamLine).
Step five. Enjoy the result!
After all the transformations, you will not recognize your bedroom: it will be easy to breathe, fall asleep quickly and rest as comfortably as possible. Protect your health with environmentally friendly materials.
FoamLine Press Service