Pumpkin and dishes from it
Useful properties of pumpkin:Useful substances of pumpkin (per 100 g)
Vitamin E - 5.1 mg
B-carotene - 400 mg
Plant fibers - 3.5 g
Calcium - 450 mg
Vitamin C - 43 mg
Vitamin B1 - 0.07 mg
Vitamin B2 - 0.09 mg
Useful substances of pumpkinIt is known that pumpkin belongs to the group of green and yellow vegetables and contains vitamins E, B, as well as a lot of carotene.
Vitamin E is often called the "anti-aging vitamin" and the "anti-aging vitamin". It has properties to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and aging spots. In addition, it alleviates menopausal symptoms such as pain in the shoulders and lower back, as well as feeling cold due to insufficient blood flow.
Carotene, together with vitamin E, prevents cell aging and cancer. It also supports the functioning of the retinal mucosa, prevents colds, strengthens the immune system, protecting the body from bacteria and viruses.
It should also be noted that the plant fibers contained in pumpkin, which end constipation and prevent cancer, colitis and diabetes. Pumpkin also contains calcium, vitamins C and B, which remove accumulated salt from the body and prevent high blood pressure.
Pumpkin seeds have recently been used to make oil. Recently, these seeds, which contain a large number of beneficial ingredients, have received a lot of attention.
Due to the high content of rare vitamin T, pumpkin can rightfully be called the best side dish for beef, pork and other fatty foods, since vitamin T c
promotes the absorption of heavy foods and prevents obesity. Probably, it is for this property that nutritionists love pumpkin so much, recommending to lean on this healthy vegetable to everyone who has long dreamed of losing extra pounds.
In addition, pumpkin is the champion among vegetables in iron content, which means that pumpkin lovers can be recognized by their good complexion and cheerful mood.
It is believed that pumpkin juice
helps men maintain a sexual tone. For the same purpose, it is useful to use pumpkin seeds. After all, it is no coincidence that in the old days a love potion was prepared from pumpkin seeds peeled and ground into flour.
However, experts claim that with the help of a pumpkin you can not only solve problems on the personal front, but also cope with many serious diseases. Perhaps there is no healthier food for people suffering from
cardiovascular diseases. Due to its high potassium content, pumpkin improves heart function, strengthens blood vessels and relieves swelling.
liver diseases it is recommended to eat as much raw pumpkin pulp as possible, and if raw pumpkin does not taste good to you, you can replace it with pumpkin porridge with rice, millet or semolina.
diseases of the kidneys and bladder "milk" is prepared from pumpkin seeds and hemp seeds: grind a glass of each seed, gradually adding boiling water (3 glasses), filter and squeeze. "Milk" is drunk during the day, sweetened with honey or sugar.
For insomnia It has long been recommended to drink pumpkin juice or pumpkin broth with honey at night.
Fresh gruel from pumpkin pulp is applied to the affected areas when
eczema and burns, rashes, acne and other inflammations on the skin. For people who have to stand a lot during the day, fresh pumpkin gruel can help relieve
pain in the feet.
Well, the fact that pumpkin seeds are recognized
agent for expelling worms, known to almost everyone. Therefore, dried pumpkin seeds are often given to children to prevent such troubles.
Pumpkin seeds, ground with honey, are one of the ancient anthelmintics.Dried pumpkin seeds are very useful for men, they are treated for prostatitis, for this, at the very beginning of the disease, 20-30 seeds should be eaten daily on an empty stomach and in the evening.
Pumpkin is very useful for
iron deficiency anemia, since it contains minerals involved in hematopoiesis (iron, copper, cobalt, zinc). It is also useful to know that pumpkin contains a lot of zinc salts, and they contribute to potency. In India, pumpkin is prized for its high vitamin E content, and is believed to be
prevents aging. Pumpkin is the vegetable champion in iron, copper and fluoride. Its fruits are rich in pectin, sugars, vitamins B, C, E, carotene. Pumpkin fiber is well digestible and easy to digest. Raw pulp improves function
gallbladder, relieves inflammation in the intestines. For gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to drink pumpkin juice. Moreover, it is one of the best diuretic plants.
It turns out that even
high temperature caused by bronchitis can be reduced with pumpkin porridge. Pumpkin juice is an indispensable remedy for the common cold: it relieves sore throat and improves immunity. Another very effective property is noted - pumpkin juice strengthens tooth enamel, promotes
caries prevention.
Pumpkin infusion with honey is not only a pleasant drink, but also a unique sedative for those who suffer from insomnia. A third glass of healing infusion at night will calm your nerves and bring back a sweet dream. Pumpkin can also solve many skin problems. Pulp gruel can be treated
burns and inflammations. Purulent wounds, washed with a decoction of pumpkin flowers, heal faster.
There are many cosmetic recipes as well. Nourishing mask for oily skin. In a gruel of 3 tbsp. spoons of boiled pumpkin, add egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey. Apply the mask on your face warm for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. To get rid of blackheads, tighten pores, and eliminate oily sheen on the forehead and wings of the nose, it is helpful to wipe your face with a piece of pumpkin.
Mask for dry skin. 2 tbsp. spoons of boiled pumpkin, beat well and mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of olive or other vegetable oil. Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
toner for all skin types - gruel from grated pumpkin and squeezed juice from it. A thin layer of cotton wool is impregnated with juice, the gruel is applied to a gauze napkin or directly to the face. The compress is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then removed and washed with cool water. This procedure is done 2-3 times a week. The duration of the course is 15-20 compresses. It is advisable to alternate compresses from juice and gruel.
In addition, the seeds are very high in zinc. Thanks to its presence, it is useful to eat pumpkin seeds in handfuls for problems associated with its deficiency, namely for acne, oily dandruff, seborrhea.
LIMITATIONSBut for all the usefulness of pumpkin, there are some limitations in its use.
You can not eat it for those who have diabetes mellitus, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis with reduced secretion.